I'm a god of medicine

第211章 1石3鸟,1箭3雕

Chapter 211 Three birds with one stone, three birds with one stone

Is he still human?
After all, they are still two teachers and students. At this moment, Professor Su and Ling Ran have a tacit understanding and have the same thoughts.

There are two main reasons why pancreatic surgery is difficult. First, the anatomical structure is relatively complex, and the second is that the position is relatively deep, so it is not easy to expose the surgical field. This puts a considerable test on the operator's operating skills. It must not only be precise, but also calm .

But the young doctor opposite, can you calm down a little bit?

If Professor Su's complaint could stand, then he wouldn't be cursing others in his heart.

In fact, Yang Xi is not only fast, but also very stable.

The chief surgeon can't keep up with the first assistant, this... well, I can just curse in my heart, I, Su Dongming, are the leaders in the field of general surgery in Nanjiang Province, and I dare not swear casually to ruin my identity.

Yang Xi also cursed the same words in his heart.

It was the first time for him to use the level 4 surgical skill card of general surgery. Compared with the level 3 skill card, which he is proficient in controlling and retracting freely, the abilities given to him by the level 4 skill card are quite overwhelming. Fortunately, Professor Su, who is the opposite surgeon, has the skill It is indeed deep, otherwise, if it were Qin Gewei or Director Ma, he would not be able to take care of it.

Qin Gewei, who stepped down from the stage but did not leave, also scolded the same words.

Although the operation of the surgeon in the field of surgery cannot be seen off the stage, experts can know the depth of it at a glance. Qin Gewei can only know from the movements and demeanor of Professor Su, the chief surgeon, and Yang Xi, the first assistant, that this The operation, the hard one is Professor Su's side.

Before Saturday, Qin Gewei would not believe what he saw with his own eyes today, but on Saturday morning, he heard a shocking news, saying that with the cooperation of Director Ma, Yang Xi completed a Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, moreover, the operation was quite difficult. Director Gao Yong and Gao, the chief surgeon, wanted to give up, but Yang Xi easily won it in the end.

Qin Gewei was extremely shocked by this news.

Of course, the word extremely shocked has been used several times before this. For example, this kid only took less than 50 minutes to get a mastectomy. The pancreatic mass that the director suffered from was not pancreatic cancer.

It's just that the degree of this incomparable shock is getting higher and higher every time.

Shocked, Qin Gewei immediately began to verify the news, and the result of the final verification shocked him even more.That kid, it took less than 40 minutes to complete such a difficult laparoscopic operation.

What level is this?
I dare not say anything else, but it is an undeniable fact that Qin Gewei has surpassed him.

The terrible thing is, how old is this kid?Its growth rate is still accelerating visible to the naked eye. If it is left unchecked, three months?five months?Up to one year!Cuddling has to push yourself aside.

But what's more terrible is that this kid is very sinister. In this point, he and Director Ma are definitely carved out of the same mold.Don't say anything else, let's just say that during this year in Liuquan Town, this kid didn't show the mountains, didn't show the water, and could endure the bullying of idiots like Sheng Dajun. Blockbuster.

Such scheming and endurance, even Qin Gewei could hardly do it.

In other words, if you use conventional means to deal with this kid, not to mention it will be difficult to succeed, and it is easy to fall into the trap and be used by this kid.After all, my status and status are different now. If I do things too clearly and ruthlessly, even if I can kill that kid, my reputation and reputation will be greatly reduced.

It is absolutely impossible to do things that hurt one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred. That is a bastard trick only used by mentally handicapped politicians of the American imperialists. My Chinese people have Eastern wisdom, not only to solve problems, but also to leave a good name .

On Saturday, Qin Gewei, who had been meditating all night, finally came up with a countermeasure.

The operating room has never been a place where secrets can be kept. The speed of news spread can be compared to the speed of sound. Here, Yang Xi took the stage to replace Qin Gewei, and the news spread there.

Dean Wu and the other two hospital leaders have already left the operating room, Gao Yong also went out to accompany Director Ma's wife and son and daughter-in-law, and Tian Zecheng wandered somewhere, only You Canghai and Guo Keyuan were left in the lounge With group director.

Hearing the news from the nurse, You Canghai couldn't help frowning and asked, "Second brother, what kind of medicine is sold in this old Qin's gourd? Why can't I understand it?"

Because of Guo Keyuan's signature, the picture is very happy, the continuous strokes of the Ke character are very similar to the old characters, and the word Yuan is simply written with a stroke and then dotted on it, replacing the Yunzi on the side of the walk, and it becomes a vivid one. Two characters, so Director Ma gave him the nickname of Guo Laoer in the department. Of course, only Director Ma and You Canghai dared to call him Guo Laoer's nickname in person. Other directors, including Qin Gewei, would either Call Director Guo, or call Second Brother respectfully.

Guo Keyuan pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh: "Director Qin's trick is brilliant!"


You Canghai gasped, used his brain, and thought hard.

It seems... really clever!
"Second, do you mean that Lao Qin's original intention was to flatter and kill that son of a bitch?" When mentioning Yang Xi, You Canghai's tone could not be called hatred, but there was absolutely no kindness either.It's no wonder, who made that kid only have Director Ma and Boss Gao in his eyes.

Guo Keyuan didn't have a good impression of Yang Xi either. Before Thursday, it could be said that he didn't like it, but on Thursday morning, this kid dared to slap all the directors in the face, including him, Guo Keyuan.And because the nickname of Gao Yong has always suppressed his nickname of Guo Lao Er, Guo Keyuan is not happy when he sees people who call Gao Yong the boss.

"It's not just as simple as flattering and killing. Director Qin's move can be said to kill three birds with one stone." As if he had already seen Yang Xi's sad reminder of the future, Guo Keyuan analyzed it to You Canghai with relish Get up: "Let's put aside whether to praise or not, Director Qin would rather lose his reputation than find an excuse for his relatives to be soft-handed. In this way, those who say that Director Qin and the old horse don't get along well will be blocked. is one."

"Secondly, you have to admit that Yang Xi is indeed a genius. His talent may have already surpassed that of Jiang Pujun back then. There is such a person staring at us in the hospital, you say, that's our advantage." How are you doing?" Guo Keyuan lit a cigarette, took a puff, and exhaled the smoke heavily, watching the cloud of smoke gradually dissipate, he couldn't help but smiled wryly.

You Canghai said thoughtfully: "I see, I will deliberately show him to Professor Su to make Professor Su fall in love, and then send that monster to Nanjiang Medical Affiliated Hospital..."

Guo Keyuan nodded, and replied: "That's right! As for his future, it has nothing to do with us."

(End of this chapter)

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