Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 498 Things are not as simple as they appear

Chapter 498 Things are not as simple as they appear

"No, what and what? Can you just talk about it?"

Yang Zhengdong also recognized that Wang Fen, the primary principal of Qiannan Hope School, was there.

This girl is good at everything, but she talks like a machine gun, her teaching level is first-rate, but her temper is quite hot.

"Principal, Dong Qingfang and our Principal Xu have been dating for a while, but Dong Qingfang's character is not good. The two broke up a while ago. Dong Qingfang is maliciously retaliating against us!"

Wang Fen said something quickly again.

"Principal, I'm sorry for our school!"

Xu Zhian's cry came over there again.

"No! Xu Zhian, are you a man? You can't explain things clearly, and you just howl over there, what the hell are you? You are the first batch I recruited from the Beijing Normal University, and you are the student union president of the Beijing Normal University. This ability? If I knew you were so cowardly, I would have made you an ass principal!"

Yang Zhengdong was given a headache by him, and he cursed directly at the microphone.

What Wang Fen said was topsy-turvy, and there was a yelling guy over there, can this still handle things?

It seems that the psychological cultivation of young teachers must be strengthened in the future, which is a bit too impatient.

"Principal, don't worry, our principal Xu is out of control! Let me explain to you slowly, the matter is actually very simple. Principal Xu and Dong Qingfang have been dating since the year before last, and the relationship between the two is also very good. The golden boy and jade girl here."

"But Dong Qingfang is too small-minded. Since Principal Xu was appointed as the principal, she has always been suspicious. In normal work, she would also feel that Principal Xu flirts with female teachers like us. When she cares about the students, she thinks that Principal Xu is It is interesting to female students, if any parent finds Principal Xu, he will think that he is here to hook up with Principal Xu."

Wang Fen said so much in one breath, and took a deep breath, "Principal Xu couldn't take it anymore, and proposed to break up with Dong Qingfang after the Spring Festival. But Dong Qingfang didn't do it. She had a lot of trouble at school, and He hanged himself and cut his wrists, making our school go crazy."

"Someone came to the school to poach teachers this time. She didn't know why she dared to hook up with those people. She threw a resignation letter two days ago and just left without saying goodbye. If you didn't let us watch Weibo today, we wouldn't be here. Know what happened!"

"Principal, this really has nothing to do with Principal Xu, it's all about that lunatic Dong Qingfang! She's gone crazy!"

Yang Zhengdong moved the microphone a little away, Wang Fen's voice was too loud.

The shock gave him a headache, and he didn't know how to practice such a loud voice.

"Principal, I will solve the mistakes I made! Don't worry, I will resign voluntarily when the matter is resolved. It is I who have discredited our school. I am sorry for our school!"

Xu Zhian's intermittent voice came from there again.

"Xu Zhian, you are at fault! But it's not the time to deal with you yet. Let me ask you, is Qiannan working according to the school's standards? Has what Dong Qingfang said happened? Especially corporal punishment of students!"

"No! I promise absolutely not! We teach in full accordance with the school's standards! I know that photo, the child fell down in physical education class, or I gave him the medicine myself!"

Xu Zhian quickly promised.

"That's fine! You can talk about it later, and don't worry about the rest!"

Yang Zhengdong hung up the phone and rubbed his forehead, he didn't expect such a thing to happen again.

It is normal for these young teachers to fall in love.

I just didn't expect such a thing to happen because of love and hate.

It was a bit beyond his expectation, and it also made him see the management loopholes of Hope School again.

After this matter is over, he needs to think carefully about how to improve it.

"Zhengdong, what's going on?"

After Yang Gaizhi made the phone call, seeing Yang Zhengdong's appearance, he hurriedly asked.

What she was most worried about was that if something happened, it would be a big trouble.

"It's nothing! I've already checked with Qian Nan, and the things Dong Qingfang sent don't exist!"

"That's good, then why do you have this expression?"

"The reason is a bit beyond my expectation. Dong Qingfang and Xu Zhian were dating, and they broke up a while ago. This is Dong Qingfang's revenge on Xu Zhian and our Hope School. It's just this way of revenge. Hey, I was thinking that we are Didn’t they neglect the cultivation of the teacher’s mentality and the shaping of correct values?”

Yang Zhengdong said with a sigh.

"That's it? Are you out of your mind? To take revenge on the society because of such a shitty thing is simply"

Yang Gaizhi said that he couldn't accept it.

"Young people, especially Dong Qingfang, suffered family accidents when she was a teenager, which caused her narrow personality and lack of security. It is not incomprehensible, but our management is negligent, paying attention to the cultivation of children, and ignoring the fact that teachers also need correct values. guide."

Yang Zhengdong said sadly.

He knew something about Dong Qingfang's personal situation.

Her parents divorced since she was a child. It should be said that her father abandoned her and her mother ran away with others.

Things like this often happened in those days, and it was because her mother worked part-time in a brick kiln that she went to college.

Such family influence may have also affected her character, leading to such a situation today.

Speaking of it, the school is responsible, but it has not fulfilled its responsibility of guiding and nurturing.

"You are just too kind. Do you think Dong Qingfang alone can do things like guide public opinion? Maybe what you said is indeed an inducement on the one hand, but it is definitely not all! Look at the replies above, no team is behind it. Will it cause such a big public opinion? If Dong Qingfang can't do it, she will be used as a gun at most!"

Yang Gaizhi regained his composure, pointing to the increasing comments.

And in this short period of time, many so-called big Vs jumped out and expressed their views on this incident one after another.

Most of them have an attacking attitude towards Hope School. From management to teaching to model, they are all evaluated as useless.

There are also many people who claim to know the inside story, and also broke the news about many issues such as corporal punishment of students and hidden fees.

Netizens who were still skeptical about this matter also changed their direction and made negative comments on Hope School.

They also went to the official accounts of various relevant departments and demanded that Hope School be strictly investigated.

They even called the Hope Project a cancer that would destroy the next generation of the country.

"Who is this?"

"Who else? ZB! You are so kind, you think everyone has a sincere heart, and everyone is morally noble! But let me tell you, capital has no human touch at all, and they only look at naked interests."

Yang Gaizhi took a deep breath and sat down, "How many capitals want to enter our school these few years, how many people want to run a school with us, but you have rejected them! Your rejection is tantamount to ruining their money. People are taking revenge, maybe they have been plotting for a long time!"

"I was so mad just now that I didn't think about this level of relationship. It's too normal in foreign countries. You don't know that those people can ignore the law and human nature in order to make money, and even sacrifice some people at all costs." You don't need to worry about this matter, let me deal with it, Ansheng has lived for a few years, and many people should have forgotten my other side!"

Yang Gaizhi's eyes flickered sharply, she was known as the "poison rose" in the investment world.

I don't know how many times I have fought against these capitals, and I am very clear about their nature and tricks.

"Auntie, I don't think it's necessary. Those who clean up clean themselves!"

Yang Zhengdong has never been exposed to the dark side of shopping malls, and has always upheld the honesty of being a teacher.

"You also said that you need to guide the teachers' values, but you haven't established it well yourself! This time, I will let my aunt teach you a lesson to let you know the cruelty of shopping malls. You have been too smooth along the way. Let’s take this time as a test! When dealing with wolves and snakes, you must kill them thoroughly, otherwise you will definitely end up with Mr. Dong Guo or the farmer!”

"It's just that I didn't expect them to use the Internet. They are really advancing with the times!"

Yang Gaizhi smiled, got up and straightened his clothes.

"Don't let that idiot Xu Zhian clarify, it's just the beginning, wait until everyone jumps out!"

After Yang Gaizhi confessed, he stepped on high heels and walked out. The demeanor made Yang Zhengdong instantly think of a word - Queen!
He scratched his head, then smiled helplessly, it seemed that he was indeed too kind.

He has always held the mentality of educating people for the country, but forgot that he is no longer a pure teacher.

The tens of thousands of employees and tens of thousands of teachers under him all eat with him.

It is true that we can no longer move forward foolishly relying on kindness.

Yang Zhengdong made several phone calls and explained Yang Gaizhi's arrangements.

Then I completely ignored this matter, believing that my aunt is much better at handling these matters than he is.

In the next two days, public opinion on the Internet reached its peak.

In addition to Dong Qingfang, more than a dozen teachers who proposed to resign also sent messages at different times.

The content is similar to that of Dong Qingfang, some of which are even more vicious.

Describing Hope School as a heinous drug den.

More are those so-called "experts" who keep standing up and criticizing.

The Hope Project and the Hope School were trampled under their feet, and even directly rose to attack Yang Zhengdong.

Graduation from technical secondary school, misleading children, actors misguiding the country, seeking fame and reputation, etc., all jumped out.

It is even said that he is the biggest traitor in China since 5000 years ago. Yang Zhengdong himself looked at Dole.

Why are you still a traitor?If he hadn't done it before, he might really be ashamed of his ancestors!
Sun Yuanyuan hurried back on the third day after the public opinion broke out.

Seeing Yang Zhengdong, he couldn't hold back his tears.

It took him a lot of effort to persuade him to come back.

He has received many calls these days, including his teachers, mistresses, Cai Heqing, Teacher Fang and others, all willing to stand up to rectify his name, but he refused them all.

It's not the time yet, I believe it's time to close the net soon.

But what he didn't expect was that after all, he still missed a link!
(End of this chapter)

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