I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 118 Still Boss, You Understand Me

Chapter 118 Still Boss, You Understand Me

No. 5 pushes the ball to the frontcourt.

Yang Xi ran to catch the ball, and Lian Xiangdong immediately set up a screen. Outside the three-point line, Yang Xi jumped up.

The basketball draws a beautiful arc.


Hollow into the net.

Immediately there were two sounds [Ding! 】

The opponent attacked and was intercepted by Lian Xiangdong at the top of the arc. Yang Xi suddenly rushed out like a ghost, stealing the ball, one-stop, and then chased for 2 points.

There were two more [Ding! ] sounded.

The opponent failed to make a strong attack, Gao Yong grabbed the rebound, Yang Xi appeared in time, wanted to pass the ball, and quickly advanced to the three-point line. Facing the opponent's timely defense, he pretended to force a three-point shot, but the opponent jumped up. When blocking, he turned around, rushed to the basket, made a layup with a low hand, and scored another 2 points.

In the ear, two [Ding! 】Sent in time.


The first half was coming to an end, and there were less than 20 seconds left, just enough for the city hospital's last attack.

At this moment, the score was tied at 26. On the municipal hospital side, everyone hoped that before the end of the first half, they could overtake the District Hospital United.

With Yang Xi on the court, No. 5, who acts as a point guard, is full of confidence. He dribbles the ball on the spot three steps away from the top of the arc without rushing or rushing.

He needs to consume a few more seconds, and then pass the ball to Yang Xi, who will complete the final blow in the first half.

The team members of the district hospital team had been beaten into a state of bewilderment long ago. At this moment, they were like fish and meat, willing to be slaughtered instead of daring to fight to the death.

On the sidelines, all the audience, brackets, except Ling Ran, held their breath, waiting for Yang Xi's final move.

The second hand of the timer reached the last five frames, and Yang Xi suddenly started it, throwing off the defenders.

At the same time, Lian inserted horizontally to the east, forming a barrier only after Yang Xi received the ball.

However, the moment Yang Xi caught the ball, an accident happened.

I don't know if Yang Xi was too anxious or if he didn't move well or if there was some foreign object on the field that affected him. In short, Yang Xi actually slipped and fell when he was catching the ball and changing direction.

Also, it looked like he had hurt his ankle.


The final whistle of the first half sounded on time.

The other 4 players on the field of the Municipal Hospital also came to Yang Xi's side in time, and the off-field substitutes also rushed to the field.

The audience on the sidelines all raised their hearts to their throats, hoping that the kid just fell and nothing serious happened, and he could still play in the second half.

In the next second, everyone was disappointed.

Yang Xi was actually supported by Lian Xiangdong and No. 5, and returned to the rest area with one foot hopping.

Dean Wu couldn't hold back, and came to the team rest area again.

"How is it? Is it badly hurt?"

Gao Yong remained silent.

Lian Xiangdong sighed.

The two on the 5th and 7th shook their heads.

Only Yang Xi was smiling.

Just now, because the audience suddenly fell from the high point of extreme excitement to the state of worry and disappointment, he made a lot of charm points again.

Damn, why did he say that Xiaoye's acting skills are not good, it's because the scene is wrong, okay, look, didn't Xiaoye deceive all of this?
"It's okay, Dean Wu, my ankle has been injured for a long time, and I can recover after a short rest."

Dean Wu looked around and said anxiously: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and find some ice cubes for Xiao Yang!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Liu Yiyi running over panting, holding a plastic bag in his hand.

"I bought popsicles, Yang Xi, put them on quickly." Liu Yiyi squatted in front of Yang Xi, wrapped the popsicles with a towel, and personally made ice compresses for Yang Xi.

On the opposite side, in the stands, Ling Ran's face was livid, and he got up and left without saying a word.

Yang Xi wanted to pretend for a while, but Liu Yiyi squatted beside him, and the fragrance went straight into his nostrils, causing those images before his nap to reappear in his mind.

not good!

The tent is about to be pitched!
Unable to accept Liu Yiyi's attentive care, Yang Xi hurriedly turned over and stood up, using the excuse of trying to hurt his ankle, half bent over to cover up his nasty physiological reaction.

"Thank you, I've troubled you. However, my injury is old and I don't need ice compresses. I'll be fine after a while of rest and exercise." As he spoke, Yang Xi stomped his feet and finally straightened up. come.

Laymen just watched the excitement, including Dean Wu, but seeing that Yang Xi was safe and sound, they relaxed, and returned to their seats after they dispersed.

But for a person like Gao Yong, he couldn't help but have doubts.

Regardless of whether he has an old injury or a new one, it is all injuries. If he really hurt his ankle, would he recover so quickly?

Looking at Yang Xi again, he really looked like he was recovering, Gao Yong seemed to have figured it out, the worry on his face instantly turned into anger, the anger only lasted for a second, and then turned into a helpless wry smile.

This kid, why are there so many fancy intestines in his stomach?

Seeing Yang Xi standing up again and stomping his feet, the audience on the sidelines realized that the core player of the municipal hospital was not injured and could still fight hard in the second half, and everyone's mood immediately improved.I don't know who it was, and they took the lead in applauding. For a while, there were many followers, and the applause was thunderous.

Yang Xi smiled and waved in all directions.

Even Xiang Dong seemed to understand, and couldn't help but cast a disdainful glance at Yang Xi, and muttered, "Is it interesting?"

Gao Yong responded with a smile: "Yang Xi is a person who keeps his promise. He agreed to tie the score in the first half. If he overtakes, wouldn't he become a villain who doesn't count?"

Yang Xichou shamelessly gave Gao Yong a thumbs up, and praised: "Boss, you understand me."

Fight again in the second half.

Yang Xi was even more vigorous, with a three-pointer on the left and a breakthrough on the right. He had a great time and even made an alley-oop with No. 7.On the other hand, the district hospital team is like eggplants that have been beaten by frost, they don’t pull a few, they rely on their eyes to defend, and they rely on blindness to attack. If there is a rule of throwing a white towel and surrendering, they probably have already taken the white towels they brought. All the towels were thrown on the field.

The emotions of the audience have been mobilized to a high point, and it has always remained high.

In this way, the fluctuation is very small, and the charm value contributed to Yang Xi is not much, but these are not important anymore, because the two big dramas staged before have already made Yang Xi a lot of money.

In the fourth quarter, Yang Xi simply stopped shooting and just fed the ball.

As a result, Gao Yong's scoring broke through double digits, and the No. 5 and No. 7 also scored several goals. Even Xiangdong made consecutive shots with penalties and scored 7 points.

The game is finally over.

70: 28.

Throughout the second half, the District Hospital United only scored 2 points, but lost by 42 points.

If you count the 16 points leading before, after Yang Xi came on stage, they actually lost 58 points.Of the 58 points, at least half of them were scored by that kid surnamed Yang with various unreasonable tricks.

hate it!

The group of people in the district hospital looked at Yang Xi when they left, and they all carried knives.

 Going to drink... Now the ticket sales rank is 429, and we can advance to 100 tonight, and we will double the number tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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