imperial decree arrives

Chapter 659 Centipede

Chapter 659 Centipede
Jiang Hua thought of it, and soon came back to his senses.

The voice wanted to control Jiang Hua, but Jiang Hua didn't fall for it.

In the darkness, countless horrifying faces loomed, revealing ferocious faces, wanting to break through the darkness and attack Jiang Hua. The huge figure hidden behind the darkness is a centipede spirit hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to seize Jianghua's skin.

The centipede spirit seemed to be testing Jiang Hua, but he didn't dare to take any action.Dare to confuse Jiang Hua with illusions, the centipede spirit has already appeared, and its huge body can no longer accommodate the room.

"Come on...the pure land of bliss...this is your world of bliss..."

The ghostly voice came again, but Jiang Hua was unmoved.

At the same time as the sound sounded, in the darkness, countless tentacles had evolved to attack Jiang Hua. These tentacles wanted to tear Jiang Hua's clothes and tear Jiang Hua's body apart.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Jiang Hua snorted coldly, and immediately gestured, the talisman seal learned in the spiritual world shines brilliantly in this world, and its power is even more powerful.The talismans originally absorbed the aura of heaven and earth. The aura of the fantasy world is not as good as that of the Liaozhai world.

At this time, he used it, but saw a golden light flashing on Jiang Hua's body. The golden light had terrifying power and dispelled the darkness.


After a while, the darkness was dispelled by the yellow talisman, completely revealing the centipede's appearance.

The centipede fished for this terrifying head, its huge eyes stared straight at Jiang Hua, and an indescribable liquid flowed from the corner of its mouth.There was a disgusting smell in the air, but fortunately Jiang Hua closed his breath and couldn't smell it.

Jiang Hua saw that next to the centipede spirit, there was a pile of human skin scattered all over the place.

Jiang Hua frowned and looked at Centipede Jing.


Jiang Hua whispered, his voice low.


The centipede didn't care about Jiang Hua, and rushed to Jiang Hua immediately, with a huge body and countless tentacles attacking Jiang Hua at the same time.The centipede's shell is already invulnerable, and it is not afraid of Jiang Hua, not to mention that Jiang Hua's hands have no weapons, which makes the centipede fearless.

Centipede fine until Jiang Hua is a monk, but it can only feel a weak aura because of its slow perception.This body is too delicate for the centipede, as long as it obtains this body and gives it to the ancestor first, it will be able to eat a lot of delicious food every day.

Today's Linjiang City is still too small, there are some masters hidden in Linjiang City, its current strength is still weak, not enough to fight against these masters.If it weren't for the ancestor's wonderful method, it probably wouldn't have dared to occupy the body of Linjiang City's city lord.

bang bang bang...

Jiang Hua fought against Centipede Jing, and under Centipede Jing's multi-pronged approach, Jiang Hua blocked all Centipede Jing's attacks with only one hand. After hearing a few collisions, Centipede Jing was repelled by Jiang Hua.

This made the centipede puzzled, why is this person's body harder than his own?
Jiang Hua didn't care about the centipede's thoughts, seeing the centipede retreating, Jiang Hua stepped forward, came to the centipede, and punched out, the centipede only felt his body crack, and a hot thick slurry spewed out of his mouth, Jiang Hua dodged in time , did not splash on the body.

Centipede Jing supported his body, looked down, and found a small hole in the body below him.From the small hole, a turquoise liquid flowed out.The centipede was furious, roared, and used Yang Qi to recover from his injuries.Immediately, the centipede spun quickly, and its body shot straight into the sky. Compared with it, Jiang Hua was like an ant.After the centipede was lifted into the air, it landed extremely quickly, and the location where it landed was exactly where Jiang Hua was. Obviously, the centipede was going to sit and kill Jiang Hua.

How could Jiang Hua let the centipede get what he wanted? With a flash of his figure, before the centipede could react, Jiang Hua came out of the open space.Just hearing the sound of the ground shaking and the mountains shaking, the centipede spirit crashed down, blasting the entire ground into a huge pit.

What surprised the centipede was that there seemed to be no objects below that were crushed into meatloaf.

Centipede looked up sharply, and suddenly saw Jiang Hua hanging in the air, Jiang Hua looked at Centipede with a half-smile.The centipede doesn't know that Jiang Hua's smile is a farewell to send it back to the west.

Jiang Hua picked up a piece of yellow talisman paper, the talisman paper had not yet drawn any seals. When he first came to this world, Jiang Hua didn't have many talisman seals drawn, and all of them have been used up.But it doesn't matter, Jiang Hua is now ready to let Centipede Jing see for himself how he defeated the opponent with this little yellow talisman.Jiang Hua held the pen in one hand and the talisman paper in the other. Suddenly, Jiang Hua threw out the talisman paper and started to draw the talisman with the other hand. among.

Afterwards, Jiang Hua flung the talisman lightly, and the talisman ignited spontaneously in the wind, setting off a strong wind and sweeping towards the centipede. The centipede didn't know what he was going to face, but found that he was unable to move.

It was too late to say it, and in an instant, the centipede fell to the ground. This talisman seemed to have a powerful force, and it overwhelmed the centipede's body in an instant, pressing it down hard.The centipede roared angrily, and then collapsed to the ground.

The centipede stared at the yellow talisman that was slowly falling and was burning, and was terrified. Unexpectedly, this little yellow talisman was so terrifying.

I have heard from my ancestors a long time ago that I went outside to hide well and used human power to deal with humans. I blame myself for being too careless and complacent.

After easily occupying the City Lord's Mansion, Centipede Jing let his descendants control the people in the City Lord's Mansion. When the entire City Lord's Mansion was controlled by Centipede Jing, Centipede Jing could no longer hide his ambition and began to do evil with great fanfare.

And he has completely forgotten what the ancestor said to hide his evil spirit, but it turned out that he provoked such a terrible master as Jiang Hua as soon as he provoked him.

He deserved to die, and apart from resenting Jiang Hua, Centipede Jing's only thought was to hope that he would not be blamed by the ancestor, let alone spoil the ancestor's plan for the world of bliss, otherwise, it would die with regret.

When the centipede spirit saw Jiang Hua's indifferent eyes, the centipede spirit was unwilling to die, just like those who begged it not to devour their bodies, at this moment the centipede spirit also felt a sense of powerlessness.

The centipede found that Jiang Hua was no longer paying attention to him, and he could no longer feel any pain. In a trance, the centipede felt that his body was split into countless pieces and was slowly disappearing.


After making one last cry of unwillingness, the centipede spirit disappeared completely.

Jiang Hua looked at the huge pit below. The centipede spirit had disappeared, but there was still a strong evil spirit below.

Since people who die with resentment will turn into ghosts, what about those monsters?

Jiang Hua had thought this way a long time ago, so he wanted to see if the centipede would turn into a ghost after death.

(End of this chapter)

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