I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 139 Young Master Ice Pure and Clean

Chapter 139 Young Master Ice Pure and Clean
For example, the medical regulations.

So far, when a patient needs major surgery, family members must be present and sign to agree, otherwise, it is not in compliance with the regulations. Once a dispute arises, it will inevitably cause a major medical defect.

In other words, under domestic medical laws and regulations, patients themselves only have the right not to agree to surgery, but not to decide to have surgery.

Unless, it's the kind of minor surgery that's in the palm of your hand.

Alternatively, patients can provide legally binding documentation proving they have no dependents.

A municipal hospital once encountered such a medical lawsuit. The Department of Gastroenterology admitted a patient with massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage. After conservative treatment by the Department of Internal Medicine, his condition improved. However, on the night of the third day after admission, he suddenly had another massive hemorrhage. Coincidentally, Yes, the family members of this patient have big hearts and thick lines. They feel that the patient's condition has improved, so there is no need to suffer by the bedside anymore.

The on-duty doctor of the Department of Gastroenterology urgently requested a general surgery consultation. In fact, there was nothing to consult. The on-duty doctors of the two departments knew that if there was another hemorrhage and the balloon compression could not be stopped, the only option left was surgery.

However, the doctor on duty in the Department of Gastroenterology could not contact the patient's family members.

Without the signature and consent of the family members, this emergency operation is illegal. Although the patient regained consciousness for a short period of time during the process of hemorrhagic shock and pressed his fingerprint on the informed consent form for the operation, the doctor on duty in the general surgery department still He didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, so he had to call Director Ma and Nie Yadi, the chief administrative officer, for instructions.

At the moment of his death, Nie Yadi hesitated and refused to make a clear statement. In the end, Director Ma made the decision.

open!Saving people is the most important thing, I will bear the consequences!

Unfortunately, it was because of the delay of more than ten minutes that the patient's life could not be saved. Seven hours after the operation, that is, at five o'clock in the morning, the patient swallowed his last breath.

Three and a half hours later, the patient's family members arrived at the hospital.

After learning the bad news, although the family members of the patient grieved, they did not act aggressively.However, according to the hospital procedure, after the patient's family members went to the medical office to go through the formalities of receiving the patient's body, things changed.

Not only did they refuse to accept it, but they also gathered more than 12 people in the afternoon, put up banners and blocked the hospital gate. After three days of quarreling, they finally went to court.The court judged the municipal hospital to pay [-] yuan in compensation on the grounds that the decision to perform the operation without the consent of the patient's family had major loopholes in medical procedures.

According to the rules of the hospital, half of the 12 indemnity should be borne by the department. As for how the department will bear it, the hospital will not interfere.In other words, in order to save people, the gastroenterology department and general surgery department have to pay 6 yuan instead.

The little old man in Shanghai meant what he said, and since he made the bold statement of "I will bear the consequences", Director Ma took the compensation of 6 yuan on him.Fortunately, the director of the gastroenterology department is also a fastidious person, abruptly snatching 2 yuan in compensation from Director Ma, and all the doctors in the general surgery department jointly put pressure on Director Ma, and finally the department paid 2 yuan. Director Ma paid 2 yuan out of his own pocket.

It was also this case that made people in the general surgery department think that Nie Yadi from the medical department had played tricks on the old horse behind his back.

Once bitten by a snake and afraid of well ropes for ten years, although this statement is derogatory, it is human nature.After that, Director Ma emphasized the importance of medical regulations. Right now, Ye Qiuhe wants to use Yang Xi to persuade Director Ma to violate medical regulations. How easy is it?
It's impossible!
Seeing that Yang Xi was in trouble, Ye Qiuhe still refused to give up, and continued to beg: "My mother is in poor health, with high blood pressure and heart disease. If she finds out that I have cancer, I'm afraid she... Doctor Yang, if there is something wrong with my mother, What's the point of my life?"

Yang Xi gave a long sigh and said: "Medical regulations stipulate that before a major operation, the doctor must inform the patient's family of the relevant matters and risks of the operation and anesthesia, and the operation can only be performed after obtaining the informed consent of the patient's family. Director Ma is a lecturer. For a person of principle, it is almost impossible for him to violate medical regulations. However, I can understand your difficulties..." Yang Xi picked up the wine glass, but only touched his lower lip.

After putting down the wine glass, Yang Xi continued: "In most cases, it is the doctor who cooperates with the patient's family to deceive the patient, but here you have reversed this relationship. However, it is this inversion that I saw I am very touched by your kindness and filial piety, and I really want to provide you with all-out help, but in this matter, I am really helpless."

Ye Qiuhe smiled lightly, extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand, and said, "In terms of kindness, I think, among the people I know, few people can compare to you, Dr. Yang."

Yang Xi chuckled, and replied, "It doesn't feel very good to be complimented, although you're telling the truth."

Ye Qiuhe smiled again, and said, "If Doctor Yang is really willing to help me, I have a way."

Yang Xi put down the knife and fork, wiped his mouth, and raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What can you do? Let me tell you. As long as I can do it, I will definitely help."

Ye Qiuhe lit another cigarette, took two puffs silently, then looked at Yang Xi, and said quietly: "I want to find a reliable man, and marry him in a false registration, and when the operation is signed, he will represent me. Signed by the family members of the family, won’t the problem be solved in this way?”

Yang Xi frowned and stared at the other place, pondered for a moment, and said: "This seems to be a solution. Registration is not difficult, and it can be done in half an hour, but the problem is, this man must be reliable, otherwise, wait for you When you go to apply for a divorce certificate after the operation, if he beats you, you really can't tell."

After finishing speaking, Yang Xi withdrew his gaze and landed on Ye Qiuhe's face, but was suddenly startled in his heart, and secretly shouted, "No, I've been tricked!"

In the next second, Ye Qiuhe's two earnest eyes fixed on Yang Xi's eyes.

"Among the people I know, the most reliable person is you, Dr. Yang. You also said just now that as long as you can do it, you will definitely help me. I know that I really feel sorry for you for asking you to help me. , I can use half of the shares in this restaurant to report to you, you see, is it possible?"

Yang Xi immediately experienced the clinical symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage.

Brains buzzing.

Ye Qiuhe said again: "If you think half of the shares is not enough, I can give you the whole restaurant. By the way, I forgot to tell you, the property rights of this restaurant were bought by my brother in full!"

Yang Xi wailed in his heart, is this about money?Young master is pure and pure, how can he be ruined by you like this?
(End of this chapter)

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