Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 507 What is the ultimate purpose of education

Chapter 507 What is the ultimate purpose of education

But there is no chance for Yang Zhengdong to go home.

Sun Yuanyuan directly took over the rest.

It wasn't until then that he realized that in fact, what "old father" did was not of much use.

For example, he and Lao Zhu had almost no say in the matter of Zhu Xiaoya.

In fact, he doesn't plan to intervene forcefully in the future.

Being able to make a three-year agreement is already Zhu Xiaoya giving him a lot of face.

And he respected him very much, so he agreed to this condition.

There are more important things in front of him, and that is to have children.

The entire Spring Festival was spent under the nagging of the two empress dowagers.

He was also a little anxious, but the test results told him that there was nothing wrong at all.

For this reason, he also went to ask the system for advice, and came back with a sentence that haste makes waste.

There are many things he needs to do during the Spring Festival, such as various New Year greetings and being paid New Year greetings.

I am so busy that I am dizzy and have to bother to receive unexpected guests.

Guo Liang is here, the old man is now the supervisor of the education department.

I came to Mengxi Village just after the Spring Festival, first to express the care of the organization.

The second is to discuss with him the establishment of higher schools.

After less than half a year of application approval, Xinghua Education Group, as the main body, cooperated with various domestic parties to jointly establish Xinghua University, which is positioned as a comprehensive general higher education institution and also serves as the headquarters of overseas Confucius Institutes.

An education base that places equal emphasis on teaching, research and teaching is also a pilot school for higher education launched in China.

However, this is not the purpose of Guo Liang's trip. The real purpose is to discuss with him the setting of China's education model in the future.

In Yang Zhengdong's office, the atmosphere was a bit dignified, and the two had just raised a big bar.

Guo Liang never expected that Yang Zhengdong would completely negate their education revival plan.

At this moment, the two of them were staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and everyone had an angry look on their faces.

Especially Yang Zhengdong, who was almost out of breath.

"You've all posted, why are you still asking me? Just don't notify me?"

Yang Zhengdong sat on the sofa weakly, and shouted helplessly.

"No, I just want to know, why are you so opposed to this plan?"

"How do I know why you have brain cramps and come up with such a plan to dig a hole for yourself? Revival? If you really take this revival, 20 years later, the national education system will only become a concentration camp for the rich. How can rural children Do you want to go to technical school here? Do you still expect me to sing your praises? I, Yang Zhengdong, am not so sycophant!"

Here Guo Liang's face turned black, he didn't even think about it, why is it bad?

Approving the group operation and marketization promotion of various schools, is this different from Hope School?
The way has been found out by himself, why is he opposed at this time?

In addition, capital access to the education industry is allowed, and education groups are allowed to go public for financing. Isn't this also promoting the development of education?Only when there are funds can we develop better. Isn’t this the route that Xinghua Education has always followed?

Although Xinghua Education or Hope School has never said that they want to go public.

But not all those economists have said that education also needs to be market-oriented and large-scale. This will not only promote economic diversification, but also greatly improve the domestic educational software and hardware environment.

"You mean I'm still a national sinner? Then tell me, what's wrong with this plan?"

Guo Liang couldn't help but patted the sofa and asked angrily.

"I want to bite people now! National sinners are not counted, but one day you will have to pay a terrible price for your decision. Yes, you probably won't be able to see it at your age, so you don't have to be responsible for this matter, You have to have someone wipe your ass later!"

"Can you speak personally, kid? Am I that kind of person? You make it clear to me, or I won't be leaving today!"

Guo Liang was so angry that he almost had high blood pressure. This was the first time that this kid was so hard on him.

Talking is really bad enough, why didn't I find it before!

"Okay, let's talk calmly! I want to ask, what is the most fundamental purpose of education?"

Yang Zhengdong also let out a long breath, put aside the irritability in his heart and asked.

"You still passed me. The purpose of education is to cultivate people!"

"What kind of people are you cultivating?"

"Naturally, it is to cultivate talents for the new era who have value to the country, society, family, and themselves, and who have sound personalities, positive thinking, ideals, morality, culture, discipline, and a combination of innovation and practice. Isn’t this theory summed up by you kid? Why did you take it out to test me? It’s already written in the textbook!”

Guo Liang replied angrily.

"You have a really good memory!"

Yang Zhengdong gestured a thumbs up.

"Stinky boy, don't be so mean! Although I'm here today as a private person, but at any rate, I'm at this age. Can you show some respect to me?"

Guo Liang said angrily.

"My question is very serious! Then do you always know that the education in our country is different from that in ancient times?"

"At any rate, I am also a professional now. Can you be straightforward? Education in ancient times was for the rulers, and the goal of cultivating scholar-bureaucrats who understand human relations and etiquette is to safeguard the rule of the country; our domestic education is to make every Chinese people can better realize their own value, and cultivate people who are useful to the overall development of society based on people."

"Very good!" Yang Zhengdong gave a thumbs up again.

"What exactly are you trying to say? Now I really want to know, how does this plan go against the purpose of education?"

Guo Liang frowned and asked, he couldn't figure out why something was wrong.

"The ultimate goal of our education is to enable the people of the whole country, especially the school-age education groups, to learn the necessary knowledge, understand the principles of things, and abide by the corresponding morals and norms. Then use what they have learned in school to do things suitable for personal development work, and be useful to society. Therefore, the essence of education is equality and fairness, and it has the same purpose for everyone, and this purpose is to enable everyone to develop their strengths through education!"

Yang Zhengdong was silent for a while, and explained to Guo Liang.

"Is that okay? We are also based on this purpose."

"Listen to me, the policy is good, but if any policy is implemented, it may change. Let me give you an example and you will understand. Take the college entrance examination as an example. This is an important project for the selection of talents in our country. , It is also an important hurdle to change the fate of an ordinary person, and countless poor students have changed their fate because of the college entrance examination."

"Well, indeed, I also passed the college entrance examination back then and got to where I am today!"

Guo Liang said in agreement.

"The college entrance examination is a pioneering work in our country. From the imperial examination in the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the present, it is of great significance and role in the development of our country. But I am not talking about the college entrance examination, but the example I gave is related to the college entrance examination!"

"By the way, there is a middle school, a public ordinary high school, which has extraordinary competitiveness after the reform and innovation, and the results of the college entrance examination are very good! You should have seen many such examples in the relevant departments, right?"

Yang Zhengdong asked seriously.

"That's for sure. For example, No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Middle School in Beijing became famous schools for this reason."

"Yes! This is the charm of the college entrance examination. No parent or student in the country can refuse a good school. We say that such a school has excellent college entrance examination results. If it becomes the famous school you mentioned, then many students will definitely want to To enter. From the perspective of the school, it is a public school, and all its funds come from finances. If you want to expand the enrollment scale, improve the teaching conditions, and recruit better students, you will be subject to many restrictions. This should be possible. ?”

"Of course, this kind of problem does occur, especially cross-regional enrollment, we don't allow it."

Although Guo Liang didn't understand his intention, he still nodded affirmatively.

"Now that this policy comes out, this school has a solution. Educational conglomeration, marketization, or capitalization will become a brand-new road in front of such schools. What are their advantages? It is teaching quality, management mode, Even their teachers, but they have no money, what should they do if they want money to grow and develop? There is only one way, to establish a private branch school through capitalized cooperation, and share the management model, teaching model and teaching staff with the school. A path that most schools would think of."

Yang Zhengdong said in a deep voice.

"That's right! This is exactly what we hope, and it is also the purpose of this plan. Let such a school be more dynamic, serve more students, and benefit more children!"

Guo Liangliang nodded and said seriously.

"I just have a different opinion. Let's assume that this school has followed this model and established its own private branch school. A huge amount of capital has entered the school, and there is no need to worry about money. So what will he do next? You want to replicate the model here and teach admissions to teach more good students, right?"

"Yes, don't you wish the school was like that?"

"It's completely different, you think too simply! They will indeed go this way, but there is another thing that is completely unavoidable, and that is the use of capital. They will use treatment beyond the salary level, a large amount of money We will find excellent teachers from other public schools to join, and at the same time, we will go to other places to "pinch the top", that is, to recruit more potential students."

"This kind of situation will indeed happen, but I don't think it has much to do with it. After all, it is the students and teachers who benefit."

"No, you are wrong! The ultimate purpose of capital is always to make a profit for yourself! We assume that this school is getting better and better, its reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more families believe that as long as their children Get into this school and get good grades, so what happens next?"

"There will be many students who want to enter this school, let the school become better and better!"

"This is because you don't understand the power driven by capital. It's too simple to think! After this situation arises, from this school, it will greatly expand its scale, build more branch schools, and even build more schools across the country. It will even become the legendary 'college entrance examination factory' brand."

"More teachers will be needed, I get it!"

"That's just one aspect of it"

(End of this chapter)

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