Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 40 This is a teacher's negligence

Chapter 40 This is a teacher's negligence

Yang Zhengdong looked at the excited Mr. Zhao in front of him, and couldn't help but touch his nose. Genius never seems to be compatible with him, right?

I think back then... No, it was when Yang Zhengdong was studying in his previous life. Although his grades were not bad, it was all a little grinding.

Once upon a time, he was envious of those geniuses who could spend the whole day in Internet cafes, didn't see how much they studied, but their grades could always overwhelm him.

I didn't expect to be called a genius by others today. If I can copy it, I might be called a genius, then I will admit it if I have the cheek to admit it. Who made us stand on the shoulders of giants?

"Mr. Zhao, what you said is a bit serious. It's just a manuscript. What kind of genius is this! If I were a genius, I wouldn't have gone to a teacher's technical secondary school!"

Yang Zhengdong must be humble. Although it is quite cool to be called a genius, it is enough to secretly enjoy it. If you really ask him to write a few more articles, he will not do anything other than copy.

"Hey, Zhengdong, you are too self-effacing! What happened to the technical secondary school? At the beginning, old man, I didn't pass high school, so I went to experience life in the countryside. After five years, when I have children, I will go to college again. Aspirations do not depend on academic background, let alone age, at your age, your talent for teaching and educating people and your knowledge in literature are not comparable to many old men, so you are at a disadvantage if you are a genius!"

Yang Zhengdong's explanation made Zhao Lao think that he was too self-effacing, but his evaluation was getting higher and higher.

"Xiao Rui, do you admit that Zhengdong wrote it now?"

Mr. Zhao turned his head and asked Su Rui with a smile, just like an old child.

"The teacher won, but I'm still a little confused. There are also "The Great Wall", "Falling Peanuts", "Listening to the Waterfall at Huangguoshu", "The Only Listener", and "Youth Runtu".

Mr. Yang, how do you switch between different genres, express different emotions, and meet the acceptance level of children of this age?This is probably because the experts on the textbook editorial board are not so easy to do, right? "

Su Rui was obviously not convinced, so she picked up a few more manuscripts and handed them over in the name of asking for advice, but she still had doubts about Yang Zhengdong again.

"This may be really talented. I read the textbooks and feel that many of the texts in it are not particularly suitable, or they do not take care of the comprehension ability of children of all ages.

For them, some are too esoteric and difficult to understand, while others are not literary enough and not nutritious, so I sorted out a few articles in my spare time, and used them as exercises for them. "

Yang Zhengdong didn't want to explain more, so he directly used the talent Zhao Lao said to go back.

The main reason is that this woman is too arrogant, why do you think that the whole world should be worse than her?Find fault with a cold face every day, and others don't owe you anything!

Su Rui was so pissed off when she heard this, she thought she just wanted to discuss it with Yang Zhengdong, who knew that he didn't appreciate it at all.

Still handy!Who can write so well?

"Xiao Rui, I've told you that you have to be in awe when you study. You are too arrogant, and the road ahead is going too smoothly. You should calm down and do some practical learning.

You have been called a talented woman and a genius since you were a child. You graduated from Capital University when you were less than 20 years old, and then you have minored in several degrees.

Now I am studying my graduate degree again, and I am still studying Cheng Lao’s graduate student majoring in history, but this is not the capital of pride. The most important thing is to see your value to this society! "

Seeing that Su Rui's angry eyes were about to burst into tears, Mr. Zhao hurriedly taught him with earnest words.

Maybe he thought it was a bit heavy, so he thought about it and said: "But Zhengdong is a genius in education, even us old men have to obey, why are you ashamed to admit it."

Su Rui held back her nose and sniffed a few times, then buried her head in reading the manuscripts, not sure if she was really reading them or thinking about something else.

"I'm sorry Zhengdong! This Xiao Rui has such a personality. She is also a child I have seen who is more talented in education. There is an article by her in the current textbook."

When Yang Zhengdong heard Mr. Zhao's words, he quickly waved his hands and said he didn't dare, academics can't compete with each other.

If you have that time, it is better to study teaching carefully, and teach a few more good students.

"Zhengdong, can I take these articles back with me when I leave?

Don't be afraid that you will laugh at me, I am also a member of the textbook editorial committee, and I participated in the revision of the last edition of the textbook.

It is really difficult to find a few good texts. Nowadays, many literary works in the society either deliberately pursue artistry and make them unpredictable.The old man frowns when he reads, which child can understand?
Or it is dull and boring, which seems to be suitable for children to read carefully, but finds that there is no nutrition at all, and they are all composed for composition. "

Mr. Zhao sighed and continued: "I only realized after reading these few articles of yours that it's not that China doesn't have good articles and good materials, but it's just that they are buried and have no chance to be discovered.

Especially the exercises at the end of each article of yours, which fit perfectly with the article and exercise your thinking ability. This makes me, an old man, admire this very much, and it is more than a little better than those of us who compile textbooks.

So I have the audacity to beg these few manuscripts, take them back to study with the editorial board, maybe I can add them in the next revision, so that more children can learn this kind of systematic knowledge, what do you think? "

Mr. Zhao's tone was very sincere. After raising the condition, he kept staring at Yang Zhengdong, for fear that he would refuse.

"Mr. Zhao is really overrated. If you feel that you can still see it, you can take it back. It is my honor to be selected! It's just..."

"Just say what you have to say, Zhengdong, it's okay!"

Mr. Zhao looked at Yang Zhengdong and pondered, and quickly answered the question.

"I want to ask... If you are selected, will there be any royalties?"


Yang Zhengdong scratched his head embarrassedly and said.

As soon as the words came out, Mr. Zhao was stunned. Su Rui, who was listening secretly, also opened his mouth slightly, looking at Yang Zhengdong as if he was looking at an alien.

At this time, she already equated Yang Zhengdong with a profiteer. Didn't she know that it was an honor for her work to be selected into the textbook?

Isn't it exciting to be seen by children all over the country?
How can you open your mouth and ask for a manuscript fee?Is this man in his right mind?
"Zhengdong, this... I can help you fight for this manuscript fee, but... it shouldn't be too high."

Zhao Lao was stunned for a long time before he realized it, and hurriedly said to Yang Zhengdong.

There is indeed a regulation on the manuscript fee for the selected textbooks, but the manuscript fee is a bit reluctant to even call it symbolic.

Many authors heard that their works were selected into textbooks, and they directly said that they would not pay the manuscript fee, so after a long time, everyone forgot that there was such a thing as the manuscript fee.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Zhao, I just asked casually. Is there really a manuscript fee? What is the standard? How much is a thousand words?"

When Su Rui heard this man's repeated questions, she suddenly felt that the values ​​she had formed for a long time had been greatly impacted.

How can there be such a person?Mingming said to ask casually, but kept asking how much the manuscript fee was.

"This... this... texts are paid by the thousand characters, but it's very, very low, about 20. I haven't paid much attention to it. I'll ask when I get back. Zhengdong, you... need money very much right now. ?"

Mr. Zhao is a pure literati, and he has never paid much attention to money issues.

It was just that Yang Zhengdong kept raising the issue of the manuscript fee, so he cautiously asked if Yang Zhengdong was short of money, mainly because he was afraid of hurting Yang Zhengdong's self-esteem.

"Yeah, Mr. Zhao, I've been short of money recently. You always look at this school, it's dilapidated, you don't even have to use chalk, and there are basically no teaching aids except a broken set piece and compasses.

In order for the children to have breakfast, I made another free breakfast, which costs at least a few dozen dollars a day..."

Yang Zhengdong was not embarrassed at all. It is only natural to pay for the use of my manuscript, and it is not stolen or snatched, and it is reasonable.

Isn't it important to update teaching aids?Is it not important for children to drink milk and eat eggs?Isn't it important to buy a skipping rope for your child?Isn't it important to put glass on the windows?
So Yang Zhengdong doesn't shy away from his pursuit of money at all, he can't do anything without money, why pretend to be aloof when he can give money.

"So it's like this, Zhengdong, shouldn't the upper education committee allocate funds to buy these teaching aids? You are a teacher, so you can buy them privately..."

Mr. Zhao didn't finish his sentence, but he expressed his meaning clearly. Yang Zhengdong, you are just a teacher. Isn't it worthwhile to buy things out of your own pocket?
"Old Zhao, I know it's a loss, but the village has no money for it! Our Mengxi village is hidden in a corner of the mountain, and the higher-ups are not even interested in taking a look, let alone appropriating funds.

But then again, children are innocent, and they should enjoy the same quality education as children in the countryside, cities, and even big cities.So I, as a teacher, can only find a way to create such an environment for them. "

"Mr. Zhao, I really don't mind that I have a reputation for loving money. Without money, children can only study in this classroom that is ventilated in winter and soaked in rain in summer; if they have no money, they have to pick up chalk stubs for fear that they will delay the children if they are gone. Classes; without money, many children have never even seen basketball or football.

Children in rural areas have limited vision due to hardware, and they will have more difficulties in developing in the future than other children. I think this is a teacher's dereliction of duty, so I don't mind using my own money to help them make up for this shortcoming! "

Although Yang Zhengdong's words were plain, they were not impassioned, nor did they cry poorly. It was just that such a plain statement expressed the responsibility that a teacher should bear in plain words.

But these words shocked Mr. Zhao and Su Rui.

They didn't expect that the reason why Yang Zhengdong asked for the manuscript fee was like this. The sentence "I think this is a teacher's dereliction of duty" hit them on their bodies and faces like a whip.

Looking at this young face, Mr. Zhao carefully arranged his clothes, stood directly in front of Yang Zhengdong, and slowly bent down...

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(End of this chapter)

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