Chapter 279
Ma Liran stepped forward at the right time and extended an invitation to the crowd.

"This is the person in charge of Xinghui Music, Miss Ma Liran!"

Yang Zhengdong quickly introduced to them.

"It turned out to be Mr. Ma, lucky to meet you!"

"I didn't expect the head of Xinghui to be so young, and I have admired him for a long time!"

"Miss Liran, we meet again!"

"Liran, you have to help me!"

Feng Lin and Mao Yue are not very familiar with Ma Liran, but from the tone of Su Yuexuan and Yi Haixin, they should know Ma Liran.

It's normal to think about it. Xinghui's original base camp is in Hong Kong Island. Yi Haixin is also a singer in Hong Kong Island. It is not surprising to know Ma Liran. Su Yuexuan should have cooperated with Xinghui, right?
"Hello, teachers, and sister Haixin, let's go to the Red House for dinner. I'll let them prepare it. The place over there is bigger!"

Ma Liran was not at all shy, and warmly invited everyone.

Yang Zhengdong couldn't help secretly praising her, she deserves to be Ma Qianli's daughter, a well-known business genius, this ability to deal with people can outshine ordinary people by a few blocks.

With the consent of Sheng Lao and others, the group went to the red building by car. Liang Yalin also brought Yue Feng and Zhou Ruoruo with them. These two people were already stunned by today's scene.

Zhou Ruoruo was better, he was originally a student of Guoyin, and had seen more of the world, Yue Feng had no idea what these people were doing, why he went to dinner after making a fuss for a long time.

On the way to the Red Mansion, Yang Zhengdong found out that it was Liang Yalin who kept encouraging Yue Feng to go up before he took the stage.

The child knew that Liang Yalin was a good person and liked to stick by her side.

Yue Feng was about the same age as Yang Zhengdong, slightly older than Yang Zhengdong, and slightly younger than Liang Yalin. This guy kept calling his sister, which made Liang Yalin feel helpless.

Yang Zhengdong didn't mind, because Yue Feng had just come from the Northwest, so he was inevitably afraid of the capital, and he could say it when he met someone he recognized, and besides, he was just a half-grown child.

Who made Teacher Yang's mental age already 30 years old!
Look at him is half a child!
Although Ma Liran was not in his car, but Yang Zhengdong had been asking Yang Zhengdong to take care of Yue Feng before getting in the car. Yang Zhengdong knew what she was up to. Ma Liran must have taken a fancy to Yue Feng.

Of course, this [Looking at] does not want to take Yue Feng into the family as a son-in-law, but wants to take him into [Xinghui].

Although this Yue Feng is not an S-level evildoer, he is also an out-and-out genius, and his talent is actually a creative singer.

Combining with "Loess High Pole" which he created without any knowledge of music theory, Yang Zhengdong felt that he was not weaker than ordinary evildoers.

After arriving at the Red Mansion, it is naturally Lingxiao Palace again. Yang Zhengdong is almost tired of eating here. Fortunately, Liang Jiahui will promote the recipes of several new dishes here from time to time, otherwise he will definitely not want to come to the Red Mansion again.

As the host, Ma Liran naturally arranged the people properly, and the new dishes of the Red House also came up one by one.

Yang Zhengdong sat with Sheng Lao and the others, never taking the initiative to talk to those people just now.

The "siege" just now cast a deep shadow on him. These people kept their words in their line of business, implying that they wanted to buy songs from Yang Zhengdong's side, which made Yang Zhengdong's head big.

It's just that he didn't take the initiative to mention it, and these people would not let him go. Mao Yue took the initiative to invite the song again.

"I don't call you Mr. Jiangnan anymore, so I will call you Zhengdong with everyone. Zhengdong, I like your song very much. Let me write a song for my brother? You will be satisfied with the absolute price!"

"Brother Yue, I really don't know your style very well, why don't I listen to your song again later when I go back later?"

Yang Zhengdong could only smile wryly and wanted to delay this matter.

"It's not easy. I see there are equipments here. How about I sing one for everyone? Zhengdong, you also know my style. In fact, I really don't pick anything. We can do both pop and folk songs!"

Mao Yue said that he would stand up and show everyone on the spot.

"Zhengdong, Mao Yue is my student. He originally majored in folk songs. I also heard from Dean Sheng that you will be hired as a guest professor of our national music next semester. Mao Yue is also yours. Student, if there is a song suitable for him, give him one, and he is not an outsider!"

Professor Shi Yufen also said cheerfully.

But the meaning in the words is very clear, they are all from our own people, if there is a song, let our own people come first.

What can Yang Zhengdong say?He could only agree with a wry smile.

The visiting professor hasn't got it yet, but he has to take care of his own people first.

Aren't these old professors all stern and selfless?

How could you ask for his things without being polite at all?

Mao Yue was not pretentious, he directly took out the microphone in the equipment room of the Lingxiao Temple, and just sang a song. Yang Zhengdong really sounded like a Chinese folk song, which was similar to the folk song in his previous life.

"Zhengdong, how is it? Is there a song that suits me? I can do it when it's popular. If not, I'll sing another one?"

Mao Yue leaned over and asked, and then planned to continue singing pop with the microphone.

"No need, Brother Yue. I probably already understand your situation. I really have a song here that is more suitable for you, but I don't know if you like it or not? Where are you from, Brother Yue?"

Yang Zhengdong hurriedly stopped Mao Yue who continued to sing, and asked after a moment of pondering.

"I believe I like all your songs. I'm from Kanto, and I came to the capital from university!"

Mao Yue replied excitedly.

"That would be even better, I have a song called "Birch Forest", I'll probably sing it to you!"

Yang Zhengdong took the microphone in his hand with a smile, tried his voice and began to sing a cappella.

"Silent village with white snow,
Pigeons fly under the cloudy sky,

The birch trees are carved with those two names,
They swear to love each other and use up their lives.

One day the fire of war came to my hometown,

The young man took the gun and went to the frontier,

Sweetheart, don't worry about me,

Waiting for my return, in that birch forest. "

Yang Zhengdong sang this song clearly. At the beginning, everyone didn't pay attention to it, because songwriters may not necessarily be able to sing, which is also a consensus in the industry, but when Yang Zhengdong opened his mouth, everyone was shocked again.

Especially Professor Wu and the other three judges, looked at Yang Zhengdong, then at Liang Yalin, and finally turned around at the faces of Sheng Lao, Huang Lao and others, with mournful faces, not knowing what to say.

Mao Yue also opened his mouth wide. The others, including Zhou Ruoruo and Yue Feng who came with him, were so shocked that they didn't know what to say. What's the situation today?
How can someone who is randomly pulled out sing better than them?
And let people not make a living in this circle?

"The sky is still cloudy,
There are still pigeons flying,

Who will prove the love and life without tombstones.

Snow is still falling,
The village is still peaceful,
Young people disappear in the birch forest.

The bad news came that afternoon,
The sweetheart died in battle on the distant battlefield,

She silently came to the birch forest,

Waiting there every day, looking forward to seeing through,
She said he was just lost in the distance,

he will come,
Come to this birch forest. "

Yang Zhengdong naturally didn't know what they were thinking. He was still singing this song emotionally. At this time, the expressions on everyone's faces were also serious. They were just shocked by Yang Zhengdong's singing level, and now they are savoring it carefully. Everyone knows what kind of story this song tells.

"The sky is still cloudy,
There are still pigeons flying,

Who will prove the love and life without tombstones.

Snow is still falling,
The village is still peaceful,
Young people disappear in the birch forest,
The long road is coming to an end.

The girl was already gray-haired,

She often hears him calling from her pillow,

Come, dear, to this birch forest,
As he died he murmured,

I'm here waiting for me in that birch forest. "

When hearing the last paragraph, the corners of Feng Lin's eyes were almost wet. Although they seem to be beautiful, they are all emotional people in their hearts. How can they sing moving songs without rich emotions?
The lyrics of this song "Birch Forest" are very straightforward. It tells a story. In a small village in the north, there is a pair of very loving lovers. They vowed to love each other for a lifetime, and they carved their names on the birch tree.

But one day the war came suddenly, the man could only pick up the gun to defend the country, and said to the girl before leaving, you are waiting for me in the birch forest, and I will definitely come back.

It's just that the cruelty of war can be expected. The girl waited and waited, but what she waited for was the news that the man died in battle.

From this day on, the girl would come to the birch forest and wait silently every day. He didn't believe that the man was dead, but the man went too far and lost his way, and he would come back one day.Because he promised to let her wait for him in the birch forest.

Time passed day by day, year by year, the girl waited from her youth until her hair was gray, she was still waiting, waiting for the man who had promised him to return to this birch forest that the two had promised to live with.

Until the ruthless time ran over the years, the girl still firmly believed before she died that they would meet again in this birch forest, just because they had an agreement.

This is a ruthless struggle against fate, respect for life, and a tribute to great love. Although the ending is so bleak, it is so yearning.

After Yang Zhengdong sang, he found that the girls in the room were all teary-eyed. Even a woman like Shi Yufen, who had seen all the years and thousands of sails, couldn't help but shed tears of emotion for that woman's affection.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Sheng Lao and the others came back to their senses and clapped their hands vigorously. They were also shocked by this song.

I did not expect Yang Zhengdong to be able to write such touching music at his age. Not only the lyrics are touching, but the singing is even more touching. If it is accompanied by musical instruments, it will be a famous song handed down from generation to generation.

"Great! This song is so good!"

Mao Yue clapped his palms excitedly and muttered to himself.

"Why are you writing so well? It's just to trick us into tears!"

Feng Lin couldn't help but wiped her tears and applauded.

"Good song, this song is enough to be handed down!"

Professor Shi Yufen is an expert, she said with a relieved smile.

"Everyone is too fond of love, but it's actually not that good!"

Yang Zhengdong responded modestly.

"Professor Shi, can I learn folk songs from you?"

(End of this chapter)

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