Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 465 I don't want the next life, I want this life

Chapter 465 I don't want the next life, I want this life
"What? You still want to leave us?"

Yang Zhengdong smiled and took her hand and said.

"That's not true! Why are you wearing a white coat? Have you changed your career to become a doctor?"

Tong Yaojia regained her composure and began to joke.

"I'm a part-time doctor, I have to treat you!"

"Don't treat it blindly, this disease can't be cured!"

Yang Zhengdong was stunned, and looked at Tong Yaojia in shock.

"Sister, what did you just say? Do you know about your illness?"

"Yeah! I knew it years ago, it's a disease that sucks people dry!"

Tong Yaojia patted his hand with a smile, then said with some regret.

"How did you know? Who told you? How to cure if you didn't tell me?"

Yang Zhengdong hurriedly asked, he didn't expect Tong Yaojia to know.

"At that time, I was still in high school. Once I went to the street to play, and I met a fortune-teller who set up a stall at the corner of the street. I thought it was very interesting. I said you do the math for me, and I will give her money if the calculation is right! Then He took a look and said you stretched out your hand, I will not tell your fortune today, I will see a doctor for you, you don’t know that you made me angry at that time.”

Tong Yaojia laughed as she spoke, and Yang Zhengdong also laughed.

He could imagine that kind of scene, it would be fine if Tong Yaojia's temper didn't ruin people's lives.

"I wanted to set the stage right then, but who knew that the old Taoist priest grabbed my wrist, felt my pulse for a while, and then sighed. Of course I'm not finished, I have to lift his stage, the old Taoist priest Said that I had a kind of spirit-eating worm disease, this disease is like a bug eating life in the body, it is an incurable disease. Then he left me a prescription, let me sleep when I only need to sleep for more than twelve hours Eat it once, maybe you can live to be 30 years old!"

Tong Yaojia was lying on the bed with a bitter smile.

"Then have you taken it? Where is the prescription now? Where is the old Taoist priest? I'll go find him!"

Yang Zhengdong immediately said excitedly, he did not expect such a godly person in the world to be able to discover Tong Yaojia's illness many years ago. Doesn't that mean that the old Taoist might have a way to save her?
No matter how difficult it is, we must find this old Taoist priest!

"Don't get excited, listen to me tell you slowly, there are more than 20 people, and you are still as frizzy as when I first met you. You are the youngest and most promising teacher in Huaxia now!"

"Sister, the teacher is also a human being, and he also has emotions and desires. You are my sister!"

"Okay, I know you love my sister, so be good and listen to me. I didn't believe what the old Taoist said at first, but when I was in the third year of high school, I was nervous about studying, and for the first time, I slept for twelve hours. At that time, my parents didn't know, and my classmates thought I was sick, so I realized that I might really be sick."

"And then what?"

"Then I found that prescription. Although I didn't like that old Taoist priest very much, I decided to try it. After all, my sister is not a saint, and she is a little afraid of death." Tong Yaojia laughed as she said.

Then he said: "After I found that prescription, I went to a Chinese medicine store. I asked the doctor sitting in the hall, would there be any problems with taking this prescription? Do you think I am smart? I thought of doing this at the time!"

"Smart, my sister has always been smart!"

Yang Zhengdong replied with some sadness.

"The doctor sitting in the hall looked at it for a long time, but he didn't understand what disease the prescription could cure, so he told me that he was sure it wouldn't kill people, but he didn't know what disease it was curing. As soon as I heard that it wouldn't kill people, I immediately felt relieved. I caught it. The medicine was fried by the prescription to eat it, and I sat there for half an hour on purpose, and went to school when I had nothing to do!"

"Then what next? Have you taken that medicine yet?"

"Eat, after I went to college, this happened a few times again, I secretly took the medicine according to the prescription, and the effect was obvious at first, but it happened more and more frequently later on, and I knew it The old Taoist was right, I must have had that strange disease, and then I met you, and I had to eat it once a month on average!"

Seeing Yang Zhengdong's concerned eyes, Tong Yaojia said with a nonchalant smile.

"Sister, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Yang Zhengdong asked with some discomfort in his heart.

"Silly brother, what's the use of telling you? The old Taoist said that this disease is incurable. In his words, this is my life. Telling you will only add to your troubles. What's the point?"

"But I can help you find a way! Didn't I save you this time?"

Yang Zhengdong said angrily.

"Indeed! I really thought I was going to die this time, but I didn't expect to come back to life! It's still your ability, my sister is wrong, I really underestimated your little brother!"

Tong Yaojia looked at him dotingly and said.

"Sister, I'm not joking! I will definitely cure you! Since you know you are sick, why do you have to work so hard? Otherwise, you shouldn't be so serious now!"

"Sister, worry! If I hadn't met you, I might still be fooling around until the day I died. But I saw in you something called persistence, something that no one can refuse .I also want to do something before I die, so that I don’t have to come to this world for nothing! From the day you gave me the plan, I found that I like doing columns, and I want to do it well!"

Tong Yaojia said sincerely.

"Then you can't be so inattentive to your body. Did that old Taoist appear again later? Or where can you find him? No matter where he is, I will find him and heal you!"

Yang Zhengdong was angry and distressed at the same time.

Unexpectedly, it was because of him that Tong Yaojia's condition worsened.

"How could you find him? When I saw him, he had white hair. It's been ten years, and he might have died a long time ago. Even if he didn't die, Huaxia is so big, where did you go to find him? Even if you found him , It’s useless, he said at the beginning that the disease is incurable! Thirty is the limit, and I’m already 28 this year, so what’s the difference between two years earlier and two years later?”

"No! I will definitely not let you die. Even if I can't find that old Taoist priest, I will find a way to cure you! You still have a good life to go, you still have grandparents, Uncle Tong and Aunt Zhao, my younger brother, and Zhong Ren who is sad for you, you must not give up!"

Yang Zhengdong said firmly.

"Is Zhong Ren here too?"

"Well, I'm going crazy outside!"

"He's still the same"

"Sister, do you like Zhong Ren or not?"

Yang Zhengdong hesitated for a moment, and asked Zhong Ren for help.

"I can't say it, I can only say that I don't feel disgusted. He is not the kind of pure playboy, and there are still many shining points in him."

"then you."

"Why don't you accept his pursuit?"


"Look at me like this, it hurts him to accept it, so what's the point of accepting this unacceptable feeling? I didn't know I had this disease when he met me. I didn't like them at first, but later on Knowing that he has this disease, it is even more impossible to accept him, isn't that a trap for him?"

"But in this way, he is also in pain!"

"A moment of pain is better than a lifetime of pain! The happiest thing in my life is meeting you, my sister, let me know that besides the love between parents, there is another kind of family love that makes people hard to let go. Have you ever complained about my total love? pestering you?"

Tong Yaojia's eyes regained their agility, and she looked at him as if she could speak.

"You will be my sister all your life!"

"That's good, Yuanyuan is a good girl, you must treat him well!"

"Well, I want you to get well soon and attend our wedding!"

"I will hold on! Try to see you get married, and I can rest assured."

"You forgot again, I said I would cure you!"

"Okay, I believe you!"

Yang Zhengdong walked out of the ward, discussed with Qiao Liang, and asked Mr. Zhao and others to go in to see Tong Yaojia. Of course, he also told these people about his conversation with Tong Yaojia, after all, he also let them know about Tong Yaojia's situation.

Aunt Zhao couldn't stop crying on the spot, and she kept reprimanding herself for caring too little about the child.

Zhong Ren immediately called and mobilized his connections to find the old Taoist priest.

It's just that he himself knows that the hope is slim, but he will never be reconciled if he doesn't try.

"Aren't you going in?"

Yang Zhengdong leaned against the wall of the ward and asked Zhong Ren.

"I'll wait until we talk, I'm afraid Yaoyao doesn't want to see me!"

Zhong Ren hesitated for a moment, looked at Tong Yaojia who was smiling and talking to her family in the ward, and said in a low tone.

"There are some things that need to be said in advance. If sister Yaoyao really can't be cured, won't you even have a chance to say it?"

"You! Didn't you say you would definitely cure her?"

Zhong Ren turned his head and glared at Yang Zhengdong, he pushed him against the wall and growled.

"I will definitely cure it, but who can guarantee a [-]% guarantee for this kind of thing? So I suggest that you should just say it, don't be afraid of [-], just in case, and don't regret it at that time!"

"Yang Zhengdong, if you dare not cure Yaoyao, we two will have nothing to do as brothers in this life!"

Zhong Ren angrily pushed Yang Zhengdong away, and walked into the ward without hesitation.

Yang Zhengdong leaned against the wall and smiled, this guy can't do without forcing him.

Otherwise, when will you be able to speak out?

The old couple Zhao and Tong Yangsheng in the ward also knew that Zhong Ren had something to say, so they both retreated and gave them the room. Yang Zhengdong took them to the conference room to rest.

In the ward, Zhong Ren sat on the edge of the bed with a flushed face and a stiff face.

He lowered his head and dared not look at Tong Yaojia who was lying on the hospital bed.

He hummed for a long time and didn't say anything.

"Isn't this your Young Master Zhong's style?"

Tong Yaojia joked with a smile.

"Yaoyao. Me."

"Just say what you want, I will give you this chance!"

Tong Yaojia said with a smile.

"Yaoyao, I...I have always liked you"

Zhong Ren held back for a long time, and finally spoke out cruelly.

However, his face was still flushed, for fear of being rejected.

"I've always known that too!"


"I mean, I know you like me!"

"Then, shall I marry you?"

"'re killing me!"

Tong Yaojia laughed.

"Zhong Ren, in the next life, if there is one, I promise you!"

"I don't want the next life, I want this life!"

"Don't be stupid, you are at this age, what else is there to ignore? Who will you marry after I die?"

Tong Yaojia raised her hand and patted his hand gently, but Zhong Ren grabbed it.

"Yang Zhengdong said he would definitely cure you, and I will marry you when you recover!"

"You really believe that Zhengdong can cure me?"

"I believe in him, he represents miracles, and he always does what he says!"

"Okay! I'll marry you when I'm done!"

"A word is settled!"

"no sooner said than done!"

(End of this chapter)

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