I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 129 How awesome is it?

Chapter 129 How awesome is it?

At eleven o'clock, under the guidance of Yin Wei, Li Ying healed the first patient.

A middle-aged woman in her forties suffered from gallbladder polyps.

Gallbladder polyps are mostly asymptomatic, and they are often discovered because of other problems and B overtime.Although the textbooks clearly say that gallbladder polyps can also be divided into benign and malignant, the malignant polyps mentioned in it are not cancerous, but very likely to be cancerous, or even classified as precancerous lesions.However, this kind of adenomatous polyp that is a precancerous lesion is extremely rare, and its shape and course of disease are also significantly different from other types of polyps, so it is easy to distinguish it clinically.

Therefore, what doctors call gallbladder polyps basically refers to benign polyps.

It is asymptomatic, has no possibility of cancer, and grows slowly. Therefore, doctors always warn patients that this disease does not require special treatment, and only regular observation is enough.

However, there is a gallbladder polyp that is not so worry-free, and this is the polyp that grows on the neck of the gallbladder.

The opening of the neck of the cystic duct is not wide, and a polyp grows to block the door. Every time the gallbladder needs to release a large amount of bile after eating, the blocked door will always cause gallbladder emptying obstacles, resulting in Clinical signs of right upper quadrant pain or cramping similar to cholecystitis.

In fact, the more times of emptying disorders, chronic cholecystitis will come along with it.

The woman lying on the operating table suffered from gallbladder polyps of this type.

Before, the woman went to the county hospital and a large hospital in the city with her family, and was told to undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy.Rural people don't know what laparoscopy is. What they care about is the price. The doctor in the county hospital casually quoted a number, between 1 and 1. The big hospital in the city is more expensive, at least it costs more. Prepare a 2.

The reimbursement ratios of rural insurance in the county hospital and large hospitals in the city are 60% and 50% respectively. That is to say, if the patient chooses to have surgery in the county hospital, he needs to pay 4 to 5 yuan out of his own pocket, instead of going to the city. Surgery in a large hospital costs at least 8 yuan at its own expense.

For rich people, 4 or 5 yuan is nothing at all, or a meal, or a birthday gift for a friend's child.But for many poor rural households, 4 to 5 yuan is enough for a family to live for a year, or even longer.

Then you can only be tough.

It has been until the free surgery activity launched by Liuquan Town Hospital.

Yang Xilian Xiangdong washed his hands and went to the stage, while Gao Yong sat firmly in the lounge and did not allow Dean Lin to leave.

As for Dean Lin's suggestion of performing two surgeries at the same time, it has long been categorically rejected by Yang Xi.Zhou's task is to complete 12 operations by the chief surgeon. There are only 15 patients in total, and half of them are divided. Isn't this a good thing to ruin him.

Wu Weihua also wanted to wash his hands and go on stage, but was ruthlessly rejected by Lian Xiangdong.This is such a big surgery, I don't know if I can help this evildoer as an assistant, isn't it pure waste if you go on stage again?

Cutting the gallbladder with a large knife is, in a sense, simpler than cutting the appendix. When cutting the appendix, you may encounter the appendix on the posterior wall of the cecum or an ectopic appendix, but the gallbladder never has ectopia, and at most it is an anatomical structure. deformity.

A curved incision is made under the right upper costal margin, the abdominal cavity is opened, the gallbladder triangle is exposed, the cystic duct is separated and the distal end is ligated and cut off, and then the gallbladder is separated from the gallbladder bed with a separation swab. One operation is considered complete.

Yang Xi stood at the position of the chief surgeon, with his eyes slightly closed, and the description and diagram of cholecystectomy in "Huang Jiasi Surgery" immediately appeared in his mind.

"It's started!" After trying the depth of anesthesia, Yang Xi greeted Li Ying who was at the head of the operating table.


After healed the patient, Yin Wei became addicted to cigarettes, and ran to the lounge to ask Boss Gao for a cigarette. Just after finishing one cigarette, Director Liu brought various cakes and drinks. Yin Wei was greedy and pinched a few After tasting it and expressing his appreciation politely, Dean Lin handed another cigarette to him.

Smoking, eating cakes, drinking drinks, and chatting about some anecdotes in the Jianghu, before I knew it, 10 minutes passed.

Suddenly hearing the sound of a cart hitting the door, Yin Wei froze, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to check the time.When he came out, that boy Yang Xi was still washing his hands. After he finished washing his hands, he went to lay the sheets. It would cost him [-] or [-] cents no matter what. How long has it been since it's time to pick up the next patient?
Ma De, don't bring such a fast one, okay?

Yin Wei threw away the cigarette butt, and without saying a word, he rushed out of the waiting room and went straight to the operating room.

Dean Lin and Wu Weihua didn't know what happened. In a panic, they also threw away half of the cigarette in their hands, and chased after Yin Wei.

Only Gao Yong remained steady and calm.

Yin Wei rushed into the operating room, but saw that Yang Xi was about to step down, leaving Lian Xiangdong on the stage busy closing his abdomen.

"Finished?" Yin Wei couldn't believe it.

Yang Xi nodded, pointed at Lian Xiangdong and said, "The main reason is that the old man has profound skills and cooperates well."

Yin Wei gave a dry cough, and unconsciously licked his lower lip. No one else knew what level Lian Xiangdong was, but he, Yin Wei, knew it very well.

Behind them, Dean Lin and Wu Weihua, who were chasing up, were also very surprised.

There is no doubt that Yang Xi is a monster on the operating table.However, although the surgical skills this evildoer showed at the town hospital a month ago were shocking, he still felt young. Today, he performed a cholecystectomy in only ten minutes, but it was given to It leaves a lot of room for imagination.

What kind of surgery will this be?

Facing everyone's eyes full of doubts and seeking knowledge, Yang Xi just smiled lightly, and left quietly without saying a word.

When Lian Xiangdong on the stage faced Yin Wei's questioning, he replied: "For the two of us, this is just a normal performance."

Yin Wei had an urge to knock the pretender on the stage to the ground with a punch, but he gritted his teeth and held back. He turned to ask his cousin Li Ying, who shook her head and smiled wryly. : "I didn't see anything. Dr. Yang greeted me and said that the operation was about to start. During the period, I just checked the patient's vital signs, then filled out an anesthesia record, and then... the operation It's almost over."

Yin Wei sighed, and made up his mind. When the next operation starts, I won't go out to smoke anymore, so I'll just stare at that shameless bastard here to see how awesome he is.

(End of this chapter)

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