imperial decree arrives

Chapter 70 1 Everything for Survival

Chapter 70 Everything is for Survival

Do you want to eat?
If you eat it, you can replenish your physical strength. If you don't eat it, you will die.

So, nothing to tangle with.

Take advantage of the opportunity to pick up the egg, break the egg shell, and then send it to the mouth.The taste is not very good, but the rich protein makes Jiang Hua like it.After eating one, there are several more.

Jiang Hua ate three eggs to replenish some of his energy temporarily, and then put away the remaining eggs as food for the next journey.

After replenishing energy, Jiang Hua accelerated again. After crawling a hundred meters, Jiang Hua finally saw hope—the ground was about a hundred meters ahead.

With hope, Jianghua was full of motivation. After more than ten minutes, Jianghua was less than 50 meters from the ground.

Pausing at one place for a while, Jiang Hua took out an egg from his pocket, and continued to climb up after eating.

At this moment, Jiang Hua suddenly felt a very sharp gaze staring at him, which made Jiang Hua's back feel a chill.Jiang Hua hurriedly looked down, and was surprised to find that an eagle was rising rapidly, and a pair of eagle eyes looked directly at Jiang Hua, which made Jiang Hua suspicious.

"Was that an eagle's egg just now?"

Just thinking about it, the eagle has rushed up, but its goal is not Jianghua, but directly below Jianghua.Then it has been hovering near Jianghua.

Jiang Hua was startled immediately, could this eagle know how to use psychological tactics?
Jiang Hua was already certain that the eagle knew that he had stolen its eggs, and the reason why it didn't attack him was to wait for him to show his weakness and prepare to kill him with one blow.

Therefore, the next journey is not the easiest one, because there is such an enemy watching.

Jiang Hua didn't want to sit still, so he picked up a stone and threw it backwards while the eagle was not paying attention. The eagle seemed to see Jiang Hua's intention and easily dodged it.

In the end, Jiang Hua was still ready to continue climbing, but the speed slowed down a lot, and he tried to choose places with relatively large footholds, but in this way, Jiang Hua had to take the "zigzag" route, which greatly increased the time.

The eagle is very smart, and it flies over suddenly from time to time, scaring Jiang Hua, but it just doesn't attack, which makes Jiang Hua very angry.During the period, Jiang Hua also hit the opponent several times, except for the eagle to increase the number of times of harassment, it did not do anything extra.

In fact, the reason Ying didn't dare to attack but only dared to riot was not only because Jiang Hua had eggs on him, but also because he had years of evil spirits on him. This was the reason why Ying really feared Jiang Hua.

As the eagle harassed him more and more unscrupulously, Jiang Hua didn't plan to continue climbing, and he didn't plan to continue climbing until he got rid of the eagle.

Jiang Hua found a good place to turn around, then stopped there, turned to look at the eagle.

Immediately, Jiang Hua took out the remaining three eggs from his pocket, and the eagle saw it too. His pupils shrank and he glared at Jiang Hua angrily.

However, this did not make Jiang Hua give up the next action. He first picked up an egg, smashed it into his mouth, and then ate another one under the eagle's flaming gaze, leaving the last egg But Jiang Hua is not going to eat it.

Jiang Hua aimed at the eagle and threw the egg in his hand at the opponent. The eagle wanted to catch it, but Jiang Hua's target was it, and he used a lot of strength. When the eagle caught it, the two collided, and the last egg burst instantly. fell down.

At this moment, the eagle finally couldn't bear it anymore, it didn't need to bear it anymore, it cast its deep eyes on Jiang Hua, and its wings were in an attacking posture, ready to move.

In an instant, the eagle moved!

Go straight to Jianghua at a speed that ordinary people's eyes can't catch.

Seeing this, Jiang Hua smiled cruelly. He didn't know how long he had been waiting for this moment. When the distance between the eagle and him was less than one meter, Jiang Hua finally moved.He stretched out one hand, holding the stone in his hand, and firmly grasped the rock wall with the other hand to prevent himself from accidentally falling.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the stone in Jiang Hua's hand was facing the eagle, and smashed it down hard. The eagle couldn't dodge at all, and was stunned by Jiang Hua's huge force, and then fell down.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jiang Hua grabbed the opponent, then put him on the rock wall and knocked it under the tree vigorously, until the opponent did not move, and then gave up.

After doing this, Jiang Hua put the eagle away and continued to climb up. This time, without the eagle's harassment, Jiang Hua ate two more eggs, and his speed was much faster.After about 10 minutes, Jiang Hua finally climbed up.


The whole person suddenly became much more relaxed. Lying on the ground, Jiang Hua could feel the deep connection between himself and the land, even though the land did not have much soil, but more stones.

After resting for half an hour, Jiang Hua finally stood up. There was an unobvious road behind him. There was a forest not far away, but there was smoke rising from the kitchen. It seemed that there should be a family not far away.

Now that he knew there was a family not far away, Jiang Hua was not in a hurry. He entered the system and took a look.

"The world of "The Deer and Ding Tale" will open for five years."

This is the world Jiang Hua lived in this time, and Jiang Hua also watched TV series and movies early.This time there was a lot of preparation time, three days.However, the time spent in the Deer Cauldron World has been reduced by half compared to before.

After walking for half an hour, Jiang Hua felt that he couldn't continue walking. In the barren mountains and wild mountains, even if there were people, there would still be wild animals. The most important thing is that now the sun has set and the sky is getting darker.

Therefore, Jiang Hua decided to take out the eagle in his pocket before it was dark, and prepare to roast it.

Soon, Jiang Hua found a pile of dead branches, the most indispensable thing in the forest is branches.Later, Jiang Hua prepared bricks and wood to make fire. At first, Jiang Hua thought it was very simple, but in fact, it was really simple.

The main reason is that Jianghua rotates very fast, and there are some very dry leaves. As soon as sparks appear, the leaves will burn.

After the eagle is processed, it is put on the fire. There is no so-called seasoning, so we can only make do with it.

"Who, come out?"

After baking, Jiang Hua was just about to eat when he felt someone appearing nearby. Although there was no hostility, he still shouted immediately.Sure enough, four figures suddenly walked out from behind a big tree, all children with braids.

"Well, I want to help you taste this or something."

"Hey, you idiot, that's pheasant, I've eaten it before, it's delicious!"

One of the fat kids was the first to speak, and the one who said his was standing next to him.Seeing the four of them staring at the eagle in his hand, Jiang Hua mistook it for a pheasant, and did not deny it.

"You want to eat?"

The four nodded, and the fatter one swallowed even more.

"Da Hong, you're drooling!"

(End of this chapter)

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