Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 433 Opening of the Prelude to Educational Reform

Chapter 433 Opening of the Prelude to Educational Reform

As the proposer and pioneer of quality education, I hope that the school will be pushed to the center of this reform for a while.

Various media used large-scale reports and invited domestic authoritative education experts to evaluate the importance of quality education.

Of course, there are some good ones and some bad ones, but none of them can affect the overall situation, because the country has recognized the importance of quality education and emphasized that education should be quality-oriented and modernized.

Under such a large framework, it is natural that as a pilot area, the function of pilot education and the original meaning of quality education should be clarified. Jizhou has local advantages, so it directly sent a team to Hope School to conduct quality education training.

As domestic pioneers, Jingcheng and Huahai naturally cannot fall behind.

For a while, Yang Zhengdong's cell phone was blown up by all the inquiries.

I hope that the school's teacher training is still going on, and teams from all sides have already entered the venue, and I hope to train them together.

After Yang Zhengdong discussed with other people in the school, he carried out ten classes of rotation training. The teachers who had accepted this model were used as training instructors to conduct practical training according to the curriculum.

Of course, it is impossible for all of them to be voluntary, and there are corresponding financial support in various places.

For a while, I hope that thousands of teachers newly recruited by the school, as well as hundreds of study representatives stationed in various places, will gather in the small Mengxi Village, which will immediately make this small village lively.

It has driven the development of the local Jidipi and at the same time promoted the Mengxi industrial model.

In August, the state directly issued the fourth document, which is to promote the establishment of the national vocational education system, strengthen the skills training of junior high school graduates and social students, and cultivate talents in various industries for the country's modernization.

With the issuance of this document, many forward-looking entrepreneurs have invested in vocational education and training.

Various vocational skills training schools have been opened, and vocational education and training institutions have shown a blowout trend in China for a while.

But Yang Zhengdong knew that these education groups or schools would inevitably be washed away by the big waves.

The country's various regulatory policies must also be implemented on the ground, otherwise it will only develop abnormally.

All he can do is to use his own model to remind the country to pay attention.

Before he could actually take action, the state issued another article titled "Learning the Hope Project Model and Promoting the Implementation Outline of Education Development in Poverty Areas", this time directly linking compulsory education and the Hope Project in poverty-stricken areas.

The state is actively promoting the implementation of nine-year compulsory education for students in poor areas from the perspective of policy and financial support.

There are also a large number of promotional policies, which are the responsibility of the education department, local government, and competent agencies.

For domestic institutions of conscience such as the Hope Fund, we will vigorously promote and support them.

Also given a lot of preferential policies and support measures.

For a while, the Hope Fund went out of the circle, and a large amount of money poured into the account of the Hope Fund.

The Hope Fund also responded quickly, and immediately publicized the donations from all parties.

In addition, national regulatory authorities are invited to supervise and third-party agencies supervise the whole process.

It was originally planned to start construction one after another this year, and the [-] hope schools that will be put into use next year have been directly listed on the publicity list.

A large number of photos of field visits, as well as scenes of the life of poor children studying, were published on the website and in the media.

Those houses cannot be called school houses at all.

The faces that yearn for reading but are ruthlessly squeezed by life.

That pair of eyes that saw hope, changed from numbness to agility.

Immediately triggered a frenzy of donations from the whole society, according to the data released by the Hope Fund.

From August to September 1999, the Hope Fund received a total of more than 8 billion Huaxia coins from all walks of life.

Received personal donations of more than 3 million Huaxia coins, and officially became the largest public welfare fund organization for helping the poor and teaching.

Most of these donated funds will be used for the construction and operation of Hope Schools across the country, including but not limited to school infrastructure maintenance and Hope System teacher salaries and welfare subsidies.

The other part is used for investment, so that the funds of the foundation can form a virtuous circle.

The use of funds will be announced every month and supervised by the whole society.

It has to be said that people's thinking in this era is still very simple, and the foundation's reputation has not been as bad as it was in previous lives.

The Hope Fund has won the praise and recognition of the whole society, a steady stream of funds began to flow in, and the name of Hope resounded all over the world.

On August 8th, Yang Zhengdong sent away the managers of the first batch of 7 hope schools, including principals, management and some teachers. They will become the core of the 15 hope schools and go to every corner of the land of China to set up the hope root.

On August 8, the first batch of more than 23 trained teachers, also sent off by him, set off with the hope of impoverished areas and the dream of a youth education powerhouse, and went to various places, hoping that schools would become the ones that sow and irrigate the seeds of hope. gardener.

They will walk through the dusty sky in the northwest, the mountains and valleys in Qianzhou, and the vast jungle in the southwest, using the knowledge they have learned and the standards of Hope School to bring hope to the children there.

Yang Zhengdong took all the teachers and sent the bus out of the village step by step to the future road.

Watching these young faces disappear down the avenue of hope, he couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

Today, after more than a year of hard work, the dream in his heart has finally taken the first step.

These seeds of hope will surely take root and sprout in China, and bloom the most beautiful flowers.

Also in August, Liu Bo led a team to the Northwest and took Yang Zhengdong's exclusive secret recipe to the Maosu Desert to cultivate various fruit trees and seedling vegetation.

When he left, he patted his chest and promised Cheng Xiuting that he, Liu Sanpi, would definitely make the country not have a piece of desertified land.

Then he was directly kicked out by Cheng Xiuting. Without the desert China, wouldn't there be a kind of geology missing?
The two enemies fought back and forth, but they didn't pierce the window paper, which made him anxious.

The time has finally entered September, and the mountains around Mengxi Village are gorgeous.

Hopefully school is officially open as well.

With the results that shocked the whole county last year, today's Hope School has more than 2000 primary school students.

The originally planned 10 enrollment classes for six grades were directly expanded to 40 classes, occupying most of the teaching buildings of Hope School.

Ordinary junior high schools are not so popular here, but the first grade of junior high school also directly accepts 6 classes with more than 300 students.

In the second grade of junior high school, there are two classes with more than 100 students.

Not yet in the third year of junior high school. After all, I hope that the school has not yet sent a graduating class.

Even if ordinary families don't care about it, they will not directly send their children who are about to take the senior high school entrance examination. After all, they hope that the school has not graduated yet.

Some students from Jingda University and Mizuki entered various classes, some served as head teachers, and some served as deputy head teachers.

Zhen Bilian became the principal of the primary school, with Cheng Xiuting and Sophie as assistants.

Gao Feng served as the principal of the middle school, and Zeng Hou recruited his classmates, Lu Xing and Zheng Kun from Jinling No. [-] Middle School, as assistants.

The original principal Yang was promoted to the senior principal, and the old principal Fan began to grasp the overall situation.

But there was nothing for them to focus on as a whole. Yang Zhengdong and Old Principal Fan entered elementary school and junior high school respectively and began to substitute teachers. He became the same substitute teacher as before, but now no one regards him as an ordinary substitute teacher.

Who dares to say that the one who pays them is a substitute teacher?Only Yang Zhengdong himself occasionally mentions the history of substitute teachers.

The vocational school has now opened more than 30 majors, and the summer enrollment has also achieved fruitful results. Lao Zhu officially replaced Shen Lao as the principal of the vocational school, and Shen Lao is in charge of the culinary arts college.

That's right, vocational schools have embarked on the road of academicization.

There are culinary arts colleges, engineering colleges, mechanical colleges, automotive industry colleges, hotel management colleges and other colleges, among which there are many subdivided majors. Under repeated requests from the provinces and cities, the automotive industry college and the hotel management college officially opened junior college classes .

That is, after the students graduate, the graduation certificate they receive is a nationally recognized junior college diploma.

This point has pushed the reputation of the vocational school to the peak. You must know that junior colleges are already very remarkable in this era.

In the era when the halo of technical secondary schools has not completely faded, college students are in the hearts of ordinary people, that is, serious college students.

In fact, he is also a college student.

It can't be compared with the students of Mizuki Kyoto University, but at least they are serious college students.

For a while, parents from nearby districts and counties, including Yuzhou Province and Jinzhou Province, came to consult.

However, these matters can be resolved by Lao Zhu, and it has nothing to do with Yang Zhengdong.

What he can do is still that little teacher.

In terms of civil and military schools, the enrollment effect is also good, and it has expanded to four to five hundred students.

The civil and martial arts school has also been formally incorporated into the hope school system and has become a hope civil and martial arts school. Students take the national unified high school entrance examination, which is equivalent to the junior high school for martial arts training.

The reputation of Shaolin is relatively big. Ever since Shaolin martial arts teachers joined the civil and martial arts school, many students came here because of the reputation of Shaolin Temple. After all, Shaolin Temple has been very popular.

Shi Xingyong came here several times in person, and brought a group of monks into the school to become coaches.

Xianshan Temple has also been built and became a branch of Shaolin Temple.

If Shi Xingyong is good at hype, a stone statue and a non-existent scripture directly hyped the Xianshan Temple, which has been dilapidated for hundreds of years.

All of a sudden, there were a lot of pilgrims from all over the world, and Mengxi Village became a little-known place of pilgrimage.

Yang Zhengdong didn't expect that the travel plan he had been thinking about hadn't been launched yet, and that the Mengxi Village tour had sparked fire at Xianshan Temple. Every day, a lot of cars drove to Mengxi Village, passed through the bustling school business district, and entered Xianyang Mountain. fragrant.

The old branch secretary built a shop directly in Xianshan Temple, selling all kinds of consumer goods and handicrafts very well.

Many old people picked up their discarded crafts and started making small gourds, futons, root carvings, etc.

The ones that were sold were extremely popular, and many people who saw them broke their glasses.

The second beneficiary was Ye Tiansheng. Ever since he knew that Xianshan Temple was going to be built, he took over dozens of acres of mountain land and built a hotel between the school living area and Xianshan Temple.

Of course, it can't be a star hotel, it's his new standard for business hotels.

Unexpectedly, with the double popularity of the school and Xianshan Temple, his hotel would soon start to make a profit.

Yang Zhengdong's jaw dropped in shock, and he couldn't help admiring this business family, his vision is just extraordinary.

However, development is development, and Yang Zhengdong's life has not changed much.

Going to class, after class, after school, wandering around, especially wandering around the school dormitory.

Take a look at the living conditions of the students living on campus to see if there are any problems.

After all, they are all young children, and what they need more is to be careful.

All the students in the Vocational Education Center were recruited by him this time, and they were sent to the school to be life teachers.

Take care of the lives of these boarding students according to the standards of Hope School.

Just as Yang Zhengdong was making his routine inspection, Lao Zhu hurried over.

"Zhengdong, follow me quickly"

(End of this chapter)

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