Chapter 88
Lichun Courtyard.

As soon as Jiang Hua walked through the door with Shuang'er disguised as a man, he saw Wei Xiaobao embracing left and right, very happy.Wei Xiaobao can be regarded as returning to his hometown, he has come back after all hardships, now that he is well-off, he naturally returns to Lichun Courtyard, so that others will know his identity.

After Chen Jinnan took Wei Xiaobao away, Jiang Hua got up and started to look for the 42 chapters. Jiang Hua only had one copy in his hand. According to the plot, Wei Xiaobao should have two copies in his hand. Running away, that's why I took the 42 chapters out of the palace and prepared to hide them.

Just as Jiang Hua was about to enter the house to search, he found that someone was more sneaky than himself. He guessed it was the fake queen mother who came to steal the remaining two 42-chapter scriptures.

Jiang Hua followed closely, and just when the opponent thought he had succeeded, Jiang Hua shot, knocked the opponent unconscious, and then picked up the two 42-chapter scriptures in his arms and put them in his arms.As for this court lady, Jiang Hua had someone call Wei Chunhua, believing that she would arrange a happy life for this court lady.



With three 42-chapter scriptures in hand, Jiang Hua knew the secrets of the four 42-chapter scriptures. The reason why he took down the 42-chapter scriptures was to save them for future use.

"Come on, Shuang'er, my husband can't hold back anymore."

As he spoke, he hugged the two girls, one in each hand...


Deep in the royal forest.

Not surprisingly, this is the place where Oboi was buried. Jiang Hua came here early and hid.According to the news brought by Chen Jinnan, someone will come to rescue Oboi tonight. Of course, tonight is also the time for Oboi to die.

After waiting for a long time, Jiang Hua finally found out that there was movement in front of him, and immediately ran the "Turtle's Breathing Technique" to prevent others from finding out.Soon, Aobai and his party rushed over, less than [-] meters away from Jianghua.

Aobai asked someone to protect him, preparing to force out the dragon thorn in his body.At this moment, the exclusive fireworks signal belonging to the Tiandihui sounded, and Chen Jinnan led a group of people leaping over from a tree not far away.


Wei Xiaobao still worshiped Chen Jinnan as his teacher, now when he saw Chen Jinnan, he hurriedly shouted.

"Don't let him force out the nine dragon thorns on his body, otherwise no one can beat him!"

Hearing what Wei Xiaobao said, Chen Jinnan also knew that the opportunity was rare, and hurriedly said: "First kill Oboi, and then kill Emperor Gou!"

Therefore, Chen Jinnan took the lead and rushed towards Oboi, and the rest of them also went straight to Oboi's place and started to attack.Obai's junior was not a vegetarian either, in an instant, gold and palladium were everywhere, and the two sides fell into a fierce battle.

Jiang Hua looked at it with relish, and experienced the joy of the melon-eating crowd.

Compared to Aobai's subordinates, the people brought by Chen Jinnan were not very strong, and they were quickly dealt with by Jin Palladium.

Standing on the tree and watching, Chen Jinnan saw that the people he had brought were gone, so he shot directly, jumped down from the tree, and then attacked Oboi.

However, when the sword in Chen Jinnan's hand was about to pierce Oboi, Oboi had forced out two dragon thorns, and the two dragon thorns flew towards Chen Jinnan, making Chen Jinnan have to dodge.

While Chen Jinnan was fighting fiercely with Trumpet, Oboi forced out three dragon thorns, Chen Jinnan became a little anxious when he saw this.So he gave up fighting with Trumpet and prepared to attack Aobai directly, otherwise, when Aobai forced out all the dragon thorns, even Chen Jinnan would be no match.

On the other side, taking advantage of the confusion, Wei Xiaobao broke free, picked up a pair of big gold palladiums, and slapped the loudspeaker directly on the head, knocking him out.

Chen Jinnan mentioned Wei Xiaobao and asked Wei Xiaobao to go first, but Wei Xiaobao didn't know martial arts at all, so he bumped into a tree.Chen Jinnan went back to delay the trumpets, because Wei Xiaobao's departure directly made Chen Jinnan show off his power, and he solved all the trumpets in a short time, and finally only Aobai was left.

Chen Jinnan took the opportunity to cut down a tree, and pushed towards Oboi forcefully, the nine dragon thorns in Aoboi's body were not completely forced out, but Chen Jinnan forced out two dragon thorns instead.

Chen Jinnan only caught one dragon thorn, and the other passed through his body and flew towards Jiang Hua's location. Seeing this, Jiang Hua hurriedly dodged aside.

"It can still be affected after watching a show..."

Jiang Hua was unable to complain, and kept paying attention to the battlefield without taking his eyes off it.

Chen Jinnan was completely at a disadvantage. He was kicked away by Aobai, seriously injured and vomiting blood.Just when Oboi was about to catch Wei Xiaobao, Hai Dafu suddenly appeared, and then an illogical scene appeared. Hai Dafu seemed to have suddenly awakened, and rushed directly to fight Aoboi.

It turns out that the louder you are when you rush up, the louder you will be when you are hit...

Hai Dafu was kicked from top to bottom by Oboi's serial scud. At this moment, Wei Xiaobao pushed the unknown sharp stone pillar beside him to the point where they landed.


Aobai let out a scream of pain, Chen Jinnan jumped up when he heard it, and directly repaired the knife, and Aobai died completely.

Taking advantage of Wei Xiaobao's conversation with Chen Jinnan, Jiang Hua secretly took Ao Bai's body away. After Chen Jinnan left, Jiang Hua also used "Flying Goose Kung Fu" to quickly leave the palace. What happened after that was none of Jiang Hua's business.


This time, Jiang Hua did not return to the inn. The inn was crowded with people, which was not conducive to Jiang Hua's cultivation. He had asked Xiao Shuang'er to find a remote place before, and now it just came in handy.

Big and small Shuang'er has been waiting here for a long time, and it is indeed very desolate here, and Jiang Hua is not afraid that someone will find him.


"Master, is this Obai?"

Holding Oboi's body in one hand, Jiang Hua went straight to the side of the medicine barrel, looked at Oboi's head with the giant sword sword, and then stood Oboi's body upside down to let the blood flow out.Fortunately, Jiang Hua was fast enough, otherwise it would be more troublesome when the blood coagulated.

The medicinal materials from the chamber pot had already been placed in the medicine barrel, and after drying Oboi, Jiang Hua took off his clothes and walked in.The big and small Shuang'er looked at Jiang Hua in a complicated way. Aobai was dead, and he was killed by his husband. His great revenge was avenged, and he couldn't help crying.

The two women looked at each other, and from now on, "the man who is born is the husband, and the ghost who dies is the husband"!

Three days later.

Jiang Hua woke up early. For some reason, this "Thirteen Taibao Henglian Golden Bell Cover" seemed to be specially made for Jiang Hua. It would have taken at least seven days to complete, but it was shortened by four days.

Not only that, but Jiang Hua can keenly discover that the golden bell cover of his own cultivation is different from that of Oboi. After Dacheng, the so-called defects caused by shrinking the yang into the abdomen do not exist at all, and Jiang Hua can perceive that his lower yin has also been strengthened However, it is still the focus of strengthening the target.

The golden bell cover has been completed, and Jiang Hua feels that his internal strength has increased a lot. Although the golden bell cover is only external strength, it can also bring about the growth of internal strength from the outside to the inside. Especially with the indirect help of Oboi, Jiang Hua can perceive his own strength. The internal force becomes as thick as a thumb, and the meridians in the body flow slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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