Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 124 The toilet needs to be remodeled!

Chapter 124 The toilet needs to be remodeled!
This system is really deceptive!
It turned out to be a reminder to send out the task anyway, but now it is just throwing the task, and even greeted without calling.

Yang Zhengdong was so angry that he didn't know why the system couldn't control his temper when he encountered this hot chicken.

Could it be the legendary falling in love and killing each other?

Pooh!Fall in love with a broken system!

Sometimes in the dead of night, when people think about it, maybe this spicy chicken system came from the earth with him?So subconsciously regard this thing as "one of my own".

Isn't "our own people" just used to vent your anger?
If he didn't take a look at it on a whim today, maybe he didn't know about this task at all, but even if he knew, it was nothing, and there would be no punishment if he couldn't complete it anyway.

Let him go!

He simply glanced at the column of "Master's Inheritance", which was mainly aimed at the inheritance of his several Wan Dao skills.

The board is Wang Dong, and the back is marked with a teacher.

The cooking skills are Wang Chengzhi and Chen Jiahui, and they haven't graduated yet.

Martial arts and special operations are the three idiots, and they are marked as unlearned.

The fifth uncle Wang Enkui was added to the vegetables, but it was marked as a registered disciple, and it could only be said that there was a master-student relationship, but no master-student status.

On the music side are sisters Liang Yahui and Liang Yalin, who are also named disciples.

Yang Zhengdong guessed that it might be because the master-student relationship has not been formally established, right?

Unknowingly, I have accepted so many apprentices, and I have a long way to go. If I continue to work hard, maybe in a few years, the world will be full of peaches and plums.

Yang Zhengdong turned off the system, turned on the computer, and prepared to sort out the exams. No matter what, the children's exams should not be ignored, and they will keep some fun stuff for them!

It's just that before he started working, his ears moved slightly, and he heard footsteps coming from outside the door. Now that his physique has improved, he can be regarded as hearing and seeing clearly.

"Is Zhengdong here?"

Sure enough, there was a greeting from outside.

"here I am!"

Yang Zhengdong quickly closed the computer and walked out.

"Have you eaten yet? My lord!"

Seeing the visitor, Yang Zhengdong warmly greeted him.

The person who came was Wang Guitang, who was just over [-] years old and the former richest man in Mengxi Village, so Yang Zhengdong naturally knew him.

As for who is the richest man in Mengxi Village now?

Yang Zhengdong said that he didn't know either. If debts were not counted, and those unrealized businesses were added, he might still be able to fight for it. But in terms of cash flow, he should still not be as rich as this noble man. .

"It's not that Uncle Qi came to me and said that you want to renovate the school, so I hurried over here. What are you going to do to fix it? Grandpa will arrange someone for you!"

Wang Guitang took out a pack of cigarettes and handed it over, Yang Zhengdong waved his hand to express his disapproval, Wang Guitang lit it himself, and said heartily.

"It's all a small job. I didn't expect the uncle to ask you to go there in person. I planned to come and talk to you later!"

"Hey, what's the big deal? Our school's affairs are the big ones! This school is also my uncle's alma mater, and I'm also Ye's student. The school's affairs are our own affairs. I have to take care of it. !"

"Then I will trouble you, sir!"

"Don't be polite to the uncle, let's talk about your request first, go, and go around the school. I have been busy for a few years, and I haven't been here for several years!"

After Wang Guitang finished speaking, he went to the front and looked at it. Yang Zhengdong was by his side, thinking about where to start.

"It hasn't changed much, it still looks the same, but it's much cleaner than before. This bamboo is pretty good. It's pretty. When was it planted?"

Wang Guitang walked and watched, and suddenly saw a large piece of bamboo in the corner, which had grown into a small bamboo forest, and asked in surprise.

"I planted it a few days ago. This bamboo grows fast. It didn't take many days to grow such a large piece. I'm afraid that the school will be covered with them in a few days!"

Yang Zhengdong explained with a smile.

"This bamboo is good. You can see that this tree has thick arms and is still so tall. I didn't expect bamboo to grow in our village. It is also a great scenery! People in the city are willing to plant bamboo in their yards. Don't worry. They grow into the school, you see, it's starting to go uphill!"

Following Wang Guitang's fingers, there were indeed several swaying emerald bamboos growing on the sloping hillside outside the low wall, exactly the same as this emerald bamboo.

It turned out to be "up the mountain"!

"Really, do you know where the bamboo grows? If it weren't for your uncle telling me today, I really didn't notice it!"

Yang Zhengdong also said in surprise, he was really a little surprised.

Could it be that these six pure emerald bamboos still have wisdom?Knowing that the school is not suitable, I directly grow it on the mountain. After a few years, will the mountains and plains be full of bamboo?
"This bamboo has spirituality. If you say that the school has bamboo, it is the best. It is a gentleman's spirit! I have always heard people talking nonsense. You are educated. If the uncle says something wrong, don't laugh!"

Wang Guitang took out the style of talking nonsense when negotiating business with others, and quickly made up for it when he found something wrong.

"My lord is quite right. Bamboo itself is a gentleman among trees. I planted it by accident. I didn't expect it to grow so much!"

"You still have knowledge! This bamboo is good, and it is a good material at first glance. When it grows up, it can be used as a bamboo pole or a pergola! The roots of bamboo grow horizontally. It is estimated that there will be a bamboo mountain in our Mengxi Village soon. This [Xiaoxishan] will be renamed [Bamboo Mountain] when there are more bamboos, it’s very good!"

Xiaoxi Mountain is the name of the mountain behind the school. It is not too high, with an altitude of only 500 meters, but the area is not small. The school is built under the east slope of the mountain.

"Okay, when there are more bamboos, I will change the name to it. Let's go here and have a look. I plan to repair these classrooms!"

Yang Zhengdong agreed along the Huatou, and then led Wang Guitang to the classroom.

"There are six rooms in total, but now only one is used as a classroom, and I use one of the other five as an office. The roof of the other four has been broken for a long time, and it is leaking when it rains. I want to take advantage of the summer vacation. It’s just a matter of repairing it, so as not to collapse again in heavy rain!”

Yang Zhengdong pointed to these classrooms and said.

"This school has been around for almost 40 years. I flipped it once when I was in school, but I haven't really repaired it seriously. After all these years, it really should be overhauled. Zhengdong, tell me what you think, windows, I'll take care of the doors and tiles for you!"

With a look of reminiscence, Wang Guitang said proudly with a wave of his hand.

"How can I ask you to pay for it, sir, now the school has tens of thousands in the account, plus some money from growing vegetables and selling them, it is probably enough to repair the classrooms!"

Yang Zhengdong hurriedly said politely.

"What's this? I'm studying here, and my brother and sister are also studying here. In a few years, my grandchildren will still have to study here. I should pay for it! It’s okay to wrap it up, but the money is tight recently, and it may not be able to do it, and I don’t want to brag about it, but with this tile on the windows and doors, the uncle is still no problem!”

Wang Guitang said loudly with a sullen face.

"Okay, uncle, I wanted you to find a few people to work, but I didn't expect to make you spend money!"

Yang Zhengdong said embarrassedly.

"It should be, it's really nothing! Tell me how you want to change these rooms. I will prepare the materials when I go back. I guess it will be no problem to enter the venue during the holiday!"

Wang Guitang said indifferently.

"I plan to renovate these classrooms. I checked that the foundation and walls are solid. Let's not do it for the time being. The roof tiles are replaced, and the missing purlins and rafters are replaced. What do you think? How are you doing?"

"It's simple, just keep talking!"

"Then there are doors and windows, sir, you may really not be able to take care of this! This time I want to change to plastic steel windows, which are simple, strong, and good in lighting. I don't need the stupid wooden windows, and the glass always breaks! But I don’t know if there are plastic-steel windows on the market now? Wooden doors can also be used for doors.”

"Plastic steel? I've heard that there is a job in the county that uses plastic steel. It's all tempered glass. It's double-layered. Is it that kind?"

Wang Guitang pondered for a moment and asked.

"Yes, it's the kind of plastic steel, a large piece of glass, that can be pushed and pulled!"

"That's not cheap. It costs four to five hundred yuan per square meter. If all six houses are replaced with plastic steel, it will cost at least 4 to [-] yuan. Isn't that too much?"

Wang Guitang did some calculations and frowned a little.

"Why don't I say you can't pay for it? The money is still paid from the school's account. Tens of thousands of dollars can make the children use better windows. If you spend it, you will spend it. Otherwise, you will still use the original one. Every year Broken glass costs a fortune!"

Yang Zhengdong said with a smile.

"Medium! I'll ask someone to see if I can find a sturdy and cheap one. If not, go to Ludong to have a look. I heard that the ones produced there are half cheaper than the ones shipped over for sale!"

Wang Guitang patted his legs and agreed.

"Then I'll trouble you, sir, let's go inside, and I'll tell you what to do inside!"

Yang Zhengdong led Wang Guitang into the classroom and turned on the lights. Although it was not dark yet, the room was already dark.

"I want to do a good job in the house. The floor is replaced with cement. The white ash is shoveled off and repainted on the wall. It is best to paint it with white paint!

Light tubes are hung on the roof. This house is Dongzhaoyang, and it will be too dark to see clearly in the afternoon. The light tubes are easier to use than this light bulb!When you hang the lights on the top, install two ceiling fans for summer use! "

"That's okay. Although I'm not in the decoration business, most people can do this job. I'll do it for you!"

"Okay, one blackboard at the front and one at the back, and make it bigger. Let's use cement to paint ink for now. The table will be replaced with a new one at that time, but there is no way to install the heating, and the children will have to suffer in winter!"

Yang Zhengdong turned around the room and talked about it.

"Heating? Our village has never been frozen, so why use heating! The little guys are not so delicate. When we have money, we will build a big house and install heating for you!" Wang Guitang said with a smile .

"Master, you are right, let's talk about it later, let's go and see the other rooms, and I will tell you about it!"


Yang Zhengdong took Wang Guitang to his office first. There is nothing to say about this one, it is actually the same as the classroom, just renovate it.

"I plan to set up a reading room for the children in this room. The door and the floor must be handled properly, so that no rats or anything like that will come in!"

Yang Zhengdong pointed to the northernmost room near the bamboo and said.

"That's good. When we were in school, we didn't have anything but textbooks. It would be best to find a place to read books for our children. In this way, I can't afford to get out of the windows. I'll pack the bookshelves and the tables, chairs and benches inside. I'll find someone Use good wood to make for children, and it is guaranteed that it will not break in 40 to [-] years!"

"Okay, since you insist, sir, I will let you out!"

Yang Zhengdong didn't insist on not using it anymore, Wang Guitang let him do it if he could.

"That's right, what else is there to tell the uncle, I will calculate the materials and labor when I go back, and prepare the materials when it is time to prepare!"

"The other three rooms are still decorated like classrooms. I plan to make one of them an activity room for children, for drawing, singing, and doing experiments. More lights need to be hung! The other two rooms will be used as dormitories. The children rest, so as not to run back and forth at noon."

"That's easy to say! What else?"

"Let's go outside again, there are a few places that need to be fixed!"

Yang Zhengdong brought Wang Guitang out, walked to the toilet at the back of the classroom and said, "I need to make a big change to this toilet!"

"Big change? Why change?"

Wang Guitang took a closer look, frowned and said, "A place to shit and pee? Can't you install a toilet like the people in the city?"

 Thanks to the book friends [Tokyo Snow Sees Cherry Blossoms] for the monthly ticket rewards, and thanks to all the brothers and sisters for their great support yesterday, I almost scared the brothers, there are rewards and monthly tickets everywhere, thank you all here!thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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