Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 107 I really learned a lot today

Chapter 107 I really learned a lot today

Yang Zhengdong has a black line on his forehead!

This is just a meal, it doesn't need to rise to the level of warming the bed, right?
Fifteen or sixteen-year-old children are so unprincipled, no wonder in previous lives I heard that for a game equipment, they can...

It seems that there are some fruit phones...

Is this the teacher's lack of education?
Or is the world really changing too fast?

Just kidding!

I really can't take it...

I didn't expect the influence of the Red Mansion to be so great. Do you want to set up a spot in the Red Mansion in the future?
"But you still have an exam tomorrow, you have to go back after dinner, you can't stay too long!"

Yang Zhengdong thought for a while and said.

"No problem, I'll leave after eating!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

The three of them hurriedly agreed.

"Okay, then go to Xiaoya's house and call your family, don't let your family worry."

Yang Zhengdong compromised.


Yang Zhengdong ordered a three-wheeled car for them, and then rode to Lao Zhu's house. After paying the bill, he arranged for them to call home respectively.

The three girls called with the same caliber, and they were all studying at Xiaoya's house for the exam.

Looking at Yang Zhengdong and Lao Zhu are full of black lines, such a novel is so slippery, one can imagine how difficult it is for girls to manage.

"Why are you looking at me? I don't even lie, it's a waste of time!"

Zhu Xiaoya rolled her eyes when she saw Yang Zhengdong's and Lao Zhu's eyes were exactly the same, and said with a look of disdain.

"Look at your ability, if you dare to tell a lie in the future, I won't take your skin off!"

Teacher Qian came out of the room, pointed at Zhu Xiaoya's forehead, and said viciously.

"I know, what a big deal!"

Zhu Xiaoya put down her schoolbag and chatted with Cheng Xiuting and the others.

"Okay, let's go!"

Yang Zhengdong saw the three girls finished their phone calls, and a group of people set off in a mighty way, took a few tricycles and headed for the red building.

"Zhengdong, are you sure you want to go to the Red Mansion?"

Liu Sanpi asked with some worry.

"It's all in the car, why do you still ask this? Where can I eat if I don't go to the Red Mansion?" Yang Zhengdong looked at him suspiciously.

"No, I mean...forget it, just go!"

Liu Bo touched the thick wad of money in his pocket, and suddenly he felt confident, thinking that he would die if he thought about it, at worst, he would ask his father to post it.


Yang Zhengdong muttered something, and stopped talking to him.

When he arrived at the Red House, Yang Zhengdong paid the fare, and led a group of people to the door in a mighty manner. Two waiters who were in charge of welcoming guests greeted them with smiles on their faces.

"Do you have a reservation?"

A waiter with a good figure stepped forward and asked.

I didn't see that Wang Dahui and Liu Sanpi had already started to join in. In the previous life, they must have been thinking about adding a WeChat or something.

"Yes! The Lingxiao Palace is reserved!"

Yang Zhengdong blocked them back without any trace, and stepped forward to answer with a smile.

"Lingxiao Temple? May I ask who is Teacher Yang?"

The waiter was surprised, and quickly asked enthusiastically.

"I am!"

"Please wait a moment, I will contact the manager right away!"

Hearing Yang Zhengdong's answer, the waiter quickly trotted two steps to make a call. Liu Bo and his group looked at each other in dismay. Is this going to call the police?

They took a second look,

Not so much, right?

But seeing Yang Zhengdong pulling Zhu Xiaoya leisurely, he didn't see any special reaction, so he could only wait there.

I hope people are just in a hurry to go to the toilet!
Several people stared at their toes to study, and within a minute, they heard warm greetings.

"Oh, Zhengdong, you are here!"

Li Hui, dressed in a decent suit, came out with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Manager Li!"

Yang Zhengdong stretched out his hand to touch Li Hui, and responded with a smile.

"Whatever you call Manager Li, you can just call me Sister Hui! Otherwise, I can call you Consultant Yang instead. You must know that the consultant of the group is the imperial envoy, and we have to line up to meet you!" Li Hui said with a smile.

"Okay, sister Hui, where is Jiahui?"

"That's right, Master Chen was preparing dishes for you just now, and someone has already notified you, let's go in first, and we will probably come out soon!"

Li Hui enthusiastically welcomed them in. Except for him and Zhu Xiaoya, everyone else couldn't hold back their surprise.

Why is Zhengdong so big in Red Mansion?The managers came out to greet them in person.

"Liu Sanpi, what cow are you talking about?"

Cheng Xiuting elbowed Liu Bo, looked up at the sky and asked.

"Maybe...maybe...probably...let me blow it to death?"

Liu Bo stared straight at the ostentatious gate of the red building in front of him, and muttered to himself.

"Hurry up and come in!"

Yang Zhengdong saw that the few people didn't move, he just stared at the red building, and couldn't help reminding.

"Hey, brother-in-law is here!"

Wu You and the three girls didn't think too much about it, and ran over happily when they heard the greeting, but Lao Zhu and Teacher Qian were startled when they said brother-in-law.

The two looked at each other suspiciously, and then quickly followed in.

"Mr. Zhu, these two kids won't do anything too extreme, will they?"

Teacher Qian took Lao Zhu's arm and asked in a low voice.

"Probably not, Zhengdong is still a kid!"

Lao Zhu replied not too sure.

"Zhengdong is right, but the key is that your ancestor didn't know it. You don't know how evil her ideas are? No matter how good this boy is, if the girl is willing to go all out, can she still resist?"

The more Teacher Qian talked, the more flustered he became, and he couldn't help pinching Lao Zhu's arm twice, the pain made Lao Zhu's face deformed.

"It shouldn't be, right?"

Old Zhu also said uncertainly.

"It doesn't matter. After the exam, you must talk to Xiaoya. This child Zhengdong has always regarded her as her younger sister. We both know this well. Don't let your daughter get trapped and unable to get out!"

The more Teacher Qian spoke, the more flustered he became, and the expression on Lao Zhu's face changed. The main reason was that Teacher Qian's hand was still on his waist, and he twisted it as soon as he said a word.

It hurts!
Of course, no one noticed these little tricks.

Now almost everyone is shocked by the luxury and high-end of the Red House.

When Yang Zhengdong and the others entered the hall, a row of female guests in ancient costumes bowed to welcome them collectively. Liu Bo and the others were taken aback by their dignity.

"Sister Hui, it's getting a little big, and my brothers are all scared!" Yang Zhengdong said with a helpless smile.

"Hey, welcome to the imperial envoy must be like that! Let me tell you that Mr. Ma made a special statement, and he must greet you. I have been ordered by the imperial edict. If Mr. Ma is not abroad, he will I want to come over to entertain you in person.”

After all, Li Hui could speak, and directly lifted Yang Zhengdong to a very high height, and it made people feel very comfortable.

"No, Mr. Ma has such a big business that he is busy every day. I only come here for dinner occasionally. What's the big deal?"

Yang Zhengdong said modestly with a smile.

"That's not true! Mr. Ma said that his big boss is not as important as your consultant Yang! One day you are unhappy and stop the dishes, and the Red House will probably sell half of them immediately; if you are unhappy, you will authorize the new dishes to the receiver. Now, the Red House will be completely torn down immediately. Cooperation with you is a complete seller's market, he has no advantages, do you think he can ignore it?"

Li Hui answered with a smile.

"Haha... Mr. Ma still likes to joke so much!"

Yang Zhengdong said with a smile that he and Ma Qianli were very comfortable working together, and he really didn't intend to do so.


It seems to say...

It really looks the same!

I'm in a good mood!
"Teacher, teacher! I'm late!"

As Chen Jiahui came over, he followed a little assistant to help him take off the chef's uniform, and quickly let the little assistant take it away, for fear that Yang Zhengdong would be unhappy if he saw it.

Yang Zhengdong has strict requirements on him and Wang Chengzhi.

Chef clothes must be worn when entering the kitchen!
But it is never allowed to wear it out of the kitchen, so as not to be polluted by the outside environment.

If he hadn't thought of it on the spur of the moment and quickly asked the little assistant to take it off, he would probably have to be criticized again.

"Well, I'm just here to meet with my teachers and classmates. There's no need to make such a big crowd. Take us to the private room. I'll introduce you to them later."

Yang Zhengdong naturally saw it too, but Chen Jiahui is the head chef of the Red Mansion, so we should give him some face.

train apprentices.

Come in private!
Ming training...

That is indiscriminate abuse!

Commonly known as pretending to be X!

It's not what Teacher Yang did!

"Okay, this way, teacher! This way, everyone!"

Chen Jiahui's posture was very low, and he bowed to the side of Yang Zhengdong to lead the way. He himself was a relatively conservative person, and Yang Zhengdong was no stranger to this.

Let him go!

But the others didn't know. After they arrived, they were greeted by the manager and led by the chef. They were all overwhelmed by the treatment.

In Liu Sanpi's words, even if the No. [-] and No. [-] leaders in the county come over, they probably won't be treated like this.

Not to mention the chef, it's possible that Li Hui, the manager, won't even show up.

If you like to eat, you can eat it or not!
Still want someone to accompany you?

What do you think?
Our red building has never been used to this stinky problem!

Now that Yang Zhengdong came here, the waiters lined up, accompanied by the manager, and led by the chef. He said that this bullshit can last for a year.

The conversation between Li Hui and Yang Zhengdong did not hide from the crowd, they heard every word.They were so shocked that they almost bit their tongues. It turned out that it wasn't Yang Zhengdong who was bragging about X, but they were the ones who were blinded by a pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

People tried their best to talk to Xiaoli.

It's just that they don't believe it, who can blame it?

Among this group of people, Zhu Xiaoya was the only one who couldn't walk without drifting.

She walked in front with Yang Zhengdong's arm in her arms, looking around at the decoration of the red building, with a look of interest on her face, she didn't look behind at all.

"I said, Lao Zhu, you seem to be a proud disciple, isn't it easy?"

Teacher Qian also hugged Lao Zhu's arm, and asked in a low voice, if it weren't for the crow's feet from laughing at the corners of his eyes, Lao Zhu might really want to answer, but now...

Mmmmmmm, nothing to say!
It doesn't matter whether Mr. Qian answers or not!A certain person could not help but substitute himself into the role of mother-in-law. Knowing that the two children were impossible, Lao Zhu also sighed.

"Teacher, the Lingxiao Hall is on the third floor, and the ordinary private rooms are on the second floor. The name of the private rooms here is taken from the mythical Heavenly Palace. It is said that there are 33 Heavenly Palaces and 72 Treasure Halls in the sky. This Red Building chose 33 Heavenly Palaces as the common rooms. For the private room, Yaochi, Guanghan, and Lingxiao were selected as the VIP private room, and what we are going to is the largest private room in the Red Mansion, Lingxiao Hall!"

Yang Zhengdong turned his head while listening, this red building really did a good job of making a gimmick, I still remember the first time he came here, the name of the dish was "Fu Rong Nuan", the name was the same as a poem.

I didn't expect this private room to be so particular. It seems that Ma Qianli really has a way of doing business.

He casually glanced at the second floor, and found several people gathered around the reception desk on the second floor.

When they passed by, one of the young men gave them a surprised look, which seemed familiar.

But he didn't care. Now his memory is obviously much better than before. Maybe he met him on the street, and it's normal to have a little impression.

There are only three private rooms on the third floor, and the private room of Lingxiao Palace is the innermost one. After opening the door, a group of people all involuntarily exclaimed.

Not for anything else, just because this private room is really Mrs. Mrs... big!
The entire private room is at least four to five hundred square meters. There is a rockery directly opposite the entrance, and there is a landscape of small bridges and flowing water inside, and there are many goldfish swimming in the water.

The most surprising thing is that they even raised two red-crowned cranes.

That's right, a live red-crowned crane!

I am taking a leisurely stroll in the water at the moment.

The room is surrounded by wooden sofas, Bogu bookshelves, calligraphy tables, and a rather quaint guzheng.

The floor was covered with a thick carpet, and Liu Bo and the others felt like they couldn't walk when they stepped on it.

Looking at the other people, their looks and expressions are similar, even Cheng Xiuting, who loves to chatter, is holding her breath, how can other people be better?

In the inner part of the private room, there is a round table with a diameter of more than three meters, which can seat at least twenty people without being too crowded. There is also a bunch of bright flowers on it, and the electric glass turntable is slowly turning.

"I'm going to go! I really learned a lot today!"

Liu Bo let out a heavy breath, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

 Send me seven thousand words!Waiting to see the pig's feet pretending to be so, you may be disappointed. This article is really not a cool article pretending to be so face-slapping, and Misty Rain will not pretend to be so. Everyone has fun watching it, and I think it's easy to give it to me Comments are much appreciated!
(End of this chapter)

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