Chapter 10

After Yang Zhengdong finished speaking, he was afraid that Wang Chengquan didn't hear clearly, so he repeated: "As long as Faliang is admitted to junior high school, I will pay for him to go to school!"

"It's not suitable for Zhengdong. Besides...Furthermore, Faliang may not be able to get into junior high school. It will take three years to pass the exam. What's the matter with asking you to confess!"

Of course Wang Chengquan refused fiercely, but thinking that he would not be able to support his child in junior high school, his voice finally dropped again.

"Master, I can confess if I can pass the exam. My grandfather confessed many junior high school and high school students back then. There is nothing I can't afford!"

Yang Zhengdong said with a smile that the old man did help several children from poor families in the village to study in junior high school or high school. Basically everyone in the village knew about it, and it was the reason why so many people respected the old man very much.

"Oh, it's all my fault that I'm not capable of being a father!"

Wang Chengquan patted his broken leg hard, covering his face with tears.

"He... his father... don't... don't cry!"

Faliang Niang couldn't understand what they were saying, but the old man started crying, so she hurried over to hold his hand, comforting him inarticulately.

Yang Zhengdong also turned his head and wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes. Seeing the old couple comforting each other, and the house that could be regarded as barren, he suddenly felt the responsibility to make efforts to change this situation.

The countryside in the 90s here on Blue Star is far inferior to the countryside in the 90s on Earth, especially the mountainous area, which is still in a relatively primitive state, and the situation is not much better than that on Earth in the 80s.

Young people may still go out to find a job, but those who are old or disabled can only work hard on the ground. Relying purely on the land can only guarantee that they will not die of starvation, which is great.

"Master, don't worry, Faliang will be handed over to me. Do you know where he is in the county? I'll go and get him back. As long as he's available, I'll keep offering him in the future."

Yang Zhengdong calmed down the surging emotions, and asked in a calm voice as much as possible.

"I know, I know! This is the address written by his aunt. I'm afraid I'll lose it here. Look where it's written. I can't read, so I heard his aunt tell me what kind of hotel it is."

Wang Chengquan took out a book from the bedside. Yang Zhengdong looked at the textbook for the first grade. It was flat and without any creases. Then he opened it and took out a small note and handed it to him.

Yang Zhengdong opened the note and saw an address written on it: Red House Hotel, No. 66 Zhengyang Road, Chengguan Town, Linchuan County.

Red House Hotel?Yang Zhengdong recalled this place, it seemed that it was not too far from the vocational education center where he went to school, but he had never been in it.

It is said that this hotel is the best hotel in the county, and those who can eat in it are either rich or expensive. He was a poor student back then, so how could he go to such a luxurious hotel to eat.

"I know this place. I'll go to the county seat tomorrow to get Faliang back. You and your aunt can just wait at home at ease."

Yang Zhengdong said a few more words of comfort, bid farewell to the thankful Wang Chengquan, and left this impoverished home.

Sighing heavily, he continued to walk towards the other two families. Although he already knew that Wang Faliang was involved in the task of "not one less", what if there was another dropout?
Anyway, the last two are left, let's check the situation together and draw a successful conclusion to this home visit.

An hour later, Yang Zhengdong came out from the last house, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.At present, it seems that Wang Faliang's accident is the only one, and there are still three days left. He must be found, and the task will be completed.

The night in the mountain village is very quiet and beautiful. The sky is full of stars. Although there are no street lights, you can vaguely see the road under your feet. This kind of tranquility and beauty is hard to see in the post-industrial era on earth.

Early the next morning, Yang Zhengdong cooked the pan noodles left over from the previous day, and ate breakfast.

Not to mention that it's been a night, and I don't feel like I didn't want to eat when I saw the pan mee yesterday.

The county seat is more than 40 miles away from the village, which is more than 20 kilometers. You need to go to the village to take the urban-rural bus. However, there are no cars on the seven or eight-mile mountain road from Mengxi Village to the village, so you can only ride a bicycle.

Yang Zhengdong pushed out a bicycle from the house. This is the inheritance left by the old man. It has been around for seven or eight years, and it is still quite new.

It was still the kind of bicycle with a large beam. He remembered that it should be called a big [-] bicycle.He had never ridden this kind of bike before, and compared that the beam was as tall as his waist, he was still a little apprehensive.

Although such a tall bike was nothing compared to his height, it was a bit unaccustomed for him to ride it to just enough to touch the ground.There are still several miles of mountain roads, and I don’t know what the person who designed this car thought about. Isn’t the Xiaokun car beautiful?
Yang Zhengdong checked it carefully, the condition of the car is not bad, and it was cleaned, it seems that the old man cherishes his ride.

This car is also a brand. Yang Zhengdong grinned when he looked at the two large characters in front: Huanyu.It seems that in the previous life on Earth, there was a black and white TV of this brand, right?The famous bicycle seems to be called Phoenix.

Push the car out of the yard, close the fence gate, and simply fasten it with a wire, which can be regarded as locking the gate.

People in the village usually know that no one is at home when they see the wires pinned. As for anti-theft or something, don't think too much about it.

Riding on this sophomore bicycle, I was not used to it at first, it was always swaying, and Yang Zhengdong didn't get used to it until he rode a few hundred meters.

I feel that although this bike is rather clumsy, it feels good to ride. At least it sits high enough to look far away. With a leather bag hanging on the handlebar, it looks like a rural cadre in a TV series.

Many villagers greeted him along the way, and Yang Zhengdong responded with a smile.It didn't feel so good after leaving the village, it turned out to be all the way uphill.

Yang Zhengdong bowed his waist and leaned forward, pedaling the bicycle vigorously. The originally fast bicycle, like an old ox pulling a cart, slowly moved forward up the slope.

After finally reaching the top of the slope, Yang Zhengdong put one foot on the ground, unbuttoned one of his shirt buttons, pulled the clothes and shook them, hoping to get rid of the sweat on his body.

Of course it was very cool when going downhill, he didn't need to pedal hard at all, the bicycle whizzed downhill, Yang Zhengdong felt the mountain wind blowing against his face, and his mood was extremely comfortable.

If it wasn't for the lack of technology, he would have stretched out his hands and embraced the beautiful scenery, but he clearly knew that if he really did this, this car would definitely make him embrace the earth enthusiastically.

I went uphill and downhill all the way, and when I arrived in the village, it was almost nine o'clock. If I walked on the plains, it would take me less than an hour, but I rode for more than an hour in this mountain.

Yang Zhengdong parked the car in the township middle school. People in his village usually park here when they go to the county town. It is a big place with a carport, and it is relatively close to the station.

Hurry up and finally catch the bus. It's not that he doesn't ride a bicycle to the county seat, but that the roads from the village to the county are all mountain roads, and he probably won't arrive until evening by bicycle.

After buying a ticket and getting on the bus, there were not many people on the bus today, and there was actually one empty seat left.He walked over and sat down, and then noticed that there was a beautiful girl next to him.

The girl was leaning against the car window with her eyes closed, wearing a flowered shirt and jeans, her hair was obviously permed, with curly curls, she looked very western.

No wonder there is no one sitting in this seat. Farmers who go to the city usually sit in this car. Seeing such a foreign and beautiful girl, sitting together must be afraid of getting their clothes dirty, and it is uncomfortable to ride in the car with fear.

According to the logic of rural people, they would rather stand all the way than sit next to such a foreign girl.But Yang Zhengdong didn't have this idea, he has done a lot of subways and buses, and his consistent principle is to take a seat as soon as possible.

Besides, he is also a teacher now, and he usually pays attention to personal hygiene. This clothes is also specially changed. Although it is not new, it is still clean, um, it just smells a little sweaty.

What's the matter, sweating shows that we are laborers, and working people are the most honorable.After Yang Zhengdong sat down, he deliberately chose a more comfortable posture, leaned on the car seat and closed his eyes to rest.

The girl next to her felt that someone was sitting down, opened her eyes and looked at Yang Zhengdong who was resting with his eyes closed, and the surprised expression flashed away.

Then he took another look, smiled slightly and said nothing, and moved a little towards the window, as if he wanted to make Yang Zhengdong sit more comfortably.

Although it was the first time for Yang Zhengdong to walk this road, the original owner, Yang Zhengdong, had already walked it countless times. He knew where there were bends and where there were pits, so he didn't care about seeing the scenery.

I don't know when he fell asleep in a daze, and suddenly Yang Zhengdong felt his body fly forward uncontrollably, and he couldn't stop in his dream.

When he opened his eyes, his head hit the handle behind the front seat, causing him to grin his teeth in pain. The girl next to him must have bumped into it too, and kept touching his smooth forehead with his hands.

"Hey, why are you driving?"

"That's right, it almost killed us!"


There was an uproar in the carriage, but the driver didn't respond, just staring at the door on the right.

"Hurry up and open the door, or the car will be smashed for you!"

There was a loud shout at the front right car door, followed by the sound of metal knocking on the car door.

"It's bad, I met Jie Dao'er!"

A middle-aged man at the back whispered to the woman next to him that the woman should be his wife.I saw that the woman became nervous when she heard the robbery, and secretly took out a small bundle of banknotes from her bag, carefully pulled her belt and stuffed it inside.

Yang Zhengdong happened to see it, and quickly turned his head away, rubbing the tip of his nose, thinking in his heart, can this money still be spent?

But Jie Dao, a thing that only exists in legends, is really the first time he has encountered it in two lifetimes. If it really comes up to ask for money, should I give it, or should I give it?Give it anyway!Can't do it!

There is no mobile phone these days, and there is no way to report to the police secretly. He can only hope that these people in the car will be a hero or something, but seeing everyone shrinking their necks, he thinks that they may be thinking too much.

The driver was also terrified. He had been driving for so many years, and this was the first time he encountered robbers on this road. Without thinking, he knew that these people were not from the local area, and they might be fugitives.

Just facing the three strong men outside, the car door was slammed "Guang Bang", he finally couldn't hold on and opened the car door.

A bald head came up first, looking like he was in his 30s, and then the two younger guys held down the driver and started fighting, probably thinking that he opened the door too late.

(End of this chapter)

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