I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 104 The First Confusion

Chapter 104

Zhang Yao snorted twice, did not smell alcohol, but his face was extremely serious, and asked, "Doctor Lian, have you really been drinking?" Zhang Yao had a cold and stuffy nose these two days, and Lian Xiang There is still some distance between the east and him, and it is normal not to smell the wine.

Lian Xiangdong argued, "Listen to his nonsense."

Zhang Yao looked at the time, stood up and said, "It's almost time, I should go to the front, you two go to the operating room and wait. Doctor Lian, if you really drank, I advise you not to have the operation With so many wounded, there must be a general mobilization over the operating room, and Sister Meng will definitely rush over."

Upon hearing Sister Meng's name, Lian Xiangdong couldn't help but shiver.

There are more than 300 surgical doctors in the hospital, except for a few department directors and chief physicians, there is no Sister Meng who dare not scold them in the face.If a doctor with Lian Xiangdong's qualifications was caught by Sister Meng and entered the operating room after drinking, his ears would probably be torn into eight pieces.

After Zhang Yao left, Lian Xiangdong suddenly showed a bitter face.

Two mournful eyes fell on Yang Xi's face, and he refused to move for a long time.

Yang Xi shrugged and said with a smile, "Blame me."

Even Xiang Dongyou sighed, and said: "Xi Shao, Brother Suan, I beg you, okay?"

Yang Xi responded: "Please, I have a use? Do you think the young master has much face in front of Sister Meng?"

Lian Xiangdong sighed again, and said: "As long as you, Young Master Xi, don't stab Brother in the back, Brother will have a way to deal with Big Sister Meng."

Yang Xi took a deep breath, and said: "It stands to reason that when we are brothers, I should have stabbed your old butt, but, I am a good doctor who is dedicated to his duties, so this will help you lie... ..."

Lian Xiangdong understood in seconds, and immediately stretched out a finger, saying, "How about a cigarette?"

Yang Xi said: "At least two."

Lian Xiangdong changed his fingers and greeted Yang Xi: "Deal!"

After high-fiving, Lian Xiangdong immediately opened the desk cabinet, took out two three-fives, and threw them to Yang Xi.

Yang Xi rolled her eyes, Niederma, I forgot to emphasize the standard, these two three-fives are not as good as one big tribute.

Yang Xi, who suffered a dark loss, kept his face, put away the two three-fives, and went to the operating room together with Lian Xiangdong.

Lian Xiangdong's method of deceiving Sister Meng is very simple, put on two layers of masks in advance, and sprinkle some medical alcohol in the middle, so that no one who smells it can't tell that the smell of alcohol is actually mixed with beer smell.

As for the reason, even Xiangdong was prepared: "I have a cold, sprinkle some alcohol to kill the bacteria."

Yang Xi's explanation followed was more convincing: "Even the doctor got angry and had bad breath, the smell was too strong, and he felt suffocated even from a long distance."

Lian Xiangdong glared, but Head Nurse Meng believed Yang Xi, smiled and said to Lian Xiangdong, "You young people, don't believe in traditional Chinese medicine, let's drink some Radix Banlangen, it clears away heat and fire, and the effect is very good. "

Having passed the level of Head Nurse Meng, even Xiang Dong was annoyed by the next scene before he had time to rejoice.

This bastard, Yang Xi, actually has his own exclusive wardrobe! ?

Find someone to reason with!

Depressed, Lian Xiangdong glanced at Yang Xi again, and immediately found a reason to feel relieved, Lao Tzu is a human being, and that bastard is a demon, how can a human be compared with a demon?It's too cheap, isn't it.

Here I changed into the clothes of the operating room, and outside, the leaders of various departments came one after another.Yang Xi is probably not familiar with these big shots, so he can only pick up a few undergraduate doctors he knows to say hello.

Lian Xiangdong finally won against Yang Xi once, and there was no one he didn't know among the bigwigs in this hospital.

More than [-] directors, deputy directors and senior attending doctors were all crowded in the waiting room, smoking, drinking tea and talking about the mountains. Before the wounded arrived, they could only wait patiently.

There are still more than a dozen junior residents who are not eligible to enter the waiting room, and can only talk in twos and threes in the corridor of the operating room.

In such a battle, not to mention even Xiangdong, even Yang Xi, somewhat had the blood-boiling feeling of soldiers waiting for the charge horn to blow.

The automatic door of the operating room opened again, Director Ma appeared, and the corridor in the operating room suddenly fell silent. In the lounge, the big guys saw the golden body of Director Ma through the glass door, and hurriedly Get up and greet.

The little old man in Modu changed from his usual cheerful smile, his face was clouded, and there was a little worry between his brows.Leaving aside the young doctor in the corridor, Director Ma went straight to the lounge.

"The alarm is off, everyone should disperse!" Director Ma Da took the cigarette from another director and lit it.

The director who handed the cigarettes asked at the same time: "What's the matter, have you been cut off again?"

Director Ma said angrily: "They can do this kind of thing even if they don't care about the danger of the wounded!"

Director Ni Jianping of the Department of Neurosurgery said, "The 120 gang's grandchildren are getting more and more outrageous. Since they didn't intend to give it to us, why did they notify us?"

Director Ma sighed, and said: "It's really not 120's fault. The engineering team of the party responsible for the accident also bought commercial insurance in addition to compulsory traffic insurance. If not, the insurance company will refuse to pay, alas, forget it, it’s useless to talk more, it’s a waste of energy.”

In the corridor outside the lounge, Lian Xiangdong could hear clearly, his face, which was originally as bright as the morning sun, was instantly covered with dark clouds.Is the two cigarettes that co-authored with Lao Tzu counted as feeding the dog?

to come back!
Lian Xiangdong glanced at Yang Xi next to him, hesitated for a second, and dismissed the unrealistic thought just now.That bastard surnamed Yang cannibalizes people without spitting out his bones, so if he gets the cigarettes in his hand, can he still ask for them back?
Yang Xi also heard the conversation in the lounge.

This news was neither good nor bad for him. As he had thought before, in such a battle, the little doctor would just do the work of pulling hooks and sewing skins.Yang Xi would not worry about losing the battle if he wanted to take the limelight, but if he did this, he would definitely get strange looks. After all, being a doctor is about seniority, if a little doctor with a one-year seniority steals the limelight from the attending directors , Then, in the next few days, there will be plenty of my own little shoes to wear.

Yang Xi, who should have been thankful, was not happy at all, and Director Ma's words were always lingering in his mind: Seek far away, and ignore the danger of the wounded.

Since the society is like this, it is all about profit first, see through it, adapt to this society, and rely on your own ability to play tricks, you will definitely be able to make a fortune and gain both fame and fortune, but is this the life you want?

It seems to be, it seems not to be.

Yang Xi was confused for the first time in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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