Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 201 Does She Pass Every Day?

Chapter 201 Does She Pass Every Day?
Yang Zhengdong hurried back to his room because he almost forgot to call today and called his sister Yuanyuan.

As for Liang Yalin's thoughts, he was completely unclear, and even if he did, he wouldn't feel anything other than a headache.

I've been thinking about helping them today for a long time, and it's all out of a teacher's heart. I didn't expect to meet Mr. Sheng so easily, and it went very smoothly.

As a teacher, he naturally wants to find a good future for his students. Sister Liang Yalin has such a talent for singing. If he doesn't help them fight for it, Yang Zhengdong feels that it is a waste of talent.

Fortunately, it turned out not bad!

But the exasperating thing is that he also set himself up!

But the title of professor really made his heart pound, even if he was a visiting professor in his previous life, he had never been a professor.

Don't think about it anymore, call first before talking, or it will be too late.

Liang Yalin's canteen also had a phone, so there was no need to worry about conflicting with them when calling. Yang Zhengdong took the phone and dialed the number of the village department, which was the old party secretary's home.

After a few rings over there, the phone was picked up, and the voice of the old branch secretary came over.

"Grandpa Seven, I am Zhengdong!"

Yang Zhengdong quickly greeted with a smile.

"You didn't know how to make a phone call until you left for a few days? How about Yalin and the other sisters, who at least know that they have arrived in the capital to report to everyone that they are safe, and they have been busy since they heard that you have gone? Earning money is important, but also take care!"

When the old branch secretary heard that it was him, he began to chatter, and Yang Zhengdong could only listen with a smile on his face. The old man also cared about him.

"Don't worry, Seventh Grandpa, I'm in good health! Don't forget that I can kill even wild boars, so what's the matter! Everything in the village is fine now?"

Yang Zhengdong replied with a smile.

"Very good, the expensive hall at the school has already arranged for people to enter the venue. It is being flipped over today, and it will be topped up in two days at most! Cheng Zhi's cafeteria has also begun to lay the foundation, and she has to go there at least three times a day to see it. The matter of road construction has basically been settled, and various materials are being prepared now, and people from all villages have also mobilized. The way back will be repaired!"

The old branch secretary said excitedly.

"Our vegetable plots are very good. The seeds and seedlings you left before you left have also begun to be planted or transplanted. 70.00% of the households in the village have also joined the cooperatives. They all started to return to the village, ready to do a big job, and we can expand production when you come back. Oh, by the way, your snack training school has also been settled, and it will start on Monday when you go to work. The children are really a bit...they have yellow hair, green hair, and red hair, which scares the villagers!"

"Didn't I tell Cheng Zhi to clean up these people before school started? Why is the hair still dyed?"

When Yang Zhengdong heard what the old party secretary said, he couldn't help frowning and asked.

"It was like this when the group of half-grown children came. Yesterday afternoon, all the people in the village who knew how to shave their heads got on, and now they basically all got a small crew cut, and a few shaved their bald heads directly. Chengzhi said dry snacks , the hair must not exceed one inch, and these forty or fifty children look like they just came out of the labor camp, and each one is brighter than the other!"

The old branch secretary couldn't help laughing.

"That's good, I'm still worried that these gangs won't be easy to manage!"

Yang Zhengdong couldn't help laughing as he imagined that scene.

"It's easy to manage! That boy Tianhu is very capable, and your three stupid apprentices also took action, and they are submissive to these gangsters. Our villagers didn't give it for nothing. The broom bumps are very useful. Now They go to the village every day after class, fetching water for one family and sweeping the floor for another. People in the village really like these boys! They wiped out the persimmons that everyone in the village was doing, and some bought more than a dozen Making snacks by Jin can be regarded as doing a good deed for the village!"

Yang Zhengdong couldn't help laughing.

Mengxi Village is a martial artist, and he can deal with a bunch of bastards, old men and old ladies. Before he gets the true meaning of Baji, he is the last one in the village to fight.

There are many persimmon trees around the village, and every family makes dried persimmons every winter, which can be eaten as snacks during the Chinese New Year.

As life gets better day by day, no children are willing to eat dried persimmons, but the persimmon tree will bear fruit every year, and it cannot last for a long time. If it is not dried, it will be wasted.

The old people in the village are still used to making a lot of dried persimmons every year. I didn’t expect that the dried persimmons that no one wants to eat anymore would be solved by this group of people.

After all, the pigs in Mengxi Village are tired of eating them!
"That's good! It can be regarded as a contribution to the village. Is there anything else new?"

"Then there is elementary school. Du Chengliang from the Township Education Committee called and said that our Mengxi Village has good grades. We will resume the school establishment in the second half of the year and return to the Township Education Committee for unified management. This change may be you, the official teacher. The establishment can be done, and the village even said to assign us a new teacher, I didn't expect a series of good things to come!"

The old party secretary smiled happily.

"Restoring the establishment at this time? What the hell is this Du guy doing?"

Yang Zhengdong was not as excited as the old party secretary. At this time, he felt that something was wrong with adjusting the primary school establishment and turning Mengxi Village Primary School into a public primary school directly under the township education committee.

It's okay if it's someone else, but Du Chengliang is the director of the township education committee, and he personally notified Mengxi Village, which is a bit abnormal.

There are no good people in the Du family. If they don't have anything to do, there must be some conspiracy, but what kind of conspiracy is it?

"What's the matter Zhengdong? Isn't this a good thing? What the hell can they do?"

The old branch secretary asked suspiciously when he heard his words.

"I can't say it well. I always feel that this matter is not that simple. I had a conflict with Du Chenggong in the city a while ago and forced him to break up Sister Yuanyuan's engagement. I don't think the Du family will be like this Let it go, I always feel that there is some kind of conspiracy in the elementary school!"

Yang Zhengdong frowned and said.

"I've heard from Yucheng about the girl Yuanyuan. With the thing you brought, we're taking advantage of it now, and no one can get over it. But you say that, based on what I know about Du Laogou, maybe Maybe there is really some conspiracy? I have been busy these two days, it seems that there are quite a few faces in the village, I will let people watch it tomorrow!"

"Then I'll trouble you to worry about it. This Du family is like a dog's skin plaster. I don't know what that Du old dog is after Yuanyuan's house. He insists on being so unwilling to let it go!"

"Well, don't worry about it, I will keep an eye on this matter! I guess it may have something to do with the ancestors of the old Sun family. Yucheng's lineage is a descendant of Sun Simiao, the great doctor of the Tang Dynasty. Maybe there is something precious for this old dog Du up!"

"Sun Simiao? No way? Our village is still related to such a big man?" Yang Zhengdong was the first to hear that the Sun family had such a history.

"What's so strange about this! Your old Yang family is still the royal family of the Sui Dynasty. If Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty hadn't been so capable of tossing around, your Yang family wouldn't have been able to hide in this small valley for more than 1000 years!"

The words of the old party secretary directly confused Yang Zhengdong, saying that he was actually a descendant of the Yang family in the Sui Dynasty, which made him feel a little funny.

"Seventh grandpa, real or fake? I have grown up to this age, and I have become the royal family of the Sui Dynasty. Your old lady can joke!"

Yang Zhengdong couldn't be happier, he laughed and said.

"You child, what's so strange about this? We all moved here to escape the chaos of war. Our ancestors were all famous people in ancient times. What's so strange about your old Yang family being the royal family of the Sui Dynasty? There are so many people, they couldn't all be killed by the rebels back then, right?"

"Okay, I'll just believe it for the time being. It's not bad to find a powerful ancestor, but it's a pity that the Sui Dynasty was too short-lived. So who is your ancestor?"

"Our Wang family is amazing. During the Warring States period, he was a close minister of King Zhao. King Zhao had to listen to our ancestors when he went out!"

"So powerful? I don't remember that there is a famous person named Wang in Zhao Guo?"

Yang Zhengdong asked suspiciously.

"You are ignorant! Such an important person, those who wrote history did not write it, it is really annoying!"

The old party secretary said indignantly.

"Then what kind of high official in Zhao country?"

Yang Zhengdong followed the words and asked.

"Our ancestors were driven by King Zhao, which is equivalent to the current number one driver, a proper minister of the emperor!"

The old party secretary said sonorously.

"Pfft! Awesome! Awesome!"

Yang Zhengdong almost burst out laughing, and hurried away with his mobile phone, holding back his smile and praising him.

"That's right! Absolutely amazing! If Zhao Guo is not destroyed, maybe our ancestors can get a title or something!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Absolutely!"

Yang Zhengdong could only hold back a smile, but when he realized that he was on the phone, he stopped holding back and laughed directly.

"Smile at you! Did you call Yuanyuan? This girl has been here since you left, and she goes here three times a day, staying for more than two hours each time. She came here to talk to your seventh grandma in name, In fact, who doesn't know what's going on, do you think you can die of exhaustion just by making a phone call?"

The old party secretary was a little anxious, so he changed the subject directly and began to train Yang Zhengdong.

"Sister Yuanyuan...does she go there every day?"

Yang Zhengdong asked distressedly.

"Yeah, Yucheng installed a new phone on the day you left. I asked her to call you, and the child said that she was afraid that you would be too busy to affect you, so she ran here every day to watch over your phone! Zhengdong, man It's okay to aim everywhere, but don't let the family always worry about it... Sigh, I can't control the affairs of you young people, you can watch for yourself!"

The old branch secretary began to mutter angrily.

"Grandpa Seven I know, you can give me the phone number of Sister Yuanyuan's new dress, I will call him right away!"

Yang Zhengdong hurriedly asked.

"Well, wait a minute, I'll check the book! I found it... Please remember, their phone number is..."

Yang Zhengdong said a few more words to the old branch secretary, then hung up the phone in a hurry. After entering the phone number of Sun Yuanyuan's house, Yang Zhengdong found that he didn't know how to dial it. He felt touched, warm, and distressed...

Anyway, it was mixed flavors, and for a while, it felt like this number was like a mountain, and it filled his heart.

I have never experienced this kind of feeling, maybe this is love...

Yang Zhengdong calmed down, pressed the dial button, and listened to the connection sound from inside, feeling full of anticipation.

"Hello? Yucheng Clinic!"

"Hey, sister Yuanyuan, it's me!"

Hearing the voice from the microphone, Yang Zhengdong felt his nose sore, he tried his best to calm down, and said softly.

It was only then that he realized that he missed this voice so much, and that silly, silly girl across from him...

(End of this chapter)

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