Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 263 It's never too late

Chapter 263 It's never too late
Yang Zhengdong left as if fleeing, which is a bit too scary. Has it become popular to give away blades in this era?
Fortunately, this little chubby guy didn't know that he was the author, otherwise he would have to sharpen the book if he didn't give him the blade. Up to now, he still doesn't know what his published "Tian Long Ba Bu" looks like.

Strolling freely on the road, and walked a few more streets, Yang Zhengdong once again found a Huaxia Bookstore, where several young people were gathering together, as if they were discussing something.

There don't seem to be as many people here as that bookstore?

Yang Zhengdong leaned over curiously, is there no one here to buy books?
He walked towards the Huaxia Bookstore, where several staff members were cleaning. When they saw Yang Zhengdong coming in, they hurriedly greeted him.

Yang Zhengdong nodded. The service attitude here is good. It seems that old man Li has been working hard in the bookstore.

"Hi sir, what book do you want to buy?"

A young shopping guide girl came over and asked.

"I just heard that there is a popular martial arts novel. It seems to be called "Dragon Babu". I want to buy a copy!"

Yang Zhengdong also asked the shopping girl with a smile.

"You are also here to buy "Tian Long Ba Bu"? I'm sorry, the last one has been sold out just now, and it will be replenished tomorrow. Would you like to read other novels? There are many other people's novels in our bookstore !"

The shopping guide girl replied with an apologetic face.

"Already sold out? Are martial arts novels so popular? Why don't you stock up more?"

Yang Zhengdong asked in feigned surprise.

"We didn't expect this "Dragon Babu" to be so popular. When we ordered it, we were worried that it would not be sold. After all, it was only written by a new author and he was not well-known! But the publisher has repeatedly assured that this novel will definitely be sold. Fire, we only ordered [-] copies. Who knew that a monk Shi Xing Yongda came out two days ago, and directly fired this book before it was released! It was just released today, and it took less than an hour. It's all gone, look at those people, they bought the last one, and they just looked at it at the door!"

The shopping guide girl explained with a smile.

"Who is this monk Shixing Yongda? Why did he fire this book?"

Yang Zhengdong smiled and continued to ask.

"I also just heard that this monk Shi Xingyong is the abbot of a temple in Yuzhou. I heard that it is called Shaolin Temple, and this "Dragon Babu" is about Shaolin Temple. The monk may think that this book can The Shaolin Temple is on fire, so that’s why he pushes this book hard? I heard that he has posted a hero post, and he wants to learn a martial arts competition in the book. Just now the bookstore in Yuzhou has released the data internally, and they save Because of the relationship between the monk Shi Xingyongda, the company ordered 100 million sets at once, which were sold out in the morning, and an additional 200 million sets were urgently ordered. I heard that the monk Shi Xingyongda approached the company in Yuzhou Province and said that he would apply for [-] sets of heroes. The post will be in the book that will be released tomorrow, and now the Yuzhou provincial company is applying to the group!"

Yang Zhengdong was surprised from ear to ear, he didn't expect that the monk Shi Xing Yongda was so business-minded, and he even knew the method of tying sales. It seems that Shaolin Temple will not be popular this time.

The Shaolin Temple in this time and space is not very famous, it should be said that it is not as famous as in the previous life on Earth, at least he has never heard of the movie "Shaolin Temple". You must know that the movie in the previous life set a record in film history. Tickets sold for [-] million.

And because of that movie, the Shaolin Temple in the previous life was famous all over the country. From three-year-old children to seventy-eighty-year-olds, there is no one who does not know Shaolin Temple, and then gradually formed a brand.

However, when the Shaolin Temple movie was played in the previous life, Yang Zhengdong was not born yet, and he was already in the 90s when he watched it, but even so, he watched it with great interest when he watched Shaolin Temple.

Especially the kung fu star Li Jie, he likes it very much, and he is a must-see for every movie he participated in later, and contributed a lot of pocket money to him.

I didn't expect Shaolin Temple to be tied to his novel this time, but it doesn't matter, the more popular Shaolin Temple is, the better his novels will sell, but it's a pity that we can't ask the great monk for publicity fees.

"Come on everyone, the group headquarters called just now!"

Yang Zhengdong still wanted to chat with the shopping guide girl, when he saw a woman in her 30s coming out from behind, presumably the manager of the bookstore, calling everyone to gather.

"Excuse me sir, please take a look in the store first, our manager called, and I will come back later to introduce you!"

"It's okay, go get busy, I'll take a look here!"

The shopping guide girl apologized again and ran over. Yang Zhengdong wandered around the bookstore. The store doesn't look very big, it's about [-] square meters, and there are quite a lot of books.

Humanities, history, geography, social sciences, literature, and teaching materials are all inclusive. Yang Zhengdong was delighted to see that his several sets of teaching aids were also in the store, and they were placed in a very eye-catching position.

He didn't pay much attention when he entered the door just now. He didn't expect these sets of teaching aids to occupy a separate display shelf. There was a sign on it, which read: "The best-selling elementary and middle school teaching aids in 98, jointly recommended by 30 famous experts, The National Education Development Commission designated teaching aids!"

Yang Zhengdong picked up a set of sixth-grade "Mengxi Secret Scroll", which consisted of two large-format materials, one for Chinese and one for arithmetic, with book covers linked together, the cover for Chinese was reddish, and the cover for arithmetic was blue The cover looks quite classy.

These sets of books contributed a small 100 million yuan to him last week. Although the money was thrown to Xinghua Technology before it was warmed up, it did not affect Teacher Yang to be complacent. After all, Teacher Yang made it up by himself, and the brackets are not Copy it!
When thinking about these sets of teaching aids, he had to burn the lamp every day. If he hadn’t relied on his good health and brought the accumulation of being a teacher in his previous life on Earth, it is estimated that any of them could make him vomit blood.

"Sir, do you have children of the right age to go to school at home? These sets of teaching aids are very good. It can be said that they are the first professional teaching aids in China. Thousands of sets have been sold in our store. This set of " "The True Explanation of Textbook" is the best seller, suitable for almost all children to learn. "Mengxi Secret Volume" is also good, but I just heard from those teachers that this set of exercises is a little more difficult, and it is suitable for children who are better at learning!"

I don't know when the shopping guide girl came back again, and when she saw him holding the teaching aid, she quickly recommended it for him.

"Oh? These are practice questions, right? Are there many people who bought them?"

Yang Zhengdong asked while holding the "Mengxi Secret Volume" in his hand.

"It is true that many people bought it, and now the students in several surrounding communities have basically bought it. Not only the students, but also the teachers who teach these two subjects have each bought a set, especially the set of "True Explanation of Textbooks". Teachers Said it was very helpful for teaching!"

The shopping guide girl patiently explained to him.

"Oh, but why haven't I seen anyone come to buy it after I've been here for so long?"

Yang Zhengdong asked suspiciously.

"Now is the holiday time. Many parents and teachers who have heard the news have already bought it. It is estimated that the next sales peak will be when the school starts. Our group company has also received orders from many schools. Many schools have already confirmed during the holidays. Next semester Centralized purchases are required, as the teaching aids designated by the school, my younger brother also bought a set, this summer vacation to brush up the questions, and when I helped him take the test, his score was much higher."

The shopping guide girl seemed to really approve of these sets of teaching aids, and when she introduced them to him, her tone was sincere and proud.

"That's really good. I'm also a teacher. I'll buy a set of these textbooks too!"

Yang Zhengdong put down the "Mengxi Secret Volume" in his hand, and said grandly.

Although Mr. Liu Sen had already given him a sample book when the teaching supplement was published, but it feels different to buy a set by yourself!

"Sir, so you are a teacher? I wanted to be a teacher since I was a child, but my academic performance was not very good. If I had this set of textbooks at that time, maybe I could really realize my dream of being a teacher!"

The shopping guide girl said with a self-deprecating smile.

"It's not too late now! I heard that many universities in China will offer courses for adults one after another. You can use your spare time to study for an adult degree. There is still a large shortage of teachers in our country. If you have this dedication to the cause of education, when will It's not too late!"

Yang Zhengdong encouraged with a smile.

"Well, I also have this idea. I want to take the entrance exam to Beijing Normal University, and then I plan to go to the mountain village to teach after graduation. I have a sister who lives in the mountain village, saying that the children there need teachers too much!"

The shopping guide girl nodded with a firm smile.

"Excellent! But life in the countryside is very hard, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Yang Zhengdong directly gave the girl a thumbs up, thought for a while and said something more.

Although he had never been to the countryside to support education in his previous life, he stayed in the mountain nest when he came in this life, and he has a better understanding of the situation in the countryside. Children in the city may not be able to adapt.

It will be a few days before I leave, and I am still looking forward to the children who are waiting for the teacher to see through.

"I know, I once went to the village where my sister taught. She taught in Northwest Ningzhou, where the sky was full of yellow sand and there was no water to eat. She only came back once a year to take a bath, and she couldn't bear to use water there. Once She also wanted to leave, but when she saw the children there, she couldn’t bear it anymore. I also wanted to stay and teach at that time, but I graduated from junior high school, and I was afraid that it would delay the children’s studies. I will go there and teach the children to read with her."

The girl said with a sad face but firmly.

"Okay! There is a shortage of people like you in our country, and I wish you all your wishes come true! You want to go to Beijing Normal University, right? Have you signed up yet?"

Yang Zhengdong was also infected and wanted to help this resolute girl.

"Not yet, I'm studying by myself, but I don't know when the entrance exam will be held in Beijing Normal University?"

The shopping guide girl couldn't help but blush again.

"It's okay, let me ask for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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