Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 425 It's not your fault, it's because we didn't teach it well

Chapter 425 It's not your fault, it's because we didn't teach it well

"Chu Yi, haven't you already decided to go to the United States? That's Huaxing Polytechnic!"

A classmate next to him shouted in surprise, Yang Zhengdong also felt some toothache.

He was a little greedy for such a good school, so why not go?
"I won't go! In fact, I can't learn much there. Basically, I can spend some time in our country. Compared with doing research, I think I prefer being a teacher, teaching and educating people, and serving the country. Isn’t it great to raise talents? Today is the most important transition period for the country, and there are always some people who will take the initiative to sacrifice to help the country pass this transition period. I am willing to be one of them. And I don’t think my talent will be Sacrifice, live and learn, right?"

Qian Chu said with a smile, and blinked at Yang Zhengdong in the last sentence.

"That... you're right! You're right!"

Yang Zhengdong could only respond vaguely.

He is considering the best graduate of Peking University, what should he teach?

This brand must be used well. The best graduates of Peking University have come to his school, so it is necessary to use this name to attract more people. You must know that teachers are really in short supply!

Qian Chuyi didn't know what he was thinking at this time, if he knew, he would be so shocked that his glasses would fall off.

How could this sincere plan to contribute to the country's education be exploited commercially?
But Yang Zhengdong definitely wouldn't say it. He looked at Qian Chuyi's earnest eyes, and immediately nodded in agreement.

The best student of Beijing University, the top talent with three bachelor's degrees, if he doesn't agree, then he's out of his mind.

"Welcome! Teacher Qian is welcome to join!"

Yang Zhengdong held Qian Chuyi's hand, which kept shaking.

Almost shaking Qian Chuyi's glasses off.

The people next to him grinned.

This man is so powerful!

But people are also excited, understandable!

"Teacher Yang, I'm Cheng Dayi, and I also came from the mountains. I originally planned to go to the United States to study for public-funded graduate students, but after listening to your speech today, I also want to join your team and bring hope to children in impoverished areas. "

A short and thin boy next to him also stepped forward and said proactively.

"But... what about your graduate students?"

Yang Zhengdong asked suspiciously, he was very aware of how much the children from the mountain village aspired to be graduate students.

"I'll just study as a part-time graduate student in Mizuki. Our Mizuki discipline is not weak at all!"

Cheng Dayi replied firmly.

"Then welcome Teacher Cheng!"

Yang Zhengdong let go of Qian Chuyi, and took Cheng Dayi's hand.

Cheng Dayi grinned and felt his enthusiasm.

He regretted why he came out in such a hurry, it won't be too late when he finishes shaking Qian Chuyi again!
"Teacher Yang, I'm from the Shuimu Mathematics Department, and I want to apply for our school to be a math teacher!"

"Mr. Yang, I'm from the Philosophy Department of Peking University. I wonder if there is a suitable position for me?"

"Mr. Yang, I'm from the Water and Wood Engineering Department, and a vocational school should be suitable for me!"

"Teacher Yang, I'm Peking University."

"Teacher Yang"

Yang Zhengdong's face was almost crooked.

Not in vain!Today is really not in vain!
There are more than a dozen people from Beijing University and Mizuki.

School teachers have hope!
"Everyone be quiet!"

Just as a group of people were recommending themselves, a gentle voice came from the side.

"Hello, Principal Cai!"

"Hello, Principal Cai!"

"Principal Cai!"


Yang Zhengdong saw an old man with white hair.

Leaning on a mahogany walking stick in his hand, he looked at least over ninety.

Wearing a well-dressed white shirt, black trousers, and fluttering silver hair, he looks like an old fairy.

Li Dongxin and the others followed behind like good babies, which was enough to highlight the extraordinary status of this old man.

But Yang Zhengdong seldom came to Peking University, so he didn't know what the principal Cai was called by the students.

The principal of Peking University?Mizuki's principal?But among the leaders of the two major colleges and universities in office, it seems that there is no president Cai?
"Young man, I'm Cai Heqing, and I spoke very well today! I'm glad that the country can produce talents like you!"

The old man changed the crutch to his left hand, and took Yang Zhengdong's hand with his wrinkled hand.

"Principal Cai, you are being polite. I am just adhering to my original intention and doing what I can!"

Yang Zhengdong didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the old man, so he hurriedly said modestly.

I began to think about the name Cai Heqing in my heart, and suddenly my eyes were filled with shock.

Cai Heqing!
It turned out to be Cai Heqing!

The founder of modern education in China, the old principal of Peking University in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Dedicated to the modernization of national education throughout his life, he is the highest honor recipient of the Huaxia Educator Medal, the Republic Medal, the People's Model Medal, and the National Progress Medal.

At the same time, he is also an academician of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, the honorary director of the Huaxia Education Reform Committee, and the lifelong honorary dean of Capital University.

Even if Yang Zhengdong made great achievements, he still needs to look up to this old man.

This is the real hero!A true unparalleled national soldier!
"Old Cai! I didn't expect you to be here."

Yang Zhengdong's mouth started to twitch immediately, he was so excited.

"Don't be nervous, boy. I'm just a bad old man. The future world belongs to you! Do it well, and I hope that the project will also be done well. If you need my old man to do it for you, just tell me, while I'm still alive. You can In my lifetime, seeing you young people who are full of vigor and can serve the country and the people, even if I die, I will still be smiling!"

The students who were watching immediately bowed their heads, and even Yang Zhengdong couldn't help being ashamed.

Compared with the old man in front of them, how far are they!
"Xiao Yuan! Xiao Fang!"


"Old Cai!"

The two people behind hurried forward.

Most of the students knew each other, and these two were the principals of Jingda and Mizuki.

It's not the dean and vice-principal like Li Dongxin, but the serious principal.

At this time, in front of Mr. Cai, the two principals were as well-behaved as students.

"Isn't the whole process videotaped today? I suggest you go back and put today's speech on the school website, or organize students to listen to it. It is still very meaningful. Especially the young man Zhengdong, my old man is very excited when he hears it. Borrow another 500 years from the sky, and go with them to contribute to the revival of the country!"

"The school can also organize a special recruitment session for this child. There are so many good students and good children. It is our responsibility to contribute to the national education. It is better than all of them going abroad in a hurry to give foreigners a bad foot! "

When the old man reached the end, he couldn't help poking the ground several times with his walking stick.

"Children, it is because we are not good enough! We only know how to let you learn knowledge well, but we don't teach you the principles of life. Let everyone think that the students of Beijing University and Mizuki should go abroad to do great things! Think going abroad is fashionable! In fact, they will You have been trained to make contributions to your own country!"

"You were born in China and grew up in China. This is our motherland! If you don't love him, who else will love him? But seeing the children in school, they don't want to come back after they go out. My old man feels distressed I can't sleep. I'm afraid that the students we teach will turn back to help foreign countries create advanced weapons, and then hit China's land, then I will be sorry for my ancestors and a sinner for the nation!"

Mr. Cai took a heavy breath, and then said: "Children, it's not your fault, it's because we didn't teach well! I apologize to everyone!"

As Cai Lao spoke, he bent down slowly, his silver hair fluttering in the breeze, it looked like lightning, piercing into everyone's heart, at this moment everyone knew a feeling - heartache!
"I'm sorry everyone! We didn't teach well!"

Principal Yuan and Principal Fang also bent down beside Mr. Cai.

"I'm sorry everyone, we didn't teach well!"

Li Dongxin and the professors present bent down together.

"Teacher, you can't do it!"

"Teacher, we were wrong!"

"Woo, we were wrong!"

Seeing Mr. Cai and the headmaster like this, the students hurriedly confessed their mistake.

There were also many students who covered their mouths and cried, and then the whole auditorium burst into tears.

"Teacher, we were wrong!"

Qian Chuyi bent down at 90 degrees, and Yang Zhengdong followed closely.

This kind of bending over is not only an admission of mistakes, but also a kind of introspection.

"Teacher, we were all wrong!"

For a moment all the students bowed down.

Yang Zhengdong secretly wiped away the unbearable tears.

These tears are not sadness, but joy. I am glad that the country has such good teachers and students.

It is the teacher's responsibility to preach and receive vocation, but it is also the teacher's responsibility to guide students to have a correct understanding of values.

Before, Li Dongxin was heartbroken, and later, Mr. Cai bowed to the world. He suddenly felt that his understanding of the profession of teachers had deepened again.

"You are all good boys, good boys!"

Mr. Cai pulled Yang Zhengdong and Qian Chuyi and said emotionally.

There are also many students who can't help sobbing again and again.

Today's fellowship is the last lesson the school teaches them.

What I told them was to be a man of virtue first, and to always have the heart of a student for the country and the people.

Instead of thinking about going abroad and yearning for the illusory life of freedom.

Without absolute strength, there is no freedom to go anywhere, and there is no equality. The country is still good for itself.

Cai Lao left, with a thin back and full head of silver hair, he stubbornly refused to be supported by others, and walked out of the auditorium step by step facing the noon sun, his back seemed to be getting taller and straighter.

Decades ago, it was he who propped up the country's education;

Decades later, this generation should take over and play again.

The principals are gone!
The professors are gone!
Neither Yang Zhengdong nor the students moved.

They sat quietly in the auditorium, looking at the splendid auditorium, without saying a word.

From this moment on, they really consider what is the right life and what is a valuable future.

It was also from this moment that they really grew up!

They can no longer hide under the mansions built by their ancestors, and talk about their self-righteous dreams with peace of mind. Sooner or later, the burden will be handed over. They must be able to bear it in order to be worthy of the decades of teaching of their teachers and teachers.


A hand stretched out in front of Yang Zhengdong.

Looking up, it was Qian Chuyi.


(End of this chapter)

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