Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 99 Do I Look Like "Uncle"?

Chapter 99 Do I Look Like "Uncle"?
"By the way, can I ask you something?"

Yang Zhengdong talked to Liang Yalin while eating.

"What's the matter? Tell me first!"

Liang Yalin raised her head in doubt and asked.

"Help me watch get out of class in the afternoon. I'm going to the county seat. The school holds a graduation ceremony tomorrow. I don't think I'll be back until Sunday!"

Yang Zhengdong said while eating.

"Me? Can it work? I can't tell the things you teach!"

When Liang Yalin heard that she was asked to help substitute for the class, she suddenly felt at a loss.

If it's just a simple substitute class, she thinks it's okay to teach elementary school students.

Isn't he just a bunch of brats, he'll be done following the book, he's also a top student in middle school, he doesn't seem like he's playing in elementary school.

But after listening to Yang Zhengdong's class today, she found that what she thought was simple.

It is impossible for her to tell what Yang Zhengdong taught. This is a difference in rank and a difference in realm. Efforts are useless!
"Who told you to give lectures, you think too highly of your own level! I prepared it a long time ago. I mainly let them do the questions in the afternoon. I have finished the courseware. You can just stare at them and show them with a projector. , Let them copy it down as homework on Saturday and Sunday!"

Yang Zhengdong couldn't help laughing, and then said teasingly.

"Yang Zhengdong, is this how you beg for help? Am I as bad as you say?"

Liang Yalin was naturally dissatisfied, she stretched out her paws like a little tiger and was about to scratch, with a garlic moss stuffed in her mouth, Yang Zhengdong almost burst out laughing watching it.

"I was wrong, I was wrong! Isn't it okay that you are so talented in the big class? But I really don't need you to teach the class, just let them copy the exercises."

Yang Zhengdong held back a smile and explained again.

"On this matter, don't worry, leave it to me!"

Liang Yalin did not continue to use the "two-finger meditation", but readily agreed.

"Well, I'll tell you how to use the projector later!"

This projector is now the most precious piece of teaching equipment in Mengxi Village Primary School. It was brought by Ma Qianli last time. It is not much different from the teaching projector used in the previous life. It can be used for film or connected to a computer.

Yang Zhengdong has used it a few times. Although it is not as smart as the projection used in his previous life, and the definition is not as high, it must be said that it is definitely more cutting-edge in this era.

He built the PPT software by himself, made several sets of test courseware, and taught Liang Yalin to let her broadcast it and copy it for the children. This job can be done by ordinary people.

Whoever asked Liang Yalin to deliver it to her door by herself, if she didn't catch a strong man, she would be sorry for her "coming to guide" today.

After noon, Yang Zhengdong explained to Liang Yalin how to connect to the projector and how to play the PPT courseware, and then rode "Huanyu" to the village under the sun.

The shuttle bus went to the county once an hour, and Yang Zhengdong bought a ticket in the village and got on the bus.

There were so many people going to the county seat today, he didn't take the seat, so he could only stand in the car and be made into "sardine cans".

People who have taken this kind of urban and rural shuttle bus probably have unforgettable memories for a lifetime, which really tests people's self-cultivation.

Especially in summer when the shuttle bus does not have air conditioning, now Yang Zhengdong hastily filled his nostrils with all kinds of strange smells, the smell of sweat is sour, the smell of feet coming out of cloth shoes, the most troublesome thing is that I don’t know who has body odor, That smell... really tested the sense of smell.

Yang Zhengdong's head was dizzy from the smoke, and the two girls next to him in the school uniform of the village were also tightly covering their mouths and noses. It seemed that they had left for the county to take the high school entrance examination in advance.

In the crowded carriage, those who were squeezed were stumbling around, Yang Zhengdong saw the situation, and carefully opened a small space for them, so that the two little girls could not be squeezed down.

Feeling that the surroundings were not so crowded, one of the little girls looked around suspiciously, and when she saw the space Yang Zhengdong had opened for them with both hands, she gave a grateful look.

Yang Zhengdong also smiled slightly, it's just a matter of passing, it will make them arrive at the county town a little more comfortably, and it will also leave a good impression for the high school entrance examination in this life.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when the shuttle bus arrived at the county seat.

Linchuan County is located at the junction of plains and mountains. The scorching sun shone on the body, and the skin of people who were roasted was a little painful.

Mengxi Village is better, even in the midsummer season, there is a cool breeze, unlike here, the sun is so strong that it can burn people to death.

Yang Zhengdong complained a few words in his heart, got off the car and was about to walk out of the station, when footsteps came from behind, Yang Zhengdong stopped and looked back, it turned out that it was the two little girls who came in the same car.

"Big brother, thank you!"

One of the little girls with a pretty baby face was panting slightly, her face was flushed, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead to express her gratitude to him.

"You're welcome, are you two here to take the senior high school entrance examination?"

Yang Zhengdong said with a smile and waved his hands.

"Yeah, let's come one day in advance to familiarize ourselves with the exam room. This time we will take the exam at No. [-] Middle School!"

The little girl relaxed and said with a smile.

"Okay, then I wish you good grades in the exam!"

"Thank you brother! Can I ask what your name is?"

"Huh? My name is Yang Zhengdong, from Mengxi Village!"

"Brother Zhengdong, hello! We are from Pingnan. My name is Feng Wenjing, and his name is Feng Shaoran. What is my brother doing in the county? Could it be the high school entrance exam?"

The little girl Feng Wenjing was more outgoing, but Feng Shaoran next to her was quieter, and Feng Wenjing who opened up the chatterbox kept asking questions.

"I'm here to attend the graduation ceremony and receive the graduation certificate. Why do I still have to take the high school entrance examination at my age!"

Yang Zhengdong smiled, he didn't notice just now, in fact, these two girls are quite beautiful, Feng Wenjing has a baby face and short hair, Feng Shaoran has an oval face and long ponytail, both of them exude a kind of youthful atmosphere.

"My brother doesn't look much older than us, does he?"

"Wow, I'm almost three...twenty, where are you going? Do you want me to see you off?"

Yang Zhengdong almost said that he used to say that he was almost thirty in his previous life, but he didn't arrive here, so he quickly changed his words and said that he was almost twenty.

"We live at my aunt's house in Yucai Street, and it's close to the test center tomorrow!"

Deng Wenjing replied with a smile.

"Then let's go together, I happen to be going to Yucai Street too!"

Yang Zhengdong planned to visit Wang Dong's pan noodle restaurant.

Yucai Street is very close to the station, and it takes only ten minutes to walk there. Yang Zhengdong took the two girls while walking and chatting.

Deng Wenjing is cheerful and generous, Feng Shaoran is quiet and introverted, Yang Zhengdong feels that the two girls should switch their names, and it is more appropriate for Feng Shaoran to be called Wenjing.

When he arrived at Wang Dong's shop, Yang Zhengdong found that Wang Dong was sleeping at the counter. The shop had doubled in size at some point, and now there were at least forty or fifty tables.

"Get up!"

Yang Zhengdong tapped his fingers on the counter and shouted.

"Ah? Ah! Who is it?"

Wang Dong suddenly stood up from the chair, and kept asking questions before he opened his eyes.

"I said, what are you doing? It's like being kicked out by eighteen sows all night."

Yang Zhengdong looked at the dark circles on his face and asked narrowly.

"Get out, you were kicked out by a sow! I'm tired, why did you come to the county seat? You didn't say anything in advance!"

Wang Dong rubbed his eyes, saw Yang Zhengdong with a smirk on his face, and replied angrily.

"I'm here to get my graduation certificate. The school will hold a graduation ceremony tomorrow. What's the matter with you? Do you want to go and see?"

Yang Zhengdong asked again.

"No, it's just that I can't sleep well. During this period of time, the weather is warm, and I eat a lot at night. I have to work until two or three o'clock every day. After closing the stall, I have to make stewed soup. Basically, I only sleep for two hours. I can't get my spirits up."

As Wang Dong spoke, his eyelids began to fight again, and his voice became weak.

"Then can't you not open the door in the morning? There are not many people in the morning, and you can't make enough money. If this continues, you can bear it. These people in your store can't stand it either!"

Looking at the listless Wang Dong, Yang Zhengdong said angrily.

"Hey, let's talk about this first. Many regular customers like to come here for a bowl of noodles in the morning. It's hard to say that the door won't be open! Eh? Who are these two beauties?"

Wang Dong was originally in a low mood, but when he saw Yang Zhengdong followed by two young girls with delicate features and youthful features, he suddenly felt like chicken blood.

His eyes were opened, his energy level was full, his back was straightened, and he asked with a big smile like a chrysanthemum.

"Hello, Uncle! We are Brother Yang's friends, we are from Ping'an Township!"

Feng Wenjing took the initiative to say hello politely.

"What? I look like an uncle?!"

When Wang Dong heard Feng Wenjing's words, his eyes were like a bull's-eye. He looked around himself up and down before he asked in disbelief.

"Haha... oh, what a picture!"

Yang Zhengdong patted the counter, laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how old you are, you don't look like me, do you?"

Feng Wenjing looked at Wang Dong carefully and said in a low voice.

Feng Shaoran who was next to him saw that his uncle's face had changed from black to red and then purple, as if he was singing an opera, so he quickly pulled Feng Wenjing's sleeve to signal her to stop talking.

"Okay, I almost died laughing! Fatty, pay attention to your image in the future, you have not yet married a wife, you will be upgraded to an uncle, be careful not to find a wife and be whipped by your grandfather with the sole of your shoe!"

Yang Zhengdong laughed for a long time before he straightened up and said, and then he couldn't help laughing again.

The old branch secretary is a patriarchal grandfather, and because Wang Dong was mischievous when he was a child, he often suffered from the soles of the old man's shoes.

"Huh, forget it, these two little girls have learned badly from you, hurry up and sit down, I'll let someone cook noodles for you!"

Wang Dong exhaled heavily, and waved weakly to let them in.

"Okay, let's see if your Chef Wang's skills have improved!"

Yang Zhengdong walked into the shop with two maids, Feng Wenjing carefully pulled his clothes, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, did I say something wrong?"

Yang Zhengdong looked at the nervousness of the little girl, and couldn't help laughing again: "It's okay, it's fine, your Uncle Wang will cook us Pan Mee later, the Pan Mee he made is quite delicious!"

After speaking, I couldn't help but laugh again. If this "meme" is passed back to the village, it is estimated that those three aunts and six wives can chat for a whole year.

Wang Dong's speed is very fast, and two dishes of side dishes are delivered within 2 minutes.

"Huh? Fatty, where did you get this little dish? It's delicious!"

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(End of this chapter)

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