Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 101 Being teased by Zhu Xiaoya again

Chapter 101 Being teased by Zhu Xiaoya again

It's hard to guess what's going on in a girl's mind!

Yang Zhengdong smiled, and no longer wondered what she was thinking.

But Lao Zhu wanted to ask again, so he smiled and changed the subject.

Zhu Xiaoya looked at Yang Zhengdong, gave him a satisfied look, then walked back to the room in a short skirt.

Having dinner with Lao Zhu, Yang Zhengdong followed Zhu Xiaoya back to the room, and the girl lay on her bed in all directions, completely ignoring that there was still a man in the room.

Yang Zhengdong could only smile wryly as he stood in front of the desk, moved his eyes to be at the same level as her head, and couldn't resist thinking about the pink cartoon rabbit.

"The exam is coming tomorrow, do you want to deepen your impression?"

Sitting at the desk, Yang Zhengdong asked with a smile.

"Don't you? Shouldn't you relax today for the exam tomorrow?"

Zhu Xiaoya's face was wrinkled like a bun, and she asked weakly.

"Different people are suitable for different methods. For example, students with weak mental endurance and who are prone to nervousness, it is best to relax and relax again, so as not to affect their learning status.

But you don’t need it at all. I think your state is more relaxed than anyone else. Let me help you review tomorrow’s test points. After you finish the test, I will give you a big gift! "

Yang Zhengdong looked at Zhu Xiaoya, who kept rolling on the bed, and almost danced "disco" lying down, and said dumbfoundedly.

"But people are also very nervous..."

Zhu Xiaoya wrinkled her little nose pretendingly and said.

"I really don't see it. Hurry up and come and sit down. I'll help you review the knowledge points of the first Chinese session tomorrow!"

Yang Zhengdong got up helplessly, dragged Zhu Xiaoya, who was pretending to be loveless, off the bed, pressed it on the stool in front of the desk, and moved a chair to sit beside him.

"It's too painful... Woohoo!"

"Stop pretending! You just don't want to bother, otherwise with your cleverness, how could it be difficult for you!"

Regardless of her resistance, Yang Zhengdong took out a blank notebook and planned to help her "sharpen the gun".

"I'm working hard, okay?"

Zhu Xiaoya pouted dissatisfied.

"Okay, then work hard for the last day!"

Yang Zhengdong straightened her head and began to explain.

"Chinese for the senior high school entrance examination is nothing more than these knowledge points, assessing pronunciation and shape, rhetorical techniques, famous sayings, wrong sentences, imitation sentences, word explanations, common sense of literature, modern Chinese reading, classical Chinese reading, and writing. Now let's start with rhetorical techniques. Assessment rhetoric generally appears in multiple-choice questions..."

Yang Zhengdong systematically explained the key points of the high school entrance examination knowledge points. At the beginning, Zhu Xiaoya was a little careless, but within a few minutes, she got involved and interacted with Yang Zhengdong back and forth.

It's just because Yang Zhengdong didn't talk about it boringly, but combined with the previous exercises, let Zhu Xiaoya think about this type of questions, and he should start from there, which is the so-called "methodology".

When it comes to writing, Yang Zhengdong did not go to analyze a certain composition, but talked about several highlights of composition writing, such as "parallel sentence pattern", "personal sentence pattern", "psychological description" , "use of famous sentences", "enhancement of ancient prose" and other specific expressions.

In the case that Zhu Xiaoya's vocabulary accumulation is not particularly sufficient, try to let her write impressive articles as much as possible, so that the composition will not lose too many points.

The two people also simulated through dialogue, such as anthropomorphizing various natural things, how to make an ordinary thing twists and turns in the composition, whether to write or not when describing the heart, etc.

Focus on helping her plan the word count and punctuation of the paragraph, including how to divide into paragraphs and sections.

Unknowingly, this make-up class that Zhu Xiaoya resisted at the beginning lasted for more than an hour, and in the end it was Zhu Xiaoya who was still unwilling to end it.

"Brother, I found out that you are so good. The teachers in the school I use are so arrogant. Compared with you, they are not even worthy of carrying shoes. You are so good. What should I do if I am not good enough for you?"

Zhu Xiaoya was playing with a pen in her hand, resting her chin on her left hand, staring at him with a smile in her eyes and asked.

"Little brat, he's been thinking wildly all day since he was so old. I've finished the Chinese, and I'll tell you about the comprehensive literature!"

Yang Zhengdong took out a few more sheets of paper, grabbed the non-stop spinning pen from her hand, twirled it in the palm of his hand, and deftly left two big characters "History" on the paper.

"History sounds complicated, but I think it is simpler than other subjects. Regardless of domestic or foreign history, the first thing to do is to divide them into sections.

Let me talk about the history of China first. From the beginning of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to modern times, it can be roughly divided into four periods: the ancient times, the pre-Qin era, the feudal era, and the modern era. Here is a dynasty song, so you won’t mess it up if you remember it:

Three emperors and five emperors, Yao, Shun and Yu passed down.

Xia Shang and Western Zhou, and Eastern Zhou are divided into two sections,
The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period unified the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Three points of Wei, Shu and Wu, and the extension of the two Jin Dynasties,
The Southern and Northern Dynasties are parallel, and the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties are passed on.

After the Song, Yuan and Ming turmoil, the dynasty came to an end.

Then it is to remember the key time points of each time period, such as 2700 BC, the time point when the Xia Dynasty was established, which represents the beginning of the pre-Qin era and the end of the ancient era...

You can see that such a chronology comes out, and then you fill in a few words in it, namely [Politics] [Military] [Economy] [Culture] [Technology] These items, just put the key events into it. ..."

Yang Zhengdong wrote while speaking, Zhu Xiaoya didn't quite understand it at first, the course of history was no different from the heavenly book for her who was born to escape.

The memorization is always difficult and difficult to understand. If Yang Zhengdong hadn't obtained "Teaching and Improvement" and asked her to memorize it by rote while doing the questions, this class would definitely have a red light.

However, following Yang Zhengdong's explanation, she discovered that history is actually not that difficult, just like the line drawn on paper, every node is completely clear when filled in.

She felt that after studying history for three years, it was not as good as learning it now. What is a word called?Mose suddenly opened up!

Yes, it was the feeling of enlightenment!
Yang Zhengdong helped sort out the history of China and the world, and wrote some important knowledge points in it. These are basically compulsory points for the exam.

She also made some knowledge points interesting, such as "Qi Chu Yan Han Zhao Wei Qin" was actually said as "Seventh Uncle Yan Han looking for an apron" in a casual way, this method made her remember immediately, and it also aroused a lot of interest.

The following thoughts and geography are all in a similar way. Yang Zhengdong sorted out all the key knowledge points, and ended this supplementary class in Zhu Xiaoya's reluctance.

"Brother, do you want to mend it for a while?"

Zhu Xiaoya still doesn't want to end.

"That's it. There is an exam tomorrow. Get up early and read these again. Just sit in the exam room and take the exam."

Yang Zhengdong patted Zhu Xiaoya's head and said with a smile.

"But I want to stay with you for a while..."

Zhu Xiaoya hugged Yang Zhengdong's arm, and kept rubbing it with the softness that had already begun to show its scale, making Yang Zhengdong almost cry.

"Don't make trouble, girl! Hurry up and sleep well, I will take you to the examination room tomorrow, and you have to get up early for dinner!"

Pulling her arm away, Yang Zhengdong escaped from Zhu Xiaoya's "boudoir" in a panic. This girl became more and more "evil".

"Cut, coward!"

Zhu Xiaoya looked at the closed door and muttered something softly.

Yang Zhengdong naturally didn't know, even if he was a grandmaster, the system didn't give him the ability to follow the wind.

Besides, even if he hears it, he will hide away, otherwise the law on the protection of minors is no joke.

Early the next morning, after dinner, Yang Zhengdong checked the exam supplies with Zhu Xiaoya in his arms, checked the candidate candidates, and drove to No. [-] Middle School with Zhu Xiaoya on Lao Zhu's motorcycle.

One middle school is only two or three miles away from the Vocational Education Center, and it will arrive in a short while. A bunch of students and parents have already gathered around the door.

Zhu Xiaoya was dressed very beautifully today, like a little princess, she jumped out of the car and waited for Yang Zhengdong to stop, then hugged his arm and squeezed into the bustling crowd.

"Xiaoya, Xiaoya! Here!"

Squeezing into the crowd, Zhu Xiaoya led him to look around, as if he was looking for someone.

Then she heard a voice calling her name not far away. Yang Zhengdong was tall, and when he looked at the source of the voice, it was three little girls with books on their backs and ponytails tied up.

Judging by her age and clothes, she should be Zhu Xiaoya's classmate, who was waving her hand to greet them. Zhu Xiaoya saw it too, and raised her arm in response.

"You are finally here. This is your boyfriend? Wow, your boyfriend is so handsome!"

Squeezing all the way in, three girls surrounded him, looked around Yang Zhengdong for a while, and then heard the girl with a little freckle on her face say excitedly.

"Of course, it doesn't matter whose boyfriend it is. I, Zhu Xiaoya, am also a class flower, so how can I find someone crooked?"

Zhu Xiaoya was not polite at all, she puffed out her chest and said proudly.

"Hello, handsome guy. I'm Xiaoya's classmate and best friend Wu You. This is Cheng Jie, and she's Meng Yuan. What do you call her?"

The little freckled girl Wu You introduced herself, and that look is not unfamiliar at all.

Does Yang Zhengdong suspect that he has returned to the 21st century?Now these teenagers are so tough?
Seeing Zhu Xiaoya's behavior as a thief stealing chicken, it seems that the reason why she didn't mention it yesterday was because of this, but it turned out that she was told that he had already been cheated on by her boyfriend!

"My boyfriend is Yang Zhengdong. You should believe me this time, right? I said I have a boyfriend, but you still don't believe me. Remember to help me spread the word and keep those flies away!"

Zhu Xiaoya said with a proud face.

"I believed it, I didn't expect your parents to be so open-minded, and they found you a partner so early. I was interrogated by my mother in various ways after I received a boy's love letter. I almost educated me to death, but you have a boy. Friends, this time it looks like Li Kun and the others are going to die of grief!"

"That's right, Li Kun publicly announced that Zhu Xiaoya was the one not to marry..."

"He deserves it, no matter how handsome he is, he's not as handsome as his brother-in-law..."

The three girls discussed.

"I don't like that egomaniac who acts like a silly X because he has a little money. He thinks that girls have to go with him if they hook their hands. What the hell!"

Zhu Xiaoya also said proudly with her neck held high, Yang Zhengdong felt that his forehead was almost covered with black lines.

It seems that this time he let Zhu Xiaoya get the bait again, and he didn't know he was baited until he got the blame!

Pretend to be a boyfriend!
Help her block the gun!

Let her pretend to be X in front of her classmates!

What is this all about?

By the way, why is it that you are only a kid in junior high school, and why do you have so many eyes?

 Thank you all book friends for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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