Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 444 Sun Yuanyuan Free Clinic in Shache Town

Chapter 444 Sun Yuanyuan Free Clinic in Shache Town
Hearing Sun Yuanyuan's anxious tone, Yang Zhengdong felt warm in his heart.

This silly girl didn't expect to call so early, she must have been overjoyed when she found out that no one answered.

"I lost my phone by accident last night. If I don't rush to the place where there is a phone, I will call you quickly. Don't worry, I will buy another phone later and replace the phone card. If it is fast, we can see you before noon .”

Yang Zhengdong hurriedly comforted him, he didn't dare to say that he had encountered a wolf.

Otherwise, Sun Yuanyuan would be scared to death!

"You just wait there, don't go anywhere, I'm going to Shache Town too, and I'll call you when I get there. There is a spare mobile phone in the car, you really know how to get me a spare mobile phone Don’t you know how to prepare one for yourself?”

"Are you coming to Shache Town? Let me go there! I'll be there soon!"

"I went to Shache Town for business, and I happened to go there for a free clinic today."

"Oh, I didn't expect that your business has already expanded two hundred kilometers away. That's fine, I'll wait for you here!"

Seeing this, Yang Zhengdong didn't insist anymore, Sun Yuanyuan could come if she wanted, anyway, Zhen Dali was with her.

After the phone call, that Ake brought him breakfast.

The famous Xijiang baked buns made Yang Zhengdong's mouth full of oil.

"Thank you, Akeze, it's delicious!"

"You're welcome, Didu, do you need to change your clothes first?"

Ake asked, pointing to the clothes on his body.

He looked at his clothes and couldn't help laughing.

Now this outfit is on par with the elders of the Nine Bags of the Beggars' Gang, and there are big holes everywhere.

There are still many places with blood stains. Those who don't know may think that he has just come down from the battlefield!

"If possible, I would like to change!"

Yang Zhengdong said with some embarrassment.

"Yes, you can change clothes in the office."

Ake also said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Yang Zhengdong went to the car to take out his clothes, went to the bathroom to wash briefly, and then changed into clean clothes.

Those wounds on the body are relatively simple, just a small red bottle can fix it.

The scabs are basically gone now, but it's just not visible under the clothes.

"Let's take a brief note, please tell us your name and occupation."

"Yang Zhengdong, 22 years old, the principal of Hope School."

"Well, I'm still very young, Hope School. Hope School? That Hope School?"

Ake took a pen to write in the notebook, and suddenly asked in surprise.

"It's the Mengxi Hope School, and the Shule Hope School is also mine."

Yang Zhengdong didn't know why he was so surprised, so he quickly replied.

"Oh, so you are the principal of Hope School, welcome to our Shache Town!"

Ake got up quickly, and shook Yang Zhengdong's hand as soon as he grabbed it, making him look confused and puzzled.

It's just the principal of the hope school. Why is Ake so excited?

He also used honorifics for the first time, what does this uncle policeman think?

"Hello, Akze, is there something wrong?"

Yang Zhengdong asked suspiciously.

"No! No! I just didn't expect that the principal of the hoped school would come to our small town!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, I don't even know what to say"

"Hahaha, are you going to visit Shule Hope School this time?"

"Half public and half private, going to school is only one aspect."

"Okay, what does Principal Yang think of our Shache Town?"

"Very good, a very beautiful small town in western Xinjiang!"

Yang Zhengdong didn't know why he asked such a question, so he could only answer truthfully.

"Let me introduce our Shache town to you. It has a permanent population of 3000 people. It is about five kilometers away from the county seat and about 350 kilometers away from Shule. There are more than 100 primary school-age children and more than [-] middle school students. They all go to the Hope School in Shule. The school arranges school buses to pick up and drop off the children every week, and my children are also studying in our Hope School!"

Ake said with a loud smile.

"It turns out that you are the parent of a student, Akeze, hello, hello!"

Yang Zhengdong also quickly shook his hand and said.

"That's right, thanks to the Hope School founded by Principal Yang, which provides such a good environment for the children to study, and the Guanghua Hospital who regularly visits us for free consultations. We in Shache Town have sincere admiration for you!"

"Don't dare! Thank you for your support and love."

Yang Zhengdong also hurriedly said with a smile.

"Since the establishment of Hope School, our children's grades have improved very fast, and now they will explain the truth to me when they come back. Everyone is also very grateful to Hope School. It is the school that allows us to see the hope for the future of our children."

"Please also stay in Shache Town. We must provide warm hospitality in order to express our affection."

Ake invited directly and enthusiastically this time, and he didn't know how to answer so enthusiastically.

"Okay, Akeze, I should be in Shache Town today, why don't we make a record first?"

"Yes, yes, record and record! I'm so excited! You tell me the location, and I have to find someone to see it right away."

"The location is more than 200 kilometers away. After passing Yucheng, there is no man's land in the desert. The coordinates are at xxx, xxx."

Yang Zhengdong checked the navigation and found it. He thought the place was five or six hundred kilometers away.

In fact, it's really not that far away, he took a detour yesterday in a blind spot.

Only after seeing the navigation did I know that it is only more than 200 kilometers away from Shache Town.

"Oh, it's not our county anymore. I'll report the coordinates to the police station over there, and ask them to send someone to take a look. How many wolves were there yesterday?"

"I don't know about this, there should be more, I didn't have time to look carefully!"

Yang Zhengdong replied with a wry smile, he just ran away for his life, who knows how much.

"Understood, it looks like a big pack of wolves, wait a minute, I'll report over there right away!"

After Ake finished speaking, he went to make a phone call, and Yang Zhengdong sat down and drank water.

This baked bun is delicious, but the oil is a bit big.

Ake finished the phone call and chatted with Yang Zhengdong.

Not long after, I heard the sound of brakes coming from outside, and a voice hurried in.

It was Sun Yuanyuan, who was dressed as a doctor, who threw herself into his arms when she saw him.

"It's okay! It's okay! Don't worry."

Yang Zhengdong comforted him by stroking his back.

"Don't worry about anything. When I got here, I heard from the villagers that someone encountered a pack of wolves and brought a wolf to Shache Town. As soon as I heard it, I knew it was you. It almost scared me to death!"

Sun Yuanyuan Lihua raised her face with rain and said.

"What can a few wolves do to me? Isn't it good now?"

Yang Zhengdong gently wiped away the tears on her face.

"Hi Doctor Sun! You guys"

Ake also hurriedly greeted in surprise.

Sun Yuanyuan has come to Shache Town many times in the past two years. How could he not know this holy and god-like woman.

You must know that the medical conditions here in Xijiang are very poor, and the distance to the hospital is very long.

Many people have to bear the disease hard, and they are not willing to travel to the hospital.

But these situations have changed in the past two years, since Guanghua Hospital settled in Shule.

There are often doctors who come to the free clinic to help treat Xiaoxiao's disease on the spot.

For major illnesses, cars will be sent to Guanghua Hospital, and patients will enjoy preferential treatment.

In addition to hoping that the school will be appreciated by the people of Shache Town, it is this Guanghua Hospital that everyone is most grateful for.

Every time the free clinic team came, everyone prayed to Allah, thanking Allah for sending these good people.

And Sun Yuanyuan is even more familiar to everyone. In addition to his identity as the director of Guanghua Hospital, there is also the fact that this girl is extremely beautiful and gentle, which stands out from the crowd in Xijiang where there are many beauties.

Everyone was very impressed with her, and Ake recognized him at first sight.

"Brother Akeze, hello!"

Sun Yuanyuan blushed in embarrassment and greeted her.

"So you still remember me, Dr. Sun and Principal Yang are."

The fire of gossip in Akeze's chest was blazing. One must know that Dr. Sun is the boy of Shache's dream.

"Yuanyuan is my fiancee!"

Yang Zhengdong introduced him with a smile.

"Oh! Allah! You really are a match!"

Ake sincerely blessed.

"Thank you, Akeze!"

Yang Zhengdong also expressed his gratitude to Ake.

"Today's free clinic, I have to trouble Brother Akeze to organize the people!"

Sun Yuanyuan blushed and whispered, Ake was a police officer at the police station, and he helped organize every time he came.

"It's simple, everyone is looking forward to your arrival! Just arrange it at the police station, and I'll call someone right away!"

Ake called his colleagues to set up the tables and chairs, and then went out to greet the masses to come to the free clinic.

Sun Yuanyuan took the doctors to turn on the equipment they brought, but Yang Zhengdong couldn't help but took Zhen Dali to squat outside the door.

"Brother Zhen, thank you for your hard work! Letting you accompany Yuanyuan to run all over the country, everyone is tanned!"

Yang Zhengdong looked at the dusty Zhen Dali and said gratefully.

"What are you talking about? It's hard work. I am very happy to do this. Everywhere I go, I feel like a saint. I am liked by the locals. It feels like money can't buy it. They don't know me. Just driving hahaha..."

Zhen Dali waved his hand indifferently and said with a smile.

"It's been a long time to go out, go back and spend time with my sister-in-law and children."

Zhen Dali is already married, and his wife is a girl from Gaojiazhuang.

It was the one he met after he arrived in Mengxi Village, which is quite dramatic to say the least.

Zhen Dali is in charge of the children's military training. During the first year of military training, a child was made to cry.

The elder sister was not happy, so she came to Zhen Dali to argue with her, but how could Zhen Dali admit his mistake with such a simple mind.

The girl from Gaojiazhuang is also very tough, aren't you from a soldier background, then let's compare it with real swords and guns.

The two made an agreement and went into the mountain. After half a day, Zhen Dali came back without saying anything.

Standing on the playground and shouting a hundred times I was wrong!
Later, the two of them fell in love without knowing how.

Soon they got married with Yang Zhengdong's help, and they had a big fat boy back then.

Later Yang Zhengdong quietly asked what happened in the mountains, Zhen Dali blushed and said embarrassedly.

His wife was born for the mountains, and he, an elite, is no match in the mountains.

But when asked about the details, Zhen Dali wouldn't say anything even if he was killed.

Yang Zhengdong guessed that Zhen Dali must have suffered.

Can't help sighing secretly, the folks are out of the top, but I didn't expect a girl who is not amazing.

To have such a great ability to conquer Zhen Dali, the King of Soldiers.

All the people from the free clinic came, and Ake led Yang Zhengdong to the office.

I gave them watermelon and other fruits, and chatted while watching the free clinic outside.

Suddenly, a hurried figure ran in.

"Doctor Sun, save my grandma!"

(End of this chapter)

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