Chapter 253 You can't catch up with a thousand-mile horse

"Only part of what? Which part?"

Qi Min didn't hear Li Hong's whisper, looked at him and asked.

"It's nothing! You knew it then, so let's go to the Gulf of California?"

Li Hong hurriedly waved his hand and said that he remembered Director Ma's order, and he should not casually reveal the details of the company.

But to tell a lie, he really felt very uncomfortable!
"Don't worry, let's start here in New York. I know several Chinese brothers and sisters who are in the game industry. Let's show them the game first. After all, they are very happy to be able to return to China to make games!"

Qi Min threw the computer bag into Li Hong's hand, and walked out of the street with his hands behind his back.

Although the wood is vague, this game cannot be faked. With this game, even if the company is a little smaller, it can develop within a year or two. Helping him fool a few talents, there is no psychological burden at all.

Who made this the man she fell in love with?
If you don't help him, who will you help?
Huaxia, the capital, Zhaowang Garden.

Yang Zhengdong, who had returned to the "Prince's Mansion", had already finished his lunch and was making dumplings with Teacher Qian and a group of girls. After Meng Zhenzhu and Zhu Xiaojiao came, the place seemed very lively.

Especially Meng Zhenzhu, who used to think she was rather naughty, but only discovered her other side this time. She can really talk, and she even made Teacher Qian happy by herself, and made the whole atmosphere lively.

After all, coming from a merchant family, this skill is not given for nothing!

Zhu Xiaojiao is not very good at making dumplings. Sun Yuanyuan taught her to pinch them one by one. Some of the dumplings she made were fat, some were thin, some were big, and some were small, which made everyone in the room very happy.

But seeing Sun Yuanyuan relaxed and happy, he also relaxed a lot. At least with Meng Zhenzhu and Zhu Xiaojiao here, Sun Yuanyuan would be accompanied.

There is no need to worry that sister Yuanyuan will be alone in this big yard when he is out busy, even though she is accompanied by Teacher Qian.The two get along very well, but there is a difference in age after all, there is a generation gap in communication of many things, isn't it?

Liang Yalin, Liang Yahui, and Zhu Xiaoya were all busy with their own affairs, and were forced to learn things by their respective teachers.

Wang Xiaoru went back to Mengxi Village again, and estimated that she would go to Baodao in the next two days. Speaking of which, Sun Yuanyuan was really lonely.

Even if he finds time to come, it is inevitable that some things will be neglected. The capital city is unfamiliar, and Sister Yuanyuan is not the kind of master who can find something to play for a day by herself. It will be much better to have them now.

Turning around, I tricked my aunt and her family over here, so that Teacher Qian would have someone to talk to. My aunt's job is very leisurely. As the boss of the Huaxia District of an investment company, no one cares whether she goes to work or not, so the two of them can just talk.

Besides, Cousin Little William spends here every day, so my aunt must be worried, and this matter is probably sure, and he feels much more at ease, so worry about his life!

Who made us sons!

What about the role of fiance?
Little William has fallen in love with this sport since he fished with Lao Zhu twice, so Li Haoran, the second generation, went fishing again with a fishing rod against the sun.

In the future, I really have to ask Uncle Wang to buy some fry and put them in, otherwise I will be caught by these guys every day, and I will become extinct in the future.

The main thing is to catch those goldfish that can’t be eaten, so it’s better to raise something that can be eaten, and you can catch two and add a dish.

Such a happy decision!
Yang Zhengdong saw that some women were addicted to making dumplings, so he didn't plan to fight them. He should go back and sort out the things during this period, and start the second novel. You know, Mr. Qian made several phone calls.

The "Tian Long Ba Bu" was about to go on sale. Qian Shu told him that this time it was released nationwide simultaneously, and a total of 200 million copies were printed. He was almost shocked when he heard the number.

These old men are really brave enough to print 200 million sets when they come up. If they can’t be sold, what do you do?
Anyway, it has nothing to do with him, Mr. Yang, he is an author, and he signed a sharing contract, so it's just right if he can sell it.

If it cannot be sold, Huaxia Publishing House will lose money, and it has nothing to do with him, Mr. Yang.

It's just that Mr. Qian didn't intend to let him go, and asked him to start the plan for the second novel immediately, and he also called it a contribution to Chinese martial arts literature, and sent spiritual food to the readers.

These old men always like to play with these vain things, it's just an idle book, talking about such noble things puts him under a lot of pressure.

If he turned around and became the chief culprit who harmed the flowers of the motherland, would he still have the reputation of Teacher Yang?

But I can't beat the old man, so I can only start writing. No, it's copying!
Anyway, I have a complete set of books by Mr. Jin in my hand, but I just typed them out with a computer. With the "sacred hand" he now has, his hand speed is absolutely amazing, and even a boy who has practiced for many years can't match it. A novel a week, That is absolutely no problem!

Try to get all of Jin Lao's classic "Shooting the Condor Trilogy" before leaving the capital, and then throw it to old man Qian to play, it will be enough for a year or two, and then he can be his little teacher with peace of mind go!
When he thinks about it, he has written nearly 30 words from the afternoon to dinner, and the whole book is only about 100 million words. If he stays up all night, he might be able to finish it.

But he didn't intend to finish it so quickly, the hand was his own, and the body was also his own, it would be too troublesome to repair this thing if it was worn out, so it's better to take it slowly.

Anyway, don't worry about spending money now!
Let old man Qian wait a few more days!
When he went down to eat, the girls also came back, and Liang Yalin cried again.

It made Yang Zhengdong really want to tell her, go home and farm, don't learn to sing!

However, Meng Zhenzhu and Zhu Xiaojiao were obviously wary of Liang Yalin, they didn't treat her as warmly as they did Zhu Xiaoya and others, and they probably worried about Sun Yuanyuan again.

Yang Zhengdong didn't think too much about it, but Liang Yahui's other news gave him a lot of headaches. One was that Ma Qianli urged him to record a new song MV, and the other was that the song "Twelve Girls Band" was due.

He didn't pay attention these days, and it's already the weekend again. His wife, Master Su, gave him a week to customize music for the Girls' Twelve Band, but he forgot that something bad happened this time.

He ate a plate of dumplings in a hurry, seeing Xiao William hugging the plate and eating deliciously, remembering the appetite of those fifty dumplings, Yang Zhengdong couldn't help shivering, and then ran back to his room to work overtime.

"Yarin, do you still have to go to class tomorrow?"

Sun Yuanyuan glanced at Yang Zhengdong distressedly, then asked Liang Yalin in a low voice.

"I won't go! The teachers told me to take a break the day after tomorrow, and then start preparing for the competition next week. Yahui's MV progress is not bad, and I can rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but Zhengdong should pass. Be in a hurry!"

Liang Yalin answered while eating dumplings.

"Why is this kid so busy every day?"

After hearing what they said, Teacher Qian couldn't help but interject.

"No way, there are many things that only he can do. Of course he will have to work harder. That's probably the case for capable people, and we are used to it. When he arrived in the capital on the first day, he spent the whole night revising the manuscript. !"

Liang Yalin also sighed and said.

Sometimes she also felt that Yang Zhengdong was too busy, but none of them could help with such matters.

The main reason is that she can't, she has already applied to learn creative writing with two teachers, but there is still a long way to go before getting started, let alone reach Yang Zhengdong's level.

As for compiling dictionaries, writing novels, publishing teaching aids, and engaging in the Internet, she still has self-knowledge, she is not that kind of material at all, and helping is just adding to the chaos, it is better to let him do it by himself.

"Zhengdong pushed himself too hard. He hasn't stopped since he became a teacher, but we are far from him now, and there is nothing we can do to help. I just hope he can arrange it himself. Time!"

Liang Yalin sighed and added.

"The body can't bear it if it goes on like this! This kid is honest. I heard him chatting with Mr. Zhu. What he is doing now is ultimately for those children. Now the new school is also being built, but the teaching environment and hardware and software facilities are still there. Too bad, he wants to try his best to change this situation, but... I'll make some soup, Yuanyuan, you'll send it to him later."

Teacher Qian said that he was going to the kitchen to make soup.

"Teacher Qian, I'll help you!"

Sun Yuanyuan also hurried to the kitchen.

In fact, she felt sorry for Yang Zhengdong the most. She went to the company with him that day, and the meeting lasted all morning. Yang Zhengdong didn't even have time to go to the bathroom, so she knew how busy he was.

She took the initiative to accompany Teacher Qian here because she was worried that Yang Zhengdong would be distracted because of her, and always kept in mind what Meng Zhenzhu said to her, you are not a mortal man, you are a golden dragon that will take off one day, you need to do The best thing is to stand behind him, be the woman behind him, and let him not be distracted by you.

Although Yang Zhengdong dismissed this sentence and even criticized it, she still kept it in her heart and was willing to be the woman behind him.

It's just that every time she sees him busy running around, she always feels that she is useless and can't help him at all.

"Finding such a man, I don't know whether it's good or bad, and Xiaoqi feels bad!"

Zhu Xiaojiao sighed and said softly.

"Whether it's good or bad is her choice. Xiao Qi is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. I believe she will handle it well! But I am really proud to have such a boyfriend!"

Meng Zhenzhu replied, chewing on the dumplings.

"I'm excellent too!"

Li Haoran interjected beside him.

"You? It's your father who is better, that's why you are so chic now. Although you are not the kind of yamen that everyone hates, but when it comes to excellence, you can't catch up with Yang Zhengdong on a thousand-mile horse!"

"Hey, this is a bit hurtful!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you are human too!"


(End of this chapter)

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