Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 514 The Prosperity Has Arrived

Chapter 514 The Prosperity Has Arrived
Yang Zhengdong did not expect so many management objections.

Of course, I also know that the main reason for everyone's opposition is that they have had feelings for the school for many years.

Making relatively large adjustments is emotionally unacceptable for a while.

"Everyone, don't worry. I know that everyone has deep feelings for the school. It is understandable if you can't accept it for a while. I made this decision after careful consideration. We hope that the original intention of the school is to help poor areas The children can go to school and receive compulsory quality education on an equal basis. Now that the country is strong, everyone's life is getting better every day, and many originally poor areas have become rich areas. At least a well-off life is no problem. .”

Yang Zhengdong took a deep breath, "My wish has come true. The country is now capable of taking education in these areas to a new level and bringing our schools into unified management. That's why I decided to put some Hope schools in the region are handed over to the state for free, managed by the state, and uniform teaching standards are implemented.”

"Of course, our teachers are still teachers of the school, and the benefits will not change. It is equivalent to changing from a private educational institution of Hope School to a public in-service teacher, enjoying various national in-service teacher benefits, which can be regarded as a gift for all teachers. Tell me."

After Yang Zhengdong finished speaking, he also felt a little sad.

After all, Hope School was built by him bit by bit.

Now that they are delivered to the country in batches, to be honest, he is really reluctant.

But this is a general trend. The country is now prosperous and strong, and the economy can support the standardization of education across the country. It is a good thing for both teachers and students.

"We still teach according to the standard now? At the same time, the implementation of compulsory education is also very deep. How is it different from public schools? I really don't want to hand it over to the state. Schools are built by everyone bit by bit! "

Wang Zhi is in charge of standard teaching and belongs to the first group of teachers who joined Hope School from the south.

When everyone was silent, he was the first to speak in pain.

"That's right, principal! How many teachers have we helped the country train? In the next few years, basically we hope that the teachers in the school will be trained and handed over to the country and distributed to various schools. Now even the schools have to be handed over, I think No way!"

As the person in charge of teacher recruitment and training, Sun Yanchen was on the verge of tears.

There are at least tens of thousands of outstanding young teachers who have been trained by him in these years. Except for the Hope School, most of them are assigned by the state to enter various public schools in the country.

It is tantamount to helping the country build a teacher training base. The first stop for these young teachers is to carry out relevant training and training in the Hope School. Teaching standards and value education are all learned from the Hope School.

Then these young excellent teachers were also handed over to the country free of charge.

Let them enter various places in the country where they are needed to serve as teachers.

Over the years, Sun Yanchen regarded many young teachers as his children, cultivated them in batches and then sent them out.

It is impossible not to feel uncomfortable, and now the school is also donated to the country for free.

He was reluctant from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't want such a situation to happen.

"Principal, we are also contributing to the country and the nation. It used to be this model. Why is it not working now? Let's talk to the country and let us hope that the school will keep it! This is our root and our So many years of memories!"

Fangran is now the vice principal of Hope School, in charge of the overall teaching work, and she couldn't help but ask everyone.

She didn't think much of it when she saw Yang Zhengdong's meeting notice.

But when things came to an end, she kept reminiscing about her time in Xijiang.

The innocent and simple smiling faces of those children, and the teacher who spoke loudly.

I hope that these two words have penetrated into the bone marrow and become a label attached to the body.

"Fangran, you don't understand the principal's painstaking efforts!"

Sitting opposite, Qian Chuyi looked at Fangran and said unhappily.

Of course he was also reluctant, but he understood Yang Zhengdong's good intentions better, and knew that this was his original intention.

Now the country is booming, and to put it bluntly, the rapid rejuvenation of the nation has been achieved.

All walks of life are thriving and developing, and culture and education are flourishing.

People's sense of cultural identity is constantly improving, and cultural self-confidence has long been no longer a slogan.

Education is the cornerstone of national development. After more than 20 years of rapid development, education is no longer what it used to be.

Today's Huaxia education can be said to be the benchmark of the world, and Huaxia culture has also been recognized by the world.

The state's support for education is unprecedented, and Hope School has indeed done a lot of work.

Just like a test field, it will explore and practice the best direction for national education.

It is also time to end the work of the experimental field and fully bring it into the unified management of the state.

Today's Huaxia has experienced short-term capitalization of education, and the concept of private schools has long since disappeared.

The last private school in the country is Hope School.

Formally based on this consideration, Yang Zhengdong will hand over the schools to the country in batches.

Because Hope School has realized his value!
All that remains is to embark on a smooth path of education that belongs to China under the leadership of the giant ship of the country.

"Of course I know, but I just can't bear it! You have been overseas all year round. Do you know how many of the children I taught have entered our Hope School? We are like the seeds of fire, and the spirit of hope is passed down from generation to generation. If there is no hope school, where can we find this spirit?"

Fangran burst into tears, and yelled at Qian Chuyi.

"That's right, isn't my student growing up too?"

Qian Chuyi muttered helplessly.

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing about this matter! I understand everyone's feelings very well, and I am also very sad to let go of the foundation we have built over the years. But the process of unification of education has already started, and we hope that the school will not be that blocker! 20 Many years ago, we established the school for the country, the nation, and the children. Now we hand over the school to the state management, which is also for the country, the nation, and the children. Let's go!"

Yang Zhengdong sighed softly: "And we don't want to hand over all of them. They are delivered to the country in batches. In the early stage, the hope schools in the east have already become rich places, and then they are delivered to the country in batches in the central and western regions. Teachers are still teachers, just In the future, it will be the country that pays the wages! Children are still children, and they all take the same courses as us! In order to take care of everyone’s emotions, the country will reserve the word “hope” and leave us with memories of our youthful struggles. Everyone You can't be more serious, otherwise you really don't care about the overall situation!"

"Our country is developing well, and education is developing well. Isn't this what we have been longing for and working hard for? Now that we have achieved it, our efforts have yielded results. What is there for you? Besides, our school does not It will change, and it will still be the headquarters of Hope School. Our overseas schools are still our own, even if the teacher training mechanism will also be retained. The teachers we train will still go to teach in schools with the word "Hope" hanging on them. The children preached, received their karma, and solved their doubts, and everything remained the same."

"Everyone must adjust their emotions. We also need everyone to do a good job before the handover and appease the emotions of teachers and children. Nothing has changed. We must believe in our motherland. His greatness will be from ancient times to the present. Even for a long time in the future, it will be unparalleled in the world, the prosperous age has really come, everyone is ready to continue working hard for a better prosperous world!"

Yang Zhengdong couldn't help the tears from the corners of his eyes.

These two tears contain reluctance, memories, youth, and the sincerity to the motherland.

Half of his life, the best years, were dedicated to the prosperity of the country and the prosperity of education.

Under the glory of the prosperous age, he can be worthy of Yang Qingyun who raised him, the vocational education center that educated him, and all the countless people who helped him.

It is also worthy of a system that has not made a sound for many years.

But he knew that everyone was watching his performance and looking forward to his growth.

"What about the application from abroad? Are you still building the Hope School?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Qian Chuyi planned to change the topic and ask questions.

"Of course! In the first half of our lives we fight for our country, and in the second half of our lives, let us fight for human civilization and China's heritage!"

Yang Zhengdong smiled and told everyone.

"Principal, I will do everyone's job!"

Fangran, Zhen Bilian, Cheng Xiuting, Wang Zhi, and Sun Yanchen stood up one by one and expressed their opinions.

Yang Zhengdong nodded, he knew everyone would understand.

The country needs it, and it is incumbent on him to do so. This is the Hope School he built.

In May 2022, Yang Zhengdong appeared in the old red district of Ganzhou and held a handover ceremony for the Hope School with the country.

The new director of the State Education Commission attended and took over the inherited school flag from him.

This is the first hope school delivered to the country, and Guo Liang, who is already in a wheelchair, also attended.

Looking at Yang Zhengdong, whose hair was already a little gray, and the countless young faces on the stage, he couldn't help crying. He was both happy and sad. "Project Hope" has accompanied countless children for more than 20 years, and finally completed its mission. .

In the past 20 years, the Hope Project has cultivated countless talents for the country and saved almost hundreds of millions of school-age children from dropping out of school.

You can learn all kinds of knowledge in school, and then enter the country to make contributions in various industries.

Today, the mission of Project Hope has been completed, and the development of the country has entered a new chapter.

The four words of Project Hope will also be recorded in the development history of the country.

With the precipitation of the years, it will become a milestone in the history of Harsha's revival.

Tell all Chinese people how our country is getting stronger step by step!
Once the wheels of revival are started, they will never stop.

Huaxia will continue to create the best era in history.

(End of this chapter)

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