I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 219 This is confusing (habitual addition)

Chapter 219 This is confusing (habitual addition)
Didn't he take off his pants and fart?
People go to high places, and water flows to low places. Even if you are a poor hospital in Liuquan Town, even if you are a director, you can ask my city hospital, is there any general doctor who is willing to do it?

Also, should I ask Yang Xi first...

Just ask!
Call Yang Xi now!

Let's see if this old face of yours, Lin Tong'an, will hurt later!

Last night was Lian Xiangdong's night shift. This guy had to go back to his hometown [-] kilometers away to see his parents, so he asked Yang Xi to lead the shift.It’s okay to work the night shift, but the problem is that compatriots seem to celebrate the holidays in the same way as eating and drinking, and overeating is the main cause of many acute abdominal diseases, including but not limited to acute appendicitis, acute intestinal Obstruction, gastric perforation, acute pancreatitis...

This night, Yang Xi and Lu Haoming were too busy.

Three appendices, two stomachs, plus a pancreatic drain.

Thanks to Yang Xi's quick operation, if Lu Haoming took Lian Xiangdong on duty, he might have to call for help.Even so, the two of them were busy until one o'clock in the night before they could catch their breath.

For 6 surgeries in a row, Lu Haoming adjusted his position and took the initiative to stand in the first assistant position. Lu Haoming was completely convinced by Yang Xi after the first aid of the 6th station.

It doesn't seem to be difficult to be steady, but the difficult thing is to be steady and fast at the same time, so fast that he, a senior attending doctor who has been scrambling on the operating table for nearly ten years, can't keep up with the rhythm of others.

It's just that it's steady and fast. What Lu Haoming can't bear the most is that Yang Xi's technique is full of beauty.And this kind of beauty, looking at the entire general surgery department, can only be shown by Director Ma on stage.

As for Qin Gewei... Before seeing Yang Xi's surgery, he might be able to be called a beautiful character, but after performing 6 consecutive operations with Yang Xi, then Director Qin can only be called not ugly.

On the night shift three weeks ago, Lu Haoming saw Yang Xi's operation. Although he was shocked at the time, compared with today, it is not the same.Such a substantial improvement can be achieved in just three weeks, so what will the future look like?

At this moment, Lu Haoming had a completely different idea from Feng Hu and Zhang Yao.

When he was finally able to lie down on the duty bed in the duty room, Lu Haoming tentatively proposed his idea to Yang Xi.

Without him, I just want to join breast surgery.

Yang Xi said humbly, saying that Boss Gao had to be in charge of this matter, but in his heart he had already identified Lu Haoming.Lu Haoming fits his name quite well, and he is definitely a sensible person. He can hear that Yang Xi's words are just defending the authority of Boss Gao instead of trying to shirk himself. Naturally, he is happy in his heart and pulls Yang Xi Chatting and chatting until four o'clock in the morning.

After handing over work this morning, Yang Xi returned to the dormitory and had to catch up on sleep.

Sleeping soundly, she received a call from Dean Lin.

"Still asleep? You don't even look at what time it is, it's time for lunch, do you know that?"

Yang Xi turned over, not too angry: "You care about me?"

"Wake up, let me tell you something."

Yang Xi yawned, closed his eyes and replied, "To make a long story short, within a hundred words."

"It doesn't take a hundred words, one sentence is enough. Chief Yan came to me and asked me to let you go to the municipal hospital..."

Before Dean Lin finished speaking, Yang Xi lazily rebuffed: "If you dare to tear up the contract I signed with me, I'll sue Minister Dong. It's not good to lose money, so you can figure it out." After speaking, hang up the phone and go to bed.

60 kilometers away, in the office of the director of Liuquan Town Hospital, Director Lin shrugged at Yan Xianliang, and said, "The deputy director of the Organization Department of Dongshan County, Dong Junhui and director Dong, it is Yang Xi who is better than my brother." Dear brother, you asked me to take the initiative to rescind that contract, not to mention I will lose 100 million liquidated damages, and I have to move out of this office, Section Chief Yan, what should I do?"

Dean Lin used the hands-free phone when talking to Yang Xi, and he checked the number he dialed out, and it was all right, and he could tell the voice of the person who answered the phone was indeed Yang Xi.

This makes people wonder.

Could it be that Dean Lin offered Yang Xi a contract with an annual salary of one million yuan, which made Yang Xi so reluctant to part?

As a middle-level cadre, it is his duty to work. If the job is done smoothly, it is a manifestation of ability. If the job is not smooth, one must never make decisions without authorization.

There are two kinds of results of making decisions without authorization. One is to solve the problem, and the other is to make the problem worse.There is nothing good to be gained if the problem is solved. The leader will praise him orally at most, but he will be more wary of this person in his heart.As for making the problem worse, there is no need to think about it, just wash it up after you get home, and wait to be fired.

After listening to Dean Lin's call with Yang Xi, although Yan Xianliang felt that his cheeks were a little swollen, he didn't seem too excited. He just smiled lightly, then got up and said he was going to the bathroom.

Going out, turning the corner, avoiding Dean Lin's office, quickly took out his mobile phone, and dialed Dean Wu's number.

When the work is not going well, it is the smartest way to report to the boss in time.

After listening to Yan Xianliang's report, Wu Hongmei was silent for a moment, and then gave Yan Xianliang new instructions: "Let's put Yang Xi's matter aside, and now you can find a way to get Lin Tongan to our hospital. "

Yan Xianliang gladly accepted the order. If he couldn't even do this, then he wouldn't have to be the chief of the science department.In the same way, if Lin Tong'an didn't even give him this bit of face, Section Chief Yan, then Liuquan Town Hospital would just wait to sever all ties with the municipal hospital.

As soon as Wu Hongmei hung up Yan Xianliang's call, Gao Yong knocked on the door and entered.

"Dean Wu, are you looking for me?"

Wu Hongmei changed her smile, stood up from behind the desk, and accompanied Gao Yong to the reception area. "It's like this. Director Ma talked to me yesterday. He thought that it would be a bit condescending to just give you a breast surgery, so he suggested to me to start the oncology surgery that was not completed five years ago, and to improve the breast surgery. Surgery and tumor surgery, I think this suggestion is very good, I came to you just to know your thoughts."

Although Gao Yong is rough and his personality is open and closed, he is definitely not a person who can't figure it out.

Qu is the real one, but Gao Yong knows better than anyone else whose talent is Qu.

"Dean Wu, to be honest, it's just a breast surgery. It's a waste of a genius like Yang Xi. Director Ma also talked to me about this matter. I am willing to assist Yang Xi in establishing tumor surgery."

Dean Wu looked at Gao Yong, sighed faintly, and said: "Thank you for your frankness, but now there is a difficult problem, it seems that Yang Xi is not willing to stay in our hospital, Director Gao, you know what he thinks Is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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