Chapter 23 Call him back to Lao Tzu

Back in the operating room, Yang Xi stood at the position of the chief surgeon without hesitation. After poking around with his fingers, he ordered in a deep voice, "Start the operation!"

On the opposite side, Dean Lin suddenly became dazed.

What is this kid doing pointing and poking?

Wocao, when the spleen was cut yesterday morning, didn't this kid poke and poke like this?By the way, this little bastard was still scolding Lao Tzu at that time...

Can't finish with this kid!

I don't know whether Yang Xi was intentional or unintentional, just when Dean Lin was distracted, he touched the microvascular forceps in Dean Lin's hand with the microscopic tweezers in his hand.

Dean Lin woke up suddenly, and quickly focused on the operation.

Microsurgery is easier said than done.

Take the femoral vein to be anastomosed in this operation as an example. Its diameter is about 3 millimeters, and the thickness of the vessel wall is about 0.5 millimeters. Under a 5x microscope, it immediately becomes a finger-sized water-receiving vein. Hose, if such two hoses are sewed together, I believe that more than half of the housewives can sew a watertight hose.

However, this is after all an illusion after magnifying it 5 times under the mirror.

In fact, with a slight shake of the subject's hand, the tip of the suturing needle can drift out of view.

In addition, although the stumps on both sides of the severed femoral vein can be loosened to a certain extent, if they want to be pulled together again, it is necessary to resist the retraction force of the blood vessel. At this time, when suturing, the surgical The strength of the player also requires very precise.

It was mild, the anastomosis leaked and leaked blood, and the operation failed.

If it is heavy, the blood vessel wall is torn off, or the anastomosis is too tight, resulting in poor blood flow and embolism.

And all of this must be done under relatively dynamic conditions, and the difficulty can be imagined.

Yang Xi, who entered the system state, completely blocked the interference from the outside world and just stitched up the blood vessels one by one. However, Dean Lin who was opposite him couldn't keep his composure.

Although he has no experience in microsurgery, under the microscope, Yang Xi's surgical movements and suture techniques amazed him.

stable!Secure a deal!
Not only stability, but also agility, precision, beauty...

Yes, beauty, the kind of suffocating beauty that can only be found in handed down works of art that make people unable to find a single flaw.

Under the operating table, Rong Liangqun couldn't see what was going on under the mirror, so he could only glance at the operative field on his feet. Observing the microsurgery operation with the naked eye, he couldn't tell much about it, but Rong Liangqun clearly felt it. A strong sense of crisis.

If this kid has a broken limb and replanted it, will he still have his own food?

As soon as this thought came out, Rong Liangqun shook his head and snickered, and unconsciously patted himself on the forehead.

How could there be such a strange idea?This kid is just a young doctor who has only been working for one year. Even if he has an extraordinary talent for surgery, he can't catch up with himself if he doesn't have eight or ten years of training.

Sheng Dajun curled up in a corner of the operating room. At this moment, he had calmed down.

Sheng Dajun still agrees with Dean Lin's decision not to transfer to another hospital. As long as he asks the patient's relatives to transfer to another hospital, Sheng Dajun will lose all room and time to make amends, and he can only carry it alone. all the sins.

When Dean Lin called Rong Liangqun, Sheng Dajun rekindled hope. If Rong Liangqun could help, connect the patient's femoral vein and keep the patient's leg, then not only would he be able to get through this crisis safely. Crisis, maybe you can keep the 500 yuan.

However, Rong Liangqun made the choice of declining without hesitation.

At that moment, Sheng Dajun hated Rong Liangqun to the bone, but he had nothing to say.

As for Dean Lin's step forward, Sheng Dajun was utterly ungrateful. In his mind, the reason why Dean Lin did so was because of his uncle's face, and because of the years For the sake of the 120 million financial appropriation being able to arrive smoothly.

When the operating microscope was set up, but Yang Xi stood in the position of the chief surgeon, Sheng Dajun had completely lost hope.At this moment, he no longer cares about whether the patient's femoral vein can be connected back. He wholeheartedly believes that Dean Lin must be deliberately playing with him, and secretly swears in his heart that he will call my uncle tomorrow. Don't even think about getting a cent of the administrative appropriation!
No, I can't wait until tomorrow, I have to make this call tonight... You are bullying me so much, hmph, I didn't expect me to be a ruthless person too!

Making up his mind, Sheng Dajun sneaked out of the operating room.


The operating room was extremely quiet, and even the sound of everyone's breathing was covered by the patient's slight snoring.

10 minutes passed quickly.

Another two 10 minutes quickly ran out.

It looks like it will be an hour...

Rong Liangqun who was on the sidelines couldn't help yawning, except for the two surgeons on the stage, he knew it best.It will take at least another hour to connect this blood vessel. Even if it is barely connected, there may be some complications after the operation.

Fortunately, I am smart and wise!

On the stage, Yang Xi sewed the last stitch steadily, and while cutting the suture thread, a pleasant electronic sound rang in his ears.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing this temporary task, gaining 80 experience points, 40 life points, and 29999 yuan in cash. 】

Pay attention!

He secretly praised the system in his heart, and a happy smile appeared on Yang Xi's face.

It's been two days since I uploaded this cheating thing, and I finally made a profitable deal, can you be upset?
Oh no, you must be happy to save a patient's leg with your own hands.

"Observe for 15 minutes to see if the congestion and edema of the patient's lower limbs have been relieved. Who should do the rest of the hernia repair operation, I'm so tired that I can't keep going!" Yang Xi dropped the instrument in his hand and stood up. He got up and stretched his waist, he had the air of a big-name expert having completed the main steps of the operation and ordering his subordinates to start cleaning up.

It only took 55 minutes?

Rong Liangqun suddenly had a question mark, and hurried to the operating table, and carefully observed the femoral vein that had been connected under the microscope.

Well, from the outside, the anastomosis of the blood vessels is considered perfect, but... Rong Liangqun buried his doubts in his heart. He has seen a lot of operations on the outside of donkey shit. Who knows if this blood vessel will be narrowed or not? Thrombosis will occur.

Just wait and see!

Anyway, I don't believe that a one-year-old doctor can do such a difficult operation well!

Dean Lin was not in a hurry to have the operating microscope removed, nor was he in a hurry to observe the recovery of the patient's edema and congestion in the lower limbs. Instead, he stepped back from the operating table, looked around the operating room, and said with a slight frown: "Sheng Dajun has enough days." Where did he go? I have worked so hard to wipe his ass for him, and this old man actually slipped away? Go, call him back to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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