I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 158 Frown 1, Think About It (Add 16 for the leader Huabuyu)

Chapter 158 Frowning, Thinking About It (addition 16 for the leader Huabuyu)

Director Lan Da, who was envied by Deputy Director Jiang, had a hard time.

Based on experience, Lan Yaoxin judged that Mrs. Wu would definitely collude with Dean Lin of Liuquan Town Hospital last night. The trick was nothing more than to seal the mouth of the nurses in the operating room and tamper with the surgical register in the operating room.

The truth cannot be fake, and the fake cannot be true. Lan Yaoxin has full confidence in distinguishing the authenticity of the surgery register.

We are not afraid that he will tamper with it, but we are afraid that he will not tamper with it.

The matter will only become more serious if the evidence of him tampering with the surgery register is caught. At that time, that old woman Wu Hongmei can only be more humble when she begs her.

Hey, how can a cool word be great.

After rushing all the way, he rushed to the Liuquan Town Hospital in a hurry, and rushed straight to the operating room without even looking at the administrative building.When he arrived at the operating room, he showed his work card, and Lan Yaoxin directly ordered the head nurse of the operating room to bring the surgical registration book and come to see him.

The real head nurse was on maternity leave, and Meng Fanfang acted as the head nurse in the operating room. Hearing the nurse's message, she took the operation registers from the three operating rooms and came to Lan Yaoxin in a steady manner.

Looking at Meng Fanfang's walking posture and the expression on his face, Lan Yaoxin's heart was half cold, so calm, it didn't seem like he had gone through the rhythm of overnight fraud!

Flipping through the contents of the register again, the rest of Lan Yaoxin's heart was also completely chilled.

First, there are no traces of tampering. Second, all the recent surgeries that Yang Xi participated in have Gao Yong's signature, and Gao Yong and Lan Yaoxin are quite familiar with him. Not to mention these level 2 surgeries, even level 3 surgeries are not a problem.

As for who will perform the surgery and who will assist on the stage, it is simply an unclear matter. Even if Gao Yong just watched from the sidelines, with the registration of the surgery, he Lan Yaoxin has nothing to say. After all, he signed the surgery. It means taking responsibility.

Just when Lan Yaoxin didn't know how to explain it, a chubby guy in his fifties wearing a white coat with a shiny face came in with a smile, and he stretched out his hand to greet him from a long distance away: "What wind is blowing you, big leader?" Are you here? Oh, my surname is Lin, and I am the director of Liuquan Town Hospital, and I warmly welcome Director Lan to visit the hospital for inspection."

Lan Yaoxin was a little embarrassed.

As the head of the Municipal Health Bureau, he personally went to the grassroots to investigate for a small doctor to be reported. This kind of thing can only show that the leader is serious and responsible.But the problem is, there is that old lady Wu Hongmei behind this incident.

If she knew what she was doing, she would definitely react.If the problem was found out, he could have blocked that old woman's mouth, but now he found nothing. When he went back, who knew what kind of ridicule and blows from that old woman were waiting for him?
"Well, it's nothing important. It's almost the end of the year. I'll take a look around to remind you that while focusing on two benefits, you can't relax medical security." Lan Yaoxin really has skill Deep, casually pulling out a reason, it covered up the real purpose of his trip.

Dean Lin chuckled, took out his cigarette, and after being rejected as expected, he laughed and said: "Our hospital has a talented person who not only knows how to take the exam, but also got a full score in this year's doctor qualification exam. Moreover, he also showed extraordinary talent on stage, so he was envied by some people. This person, once jealous, will do some impulsive things. Alas, I have caused trouble for the leader. Here, I apologize to the leader on behalf of all the staff of Liuquan Town Hospital. As for the defendant, I will also persuade him not to expose the family scandal. knew."

Hearing Dean Lin's words, Lan Yaoxin was a little relieved at first, thinking that this Dean Lin was really sensible and talkative, but after a second grade, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. What does it mean to be threatening?

What do you mean don't make such a fuss that even the city hospital knows about it?
Isn't this telling himself that as soon as he leaves, he, Dean Lin, will call Wu Hongmei immediately?

Depend on!Since the personnel rights of these hospitals were taken away by the local government, the Health Bureau, the Health and Family Planning Bureau, and the Health and Health Bureau are nothing in the eyes of these directors, and they still have the authority of the leadership department.

The most outrageous thing is that old lady Wu Hongmei, she is simply...moral!
No matter how fierce you scold in your heart, you can't solve the problem, and you have to think about the countermeasures quickly, otherwise, if this dean Lin tells Wu Hongmei about his behavior, then the old ladies will definitely have a misunderstanding that they want to target her regardless of sympathy , when the time comes, with the disposition of that old woman, she will definitely scold herself in the group of classmates.

Being scolded is a trivial matter, but it is a major matter to destroy the glorious image built up by decades of hard work.

"Why do you apologize? The Health Bureau should serve hospitals at all levels! I came down this time to remind each hospital for one purpose, and another purpose is to ask you who are the directors? Are there any practical difficulties that need to be resolved by our Health Bureau? Don't worry, hehe, say what you want." Lan Yaoxin's mind was really fast, and he figured out what Dean Lin really meant after turning around.

The internal medicine and surgery departments of Liuquan Town Hospital all rely on the municipal hospital, so it can be concluded that Dean Lin and Wu Hongmei must be acquainted. If Chang really wanted to sell well in front of Wu Hongmei, he wouldn't use such words to hint him.

This is indeed the case.

Dean Lin is very familiar with the municipal hospital, but not so familiar with Dean Wu. Wu Hongmei didn't even save Dean Lin's mobile phone number, which also shows that the relationship between the two is limited to the work level. That's all.

But this doesn't mean that Dean Lin doesn't understand Wu Hongmei.

There are not a few experts in the municipal hospital who have been to Liuquan Town, and the number of times he has eaten with Lao Lin is uncountable. Naturally, the dean of Wu University is indispensable at the dinner table. Therefore, the dean of Wu University and the director of Lan University Dean Lin is also familiar with those legends in the world.

This morning, before he went to work, Gao Yong called him and told him that Dean Wu saw the material of reporting Yang Xi in the Health Bureau and had a quarrel with Director Lan of the Health Bureau.After hearing the news, Dean Lin frowned, thinking about it.

Although he didn't know whether his judgment was right or not, this incident was an opportunity for him, Lao Lin, to Liuquan Town Hospital.

Dean Lin started the operation two years ago and renamed the Liuquan Town Hospital as the Second People's Hospital of Dongshan County. For this ideal, even if it can't be called painstaking, it almost broke his leg and broke his lip. Easy to do the work in the county, but stuck at the city health bureau.

(End of this chapter)

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