I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 189 If you can't cheat your opponent, just cheat your teammates (recommendation ticket

Chapter 189 If you can't cheat your opponent, just cheat your teammates (recommendation ticket plus update)

In the name of celebrating the National Day, the municipal hospital mobilized urgently, and it took only one noon to complete the planned two-day work on Saturday and Sunday.

After some rectification and layout, the appearance of the municipal hospital has achieved a completely new effect.

But the guys in the hospital's logistics were exhausted enough. If Gao Yong hadn't thrown out a cigarette in time, those guys would have been able to greet the eighteen generations of the basketball team members' ancestors one by one.

In the final round of the battle, the Mining General Hospital, the Third Municipal Hospital and the Central Hospital all tied for second place with 5 wins and 4 losses. In the second round, the Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital was ravaged by the municipal hospital again and fell into chaos again. With a score of 3 wins and 6 losses, they were excluded from the top three. As for the district hospital team, they took over the banner of the previous four municipal hospitals and continued to create an invincible brilliance.

Coincidentally, in the last round of the match between the Third City Hospital and the Central Hospital, one of the two teams must win, and finally got 6 wins and 4 losses.As for the Mine General Hospital, unless it beats the municipal hospital, it can only compete with the losers in the city's third hospital and the city center hospital for total net points. .

What's terrible is that the difference between the three teams tied for second place does not exceed 15 points in total points difference. If the city hospital is defeated, then the director of his own hospital can only watch helplessly as the director of the other hospital eats with the city leaders at the main table.

Is it possible to take down the municipal hospital?

Just get rid of that damned Yang Xi.

Don't think about it, what Wang Mingxing thinks is not violence, but a very legitimate method, for example, Xiaozhi's affection and courtesy.

It's just that the ceremony must be heavy to impress Yang Xi, and Wang Mingxing is a little uncertain. Even if he has a bottom, it probably won't be worth it.

Therefore, Wang Mingxing had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and still use the trick of Xiaozhi to move with emotion and courtesy to achieve the goal of losing less points.

Before the city leaders and the health bureau leaders arrived, Wang Mingxing quickly found Yang Xi.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for two weeks, you are getting more and more handsome!"

Yang Xi immediately made a look of embarrassment, and said: "Brother Wang, don't embarrass me. I know the situation. Just relying on the relationship between our brothers, let alone let you win a little bit, even if you win!" In the next game, I, Yang Xi, won't even frown. But, our President Wu is really... well, how should I put it, women love face, so they have to give us orders and ask us to show up in front of the leaders. Play like a city hospital, and if you don’t beat you by more than 20 points, this, this, this, this, I can’t do the job!”

Wang Mingxing's eyes moved slightly, and his face changed suddenly.The real machine is black, the real machine is shameless, just to cheat the brothers, even the dean used it as an excuse.

"Four big tributes, within ten, how about it?" Wang Mingxing's heart was bleeding at this price, and the market price of four big tributes was well over 1000 yuan.

Yang Xi shook his head again and again, and said, "Old Wang, who will we brothers follow? If we can do it, isn't that a one-liner?" He said, pointing to Gao Yong who was five steps away, and half covered his mouth and said mysteriously : "Director Gao Yong Gao, that's the key person. If you don't deal with him, everything you say is useless. By the way, let me tell you, Boss Gao likes to drink. If you have any good wine in your storage, you may return it." There's hope."

As if rehearsing, Gao Yong, who was answering the phone, put away his mobile phone, looked around, saw Yang Xi, smiled, walked towards this side, and said: "Old Gu from the Central Hospital is calling, They weren't sure of winning the Third Municipal Hospital, so they came to beg us not to release water to the general hospital of the mine... Hey, isn't this Dr. Wang from the general mine, don't worry, I haven't agreed to them yet, come over and discuss it with Yang Xi. "

Contemptuous, contemptuous, and discriminatory, Wang Mingxing couldn't keep a good impression of the municipal hospital. The director of the general surgery team, together with a regular doctor, openly engaged in extortion in broad daylight. , so despicable, you must... pinch your nose to accept it.

"Director Gao, what, I still have a box of old mud pools, I will find someone to move them here for you tomorrow."

Fengming Tower Brand Mud Pond Liquor, produced in Dongshan County, Jiangbei City, was very popular in the Baijiu market in Jiangbei City 20 years ago. The drinking buddies were heartbroken and regretted not being able to vacate the bedroom and stock up on the mud pool wine that was full of it.

The quality of this wine is quite good, and the taste is especially suitable for Jiangbei people. Coupled with the feeling of reminiscence, it makes the mention of Laonichi in today's Jiangbei Winery Jianghu must be beyond the existence of Moutai.

Gao Yong's salivary glands immediately became active.

Just his box?Add another box, and this game is for you to win!

Gao Yong had something on his mind, but he almost blurted it out.

Seeing Gao Yong's gluttonous appearance, Yang Xi sighed in his heart, he could only extort so much.

Sure enough, Gao Yong stretched out his hand, held Wang Mingxing together, and said, "Don't worry brother, just based on what you said just now, your dean will definitely be able to sit at the main table for dinner tonight."

Although he is not a professional, but he lives in the medical office, and Jiangbei City is so big, he can't look up and look down all day. Naturally, Wang Mingxing won't worry that Gao Yong will go back on what he promised, so he is happy returned to their camp.

Gao Yong was happy, but Yang Xi was full of anger.

It's shameful for him to bring 4 cigarettes and a box of wine!

Seeing Wang Mingxing's leaving back, Yang Xi gritted his teeth. If he couldn't cheat his opponent, he would cheat his teammates.

"Boss, the cigarettes belong to me, and the wine must belong to me, otherwise, I will make you unable to step down."

Gao Yong understood in seconds, and then smiled and said, "The wine belongs to me, and all the cigarettes in my cabinet belong to you, how about it?"

Yang Xi's expression was indifferent, and he shook his head without saying a word.

Gao Yong was startled, and said, "Then, what do you want?"

Yang Xi pursed his lips and said, "As for me, I actually have very low material desires. The cigarettes you promised to give me every month, plus the cigarettes that the old man lost to me, I will exchange them for three five" , can’t finish it at all.”

Gao Yong didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Yang Xi's gourd, but he knew that this kid was quite generous, if he couldn't agree on an agreement, he would really dare to spoil his own good deeds.That is a box of 6 jin old mud pond!Even if you spend 1 yuan on the market, it will be difficult to buy!
Gao Yong couldn't help but licked his lower lip, and replied: "I know, our Young Master Xi is a kind person who loves world peace, but what the hell do you want, can you tell me freely?"

(End of this chapter)

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