I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 233 Is this a tired and crooked chapter?

Chapter 233 Is This the Tired and Crooked Rhythm
Yang Xi was nervous about the surgery when suddenly [Ding! 】【Ding! 】Sound.

Let me go, are the leaders full and have nothing to do, or what, why did they come to the operating room to make trouble?
Although Yang Xi, who was immersed in the operation, knew the identities of the three leaders, he still didn't respond.

In 10 minutes, the wounded on the hospital bed was settled, and Wu Weihua was given the task of washing the abdomen and closing the abdomen. Yang Xi took the little brother who had just entered the department to change the surgical gown and sterile gloves, and then stood at the hospital. on the operating table.

After another tense half an hour, Yang Xi was finally able to straighten up and stretch comfortably.

Yin Wei came back from the inspection of the two operations next door. Seeing the situation, he asked with a sullen face, "Little brat, are you done?"

Yang Xi smiled and said: "Brother, don't be so narrow-minded, gentlemen, it's almost enough."

Yin Wei raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and snorted coldly: "Just because you are a big man, then you have to do what you say. I let go of harsh words in front of Boss Gao. From the time I saw you, within two hours I will never give you a good face, now it is 5 minutes behind, you little bastard, just bear with it."

Yang Xi smiled and said: "It's okay for me to hold back, brother, how bad it is to suffocate you? Brother, brother has an idea for you, adjust the time of your watch forward by 5 minutes, or it will be fine ?”

Yin Wei fidgeted, fiddled with the watch twice, and then showed a smiling face. "Boss Gao said you made a mistake?"

Yang Xi took off his mask, took a breath, and replied: "You didn't see that, Boss Gao scolded me, tears are dripping down."

Yin Wei checked the basic conditions of the two wounded, and gave some guidance to Li Ying who was guarding the anesthesia area.

Yang Xi then asked, "How are the two operations next door going?"

After Yin Wei finished his guidance, he glanced at Yang Xi and said, "Your care is a bit too lenient, you have Boss Gao, so you don't need to worry about it?"

Yang Xi smiled and said, "Brother, can we not be so arbitrary? All the county officials have come to inspect, and there are probably only so many wounded. I asked how the operation was going, but I just wanted to arrange dinner in advance. "

Just as he was talking, Dean Lin came in, thanked Yin Wei first, then patted Yang Xi on the shoulder, and arranged: "Come on, follow me to the county leader."

Yang Xi was displeased, and shook off Dean Lin, saying, "Why should I go to see them? I'm a doctor, and I don't depend on them for food."

Dean Lin smiled wryly: "But don't the hospitals still have to watch their faces?"

The speaker had no intention, but the listener had intentions. Hearing the hospital's food problem, Yang Xi's heart moved.

"Yuan Lin, come here with your ear, and listen to me..." Yang Xi lay next to Dean Lin's ear and chattered.

Dean Lin listened, and the panic expression on his face became more and more obvious.

Damn, did you grow up eating the guts of leopards?It's okay to cheat Mayor Han last time. After all, you have Minister Dong's support behind you.But, you're the one who came up with the idea of ​​pulling the hair off the heads of the two of them. Is this the rhythm of the tired and crooked?
Damn, you kid is tired of living crookedly, but I'm not too tired of living crookedly yet!

But seeing Dean Lin's timid expression, Yang Xi immediately resorted to aggressive tactics: "Yuan Lin, you can't be regarded as a pure man if you only wear handles and no seeds! Besides, are you afraid of them? In front of the accident, they are begging us! I can explain what I have said, the opportunity is already in front of you, whether to arrest or not, depends on your words."

Dean Lin dug out a bag of sugar and salt water from the medicine cart, cut off the cap, drank it all in one gulp, wiped his mouth, and gritted his teeth to be cruel.

"Just do it! As you said, are you afraid that he will be a dick? At worst, I'll just go home and sell sweet potatoes!"

It's not that Dean Lin can't handle Yang Xi's aggressive general, but that Yang Xi's plan is really tempting, but anyone with a bit of bandit quality can't stand such a temptation.

It was different from the last time he blackmailed Mayor Han. In front of Mayor Han, relying on Minister Dong's relationship, he could firmly control the direction of the conversation and lead Mayor Han into the pit step by step.But it's not normal to fight with the first and second leaders of the county. First, you can't grasp the initiative of the conversation. Second, it is difficult for the person who can sit in that seat to be distracted. Third, you have to worry about the words of Minister Dong. In order to save face, Minister Dong can't be folded in because of some money.

Difficult, it is indeed difficult.

But Yang Xi showed a confident look.

Knocking on the door of the lounge, hearing the reply from inside, Dean Lin pushed open the door, bowed respectfully to the two leaders, Hu and Li.Dong Junhui got up immediately, let Dean Lin sit on the sofa opposite the two leaders, and introduced to the two leaders at the same time.

Next, it was time for Dean Lin's report.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard Yang Xi's shouting outside the door: "Linyuan, Linyuan? Where have you been hiding? Two experts in the city are still waiting!" The shouting got closer, and the voice was about to fade At that time, Yang Xi pushed the door and entered, as if he was unprepared, he was taken aback when he saw Dong Junhui, and asked in surprise: "Brother Hui, aren't you directing the rescue at the rescue site? Why did you come here?"

Dong Junhui was a little embarrassed, and was about to introduce Yang Xi to the two leaders, but was snatched by Dean Lin: "Doctor Yang, didn't you see that I was giving a report to Hu Shuji and Li County Magistrate? Why are you so unruly!" He scolded Yang Xi with a sullen face, Dean Lin quickly changed Zhang Bei's smiling face, and explained to the two leaders: "This accident is thanks to Dr. Yang. If it weren't for him, Liuquan Town Hospital would not have been able to recover in such a short period of time. The first aid operation was completed for 10 seriously wounded people."

It's just a little doctor, by the look of it, is it 25 years old?How capable is such a young man?
The two leaders only thought that Dean Lin's explanation was an excuse for the little doctor's recklessness.

However, seeing that Dean Lin has made such great achievements, the two leaders patiently tried to turn over this page with a smile and nod. They still had a lot of worries about communicating with Dean Lin.

However, that Yang Xi really didn't know what to do, he didn't understand the leadership's intention at all, and bragged to Minister Dong brazenly: "Brother Hui, you have to thank me this time, if it weren't for me, Yang Xi Today, only half of the 10 seriously injured will not be rescued."

Dong Junhui was very embarrassed, and quickly introduced to the two leaders: "This is the son of my adoptive father..." When he spoke, he suddenly had an inspiration, Dong Junhui quickly turned to Yang Xi, and said, "You just said that two experts came from the city. , you invited me here, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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