Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 477 Cultural Operations and Cultural and Creative Industries

Chapter 477 Cultural Operations and Cultural and Creative Industries

Here Guo Liang asked again with a smile.

For him, this thing is beneficial but not costly. Once the market scale is formed, the follow-up benefits will be huge.

"Then let's talk about folk crafts and handicrafts, which I would like to call intangible cultural heritage."

"Our Huaxia is a multi-ethnic country with a long history and splendid civilization. Our ancestors have left us countless precious wealth. Such as local opera, music, folk art, acrobatics, shadow puppetry, etc..."

"There are also many unique handicraft skills, such as our embroidery, porcelain, paper-cut, pyrography, etc.; there are also some social practices and folk traditions, such as some of our temple fairs, festivals, ancestor worship ceremonies, and ceremonies. Rituals, etc.; in addition, the ancestors' understanding of social nature, such as the calendar, 24 solar terms, etc., all belong to this category!"

Yang Zhengdong saw the confusion in the eyes of these people below, smiled and continued: "These things are part of our culture, they are also our intangible cultural heritage, and they also have extremely high market value."

"After all, there are not many people who know these things. Take cross talk in folk art as an example. We often listen to cross talk, but few people think that cross talk is also a performing art that can be marketed. It is different from other large-scale performances and cultural performances. It's the same, you can charge for it. It's the same with celebrity concerts, concerts, and opera performances. Uncle Ma, you are an expert in this area, so you can think about it!"

"In addition, traditional crafts such as shadow puppetry, paper-cutting, porcelain, embroidery, and printing were extremely splendid in our ancient times. We can strengthen innovation and product strength on the basis of the original crafts, and retain the original characteristic crafts. I believe it will be very marketable.”

"There are also some of our festivals, such as the Dragon Boat Festival, Qixi Festival, Qingming Festival, etc., which were not valued by everyone in the past, but they all represent our country's characteristic culture and good sustenance for life. If we don't pay attention to these festivals , maybe one day it will become someone else’s, so we must first carry it forward.”

"Then there are unique folk arts, such as the puppets mentioned above, which are the carrier of local culture, and can also be innovated and marketed to become a symbolic cultural symbol of a region!"

Following Yang Zhengdong's explanation, everyone began to think.

Few people really pay attention to these things. Even if they knew about it, they never thought about operating it to generate market value.

Yang Zhengdong's reminder opened a door for them, allowing them to see another way of thinking about culture, that is, things that they usually don't care about can also generate value and be exported as culture.

"Of course, traditional does not mean that it is completely traditional, using the old method to go all the way to the dark, or not forgetting to innovate, in line with the needs of the times and the needs of the people. Many young people like the Q version of things, so can you make the cloth Couples, paper-cuts, or other handmade works lean in this direction? This does not belong to intangible culture, but it belongs to cultural and creative products, just like derivatives in film and television. Uncle Ma will make a big production of "Transformers" "is this route. Films and animations are one aspect, but the value of derivatives, such as toys and companions, may be higher than the income from film and television. We can call this kind of cultural and creative extension cultural creation. These products can also be called cultural and creative products, which can also generate a lot of social and economic benefits.”

Everyone opened the door to see a flash in front of them, directly breaking their rigid thinking.

Not only Ma Qianli, who is engaged in culture, but also Ma Qingyuan, Julia, Ye Tianqi, etc. suddenly realized.

What they do can go deep into this cultural creation, and they also have capital for investment and research and development, and have more opportunities for cooperation.

For example, Ye Tianqi's electrical appliances, mobile phones and other electronic products can follow the trend and cooperate with Ma Qianli's film and television to launch some personalized products and enter the cultural consumer market.

Xinghua Technology is even simpler, they have a lot of cultural and creative products.

The opportunities for collaboration are even greater.

Guo Liang and others are naturally thinking fast. If they industrialize independently, it may be more complicated.

But it is very easy to find out these intangible cultural heritages, and then promote these cultures and skills, find suitable units for packaging and operation, and form an industrial cluster effect. How big should it be?
Take paper-cutting as an example. The paper-cutting in the north is concentrated in Jizhou. Jizhou’s paper-cutting is very famous in many places, and it is often good at one village or several villages. Then package it as a craft gift and find an operating company to promote the concept , I believe that several industrial chains will be created.

Even if Yang Zhengdong and others don't invest, he can still find other suitable units to operate.

This is a huge market, and it doesn't benefit only one place. It can be said that it can drive the development of the cultural industry in the whole province.

As for cultural and creative industries, relevant policies and measures can also be introduced to attract a large number of talents to carry out cultural innovation, drive a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises to emerge, and promote market vitality and economic development.

People's mind is not simple!

You can find such a big business opportunity from just a pickle!

Success is not accidental.

They didn't quite understand this sentence before, but now it feels so damn right!
With this kind of thinking, who will make money if they don’t make money?Who will develop if others are underdeveloped?
The most important thing is that this kind of thinking is not only for their own development, but also for the development of many places.

This time the board was not in vain, and the idea was opened up at once, which is definitely worth the money.

Fan Xinke and Fan Xinxiang were dumbfounded, their levels were not up to this level, but seeing these tycoons and big shots agreeing one after another, they also knew that what their nephew said was feasible, and it was very feasible!

Immediately, a sense of pride arose spontaneously. My nephew proposed it, and the bosses all approved it.

Isn't this something to be proud of?

"On behalf of the elders in Jizhou Province, I would like to thank Zhengdong for replacing wine with tea. It is your selflessness that has found a new development path for Jizhou!"

Guo Liang and the giants from the provinces and cities all brought tea, and their thanks were definitely from the bottom of their hearts.

Who can speak out their thoughts so selflessly, and who can sort out such a large industry for them so selflessly.

This is equivalent to drawing out the direction and path. If they can't do it well, they don't deserve to sit in this seat.

"Everyone is welcome! Hello everyone is really good. The common people are too miserable. Only by letting them earn money and live a better life is our unremitting goal!"

Yang Zhengdong picked up the tea and touched it modestly, then said with a smile.

"Good! Good! Jizhou is proud to have a conscientious and practical man like you!"

Guo Liang quickly responded excitedly, and also drank the tea in one gulp.

It's really hot, this tea has a much higher alcohol content than alcohol!
"I think my film and television city can be further expanded. Intangible cultural heritage is good, and the concept of cultural creation is also good! My path in the next 20 years is also clear. Lao Guo, I will leave the pickles to you. In the future, I will concentrate on studying culture, and I will start with cultural performances. Quyi, acrobatics, shadow puppetry, and opera can all be packaged and operated! How about I start with Jizhou? I don’t know if the leaders are happy Not welcome?"

Ma Qianli said something, and asked Guo Liang and the others with a smile.

"Of course you are welcome! Whatever policies Mr. Ma wants, you can mention them all, and we will do our best to give them!"

The provincial executive deputy in charge of culture and education and the boss in charge of publicity both expressed their views quickly.

If they don't know how to accept this good thing delivered to their door, then they will really go home to take care of themselves!

"I will let the team make a plan later, let's talk about it in detail!"

Ma Qianli happily touched his belly and said.

"Old horse, you are not authentic!"

Guo Huaian said with emotion.

"Go away! You are not good at this, I am giving you a chance to do what you are good at!"

Ma Qianli grinned disdainfully and said, anyway, Guo Huai'an was no match for him.

You guys from the Guo family don’t marry a girl from our Ma family if you have the ability, if you don’t believe me, you won’t be able to deal with you!
"Sly old fox!"

Guo Huaian muttered something to himself.

He was also thinking about the opportunities here.

Although logistics is the main business now, it doesn't mean that he can't do other things.

If you don’t understand, just ask someone who understands to do it. If you don’t understand, let someone who understands do it.

"I have an idea here, and you have to think about it comprehensively. How about I invest in the establishment of an intangible cultural base? Gather these cultural talents and provide them with office space, hardware conditions and corresponding facilities. The local operation team helps to realize and market these things. No rent is charged in the early stage, and the corresponding fee will be charged only when benefits are generated. It will also help find financing and investment units to intervene, which can be regarded as doing for the development of intangible cultural heritage culture. contributed!"

Ye Tiansheng turned his head and directly proposed his own idea.

"Of course it's no problem! Ye is always a conscientious entrepreneur, and he has helped us a lot!"

Guo Liang and the others looked at each other and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Everyone is a win-win! A win-win!"

Ye Tiansheng said with a grin.

"Uncle Jiu has a good idea. In fact, what you are doing is a cultural trading platform, which has great potential! However, I observed the whole province of Jizhou and found that there is still an industry that is almost empty. You can all see if you are interested in participating. "

Yang Zhengdong said with a smile again.

He admired Ye Tiansheng's brain very much.

Others are still thinking about which piece of development they want to get involved in.

People directly set their minds on platform-based operations, which is equivalent to putting a lot of craft and market operation opportunities into their own frame. Whichever they feel is better, they can find someone to invest or invest by themselves.

In the early stage, the culture was completed without too much cost, and it also received a lot of praise.

After all, the elites of the Ye family have a keen sense of business, not at 01:30.

"Tell me, what is the project?"

(End of this chapter)

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