I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 216 One ZIPPO is not a tribute (please subscribe for more updates)

Chapter 216 A ZIPPO is not a tribute (want to subscribe)
Jiang Yubei responded timidly: "I was wrong, Teacher Yang, I will never do this again next time."

Ye Qiuhe was so angry that she wanted to get up and argue with Yang Xi, but when she moved, she touched the wound, and she immediately grinned in pain.Even so, Ye Qiuhe didn't let Yang Xi go, and while gasping for air, she parted ways with Yang Xi: "Hey, Doctor Yang, can you be reasonable? Today is the National Day, and Beibei doesn't go to work. She's not wearing a white coat either, and she's the escort of me, Ye Qiuhe, what's the matter with a smile? If you have the ability, post a notice and stipulate that all the escorts of the patients are not allowed to smile!"

Yang Xi was taken aback by the words.

But Ye Qiuhe still refused to give up, took a breath, and then fired: "Also, the dressing was changed on the third day after the operation, did you, Dr. Yang, say that? What time is it now, have you changed the medicine? It's not that Beibei changed my medicine for you, I can now complain that you are irresponsible to the patient... Why are you still standing there? Why don't you apologize to Beibei immediately?"

Yang Xi was stunned, subconsciously calculated in his mind, the operation was done on Saturday afternoon, Sunday was the first day after the operation, today should be the second day after the operation, why do we need to change the dressing?It's clear that the dressing will be changed tomorrow, okay?
Just about to tell, Yang Xi was immediately discouraged when he saw Ye Qiuhe's cockfighting appearance.Women are tigers, if you can't provoke them, you can only hide them. Yang Xi turned around and left, lamenting at the same time, how did the doctor-patient relationship evolve to such an extent?This doctor has no dignity at all... Sigh!

"Stop! Who let you go?"

As soon as Yang Xi turned around and opened his legs, he heard Ye Qiuhe's yelling on the hospital bed.

Grandma has a leg, although good men don't fight with women, and good doctors don't quarrel with patients, but you can't go too far, you have no temper when you are a young master, don't you?

Yang Xi stood still, turned around slowly, his face was extremely gloomy...

What the hell!

Yang Xi couldn't help shivering.

That Ye Qiuhe was sitting on the hospital bed, holding a large bouquet of flowers in her arms, behind the flowers was Ye Qiuhe's smiling face.

The patient sends flowers to the doctor, what kind of routine is this?
Although Ye Qiuhe's intentions were unclear for a while, the trace of resentment just now dissipated because of the bouquet of flowers and the smiling face behind the flowers.

But when Yang Xi's face turned bright, Jiang Yubei became active again, rushing to explain: "Sister Qiuhe has created a new novel, and the protagonist is based on you... Teacher Yang!"

Yang Xi was startled, and then remembered that Ye Qiuhe was not only the owner of a western restaurant, but also a well-known internet writer. "Well, it's not impossible to use me as the prototype of the hero, but... I have a request."

Ye Qiuhe replied with a smile: "Whatever you want, just say it."

Yang Xi said with a serious face: "The hero must open the harem, more than five."

Ye Qiuhe let out a snort, but Jiang Yubei didn't dare to be presumptuous, so she covered her mouth and snickered.

Yang Xi continued solemnly: "There is also the golden finger, which must be opened with a demonic nature. If anyone dares to provoke the hero, just blowing a breath can make him paralyzed."

Jiang Yubei couldn't help laughing, and fell down on Ye Qiuhe's hospital bed. Ye Qiuhe also laughed and trembled.

Yang Xi was very puzzled, and continued: "Is it funny to have hair? I'm talking to you seriously, and you treat me like this? Doesn't it respect the prototype of the male protagonist?"

Ye Qiuhe managed to stop laughing, put the flowers in her hand aside, and said, "You are the routine of men's online articles. In the form of a diary, it was serialized on my personal Weibo."

Yang Xi was rather disappointed, and said: "Oh, that's right, forget it, I still want to reward you with a silver alliance."

Jiang Yubei stood up suddenly, and said, "You can also tip on Weibo, right? Sister Qiuhe."

Want to general the young master's army?Little girl, you are still a little tender!

Without waiting for Ye Qiuhe to answer, Yang Xi said first, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yang has a low level of education, he doesn't know how to fiddle with Weibo, and he never reads Weibo."

Ye Qiuhe said: "Don't worry, Dr. Yang, when I serialize this article, I will turn off the reward function. I just want to record my mental journey of getting sick and curing the disease, and face the cancer monster with a smile." , I will be even happier if I can encourage those patients who also suffer from cancer."

Yang Xi couldn't help being startled again, he really didn't see that this little rich woman who is not short of money actually has such a realm.

"That's all right. Now that the medicine has been changed, I'm relieved. You two continue to chat. I still have something to do. Let's go first." After saying that, Yang Xi turned around and moved again.

"Wait a minute, Doctor Yang, I have another gift for you."

Ye Qiuhe pointed to the bedside table, Jiang Yubei understood, and quickly opened the drawer for Ye Qiuhe, and took out a small gift box from it.

"A ZIPPO is not a respect."

ZIPPO, that is a pretentious artifact for smokers. Just imagine, in the northwestern wind of the hula hula, the addiction to cigarettes rises, and the cigarette has to be huddled against the wind, and the disposable lighter is in the middle, so that it can be lit. Smoke is considered luck, how low is that image.But what if you hold a ZIPPO in your hand?Then you can face the wind, open the lid with one hand with a "clang" sound, and the flame will ignite with just one click. After lighting the cigarette, with a "clang" sound again, close the lid and put it in your pocket. How chic and cool...

After going to work, Yang Xi bought a Zippo online just after the first month's salary was paid, but unfortunately, those tens of dollars a Zippo went to Minion Country, and he couldn't bear to part with the expensive ones.

Now, a new Zippo is right in front of them, within easy reach, and with the economic level of the Ye family brothers and sisters, it is absolutely impossible to give someone a fake Zippo as a gift.

Yang Xi was tempted.

However, I once made an oath that I would never take a dime of the patient's property in this life.

How to decide?

Ye Qiuhe saw Yang Xi's contradiction, and said: "First of all, this is not a gift from a patient to the doctor, but a divorce commemorative gift from a super beautiful woman to her ex-husband. Secondly, this lighter is still hidden A poignant love story, you take it, and it keeps on sparking, and I think both heroes and heroines in that story will be gratified."

Yang Xi still refused to take the Zippo, but said, "Can you tell me your story?"

Ye Qiuhe looked around with an exaggerated expression, and said with a smile: "You want me to tell you stories in the ward? This is too lacking in sentimentality! That's all right, you take this lighter first, and wait for me to leave the hospital. Please go to my restaurant with Beibei for dinner, and listen to me tell you when you are full."

Only then did Yang Xi let go of his hesitation and took the ZIPPO.

(End of this chapter)

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