imperial decree arrives

Chapter 84 With years of humiliation and mortal feud!

Chapter 84 A sworn feud with a century of humiliation!
"Thank you for your help."

Taking Chen Jinnan to his residence, Jiang Hua brought vegetable oil from the kitchen and handed it to Chen Jinnan.After Chen Jinnan wiped it off, Chen Jinnan also saw his savior, and thanked Jiang Hua.

"Chen Jinnan, President Chen?"

Chen Jinnan nodded, with some doubts: "Do you know each other?"

Jiang Hua didn't answer the other party's words immediately, but took off the bamboo hat on his head, revealing his short hair.


Or a monk?
Chen Jinnan saw that Jiang Hua's dress was obviously different from his own, like a monk, with some hair, it might be better to say he was a monk returning to vulgarity.

Jiang Hua shook his head and said, "I'm not a monk."

When Chen Jinnan heard this, he frowned, and his doubts deepened.Since the other party is not a monk and still has hair, could it be...

"Your Excellency is also a righteous man who opposes the Qing Dynasty and restores the Ming Dynasty?"

Jiang Hua didn't answer, but instead asked his own doubts: "I saw...a person who looked exactly like you at the Red Flower Pavilion in Niujiazhuang, but...he was killed."

After finishing speaking, staring at Chen Jinnan, Chen Jinnan's originally calm face suddenly turned pale with shock at Jiang Hua's words.Regardless of Jiang Hua's life-saving grace, Chen Jinnan stood up directly, and had a tendency to strike if there was a disagreement.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

"Don't move. Although your martial arts are better than mine, I can guarantee that my sword will cut your neck before you make a move."

Jiang Hua picked up the giant sword and put it on Chen Jinnan's neck.

When Chen Jinnan heard it, his expression was a little ugly, but he didn't make any further moves, which was regarded as acquiescing to Jiang Hua's words.At the same time, he also saw the Juque sword in Jiang Hua's hand, and he had vaguely guessed Jiang Hua's identity by associating with the news from the Southern Heaven and Earth Association branch.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Jinnan told Jiang Hua the truth of the matter.

It turned out that Chen Jinnan was a fake, just Chen Jinnan's stand-in. The real Chen Jinnan had always been in the main altar of the Tiandihui, leading anti-Qing forces everywhere to fight against the Qing court.

"But won't it be discovered by the Qing court?"

Jiang Hua put away the Juque sword and poured Chen Jinnan a glass of water. Chen Jinnan didn't care about Jiang Hua's rude behavior before, but sighed with regret.

"No, because he only played once and was never spotted."

It's really sad to die after playing once.

In this way, even if the fake Chen Jinnan dies, it will not pose a threat to the real Chen Jinnan. He can say that this is a conspiracy by the Qing court to deliberately spread the news of the fake Chen Jinnan's death in an attempt to alienate the Tiandihui.However, if the fake Chen Jinnan didn't die, the real Chen Jinnan would probably get rid of him after using it once...

After all, this is just the movie version of Chen Jinnan...

"In that case, Mr. Chen should know everything about me, right?"

Chen Jinnan shook his head: "According to the news from the branch of the Tiandihui, I only know that you are a friend of Xiguan and not belong to the Qing court. I don't know about the rest."

The rest, including your background...

Chen Jinnan thought to himself, but on the surface he remained calm.

Jiang Hua nodded, and then said straight to the point: "Chen Tuozhu, to tell the truth, I have a sworn feud with Man Qing, and I came to Chen Tuozhu this time to join the Tiandihui."

Yes, there is a mortal enmity with a century of humiliation!
"Since he is Xiguan's brother, he is also a brother of Tiandihui. Chen can still trust Xiguan."

Chen Jinnan nodded, and after a short rest, Chen Jinnan was going to take Jiang Hua to the main altar of the Tiandihui.


The main altar of the Heaven and Earth Association.

Jiang Hua couldn't believe it. Not to mention the remote location of the main altar of the Tiandihui, the appearance is still very dilapidated. At first glance, it makes people think that there must be no one here.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Hua was relieved. It is estimated that no one would have thought of setting the main altar of the Tiandihui here.

Walking into the lobby, it looked spacious and tidy, completely gone from the dilapidated look it had just entered.Inside the lobby, there were already people waiting here. When they saw Chen Jinnan, everyone respectfully shouted, "Welcome to President Chen".

Right above the lobby, there is a plaque with the words "Heavenly Father, Earth Mother", and right below is enshrined Guan Erye, who represents loyalty and loyalty.

While Jiang Hua was watching around, Chen Jinnan asked someone to bring a rooster and handed it to Jiang Hua.Jiang Hua naturally knew what it meant, picked up a kitchen knife, cut off the chicken head, and burned the yellow paper.

After Jiang Hua finished everything, Chen Jinnan stood up and said: "After chopping the chicken head, burning the yellow paper, and drawing blood to form an alliance, Jiang Hua will be a brother of our Tiandihui, temporarily acting as the head of the Qingmu Hall."

Everyone in the audience was startled and looked at Chen Jinnan in disbelief. They didn't expect Jiang Hua to make him the master of Qingmu Hall as soon as he came.

The same is true for Jiang Hua, but he has cultivated his spirit deeply enough, and his surface is still as calm as ever.

After Chen Jinnan finished speaking, he handed over the token of the master of Qingmu Hall to Jiang Hua, and Jiang Hua accepted the token unambiguously.When the rest of the people saw this, although they were a little dissatisfied, no one stood up to question Chen Jinnan.

What followed was a bunch of nonsense, such as the ten rules of the meeting, the thirty major commandments, the eighty minor commandments, and the appropriate shouting of slogans. Finally, Chen Jinnan announced the business.

Chen Jinnan is going to send a person to the Qing Palace to search for 42 chapters, in an attempt to find the treasures collected by the Qing officials outside the pass.When Jiang Hua heard this, he immediately remembered that he had also obtained a treasure before, but it was not from the Qing court.

When the rest of the people heard that they were going to the Qing Palace, they were naturally unwilling. Finally, Chen Jinnan aimed his gaze at Jiang Hua, and Jiang Hua had an idea: "Master Chen, I know someone who is very suitable to go."

Chen Jinnan became interested and asked, "Oh, who is it?"


Jiang Hua took the big and small Shuang'er back to the residence and asked them to take a rest first.

Before he came back from the main altar of the Tiandihui, he had already recommended Wei Xiaobao to Chen Jinnan, and what happened later was the same as the original plot. The task of chapters.

However, Chen Jinnan did not agree to accept Wei Xiaobao as his apprentice. Although Wei Xiaobao wanted to worship Chen Jinnan as his teacher very much, before Wei Xiaobao could speak, Jiang Hua's sword drove him to perform the task.

During the period, Chen Jinnan originally wanted to engrave four characters on the feet of the two, but Jiang Hua said that he would carve it himself after returning home. As for Wei Xiaobao, after engraving two characters, Chen Jinnan would not be allowed to continue.

Afterwards, Chen Jinnan took the two of them to look for secret books to practice. Jiang Hua naturally wanted it, but he also knew that it was difficult to practice honestly. Chen Jinnan also read it for three years, and after 30 years of practice, he only had 30 years of internal strength.

(End of this chapter)

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