Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 315 Xinghua Technology Takes the Fast Lane

Chapter 315 Xinghua Technology Takes the Fast Lane

"How do you know I'm rich?"

Yang Zhengdong swallowed the bun and asked.

"I heard from Liran that in the past few days, he has credited you nearly 1000 million. He also said that her best friend bought an album and gave you 1000 million as well!"

Julia said while eating the steamed stuffed bun.

"I found out that you can do it, cousin. If your level was in the war years, you would be the ace agent. You would even find insiders? That's right, I have a lot of money in my account now, but I only plan to leave 1000 million for the company, and There will be no more capital injections in the future, are you confident that you can do well?"

Yang Zhengdong teased a few words and then asked seriously.

"No problem! I am confident that Xinghua Technology can do a good job, but what about the spin-off you mentioned last time?"

Julia immediately agreed excitedly.

"You guys come up with a plan for this, just use Xinghua Technology as the controlling shareholder. In the spin-off branch, the main person in charge can own 10%-20% of the shares, the management will take 10% of the shares, and the rest will be distributed to ordinary companies. Employees. In the future, the shares of Xinghua Technology’s subsidiaries will be handled in this way. Cooperation platforms such as Hulu Music and Qidian Novels will refer to this method to propose board votes.”

Yang Zhengdong threw the matter of spinning off the company to Julia again.

He really didn't want to waste his time thinking about it. Julia must also find professional people to participate in the evaluation of each branch company and the equity split. This is a long-term thing, so let these people worry about it.

Julia thought about it and agreed.

It's relatively easy for her to do these things, and it's best for her to come forward to do them. Although there are some things in it that she can't grasp, she still has a mother from an international investment bank.

For professional things, you can ask her to do it, or ask professional people to do it.

After arriving at the company, everyone immediately gathered around again, mainly to report the work progress during this period, as well as points that were not sure in the work process, and brought them out for advice one by one.

Yang Zhengdong listened carefully to the reports of various departments, and couldn't help nodding. These people are still quite fast.

After the integration of the game department, the four major game departments, plus a small game working group, have all been in place and started working.

Chen Zhiqiao's action was the fastest. After all, it was a game that Yang Zhengdong had already made, and now it has been pushed for public testing across the country.

The response of "Legend" among netizens is also very good. Many people are highly respected by this easy-to-use but extremely fun game. The public beta is only three days old, so they jointly asked the game department to increase the number of public betas.

Because the [-] public beta quota released is not enough points!
On the website, post bars, and forums, there are voices discussing this game everywhere, and some people directly uploaded screenshots and screenshots from every corner. These people are so greedy that they must also participate in the public beta.

In the end, Xinghua Technology released the official life, promising that after the public beta is over, it will be fully released as soon as possible, so that all players can enjoy the fun of the game.

At the same time, the charging method of the game was also announced on the Internet, and the pre-sale on the website was opened, and corresponding discounts could be enjoyed before the server was launched. Of course, this strategy was also written by Director Ma.

The system used here is the same point card charging system as in the previous life. Everyone originally thought that even if they bought point cards, they would not buy them at the beginning of the closed beta, and it might be concentrated in the first few days before the server launch.

But things are often unexpected. On the first day of the pre-sale of point cards, Xinghua Technology’s game, which is the legendary department, earned more than 50 in a single day. Based on an average of 51 copies, it also sold a total of [-] copies. .

It can be said that the game "Legend" has already made money before the server is opened!

Yang Zhengdong nodded. This is not too unexpected. People who play computers now basically have a little money, or their spending power is not bad. It is reasonable to be able to buy point cards in advance.

The other game departments are not as confident as Chen Zhiqiao. They make money, and they are still spending money, and they don't know how much they need to spend.

Li Shi has already started the "Fantasy Westward Journey" project, but the setting of this game is too big.

Although Yang Zhengdong told them about the setting, but until now, they are still in the stage of grinding the setting.

Chen Wei is relatively fast, and has already completed the preliminary work of "Audition" in a short period of time. The other team of "DD Speed" is still nervously making the preliminary settings. After the report, they are proud to watch He glanced at Li Shi.

That look clearly said, let you be more awesome? !
The engine team of Chen Xiaosi and Luo Bo and the production of "Cross Fire" are just at the beginning. The engine is already finished, and it only needs to Chineseize the text.

But the game "Cross Fire" is no less grand than "Fantasy Westward Journey", which made the two of them have few hairs on their heads, and this time they completely turned into "Meng Fei".

Although "Cross Fire" does not have so many messy systems, it involves various professional knowledge of human mechanics and engineering mechanics, as well as various scene maps and weapon systems.

For this reason, Director Ma personally went out to visit Li Dongxin and other old men, and asked the old man to introduce several physics and mechanical engineering experts from the Academy of Engineering, who were hired as consultants with high salaries.

The small games are not bad. Farm, Cube, Super Mario, Xiaoxiaole, anyway, Yang Zhengdong proposed a lot of ideas, and they selected some of them, and developed them by one person or in groups of two.

When I need the assistance of an artist, I go to an artist from another department for a drink, and then come to help for a few days.

No way, the company's artists are too short!

Countless departments need the assistance of artists, and the artists are clamoring to hang themselves every day.

One day Lu Meng and Zhu Xiaoya came over, and seeing that the company's art workers were nervous, Zhu Xiaoya immediately went back and rubbed off on her teacher Xu Ping.

With a swipe of a pen, Mr. Xu transferred a group of college students from the Academy of Fine Arts to join Xinghua Technology in the name of internships and practical training. Xinghua Technology was responsible for the salary and transportation.

This has greatly alleviated the problem of Xinghua Technology's lack of art.

For this reason, Julia and others contracted Zhu Xiaoya's lunch for a month.

The rest are several other departments. With the unremitting efforts of Comrade Lao Jin, the office software has gradually opened up the domestic market. Now Xinghua Technology's office software has entered many enterprises.

The later-developed software is under intensive development and testing. I believe that with the basic framework given by Yang Zhengdong, it is only a matter of time before these softwares are launched.

The [-]:[-] book, which is cooperating with the publishing house, has also entered the testing stage. Now those people in the editorial department are contacting writer resources all over the world, and they have also dug out a lot of writers who write online works from the Internet. I believe they will soon be able to online.

DD's Ma Qingyuan personally came to catch it, and there was no big problem. In just a few days, it has been upgraded twice, launched DD Space and DD Show, and the user reviews are also very good.

Although there is no profit yet, at least it has been regarded as a stop loss.

After several months of hard work, Wang Dong's news platform has been put into operation.

With the support of so many news media, it quickly became popular on the Internet, and it became fashionable to use computers to watch news.

The resources on Weibo are almost ready. Wang Dong plans to launch Weibo at the end of the month or the beginning of next month. Yang Zhengdong nodded indifferently. This thing is not high-tech, but in terms of resources, not everyone can compete. .

Finally, there are Li Hong and Qi Min, husband and wife team. After Qi Min joined, the work of the search engine can be said to be advancing rapidly, and Li Hong was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth when he reported.

Qi Min's family gave him all the glory, and Yang Zhengdong jokingly asked him to fulfill his promise quickly.

What promise?Married someone!

Meng Fei also rushed over at the end and reported the situation of Hulu Music and Wogua Video.

With sufficient funds and resources to support, Meng Fei is doing well, and Hulu Music will be launched soon.

Wogua Video's multi-format player is also being tested. I believe that after the resources are in place, it will soon meet with a large number of users. By then, his concept of ecological chain will be fully realized.

Ma Jie also reported on the preparations for e-commerce.

Yang Zhengdong fully affirmed his work, and Director Ma definitely deserved the hard work of Xinghua Technology.

One person is both a father and a mother, and is responsible for Xinghua Technology's large and small logistics work, as well as all sales operations.

Now that the e-commerce website is involved again, Yang Zhengdong feels exhausted for him due to the workload.

After he finished speaking, Yang Zhengdong proposed to let him train two apprentices, hand over the logistics work and sales work, and each department establishes its own business department, so as to avoid the situation that there are too many products in the later stage and sales cannot be carried out.

After finishing these, he talked about the construction of the logistics platform agreed with Guo Huai'an in Hong Kong Island. With the support of the logistics platform, the rest is for the merchants.

Director Ma is good at this job, so he didn't explain too much, mainly talking about the handling of counterfeit and shoddy goods, and how to prevent payment loopholes.

For online payment, after urgent discussions with those experts, it has basically been decided that Xinghua Technology will be used as a pilot, and the corresponding documents and licenses will be issued soon.

Coupled with Guo Huaian's logistics system construction, I believe that in less than two years, will be able to release a bright light in Blue Star, and it will not be too far away from killing the Quartet.

After talking about this, taking advantage of the presence of these managements, Yang Zhengdong proposed the creation of a group buying platform, which included the food delivery business. Of course, Comrade Ma Hao came up with the funds for this project.

What Ma Hao wants is this concept, and he doesn't care whether it dominates or not.

The main reason is that people focus on movies and TV series!
This estimate is also done with the mentality of playing with you.

Yang Zhengdong didn't appoint the person in charge of this project, but asked Julia and Ma Qingyuan to consider, mainly because he didn't know who would be more suitable for this matter.

"The rest is the problem of funds. I will inject another 1000 million in, and you will discuss and distribute it yourself, but I will not inject any more funds in the later stage. Xinghua Technology still needs to have self-hematopoiesis! I believe that with this fund, It is also enough for Xinghua Technology to embark on the fast lane.”

"Long live the boss! Long live! Long live!"

"The boss will last forever, and he will rule the world!"

"The boss is wise and mighty, Ze be the common people!"

"Boss, you are the best!"

"Boss, I love you!"

The meeting room cheered one after another, extremely enthusiastic.

Yang Zhengdong: "??????"

A group of psychopaths, right? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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