Chapter 220
"Why are you still moaning? Didn't do well in the exam? Shouldn't it be the case? Xiaoya's level at that time was not enough to wipe out the entire army!"

Seeing Lao Zhu's expression, Yang Zhengdong couldn't help asking in doubt.

"It's not bad, it's better than I expected... No. 2 in the county and No. 11 in the city have never been so good in the exam! You and Teacher Qian were stunned for a long time when we saw the results. Wrong. The two of us ran around the city for several days these days, looking for and choosing a school for her. I didn’t expect that after a long time of tossing around, I would end up going to school in the capital. If I had known, why would Teacher Qian and I go to so much trouble? ..."

Old Zhu said with a wry smile.

"Khan, you gave me a big jump! I thought Zhu Xiaoya didn't do well in the exam. There's nothing to be afraid of doing so well in the exam! The Beijing side was mainly arranged by Teacher Xiaoya, who is the leader of the National Academy of Fine Arts. Accepting Xiaoya as a personal student, I naturally wanted to take Xiaoya by my side to teach by example, so I helped arrange for Xiaoya to go to the middle school attached to Gome. The school is good, at least it can guarantee that Xiaoya will go to Gome without any problem, so you can rest assured!"

Yang Zhengdong also said with a smile.

"This time I really met a noble person. It is Xiaoya's blessing that Mr. Xu has a crush on Xiaoya! But Xiaoya is too troublesome. She is alone here in the capital, and you and Mr. Qian are not at ease... "

When Lao Zhu said this, he hesitated again.

"It's not her own. Liang Yalin and Liang Yahui will also stay in the capital. Liang Yalin is a special recruit of the National Conservatory of Music, and Liang Yahui is studying in the National Music High School. Although they are not in the same school, they can live together. There is a care for each other!"

Yang Zhengdong thought for a while and said.

"I'm relieved that Yalin and Sisters are here, but you know Xiaoya, she spends her days thinking about the whole person and knows how to cook instant noodles, so I want your teacher Qian to retire early, come here with her!"

"That's the way it is, that's even better, but Lao Zhu, won't you be a loner? How will you eat then? I remember you can't cook better than Xiaoya? Well, you know one more thing than her." Cook noodle!"

"Your skin is itchy, right? I can cook noodles and still starve to death? Besides, can't I just eat the cafeteria every day?"

Old Zhu glared angrily and said.

"Then you have to lose some weight in the past few years. Teacher Qian has raised you fat and fat all these years. Who knows if you can bear the hardship of eating in the cafeteria?"

"Smelly boy, I found that you have learned how to make fun of me! Your fish are all hooked, and if you don't pull them up again, they will all run away!"

"I'll go, why would I catch it first?"

Yang Zhengdong hurriedly took up the line in a hurry.

"If you hang so many baits at once, don't all the fish rush to find you?"

Old Zhu said angrily beside him.

"Hey, where did I play the elegant art of fishing in the village? If I want to eat fish, I jump directly to Mengxi to get a basket net. Fishing is so troublesome!"

Yang Zhengdong brought up a finger-sized carp, weighed it in his hand, felt it was too small, and threw it back.

"Fishing is to cultivate one's sentiments. What's the point of catching fish like yours? It's all for eating!"

"Why is fishing not for food?"

"Forget it, I can't explain to you!"


In the evening, Yang Zhengdong took everyone to the Red House. Recently, he only ate at the Red House.

In addition to Lu Meng and his wife, sisters Ma Qianli and Liang Yalin also came, Mr. and Mrs. Zhao, Mr. and Mrs. Li Dongxin, and Liu Sen, who is watching the sales of Jiaofu today, are another big table.

During the trip to the police station, Li Dongxin, Mr. Zhao and several other teachers were looking for relationships. Now everyone in the capital from the city to the DC area basically knows that he is a student protected by many old professors. I don’t know if it is a good thing or not. bad thing.

Today is mainly Zhu Xiaoya's apprentice banquet and thank-you banquet. Mrs. Lu's wife, Mrs. Xu, is a big name in the domestic comics industry and also the vice president of the National Academy of Fine Arts.

Zhu Xiaoya went through a simple ceremony, which was considered to have settled the name. Teacher Xu and his wife also gave a set of special painting tools, which seemed to be very fond of Zhu Xiaoya.

Yang Zhengdong was also afraid that Zhu Xiaoya's trouble-making personality would not be liked, but he didn't expect to have a temper with Mr. Xu. After listening to the old people chatting, he knew that Mr. Xu had a similar personality back then. The existence of a cartoon.

Everyone chatted about Yang Zhengdong's entry into the police station yesterday. Although they probably knew what was going on, but now because there are several witnesses, it makes a group of old men and women very happy.

Especially when Yang Zhengdong's clothes were torn, and there were only two sleeves left in a white shirt, everyone was covering their stomachs and laughing wildly.

This made Yang Zhengdong extremely depressed. How could he feel that he was being abused? How could these people be so happy?What are you thinking?
Knowing about Chuyan and the two children, a group of old people couldn't help but sigh, and sighed about their fate!

During the meal, Mr. Liu Sen Liu went out to answer the phone, and returned to his seat with a silent face. He didn't speak for a long time, and everyone thought that something happened, so they all asked.

"The first day data of Zhengdong's Jiaofu is out!"

Boss Liu said in a low voice with a straight face.

"As soon as the data comes out, it will come out? What kind of expression do you have? Could it be that Zhengdong's book data is poor? He is normal for the first time!"

Li Dongxin looked at Liu Sen and comforted him.

"That's right, Lao Liu, we all think that Zhengdong's teaching assistant is very good, but after all, he is a newcomer and has no reputation, so don't take it too seriously. And there is no guarantee for this book, it's just a sharing contract, that is, Compensation for some material costs, at worst, my old man will make it up for you!"

Elder Zhao also quickly answered the words to comfort him.

"Who told you that the data is too bad? I feel distressed because the share of the signing was too high at that time! This kid takes the lead. If I knew that I would have to give him a layer of skin, now I have completely worked for him! "

Elder Liu shouted emotionally.

"You old bastard is startled, it's frightening to death!"

"Old Liu, if you continue like this, you will really have no friends!"

"I think Lao Liu has to punish himself with three cups!"


A group of old men joined forces to attack.

"How about the data? Tell everyone!"

Li Dongxin urged Liu Sen.

Yang Zhengdong also hurriedly listened carefully. If there is any one of these published things that he values ​​the most, besides the dictionary, it is this set of teaching aids.After all, it represents his own work level, and it also represents whether his insistence can be carried out in Blue Star from another aspect.

"Until all the stores are closed, the domestic Huaxia Bookstore's directly-operated and partner stores, elementary and junior high school teaching aids are included, and the total sales... Cough, I want to drink a glass of water, my throat is a bit dry!"

"Grandpa Liu, drink tea!"

Liang Yahui hurriedly trotted to bring the tea.

"Girl is so good, go play with Grandpa Liu more often!"

Liu Sen patted Liang Yahui's head and praised.

"I said, Old Liu, you've learned how to play tricks, haven't you?"

Li Dongxin said dissatisfied.

"Old Liu is putting on a show, and people will get angry when they see him!"

Elder Zhao didn't respond angrily either.

"Old Liu is indeed a bit outrageous!"

Mr. Lu was also making up for the knife at the side.

"You guys are really impatient, so listen carefully, a total of 1000 sets were sold on the first day of the country, which directly broke the sales record of teaching materials! And on the first day, we received orders from more than [-] schools and education committees around the world. All staff will order various teaching materials for the next semester, and let us print them immediately and distribute them together with the textbooks for the start of the semester. It is estimated that before the start of school in September, the sales data of these sets of teaching aids can exceed [-] million! Breaking [-] million, President Li, are you the bonus? Shouldn't we have prepared in advance? This time, Huaxia Bookstore and this kid are making a lot of money, shouldn't we, the coolies, also show it?"

After Liu Sen finished talking about the sales data excitedly, he directly recruited Li Dongxin, and then sat there and drank tea leisurely.

Li Dongxin and the others were shocked by the data.

Yang Zhengdong breathed a sigh of relief, the data is still within his tolerance range, but he knows how big the market for past life teaching assistants is.

Among other things, as long as you enter the relevant bookstore, you will find all kinds of teaching aids, only unexpected, and nothing you can't see.

There are at least dozens or hundreds of types, and he has never heard of more. Anyway, if you buy all kinds of teaching aids and make them, it is enough to turn those students from green youths into gray-haired old men.

The teaching and supplementary market here at Blue Star is basically close to blank. Not to mention the official ones, even the major colleges and universities have not noticed this market. After all, they are just full of food. Who would think about developing a sideline business.

Yang Zhengdong's three sets of elementary school teaching aids rely on each other. The junior high school's "Teaching and Improvement" kills all directions, and it is an official channel. It is endorsed by the State Education Commission and recommended by many big bosses. It is not surprising that such results can be achieved!
Although 1000 million sets is not a lot, it is really not too much. You must know that there are more than one billion people in China, and the school-age primary and middle school students are at least close to 5.00 million, but the ratio is only [-]%, which is not too high.

However, he didn't intend to monopolize the teaching aid market. With the appearance of these sets of teaching aids, it is estimated that within half a year, all universities, primary and secondary schools in China will make a move and create various teaching aids to seize this emerging market.

At that time, a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend. In less than three years, I believe that the teaching aid market will be as lively as in the previous life.

Yang Zhengdong didn't intend to make money from the teaching aids, he wanted to use these sets of teaching aids to stimulate and activate the market. When setting the price, he asked to sell at a low price, and only added a little profit on the basis of the cost price.

This little profit is not even enough for labor costs. Fortunately, he did it by himself. If it was a team, it is estimated that they would disband and return to "Gao Laozhuang".

It's just this little profit, which will be magnified infinitely under the huge sales figures. He can get about two yuan for each set of textbooks sold, which means that he earned 20 yuan a day today!

After all, students earn money!
This is true whether it is the earth or the blue star!
Moreover, the original copyright is still in his hands. If someone publishes similar teaching materials in the future, if his method is used in it, he will need to pay for it.

It’s okay if you don’t pay, so create an innovative method!This stimulated the development of teaching and research in a disguised form, which was also in line with his original intention.

Anyway, it is the students who benefit in the end!
"You earn 20 yuan a day, nearly 1 yuan an hour, and 1 yuan a minute. Brother, in the future, you can also be said to be a person who earns hundreds of yuan every minute!"

(End of this chapter)

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