imperial decree arrives

Chapter 784 Everyone Gathered (Please recommend!)

Chapter 784 Everyone Gathered (Please recommend!)
Destiny controlled the one-tooth zombie Aix, and used his love for Wanyanwulei to let him bring Wanyanwulei. The one-tooth zombie Aix didn't trust fate very much, but seeing Wanyanwulei's life The dying appearance can only be a gamble in the end.Therefore, during Wanyan Wulei's coma, Aix brought Wanyan Wulei to the place required by fate.

"No Tears have been brought to you, please help me save her."

Aikesi was a little anxious, his life signs were declining.

Seeing Wanyan Wulei, Destiny smiled slightly: "Don't panic, she can't die with me here."

After finishing speaking, Destiny came to Wanyan Wulei's side, took a closer look, and was immediately taken aback.

"Where is the eternal heart lock?"

Grabbing Wanyan Wulei's hand, fate was taken aback.

Aix doesn't care about the eternal heart lock: "What eternal heart lock, you hurry up and save Wulei, if this continues, she won't be able to survive tonight."

If it wasn't for fate to control him, Aikes really wanted to slap fate on the face.

Fate's face was cloudy and uncertain, and then he closed his eyes for a moment. After a while, Fate opened his eyes, and his face became even uglier. He already knew where the eternal heart was locked.

"So it's in your hands!"

Jianghua is not at the mercy of fate, let alone within the scope of Tianshu, everything related to Jianghua is covered with a thin veil, and even fate cannot see through it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have known about the Eternal Heart Lock being taken away until now.

"Wei, you don't want to go back on your word, do you?"


Fate snorted coldly: "Shut up, she won't die tonight, but I won't know after tonight.

Go, get this man for me! "

As he said that, fate implanted Kuang Tianya's appearance in Aikes' mind.As soon as Aix was about to refuse, fate snatched Wanyanwutear from him. Aix was shocked and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Helpless, Aikes had no choice but to listen to fate and go to catch Kuang Tianya and bring him back.

The process of catching Kuang Tianya was a bit difficult, but it went smoothly, like a god's help.An hour later, Ikes found Destiny with Kuang Tianya in his arms. Destiny had been waiting here for a long time.

Aikes did as he did, and as soon as he entered the tent, he suddenly found a woman tied up inside. Seeing this, Aikes' pupils shrank.Looking down at the unconscious Kuang Tianya, he already guessed the other party's identity.


Aix gritted his teeth, put Kuang Tianya down, and resolutely left the tent.

Soon Kuang Tianya woke up. Under the deliberate control of fate, Kuang Tianya turned into a zombie form. Although Kuang Tianya tried his best to restrain himself, his instinctive bloodthirsty made Kuang Tianya lose his mind in a blink of an eye, especially when he saw the man who was killed. After tying up the woman, Kuang Tianya let out a low howl and rushed over.

Fate stood outside the tent, watching all this.After Kuang Tianya sucked blood, Destiny finally smiled.

Kuang Tianya at this moment is the real magic star.

After catching Kuang Tianya, fate discovered a strange painting in Kuang Tianyou's mind. Strictly speaking, it was not a painting, but a map, a map of the labyrinth of the central lock of the Eternal Heart Lock.

The eternal heart lock can open the eternal kingdom, but when he thinks that the eternal heart lock is not in his body, but in Jiang Hua's hands, fate can't help being annoyed.

Without the eternal heart lock, everything is vain.

"Who? Come out!"

At this moment, Destiny's face suddenly changed.

The void was distorted for a while, and the figures of Jiang Hua and Lao Zang slowly appeared in front of fate.

"It's you, what are you doing here?"

Fate is like an enemy.

Jiang Hua said with a smile: "The eternal heart is locked in my hands, so I came here naturally to take Kuang Tianya away."

After hearing this, Fate sneered: "You really think that you are beyond fate, so I can't do anything to you?"

Jiang Hua was noncommittal.

Fate continued: "Hand over the eternal heart lock."

Jiang Hua didn't speak, but directly sucked Kuang Tianya over.

"Eternal Heart Lock and Kuang Tianya are in my hands, what else do you have to say?"

Jiang Hua didn't care about Fate's angry face at all, but asked with a smile.

Fate didn't dare to be careless, so he shot directly.

With the help of Mr. Tianyi's body, fate can use Taoism at will, and the power is even more terrifying.

Fate raised his hand, and a powerful force instantly condensed in his hand. This was Fate's move with the help of Mr. Tianyi.

The power of fate...

Jiang Hua waved his hand, don't look at Jiang Hua just waving his hand casually, the power contained in it is not trivial.However, Jiang Hua's face changed immediately, the power of fate was not something that Jiang Hua could resist, although Jiang Hua's strength resisted most of it, but some power of fate still penetrated the defense and entered the bodies of Jiang Hua and Lao Zang.


Jiang Hua made a decisive decision and left immediately.

Destiny looked at the disappearing figures of Jiang Hua and Lao Zang, and did not stop them.


Back at Tongtian Pavilion, Jiang Hua sat paralyzed on the sofa, the power of fate was very powerful and very strange, scurrying around in Jiang Hua's body, destroying Jiang Hua's body, and even began to affect Jiang Hua's sea of ​​consciousness.

Jiang Hua sat down cross-legged, and Lao Zang also began to heal his wounds because of the impact. However, unlike Jiang Hua's healing, Lao Zang's healing was to absorb the Yin Qi floating around and the power of the Moonlight permeating the void.

"Fate is indeed powerful."

Jiang Hua wants to refine the power of fate, but it will take a long time, and a big battle is about to happen. Jiang Hua can only suppress the power of fate first, so that it will not run around.

After temporarily stabilizing the injury, Jiang Hua began to pay attention to Kuang Tianya. The zombie power of Kuang Tianya had been activated by the blood. Today, Kuang Tianya has become a real magic star just like El Nino.

Jiang Hua took out the Eternal Heart Lock and put it in front of Kuang Tianya's forehead. Before the Eternal Heart Lock touched Kuang Tianya, it emitted a faint light, and then the Eternal Heart Lock gradually approached Kuang Tianya. contact.

All of this was seen by Jiang Hua. Jiang Hua witnessed all this happening. After a while, after Kuang Tianya and Eternal Heart Lock established a real connection, Jiang Hua would be able to open the Eternal Kingdom with the Eternal Heart Lock.

The Eternal Kingdom is a truly peaceful and harmonious kingdom that hides many secrets.

According to Ksitigarbha's introduction to the Eternal Kingdom, the Eternal Kingdom is a perfect human being born in the last calamity who created the Pangu clan to fight against fate. The secrets hidden by the perfect human beings destroyed by the world are all left in the eternal kingdom Sophon, and finally even exiled from the eternal kingdom, the purpose is to not be discovered by fate.

After a while, the light of the Eternal Heart Lock dimmed. Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiang Hua was about to reach out to catch the Eternal Heart Lock, when suddenly he felt his glasses flicker, and the Eternal Heart Lock was gone!

Jiang Hua turned to look at Fate, and next to Fate... Old Zombie.

"Didn't expect that? You think you have calculated everything, but you don't know, everything is under my control."

Jiang Hua watched all this silently, and after a while, Jiang Hua asked, "When did it happen?"

Seeing Jiang Hua so calm, Fate was a little upset.Hearing Jiang Hua's words, Fate said with disdain: "You are not very good, why don't you guess?"

Jiang Hua didn't answer, but looked at Lao Zang, and he found that Lao Zang was a little different.

In his mind, Old Zombie's controlling energy was surrounded by a mass of bright red energy. Not surprisingly, it was because of this mass of energy that Old Zombie was controlled by fate.

"The eternal heart is locked in my hands, all thanks to you."

After finishing speaking, Destiny took Lao Zang away, Jiang Hua saw this and did not stop the two of them.

Ksitigarbha appeared in Tongtian Pavilion, and the Ksitigarbha, who had recovered his memory, had a stalwart Purdue breath. Seeing Jianghua, Ksitigarbha was taken aback, and then saw Kuang Tianya lying on the sofa.


Ksitigarbha sighed silently, looking at it like this, even Jianghua was played by fate.

A wise light flashed in Ksitigarbha King's eyes, and he guessed what happened just now.

As Ksitigarbha expected, the Eternal Heart Lock should now be in the hands of fate.

"It's still a step late..."

Ksitigarbha took a step forward, came to Jiang Hua's side, and then wrapped Kuang Tianya. Seeing that Jiang Hua did not stop him, Ksitigarbha nodded at Jiang Hua, and then took Kuang Tianya away in front of Jiang Hua.

After a while, Jiang Hua was the only one left in the room.

The lights of the entire Tongtian Pavilion went out instantly, which is enough to prove that Jiang Hua's heart is not at peace.


The Eternal Kingdom has been opened, and the Heavenly Book has also been reorganized.

Destiny, the biggest winner, was smiling. He saw Destiny holding the Book of Heaven in one hand and the Eternal Heart Lock in the other. Beside him was an expressionless old man.

Caressing the heavenly book, fate can't hide the excitement in his heart.

The reorganization of Tianshu is completed, which means that he can see the future results.

Among them, he is included!

Slowly opening the book, the eyes of fate have been locked on the book.


Fate was shocked when he saw his fate recorded in the heavenly book.

"Human King Fuxi, the Holy Mother of Yaochi, and fate died together..."

The fate is unbelievable. In his calculation, the human king Fuxi and the Virgin of Yaochi will perish together. He becomes the biggest winner, enters the eternal kingdom, explores the secrets of the eternal kingdom, and finally creates a world comparable to the eternal kingdom.

But now, Tianshu actually told him that the result of this struggle was that the three of them died together.

Fate doesn't believe in it, but the prophecies in the heavenly scriptures are impossible to falsify. Fate has no doubts about this.

"Book of Heaven... Destiny... Our Lady of Yaochi... Human Wang Fuxi... And you..."

Fate muttered to himself and said the names of many people. At this moment, Fate's eyes were gloomy.

After taking a deep breath, Destiny put away the Heavenly Book, and left with Lao Zang.


Streets of Hong Kong Island.

Human Wang Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi have already started a war, and the breath of battle spreads throughout Hong Kong Island.

waiting bar.

Kuang Tianyou, Ma Xiaoling, Kuang Fusheng, Ma Xiaohu, Meteor and members of the Flying Tigers gathered here. The battle between King Fuxi and Our Lady of Yaochi made everyone have to face a choice.

"If they are really allowed to continue fighting, the world will cease to exist as Tianya said. We humans will also perish."

Ma Xiaohu said that he is not only Ksitigarbha, but also a human being. It can be said that he has a human body and at the same time contains the heart of Purdue.

"This battle is inevitable. Whether it is for us or for the entire human race, we must wage war against King Fuxi and Our Lady of Yaochi."

Sky said, and the rest of the Flying Tigers members also nodded one after another.

Among the crowd, only Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling fell silent.

"But Renwang Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi are so powerful, what can we do to stop them?"

Kuang Fusheng put forward his own idea. Having experienced the destruction of the world once, he knew that saving the world is not by lip service, but by real ability.He may not have this ability now, but he knows that someone has this ability.Kuang Fusheng glanced at Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling calmly. Tonight, their behavior seemed a little strange to him.

"That's why we have to gather everyone's strength to fight against Ren Wang Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi."

"With Tianyou and Xiaoling here, we will definitely win."

"Yeah, they saved the world once."

A group of people talked about Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling. When everyone looked at the two, they were surprised to find that Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling had strange expressions on their faces.

"Everyone, this battle... Tianyou and I are not going to participate."


"This...why is this?"

When everyone heard this, they looked at the two in shock.

Ignoring everyone's astonishment, Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou glanced at each other. The two who said this sentence felt both relaxed and uncomfortable.

"We decided to get married..."

Kuang Tianyou replaced Ma Xiaoling and revealed their plans.


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, what Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou said made everyone feel at a loss.

"Xiaoling, I didn't expect you to walk ahead of me. I wish you all the best. Leave this battle to us."

Mao You changed his clothes, walked in from the door, and said as he walked.

"Mao You, you..."

Feeling the incomparable aura on Mao You, Ma Xiaoling was startled immediately.

"My cultivation base was not abolished by Uncle Qiu, nor was it transmitted to you. It was Jiang Hua who sealed it and asked me to practice the "Sanjue Tianshi Fa". All cultivation levels have returned. Xiaoling, you are no longer my opponent."

Mao You smiled and patted Ma Xiaoling's shoulder.

"Leave everything to us, you and Kuang Tianyou go get married, and then give birth to Tianya, just wait for us to defeat Wang Fuxi and the Holy Mother of Yaochi.

You and Tianyou have already saved the world once, this time, it will be me.As an exorcist, I, Maoyou, are not weak. "

After hearing this, Ma Xiaoling paused. Mao You saw through her and Kuang Tianyou's thoughts. After hearing what Mao You said, Ma Xiaoling felt endlessly moved in her heart.

"Thank you."

Ma Xiaoling said something in a low voice.

Mao You smiled and said nothing.

"Yo, it's really lively..."

At this time, an extremely bohemian voice came from outside the door, and everyone looked for the reputation, only to find a slightly short guy in a Chinese tunic suit walking in.

(End of this chapter)

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