I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 164 One Thing Is Something Wrong

Chapter 164 Something's Wrong

The next morning, when the shift was over, a strange face sat next to Director Ma.

Of course, it was only for Yang Xi that he was an unfamiliar face. In fact, this old man was a celebrity in the hospital, almost everyone knew him.

The director of the Outreach Office and the chairman of the labor union, Luo Jiabing.

After finishing the class, Chairman Luo cleared his throat and began to speak: "I said, brothers and sisters in the general surgery department, you can't help the hospital save money like this. The annual physical examination is my old Luo licking his face for the big guy." Don't let my old Luo's hot face stick to your cold buttocks for the benefits you have won, especially your old horse, you have to take the lead, right?"

Director Ma laughed dryly, and replied: "Chairman Luo is right to criticize, so how about it, head nurse, you can arrange it. In the past few days, everyone will rotate their work and do all the physical examinations for this year in batches and batches." After finishing speaking, Director Ma casually took out a cigarette and threw one to Luo Jiabing.

Luo Jiabing hesitated for a moment, but he still put on a cigarette, lit Director Ma's fire, and then said: "This Saturday is the deadline, I, Lao Luo, must put the ugliness first, and I have worked in the hospital for a long time. Every year, I have to go for a physical examination, and if anyone doesn’t go for the physical examination before Saturday, be careful that I, Lao Luo, will report and deduct your salary and bonuses.”

Director Ma joked, smoking a cigarette: "Everyone, be serious. Lao Luo is a ruthless character, and he always keeps his word."

Luo Jiabing looked at Director Ma and said: "You old horse, don't fight with me. I have already checked in the operating room. If you didn't arrange an operation this morning, then don't blame me, old Luo, for not being sympathetic. If you catch one, it's one. If Ma doesn’t do the physical examination this morning, I’ll depend on your general surgery for not leaving.”

Director Ma laughed and said: "Do it, I will definitely do it this morning. Others don't need to give face, but I, Lao Ma, must give you Lao Luo's face."

The reason why Director Ma didn't arrange surgery in the morning was because he wanted to perform biopsy for Ye Qiuhe.For ordinary people, all breast cancer is a disease, but for doctors, the classification of breast cancer is not so simple.

In terms of the histological structure of cancer, breast cancer is divided into two types: non-invasive cancer and invasive cancer. Literally, non-invasive cancer is worthwhile because the lesion is limited to the primary site and has not metastasized, so it is also called in situ cancer. Cancer, while invasive cancer refers to cancer cells that have infiltrated, extensively invaded surrounding tissues, and even metastasized.

From the perspective of clinical prognosis (prognosis: refers to the estimation of the future course and outcome of a certain disease), the prognosis of carcinoma in situ is better than that of invasive carcinoma. In other words, the degree of malignancy of invasive carcinoma is much higher than that of carcinoma in situ.

If there is only this classification of breast cancer, then this disease is too simple. In fact, on this basis, pathological classification is also required.

Carcinoma in situ can be divided into lobular carcinoma in situ, ductal carcinoma in situ, and **eczematoid breast cancer.Invasive carcinoma is divided into two categories: invasive non-special carcinoma and invasive special carcinoma. The former includes invasive ductal carcinoma, invasive lobular carcinoma, scirrhous carcinoma, simple carcinoma, etc., while the latter is divided into phagocytic carcinoma, large carcinoma, etc. Sweat gland carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, adenoid cystadenocarcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, etc.

In addition, some rare cancer types can be seen clinically, such as spindle cell carcinoma and signet ring cell carcinoma.

In addition, there is another type of pathological examination to determine the degree of differentiation of cancer cells, which can be divided into four levels: highly differentiated, moderately differentiated, poorly differentiated, and undifferentiated.The lower the differentiation level, the higher the malignancy of the cancer.

Finally, there is clinical staging, a series of English letters plus numbers, keeping patients dizzy.

These, etc., are extremely important to the formulation of clinical treatment plans, especially the choice of surgical procedures. Regardless of the fact that breast cancer resection is filled in on the surgical application form, how big is the resection area and which layer of lymphatic dissection is required? Different pathological types have different options.

The high-incidence age of breast cancer is between 45 and 50 years old, but this does not mean that young women have no risk of breast cancer. In fact, the median age of onset of breast cancer has been declining in recent years.

What is particularly annoying is that, speaking from clinical experience, the younger the age of onset, the higher the degree of malignancy of the cancer.

And Ye Qiuhe is only 26 years old, which is quite young among breast cancer patients, and, judging from the current examination results, the situation seems not to be optimistic.

The biopsy puncture of the breast is actually very simple, and experienced doctors can complete the puncture to obtain living tissue without image guidance and only rely on hand feeling.Director Ma believed that for an enchanting doctor like Yang Xi, a puncture and a biopsy would take at most 5 minutes.

After checking the room, Yang Xi and Jiang Yubei started to make live clothes for Ye Qiuhe. At this moment, a graceful woman who looked like she could never be over 30 years old got out of the elevator and walked towards this side.

When Jiang Yubei saw her, she immediately threw off Yang Xi, and greeted her happily: "Sister Weiwei, why are you here?"

Chu Wei embraced Jiang Yubei, and replied with a smile: "Sister, why can't you come? That dead girl belongs to a duck. The meat rotted in the pot, and her mouth is still too hard to break."

Not far away, Yang Xi looked at the sister, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

I don't know Chu Wei, and I don't know what kind of relationship Jiang Yubei has with her, so this feeling of something wrong must not come from her.

Then, it can only be from Jiang Yubei.

Take a closer look.

Yang Xi finally figured out what was wrong with it.

The little girl changed her hairstyle. The previous ponytail was gone, replaced by short shoulder-length hair. Moreover, the hair was black and shiny, so it must have been treated.

Also, the facial features are different from before. Before, Jiang Yubei never wore makeup, but today she put on a little makeup.

I was influenced by Lao Luo when I was handing over the shift, so I didn't take a closer look at this girl, but now it seems that this girl is quite delicate.

The old horse also went up to the 9th floor. When he saw Chu Wei, he immediately closed his eyes and said in a casual way: "Little Weiwei, do you miss your father Ma?"

Chu Wei smiled and said: "Look at you little old man, you are so beautiful, you, I'm here to see my little sister."

Director Ma nodded and said: "Your husband has already called me to order, why, don't you feel relieved?"

Chu Wei said: "With Director Ma in charge, how dare the little girl say that she is not at ease, but my sister, oh, how should I put it, it is too strong. Although the puncture is not a major operation, it still breaks the skin. No, there should always be someone by her side, but she doesn't even want to tell her own brother."

As soon as the words were finished, Ye Qiushan suddenly appeared, coughed lightly, and said, "Qiuhe doesn't say that it is her right, but as a brother, she has to be present at this time."

(End of this chapter)

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