I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 12 Resolutely Don't Do It (addition for Huabuyu leader)

Chapter 12 Resolutely Don't Do It (addition for Huabuyu leader)
Just when Yang Xi was about to get mad, Gao Chao quietly appeared.

"This operation was performed by Dr. Yang, and I arranged it."

The voice is not loud, and the tone is gentle enough, but the people who hear it are terrified.That's right, the second person in the Department of Surgery besides Dean Lin, the deputy director of Ma's department, if he doesn't have a sense of majesty, it can't be justified.Be it Gu Yaqian or Fang Chang, they all shut their mouths after hearing Gao Ming's words.

Yang Xi's almost furious mood that had been brewing also dissipated.

Gao Chao stood in the position of the first assistant as if nothing had happened, picked up a pair of toothed tweezers from the instrument table, pinched the skin on the patient's belly, tested the effect of anesthesia, and continued: "The spinal anesthesia operation ten years ago , the patients are all sober, isn’t it intensifying the conflict between doctors and patients by talking like you?”

Hearing Gao Ming's words, there was a little sullenness, and Gu Yaqian and Fang Chang were even more silent.

Gao Chao threw the toothed tweezers back onto the instrument table, and then softly said to Yang Xi: "Dr. Yang, the anesthesia is in place, and we can start."

Yang Xi was muttering something, with his left palm upright in front of his chest, and his right hand pointing and prodding, as if he was a master monk enlightening sentient beings.

Gao Chao chuckled, and said, "Stop messing around, Sakyamuni can't help you, you can't get the surgery done, you can only count on me!"

Yang Xi finished the operation, smiled at Gao Chao, and then entered the system state.

Make a McBurney incision on the right lower abdomen, cut five centimeters of skin and subcutaneous fat, clamp the bleeding point with mosquito forceps, ligate the fourth line, clean up the operation area with dry gauze, make sure that there are no missing bleeding points, and cut the external oblique muscle sheath , Separate and pull the external oblique muscle with vascular forceps to expose the peritoneum.After the bleeding point was ligated, the peritoneum was clamped with mosquito forceps and released twice to confirm that there were no visceral adhesions, the peritoneum was cut open, the peritoneum was everted and protected, and the pull-down hook was pulled to both sides to fully expose the operative field.

As the first assistant, he cooperated skillfully with Yang Xi, but there was a bit of solemnity between his eyebrows. The guy opposite had only been in surgery for a year, and he hadn't been on the operating table many times. The opportunity to be the chief surgeon was even rarer. This move is simply a smooth and flowing knife technique?

Gu Yaqian and Fang Chang were also shocked. Although they don't know how to perform surgery, they have become experts after seeing a lot. Whoever performs the operation well and who performs the operation poorly basically wins their eyes It is clear at a glance.

This Yang Xi...

The coordination of its movements, the preciseness of the scale, the control of its strength, the precision of its accuracy...is it similar to who?

Dean Lin?
Oh no, Dean Lin is not of the same level at all.

Doctor Gao?
Oh, no, Doctor Gao's level is indeed higher than Dean Lin's, but the level is limited.

Director Qin of the Municipal Hospital?
Well, yes, only Director Qin can compare with it.

Gu Yaqian stood behind Yang Xi, watching every movement of Yang Xi, her expression seemed a little crazy.

And Fang Chang on the instrument table stared straight at Yang Xi with her beautiful eyes, and her cheeks not covered by the mask had already turned flushed red.

On the stage, Yang Xi, who was immersed in the state of the system, did not notice these clues, and his attention was completely focused on the operation.


【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the task of the day, gaining 40 experience points and 24 life points. 】

Like the operation in the morning, the system ignored the importance of closing the abdomen, and declared the end of the operation after Yang Xi completed the removal of the patient's appendix and dealt with the stump of the appendix.

Yang Xi, who was out of the system state, was immediately beaten back to his original shape.

It took 10 minutes to suture the five centimeter long incision.

It's like reading the most wonderful novel, but the author ruined the ending. That feeling is extremely disappointing.

Gu Yaqian shook her head, sighed softly, turned and left.

Fang Chang's beautiful eyes also looked in other directions, and the flush on her cheeks also faded, returning to her usual fairness.

Gao Chao on the stage also frowned faintly. Is this guy hiding something on purpose?

"That's great. If you can put more effort into closing the abdomen, it will be even more perfect." Gao Chao made a lukewarm comment, and then stepped back from the operating table, holding the diaper with the newly excised appendix. Tray went to the operating room to explain the operation to the patient's relatives.

After Yang Xi sewed the last stitch, he threw the needle holder with the triangular needle back on the instrument table, and shook his head regretfully.

In the eyes of outsiders, this guy must be annoyed by his poor performance at the end of his abdomen, but in fact, Yang Xi remembered the lottery draw before the operation.

4 shots, 20 points of life were drawn, plus 15 points exchanged and 24 points rewarded for completing the task of the day, the total has reached 59 points, even if the use of the surgery skill card requires an additional 10 points of life, then 49 points left.And after completing the task of the day tomorrow, there will definitely be 24 points of life in the account.

What a waste!
Yang Xi, who had understood the nature of the system, felt a pang of blood dripping from his heart when he thought of the 1500 life points exchanged.

Feeling so upset, Yang Xi didn't have the will to continue the lottery draw. He helped the nurse in the operating room to send the patient back to the ward, and returned to the office to fill in the first day's course record and surgery record. Yang Xi checked the time, and it was almost ten. It's o'clock.

"Brother Chao, it's getting late. I'll go back first, and you should go to bed earlier." Yang Xi came to Gao Chao's side, handed him a cigarette, and said, "I'll make up the medical records tomorrow."

Gao Chao closed the "Practical English for Medicine" in front of him, took the cigarette, lit it with the fire Yang Xi gave him, frowned slightly, and asked, "Who did you practice your appendix surgery with?" What? The progress is rapid!"

Yang Xi shuddered suddenly.

How should I answer?
Answered truthfully that he opened it by himself?

Pure nonsense!

If he really said that, he would have been beaten up by colleagues in the hospital, and even thrown into a mental hospital.

"I didn't practice with anyone. I did it with you last week for appendicitis. What's the matter, Brother Chao, is there a problem?" I dare not tell the truth, but Yang Xi is not willing to lie and make up nonsense, because , There will only be more loopholes in lying and making up nonsense.

Gao Chao nodded, and said: "That means you have a sudden enlightenment. Very good, Yang Xi, your operation is very beautiful, just like I said in the operating room, if you can practice the basic skills of closing the abdomen proficiently Some words, it would be more perfect."


This reason sounds good, and when Comrade Lao Lin asked, he used it as a prevarication.

Yang Xi took a puff of cigarette, nodded and said, "Well, thank you Brother Chao for your advice, I will definitely work hard."

Gao Chao said: "Then what, I think you should not go back today, sleep in the duty room, maybe there will be emergency surgery at night, if there is any, I will let you perform the surgery."

Yang Xi thought to himself, the cash in my system is no longer enough to buy another skill card, how can you ask me to perform another operation?Unless, the young master has created all the remaining chances of the lottery... blood loss!Never do it!

"I live not far from the hospital, Brother Chao, you can call anytime, and I'll just come over at any time." It is obviously inappropriate to directly refuse Gao Ming's kindness, Yang Xi can only prevaricate, thinking in his heart, he will give the phone to him later. Closed, even if there is an emergency operation, you will not be able to find Xiaoye.

Gao Chao didn't force it, just nodded casually, then turned his head and continued to read his "Practical Medical English".

(End of this chapter)

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