Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 516 A knot in the heart

Chapter 516 A knot in my heart
Seeing them listening carefully, Yang Zhengdong also sat up straight.

"The development of education models at each stage of development actually needs to be determined according to national conditions and national development, and both economic and social factors need to be considered. For example, under the current actual situation, our ordinary colleges and universities are already very sufficient, and even feel a little redundant. .Many children finish college, go to graduate school or study for a Ph.D., and even choose to study abroad in order to learn more knowledge, find a better job, and realize life value and life goals.”

"But on the contrary, many children are reluctant to choose grassroots jobs. After all, they have to pay a certain amount of physical labor. Coupled with the development of urbanization, many older generations are facing retirement, and there is a fault problem that we have been solving all these years. .So what is needed now is a large number of young laborers to master professional skills, and then enter grassroots jobs in various industries to fill this gap and allow the country's various industries to develop in an orderly manner."

Yang Zhengdong paused for a while, and continued: "But in the long run, we still need a large number of high-tech talents to promote the overall development of our country's technology, economy, and society. As long as we consider the development of the country, find problems appropriately, and adjust Just solve it. Counting the development of any country, it is the same path.”

"Our Huaxia has reached the level it is now, and we have been moving forward through exploration. As long as we firmly believe that the purpose of education is for children and for the overall development of the country, I believe that the direction will not go astray! We can't feel that we are going the right way ahead, for fear of the future If we go astray, let's not go forward, right?"

Yang Zhengdong said to Tian Shuquan with a smile.

"You are right. It is true that you can't dare to walk just because you are walking the right way! I also firmly believe that our country is getting better and better, and all children can get a better future through education. Of course, this also requires countless The joint efforts of like-minded people, the second thing is, I want to hire you as a special advisor to the National Education Reform Commission, what do you think?"

Tian Shuquan nodded and asked him with a smile.

"Isn't this a bit high? As a consultant, I'm afraid of being told that I can take care of it, so I ask!"

Yang Zhengdong joked with him with a wry smile.

"Consultant, just ask if you can! There are no restrictions. When the country needs education adjustments, we hope to get your advice. In addition, if you find problems with our policies, report them directly. Don't make us open our eyes." Just be blind!"

Tian Shuquan said sincerely.

"If you don't want to be a consultant, I will too!"

"If someone is willing to pay you an extra salary, just take it!"

Guo Liang didn't make a sound for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it.

"How embarrassing that is!"

Yang Zhengdong rolled his eyes and said to Guo Liang.

"Just to make you feel sorry!"

Tian Shuquan directly took the words and said.

"Okay, but the salary is fine. I was joking just now. I am a teacher. I definitely hope that the country's education will get better and better. This is a duty, and I don't care about the salary!"

Yang Zhengdong smiled and agreed.

"The main reason is that you are not short of money!"

Guo Liang stood up again to make up the knife.

There was laughter all around the woods.

In the following time, Yang Zhengdong went around the country and visited almost all the hope schools, talking with the management and teachers of the schools, eliminating the psychological concerns of the teachers, and facilitating future handovers.

It is also an inventory of his many years of carrying out the Hope Project.

In the past 20 years, many teachers have gone from their youthful years to their gray temples.

Many people have dedicated their best years in the mountains and in the frontiers.

They even became a family, had children, and settled down in a difficult environment.

These people are all projects of the country, and they are also friends that Yang Zhengdong never dares to forget.

Without the dedication of these teachers, Hope Project would not have developed.

It is these people who have formed the steel backbone of Project Hope.

In the mountains of Qianzhou, Yang Zhengdong accidentally met Ma Liran and Feng Lin.

Feng Lin herself is much older than him, and although she is well maintained, she is already in her 50s.

Over the years, Ma Liran has also changed from a domineering female president to an intellectual and elegant middle-aged woman.

At this time, she was also the mother of two children, but she and Guo Deguang still got together less and separated more.

Both of them are ambitious, and they are busy with their own growing careers.

Seeing Yang Zhengdong coming and knowing why he came, Ma Liran was the first to burst into tears.

When it comes to who has contributed the most to Project Hope, Yang Zhengdong thinks that Ma Liran must be one of the candidates.

The Hope Fund is the support behind the Hope Project. All the early stages are the employees of the Hope Fund. After stepping on each site and then finalizing it, there is the Hope School behind.

Before the construction of Hope School, the most original appearance, Hope Fund is also the first to see.

What these people put in is not only energy and years, but also a sincere kindness.

"Sister Liran, there is no poverty in the country anymore, we should be happy! Isn't this always our hope?"

Yang Zhengdong can only persuade women, no matter how strong they are, there will always be times when they are vulnerable.

"I know, but I just can't bear it!"

Ma Liran was crying, and Feng Lin couldn't help wiping her tears.

"The country is developing and will get better in the future!"

"Then what will our foundation do in the future?"

"Ignite the fire of hope for the children of all mankind. Do you think this goal is big enough?"

One sentence from Yang Zhengdong turned what Ma Liran said into a smile.

"You will draw a big cake for us and pay back all human beings! Why don't you say the whole universe?"

"Maybe, wait a few decades until we go into space and discover other human planets. Maybe I will let you light the fire of hope for other planets!"

Yang Zhengdong joked again.

It directly made Ma Liran and the others laugh.

No one would think that there will be such a day, after all, they are all middle-aged now.

"Zhengdong, I want to take you somewhere!"

After laughing, Ma Liran said hesitantly.

"Where is it?"

Yang Zhengdong asked curiously.

"Come with me, it's not too far from here!"

Feng Lin and the others seemed to know something, so they didn't follow.

Yang Zhengdong followed Ma Liran into the car, and the car drove through the mountains and dense forests.

I asked Ma Liran several times on the way, but she didn't say what to do.

Yang Zhengdong could only follow, as long as he wouldn't be harmed anyway.

After walking along the winding mountain road, the car stopped at the gate of an elementary school.

This is a relatively new elementary school, it should be a newly built campus, and there is the sound of Lang Lang reading in the school.

Ma Liran took Yang Zhengdong to register at the door, and then walked slowly into the teaching building.

Stopping at the door of a classroom, Yang Zhengdong accompanied Ma Liran to look in through the glass of the classroom door behind.

It's just that when he saw the podium, Yang Zhengdong was shocked. He didn't expect that she would be here.

He also became a teacher in the school. With his skillful gestures, crisp voice, and standard movements, he articulated the course and made the children burst into loud laughter from time to time.

How could Yang Zhengdong not recognize Qi Er's short hair and that pretty face.

Liang Yalin!
Liang Yalin, who had disappeared before she got married, unexpectedly came here and became a teacher.

After class, Yang Zhengdong stood at the door of the classroom, and Liang Yalin was surprised to see him.

Then calm was quickly restored, and the two smiled at each other like old friends.

"How did you find it here?"

Liang Yalin walked beside Yang Zhengdong and asked.

"Sister Liran brought me here!"

Yang Zhengdong also regained his composure and said.

"I knew it, they would definitely tell you!"

"How long have you been a teacher here? It looks like it takes at least ten years to reach this level!"

Yang Zhengdong was walking on the campus, facing the breeze in the mountains and asked.

"About seventeen or eighteen years!"

"It's been here all this time?"

"Well, I traveled around the world for a few years at the beginning, and then I found this place. It happened that the children also lacked teachers, so I took the initiative to stay and teach. Later, the times got better and better, and the schools got better and better. I I love being a teacher too!"

Liang Yalin replied calmly.

"Oh, then you."

Yang Zhengdong hesitated for a while, but still didn't ask.

"You want to ask me how I am doing? Are you married, right?"

"I've had a good life. I found my true self after washing away my lead. I don't think there is anything better than now. I don't want to lie to you. I'm not married, and I don't really want to get married. In fact, it's really good that I am like this of!"

Although Liang Yalin looked calm, she still fluctuated when explaining.

"Yarin, I. I'm sorry, I delayed you!"

Yang Zhengdong said with some distress.

Fate is such a nonsense thing sometimes.

There will always be something unsatisfactory or regrettable.

And Liang Yalin was a knot in his heart, an uncomfortable knot.

"I knew you would say that, let's go, visit my house! I'll let you know my life now, you might not think so! Zhengdong, you are my youth, but you are no longer my everything Besides, we are all of this age!"

Liang Yalin smiled softly, and then led him to the back of the school.

Bypassing the teaching area, there is a row of small buildings behind it, which seem to be built not long ago and are quite new.

"Three years ago, the government funded the teachers to build it specially. I allocated a big house and took you to see it."

Liang Yalin walked ahead and explained to him.

Wearing a skirt with black dots on a white background, and a simple T-shirt on the upper body.

For a moment, Yang Zhengdong felt that he was back to the girl who failed the college entrance examination and hid at home on hunger strike more than 20 years ago.

The same Liang Yalin, with her own pride, is still so arrogant.

A door on the third floor, Liang Yalin took out the key to open the door.

But as soon as the key hit the lock, the door opened.

"Mom, you're back!"


(End of this chapter)

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