I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 205 The Prestige of the Old Zhangtou (Addition for...)

Chapter 205 The Prestige of the Old Zhangtou (Addition for...)
Because of the National Day holiday, I will go to work normally this Sunday.

However, no surgery was arranged for each group on this day, and doctors are human beings who also need to rest. The National Day holiday just happened to be a rare opportunity for them to relax.Besides, tomorrow is Director Ma's operation day, everyone's attention must be focused on this. If the operation is performed today, the patient will still be within 24 hours of the perioperative period tomorrow. Isn't this actively making trouble for oneself?

The shift was handed over easily, and then each group went to rounds. When Yang Xi walked out of the office, it was exactly eight o'clock, and he just received this week's task from the system.

The system has always been unreliable, and the task assigned to Yang Xi this week was to familiarize himself with the principles of linear accelerator and Gamma Knife treatment.

Niederma, Yang Xi couldn't help shaking his head. The linear accelerator and the Gamma Knife belong to the radiation therapy equipment. My brother is a surgeon. What's the point of mastering their treatment principles?

Fortunately, the week has just started, and there is still time to deal with the system, so Yang Xi immediately put this task behind him.

Nie Yadi's cousin's sister-in-law is recovering pretty well. She changed the doctor's order for a liquid diet last night. This morning, with the support of her wife, she got out of bed and walked around the ward twice.

"If you are more courageous, after hanging the water, you can help her to go downstairs to the garden to breathe fresh air." No matter who performed the surgery, Gao Yong was naturally happy to see the patient recovering well after the operation.

Nie Yadi's cousin smiled and said: "Director Gao, what can I give her to eat today? I'm worried that I won't be able to keep up with the nutrition if I just drink porridge."

Gao Yong agreed, and said: "Today, the main food is semi-liquid soup. Chicken soup, fish soup, and bone soup are all fine."

Nie Yadi's cousin frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously: "Director Gao, don't everyone say that fish soup is a hair product? My wife is with her..."

An aunt in the clinic who was about to be discharged from the hospital today said with a smile: "Whether it is hair or not, it is what the doctor of Chinese medicine said. It doesn't work in front of other Western medicine!"

Another family member of the patient said: "It's not that it doesn't work in front of Western medicine. In my opinion, the existence of Chinese medicine is a lie. My wife's illness has been treated by Chinese medicine for more than a year, and it is not delayed. Had it not been for Director Gao's superb medical skills, my wife would have missed the chance of surgery."

Nie Yadi's cousin said stubbornly: "You can't say that you are so dead. There is a patient with liver cancer in our town. The county hospital didn't treat him. He went home and went to see a Chinese medicine doctor. But it's been more than three years now. Still alive and well!"

Gao Yong smiled helplessly.The dispute between Chinese and Western medicine is a mess in the medical field, not to mention these laymen in front of him. Gao Yong naturally has his own understanding, but if he wants to make it clear to these laymen, then today There is nothing to do in the morning.

"Okay, okay! You don't need to argue, let alone quarrel. Traditional Chinese medicine is better than Western medicine, and Western medicine is better than Western medicine. The combination of Chinese and Western medicine is the most correct choice." This kind of saying is like saying nothing, but it is used to stop foreign medicine. It was very effective in the dispute over the costumes. As soon as Gao Yong said this, he was immediately recognized by the family members of the patients with three beds in the ward. "Fats do exist, but it's not what you understand. Well, I'm going to see other patients. Just do as I said, but the soup must have less oil, and try to put less irritating ingredients such as onion, ginger, and garlic. Strong seasoning."

The patient Zhang Yao operated on lived in the next ward, and Director Ma was on the stage to check on him. The operation of this patient was naturally successful. However, it may be because the operation time was too long and the pneumoperitoneum pressure stimulated the gastrointestinal tract for too long. It may also be that Zhang Yao touched the jejunum and ileum too much during the operation, which resulted in the patient's gastrointestinal function not being restored until now.

"Have you exhausted yet?"

The family members of the patient didn't understand what exhaust meant, so they subconsciously looked at the window. Now that the central air conditioner is installed in the ward, where is the exhaust fan?

Zhang Yao explained with a wry smile, "It's just farting."

The patient's family quickly apologized, shook their heads and said, "Not yet!"

Gao Yong came to the bedside, leaned down, and listened to the patient's abdominal sounds with a stethoscope. There was, but it was very weak.

Zhang Yaohui reported: "I prescribed Simotang for him yesterday afternoon."

Gao Yong straightened up, put away the stethoscope, and ordered: "Let's invite the old Zhang from the Chinese medicine department to come over for a consultation."

The old Zhangtou of the Chinese Medicine Department of the Municipal Hospital has no education and no professional title all his life, but in the Chinese Medicine Department, he is like a god, especially in the general surgery department. From Ma Zongtai to Lian Xiangdong, he is respectful to Lao Zhangtou Plus.

The most common complication of general surgery is that the gastrointestinal function cannot be recovered. Like the patient just now, it is easier to deal with it. After all, only the gallbladder was removed, and the gastrointestinal tract is still intact. With medicine, the whole gastrointestinal tract in Western medicine Motility drugs such as cisapride, or Chinese patent medicine Simotang, can be used boldly.But if you are facing those patients who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery, you will have a big head. The medicine is weak and will not work, but if you use it too hard, you are afraid that the gastrointestinal anastomosis will be broken open.

Of course, starting with a safe amount and gradually increasing the amount while observing should be a principle that every clinician can master.

However, this approach is far worse than asking the old man to come over for consultation.

A prescription is written out, and at most three decoctions are boiled, and the storage can comfortably serve the patient's gastrointestinal function, so there is no need for these surgeons to bother.

Yang Xi, who has been in the municipal hospital for 20 days, has naturally heard of the reputation of the old man. For this, Yang Xi only has two words: "Awesome!"

This also completely changed Yang Xi's views on Chinese medicine. Before that, he was a staunch supporter of the theory that Chinese medicine is useless. The reason was that he looked at the sky from the bottom of a well.

Fortunately, Yang Xi is as shrewd as a thief. He knows that he has little knowledge and knowledge, and never expresses his views easily in controversial fields. How many times have you slapped in the face.

Later, Yang Xi went to look at the microblogs of those medical experts on the Internet who held the uselessness of Chinese medicine, pseudoscience of Chinese medicine and even proposed to ban Chinese medicine, and was pleasantly surprised to find that most of these people were out of clinical practice and only engaged in research. Big coffee.However, those doctors who are immersed in the front line of the clinic all day and only care about seeing and treating patients rarely participate in this dispute.


One is that there is no time, and I am too lazy to get involved in this kind of idle and painful shit.

The second is like the general department of the municipal hospital, sooner or later, you have to invite Lao Zhangtou to the department for a consultation.

It is very simple for General Surgery to invite Mr. Zhang for a consultation. There is no need to apply for a consultation in advance. You only need to send Mr. Zhang a WeChat message. If he is not busy, he will come right away.

Hearing Gao Yong's order, that Zhang Yao didn't dare to neglect, he quickly took out his mobile phone and found the old Zhangtou's WeChat.

(End of this chapter)

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