imperial decree arrives

Chapter 794 Ancestral Treasure

Chapter 794 Ancestral Treasure
The audition tape in Han Nuo's hand became the last straw for Sun Zhuo, but to the despair of Sun Zhuo and Pete, no matter how they searched for Han Nuo, they could not find Han Nuo. Han Nuo seemed to have evaporated from the world, never to be seen again.

Pete was very anxious about this, and Sun Zhuo was on the verge of collapse. Pete thought for a long time, and made a suggestion to Sun Zhuo, that is to find Ah Jing, because Ah Jing and Han Nuo often appear in the bar, it seems that the two are very familiar, maybe If you find Ah Jing, you will find Han Nuo.

However, it is difficult to find Ah Jing. At this moment, Ah Jing is taking care of Han Nuo who is lying on the hospital bed.

Han Nuo was injured.

In a transaction, Han Nuo and Ah Jing discovered that someone was pawning a sacred object, which was the Diamond Sutra that Jiang Hua found before. Although the Diamond Sutra was absorbed by Jiang Hua, the Diamond Sutra itself was built with the blood of the master. , enough to attract Han Nuo and Ah Jing.

Unfortunately, this transaction failed, which even caused Han Nuo to be hurt by the Diamond Sutra. In order to take care of Han Nuo, Ah Jing would not leave Han Nuo even if she sensed that someone was calling her.

A place of nothingness.

Jiang Hua has been hiding in the dark, and Jiang Hua immediately caught the appearance of the black shadow. Jiang Hua searched for the faint breath, and followed the black shadow all the way to this void.

"Come out."

Hei Ying seemed to know that Jiang Hua was following him, so he said something.

Jiang Hua appeared from the darkness and looked at the shadow.

In his eyes, black shadows are everywhere.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Heiying's voice without emotion came.

Jiang Hua's body suddenly lit up with countless lights, and the radiance drove back the darkness. Jiang Hua said with a smile: "I don't think you have the strength to kill me."

Sombra was silent.

Jiang Hua snapped his fingers again, destroying the shadow.

"This guy is more cautious than I imagined...or he is afraid of death.

It's just that I don't know where this clone ability is learned from, and how much power it can inherit from the original body.

It's a new world again, it seems that the black shadow hides very deeply. "

Jiang Hua left the land of nothingness, and not long after he left, the black shadow appeared again, watching Jiang Hua leave, the black shadow gradually disappeared into the darkness.

"Eternal night comes, and everything will return to nothingness."


After a while, perhaps Sun Zhuo's strong desire was sensed by Han Nuo, Han Nuo dragged his wounded body to find Sun Zhuo, and Sun Zhuo was overjoyed to see Han Nuo.When Han Nuo learned that Sun Zhuo had been waiting for him, he was a little surprised. Later, when he was told that it was for the trial tape in his hand, Han Nuo smiled and promised to return the trial tape to Sun Zhuo.

Sun Zhuo was a little embarrassed, but this audition tape was related to her future, so he accepted the audition tape and told Han Nuo that he would give him a new one after it was used up.

Ah Jing found out about this, and Ah Jing was sullen, and reluctantly told Han Nuo that the audition tape had been burned by him. Han Nuo naturally didn't believe it, so he asked Ah Jing to hand over the audition tape.

Ah Jing couldn't resist Han Nuo, so he had to hand it in. Facing Han Nuo's excessive care and love for Sun Zhuo, Ah Jing couldn't help feeling a sense of crisis and worry, and even began to worry that Han Nuo would step into the footsteps of his previous boss, because Love rent ends up destroying itself.

Han Nuo told Ah Jing that he would never fall in love with Sun Zhuo.

After hearing this, Ah Jing was filled with joy.

After Sun Zhuo got the audition tape, he tried more than 20 companies in a row, but none of the companies listened to the audition tape seriously, and most of the companies even threw the audition tape into the trash can.This scene was seen by Sun Zhuo and Pete, and they couldn't help feeling sad. Finally, under the comfort of Pete, Sun Zhuo gradually recovered his mood.

When he was drunk at the bar, Pete played Sun Zhuo's trial tape, "The Road to Heaven Never Ends". After hearing the song, Li Ping from Rolling Stone Records was astonished, and immediately went to Pete to ask if he knew the owner of the song. When Sun Zhuo heard it, he immediately said that he was.

Li Ping is going to invite Sun Zhuo to join Rolling Stone Records' newcomer selection two weeks later. Sun Zhuo's voice is Li Ping's favorite, so Li Ping is eager to hope that Sun Zhuo can make his debut in this newcomer competition and get the company's vigorous cultivation .

After Li Ping's introduction and the lobbying of Pete and Han Nuo, Sun Zhuo agreed to give it a try.Sun Zhuo, who lost and recovered, cherished this opportunity very much, and secretly vowed that he must win the championship in this competition.

It turned out to be contrary to expectations, except for Jiang Hua, the rest of the people had no idea that the champion of this game had long been pre-determined.So Sun Zhuo's two-week preparation was doomed to be useless. Jiang Hua, who was sitting at the bar, couldn't help but shook his head when he saw how excited they were.

"What do you mean by shaking your head?"

Ah Jing, who was very vinegary, drank the wine, saw Jiang Hua on the side, and asked.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Jiang Hua said hello.

Ah Jing snorted softly and drank another glass of wine.

"I don't understand... Tell me, why does my boss care about Sun Zhuo so much? Could it be that he really likes Sun Zhuo?

But the boss clearly said that he would never fall in love with Sun Zhuo.

Could it be that he is lying to me? "

"He didn't lie to you."

Jiang Hua said in a low voice.

When Ah Jing heard this, he looked at Jiang Hua, his eyes were a little lax, obviously drunk.

"Yes, the boss will not lie to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ah Jing fell down.

Jiang Hua looked at Ah Jing speechlessly, Ah Jing hadn't realized yet that he had fallen in love with Han Nuo.

After reminding Han Nuo, Jiang Hua left the bar.

What happened afterwards was as Jiang Hua expected, maybe everything was predestined, Sun Zhuo participated in the competition full of joy, but the champion had already been determined, and Sun Zhuo was heartbroken by successive setbacks, the No. [-] pawn shop happened to appear, and Sun Zhuo rose again The determination to enter Pawn Shop No. [-].

However, when Sun Zhuo's name appeared on the customer desk, it disappeared soon after. Ah Jing thought that Han Nuo was soft-hearted and gave up on Sun Zhuo.

This time, even the optimistic Sun Zhuo began to resign himself to his fate. No matter how Peter tried to persuade him, Sun Zhuo's knot was not resolved.Helpless, Pete had no choice but to talk about Liu Zhifang. When Sun Zhuo heard this, he began to worry about gains and losses.

After returning, Sun Zhuo told Wenxin that he was going to accept Liu Zhifang as his mother, but Wenxin told her that because of Liu Zhifang's ruthlessness, Wenxin directly gave her hair to Liu Zhifang for a paternity test.

Hearing this, Sun Zhuo felt dizzy for a while, and all hopes were shattered. Now Sun Zhuo only felt endless despair.

in the bar.

Sun Zhuo started to get drunk, and accepting the reality, she no longer had any expectations, maybe she did, but when Sun Zhuo thought of the so-called No. [-] pawn shop, he couldn't help laughing, thinking how could he believe such a thing.

Han Nuo stayed at the No. [-] pawn shop and saw Sun Zhuo's name disappearing shortly after it appeared. He was afraid that Sun Zhuo would be unable to think about it for a while because of despair, so Han Nuo left the pawn shop to find Sun Zhuo and told Sun Zhuo about the No. [-] pawn shop. , At the same time, he encouraged Sun Zhuo to go to the No. [-] pawn shop to pawn and realize his dream.

When Sun Zhuo heard this, he was immediately shocked.


The next day, when the inspection report came out, Liu Zhifang went to Han Nuo with the inspection report and proposed a deal.And Han Nuo said without hesitation: "Sun Zhuo is not Liu Zhifang's daughter."

Liu Zhifang was out of breath, and everything was written in black and white. Even Ah Jing who was at the side thought that Han Nuo was deliberately favoring Sun Zhuo.

On the other hand, after receiving Han Nuo's confirmation, Sun Zhuo found his family heirloom, which was given to him by Sun Zhuo's grandfather. It was a little old, and it was considered the most valuable thing in Sun Zhuo's possession.

Sun Zhuo held the heirloom, and after a red sedan chair appeared, Sun Zhuo disappeared instantly.

Pawn Shop No. [-].

Sun Zhuo accidentally fell to the ground.

"Sun Zhuo!"

Ah Jing couldn't hide the horror in his heart. He thought that this time it would be the same as before, just appearing and then disappearing, but unexpectedly, Sun Zhuo really appeared in the No. [-] pawn shop.Glancing at Han Nuo, Han Nuo wasn't surprised at all, which made Ah Jing wonder if Sun Zhuo was brought in by the boss.

"Hello, welcome to No. [-] pawn shop, here can satisfy your... all wishes."

As soon as Sun Zhuo got up, he was surprised to find that the owners of No. [-] pawn shop were Han Nuo and Ah Jing.

Sun Zhuo went to the customer chair and sat down. Under Han Nuo's reassurance, Sun Zhuo was no longer nervous, so Sun Zhuo expressed his wish: "I want to be a big star, and I want to release many albums. There are going to be a lot of concerts."

There are quite a lot of wishes.

Ah Jing rolled her eyes when she heard Sun Zhuo's wish.

Ah Jing reminded: "Okay, then what do you exchange for?"

After explaining the rules of the pawn shop to Sun Zhuo, Sun Zhuo was stunned, so he took out his family heirloom and handed it to Han Nuo.

Han Nuo took the box and slowly opened it. When the contents of the box came into view, Han Nuo was completely stunned.

He raised his head and glanced at Sun Zhuo. Sun Zhuo was still looking at the pawnshop. Ah Jing's attention was always on Sun Zhuo, so neither of them noticed anything unusual about Han Nuo.

When the two turned their gazes to Han Nuo, Han Nuo asked tremblingly, "This is...?"

Sun Zhuo replied: "I don't have any valuables on me. This is a family heirloom handed down from my ancestors, and I have always carried it with me."

Han Nuo closed his eyes, he could finally feel Sun Zhuo's origin.

A picture appeared in Han Nuo's mind. In the picture, Han Nuo's son Han Lei was with Sun Zhuo, and Han Lei handed over the heirloom to Sun Zhuo.

This scene finally convinced Han Nuo that Sun Zhuo was the only remaining blood of the Han family.


Ah Jing felt a bad feeling, so he quickly reminded Han Nuo.

Han Nuo interrupted Ah Jing.

"Boss, you..."

"This deal is void, and I won't make any deals with you."

After all, Han Nuo sent Sun Zhuo away.

Ah Jing, who had endured so much, was completely irritated, and she glared at Han Nuo: "Why, why did we let Sun Zhuo leave? We finally let Sun Zhuo enter the No. [-] pawnshop to make a deal, so we just gave up the deal? Because Sun Zhuo, the boss You are no longer the boss you used to be, and you have become a complete stranger to me, if you continue like this, will the pawnshop business still be possible in the future..."

Facing Ah Jing's chatter, Han Nuo said impatiently: "You don't need to know anything."

Han Nuo's abnormality made Ah Jing's heart chill, and the thought she least expected and least wanted to think about sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and grew crazily.

That is - Han Nuo is in love with Sun Joo.


Ah Jing collapsed to the ground, completely powerless.

"No, I will never let the boss repeat the same mistakes. I must stop the boss and investigate everything."


in the bar.

Han Nuo has accepted the reality, he found Sun Zhuo, and began to persuade Sun Zhuo to forget what happened in the No. [-] pawn shop, and then hoped that Sun Zhuo could realize his dream through his own efforts.

Han Nuo was talking, and Sun Zhuo was listening. For some reason, Sun Zhuo enjoyed Han Nuo's preaching very much.

At this moment, Ah Jing walked in with Teacher Bai. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Han Nuo and Sun Zhuo sitting together talking and laughing. Nuo said in front of him: "Boss, I won't go back to the pawn shop tonight."

After speaking, he pulled Teacher Bai and left the bar.

Han Nuo looked at the back of Ah Jing leaving, feeling a little confused.


Recently, Jiang Hua tried to find the other party based on the remaining aura of the Dark Lord's avatar, but it was clear that the Dark Lord was much more cautious and never appeared in the pawnshop.

Jiang Hua was thinking about whether he could force the Lord of Darkness to show up. You must know that Jiang Hua still had a key that could open or close the barrier in his hand. Jiang Hua didn't believe that once he took out the key, the Lord of Darkness would still be able to sit back and watch.

However, just when Jiang Hua was about to test it, the Lord of Darkness did not appear, but Meteor appeared to stop Jiang Hua.

"The time has not come."

Meteor told Jiang Hua that the No. [-] pawn shop was just an empty shell to the Dark Lord, and that closing the No. [-] pawn shop was irrelevant to the Dark Lord, and it could completely start over in another box.

But once Jiang Hua did this, the Dark Master would not appear again until the world was destroyed, but if the next world restarted, everything would start again, which would disrupt the meteor's layout.

Jiang Hua didn't think that closing the No. [-] pawnshop would have an impact on the Lord of Darkness, but Jiang Hua still followed Meteor's advice.

"You can decide this matter, oh yes, didn't you say that you are going to reincarnate?"

Jiang Hua asked suspiciously.

Meteor glanced at Jiang Hua, and Jiang Hua understood in seconds.

"The time has not come."

The conversation between the two was very brief, but after staying for less than 10 minutes, the meteor had already left.


Liu Zhifang learned from Sun Zhuo that Wenxin is her real daughter, and Liu Zhifang was a little entangled in this person.

The warm and talented Liu Zhifang has seen it before, and it is definitely God's favor, rewarding him with a meal of fashion design.

After seeing Wen Xin's works, Liu Zhifang is unwilling to lose Wen Xin's lifespan in the next ten years. With Wen Xin's design talent, she might be able to shine in the fashion industry in just a few years without waiting for the next ten years.

Especially, with her existence, she can definitely help Wenxin rise quickly and become her greatest work.

It's a pity that such an idea passed away in a flash. Although Wenxin couldn't pawn Wenxin's luck for the next ten years, Liu Zhifang decided to pawn Wenxin's ten-year lifespan.

(End of this chapter)

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