Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 524 Life is like a play, you and I are in it

Chapter 524 Life is like a play, you and I are in it

In the quiet room of Xianshan Temple, Yang Zhengdong slowly made tea.

He has been here many times, and he drank a lot of the tea that the old monk treasured.

Of course, no one would care about such an order of tea. After all, Ma Qianli used trucks to deliver tea to the temple in his later years.

It is estimated that it will not be finished even if it is drunk for another 20 years. He helped digest some of it to keep the tea from expiring.

"System, we've been together for decades, and you haven't told me your background!"

Yang Zhengdong gently picked up the teacup, sipped the tea and chatted with the system.

Since the age of 30, the system has rarely made a sound.

Unexpectedly, decades later, the system took the initiative to find him again.

Of course, it was more of small talk, and Yang Zhengdong was happy to chat with him.

After all, at this age, there are fewer and fewer people who can speak.

Let alone shared experiences.

Stealing other people's tea was also instigated by the system. Yang Zhengdong even suspected that if he drank it, it meant that the system had also drunk it.

But over the years, he is still very interested in the origin of the system.

Want to know who made this guy and what is the purpose?
And with such a great ability and endless knowledge, although he has become much more indifferent these years and no longer pursues omnipotence, he still has a little curiosity in his heart.

"Not yet!"

The system said with a hint of melancholy in its mind.

"I'm already at this age, and it's not time yet? Then you can't wait until I die, can you tell me?"

Yang Zhengdong didn't care too much, after all, this topic has been discussed many times.

"Almost, it should be almost time!"

The system said again with regret.

Yang Zhengdong feels that it is feeling something, but a system is still feeling, it is not a human being, and it still has feelings for him?

Thinking of Yang Zhengdong, he shivered.

Don't fall in love with me, anyway, Mr. Yang is a straight man, a straight man with integrity.

But he immediately smirked and gave himself a sip, this is really something wrong.

Life in old age is not easy!
"I said that you have a system, and you make yourself like a human every day, is it appropriate?"

Yang Zhengdong laughed, and began to raise the bar with the system.

When I was young, I never won a fight with it, and now I have to make up for it as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if one day you fall down, or if you become demented due to confusion, then the corners of your mouth will be drooling, and you will have no chance to compete.

"I'm a high-intelligence system, okay? Do you feel satisfied in your whole life?"

It was rare for the system not to compete with him, but to ask him proactively.

"It's not bad! I have done everything that should be done, and I have seen the prosperity that I should have seen. At least I have not forgotten my original intention and forged ahead. I don't think there are too many regrets in life!"

Yang Zhengdong picked up the teacup again, and said in a chatting manner.

"You can actually use me to make greater achievements. Up to now, your reputation as a famous teacher is enough to do a lot of things. At least there is no problem for you to dominate half of the industry. Why didn't you do it?"

The system's tone was a little puzzled, a little satisfied, and a little relaxed.

"I'm pretty good now, and I'm not short of money, so why do you have to do something like 'controlling hegemony'? Although you are a master teacher of the Myriad Dao System, I have always regarded myself as an ordinary teacher. What I want to do is to be a good teacher, let the children learn the corresponding knowledge, and strive for their bright future and happy life. As for how much these children can do when they grow up and enter various industries, that is I need them to apply what they have learned and act accordingly, so why should I intervene in everything?"

"Spicy chicken, I haven't called you that for many years! Although I don't know who created you, and I don't know how much you have, but I don't think you understand the word 'famous teacher' in your name. Teacher Preaching, teaching, and dispelling doubts, you can’t be called a "famous teacher" unless you have a selfless heart. I can use you to become the richest man in the world, and I can also dominate various profitable industries as you said. But that is just a An excellent businessman has nothing to do with a teacher. I hope that with my efforts, there will be excellent and down-to-earth talents from all walks of life. Even if they sell vegetables in the vegetable market, they can do their part for the country and come here in vain. If you go through the world once, you will not lament that your life has been meaningless when you are dying."

Yang Zhengdong leaned against the wall of the quiet room, as if he was talking to himself, and seemed to be summarizing his life.

He didn't hear the system's response, so he chuckled lightly, and said with a sigh of relief, "Teachers value morality, practice, long-term, and inheritance, and they must respect the laws of nature. I can use you to speed up the development of Blue Star Technology by a hundred years." , but so what? Maybe under the rapid development, human beings will destroy the previous civilization with their own hands because of the lack of values. Why don’t I work hard to establish a growth system so that talents who enter various industries in the future can become virtuous? People with skills, intelligence, goals and integrity. They will use their talents and hard work to push human beings to develop in a better direction step by step, and they will also push Blue Star to move in a more stable direction. Since it is possible to , why do I have to intervene and do it myself? As long as the foundation is laid well, this is called a 'famous teacher', or what a teacher should do."

"This is how I understand it. If your procedure has other explanations, you can continue to follow it, but I will definitely do what I want."

Yang Zhengdong picked up the teacup and drank it in small sips.

After finishing speaking, there was no reply from the system, as if it had disappeared.

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Zhengdong was ready to go home.

The system said sadly: "You are right! What a 'famous teacher' does in his life should not be for himself, but for the better continuation of human civilization and the smooth advancement of human destiny. Thank you for today! "

"Why are you so crazy? A system really wants to be a philosopher?"

Yang Zhengdong smiled and began to tease the system.

"You don't understand! In the whole test, I was the only one who paid the least, but gained the most. During the decades of being with you, I did gain something that I didn't expect. It was you who made me truly know what a 'teacher' is, so , thank you very much!"

"No, who made you out? What are you doing? How many others of the same kind?"

"I can't tell you now, because I still want to stay with you for a while, and I will tell you everything when the time comes!"

After the system finished speaking, it stopped talking, and Yang Zhengdong rolled his eyes helplessly.

This f*cking broken system is also too individual.

However, there is still useful information, and the system will disappear after saying the purpose.

It would be better not to mention, he is also used to the existence of the system.

We have been friends for many years.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Zhengdong was already dying.

It is nearly a hundred years old, and human beings are still developing vigorously.

He stayed in Mengxi Village in his last years. When he was free, he liked to stand on the roof and watch Mengxi.

Many confidantes and old friends did not survive the ruthless years and became pictures hanging on the wall.

Ma Qianli, Lin Yujiao, Guo Huaian, Yang Gaizhi, Teacher Qian, Lao Zhu, Wang Dong, Wang Hao, Li Haoran, Julia, Ma Qingyuan, Ma Jie, Jin Shan, Li Hong, and Wang Dong all passed away.

Ten years ago, Liang Yalin left!
Eight years ago, Tong Yaojia left!
Five years ago, Wang Xiaoru left!
Three years ago, sister Yuanyuan also left!

Before leaving, Yuanyuan took his hand and said that she was very lucky in this life.

Yang Zhengdong didn't cry, he just held her hand for a long time.

In fact, the luckiest one is him, let him be loved, helped, and cared for
The little chubby girl who can always take out snacks from her pocket, the innocent girl I met for the first time on campus.

That stupid girl who chased the police car and shed tears into the sky, that woman who took care of him all his life.

Along the way, every bit of it is moving.
He no longer went to Xianshan Temple because he couldn't walk anymore.

No matter how good your body is, you have to get old. Now I climb to the top of the building every day and sit on it to watch Mengxi Lake.

The mountain is still the same mountain, the water is still the same water, and Mengxi Village is still the same Mengxi Village.

It is still fish jumping in the clear stream, birds singing in the mountains and forests, and the children are still so happy after school.

He likes to sit and watch quietly like this, watching generations of people go through their lives.

"Grandpa, it's windy up there, go back to your room early."

A middle-aged woman came over and put a blanket on him.

This girl is his granddaughter Yang Mengxi, who is also a teacher now.

Continue to stand on the three-foot podium, teaching and educating people conscientiously.

"It's okay, grandpa likes to sit here, the kids are out of school?"

Yang Zhengdong smiled, and continued to look at Mengxi Lake under the setting sun and asked.

"Well, I guess they'll be here in a while."

"It's fine, I just like them coming."

Yang Zhengdong responded casually with a kind smile.

"Grandpa, grandpa, here we come!"

A group of seven or eight-year-old children ran up, laughing and laughing around the side.

"Grandpa, tell us the story of Hope School?"

"Yeah, we really like to hear you tell the original story!"

The children said in a hurry.

"Okay, let me tell you something!"

Yang Zhengdong looked at the children and started talking with an expression of reminiscence.

The opening of Mengxi Village Primary School, nutritious meals for children.

Go to Huangsha Village in the northwest and Hope School in the deep mountains.

It's like a long river of time, flowing slowly from my heart.

The countless people and things in this long river are like a picture scroll being drawn.

They tell their stories and write their historical facts.

"Grandpa, are you a teacher too?"

"Of course, many years ago, I was the only substitute teacher in the village!"

"What is a substitute teacher?"

"The substitute teacher is"

Yang Zhengdong couldn't help smiling, as if at this age, what he missed the most was the time when he was a class teacher.

"A substitute teacher is also a teacher. As long as you have a heart of teaching and educating people, you are a real teacher!"

The children dispersed, and Yang Zhengdong watched the sunset slowly sinking behind the mountain.

I couldn't help but sighed, everything was like a dream.

"System, is it time now?"

"It's here, I should leave too."

The old voice of the system came from the mind.

"Actually, I really want to know, who are you? Who am I?"

"Does it even matter now? You are you and I am me, and we all have a memory!"

"But if I don't get an answer, I always feel a little regretful, so let's talk about it!"

Yang Zhengdong leaned back on the chair and asked with a calm smile.

"Life is a game, you and I are in the game!"

"What do you mean? Don't tell me this is really a dream?"

"Is dream and reality important? For you and me, experience is the best!"

"Yeah, we all got what we wanted."

Yang Zhengdong looked at the sunset glow gradually fading in the sky, smiled and closed his eyes.

"Dear passengers and friends, our flight has arrived at its destination safely"

【End of the book】

(End of this chapter)

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