Chapter 65
At the conference.

Jiang Hua looked at these people and solemnly announced a news.

"From now on, all affairs in Foshan will be handed over to Ip Man!"

Everyone stood up and stared at Jiang Hua in disbelief, but Jiang Hua didn't give them a chance to speak, and handed all his small books to Ye Wen, and then let Ye Wen sit at the top.

Everyone saw that Jiang Hua was so decisive, and they also recognized Ye Wen's ability, but they didn't say anything.On the contrary, Ye Wen quickly refused, but Jiang Hua abruptly took the other party to the first place.

"You have been with me for so long and have been recognized by everyone. So, Foshan will be handed over to you."

Turning around, he said to everyone, "Foshan, I'm leaving it to you!"


Sakura Country.

Jiang Hua walked on the street alone, and changed his clothes, becoming the clothes of ordinary people in Sakura Country.

There are three days left before leaving.

When he came to the country of cherry blossoms, Jiang Hua immediately found a place and hid in the house.

Rest during the day and work at night.

Soon, three days passed by.

Night came quietly, bringing infinite darkness to this sinful place.

Jiang Hua took a medicine to temporarily suppress his illness. In the past, Jiang Hua would never take medicine, because although taking medicine is effective, but the number of times is limited, once Jiang Hua breaks out again, the consequences will be horrific.

But this time, if you can't eat it, you have to eat it.

Soon, Jiang Hua came to the destination.This is the last place where the gunpowder was buried, and it is also where the fireworks will start tonight.

Someone was patrolling nearby, and Jiang Hua found a pattern after three days of observation.In this place, the guards change every 10 minutes, and the guard change takes 30 seconds, which is less than 1 minute, but for Jianghua, it is enough.

After spending 10 minutes hiding the thread, Jiang Hua looked at the watch in his hand.

He has already inquired, and there will be many big shots here tonight.Originally, he was planning to deal with only one, but when he heard the news, he thought that solving one more is one, so he simply took it all at once.

Jiang Hua waited for 10 minutes, and finally waited for these people to change their guards.Immediately, Jiang Hua immediately used the 30 seconds to ignite the ignition wire, and finally, with all his strength, he ran out quickly.It wasn't until I ran 200 meters that I slowed down a little.

Then, Jiang Hua turned his head and admired the gorgeous fireworks, which was also the only such beautiful fireworks that he had seen in this world.

Immediately afterwards, a white light appeared, and Jiang Hua disappeared...

Jianghua bedroom, after a white light, Jianghua appeared in the modern world.

"Hey, I'm finally back, ten years is really long!"

It's been ten years, I've been in the world of Jing Wu for a full ten years, and now I'm finally back.Ten years passed with a flick of a finger, as if yesterday.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei suddenly yelled at Jiang Hua crazily, which made Jiang Hua confused.Ignoring Xiao Hei, after Xiao Hei barked for a while, he also found that Jiang Hua in front of him seemed to be his master, so he stopped barking.

Jiang Hua picked up the mobile phone and found that he seemed to have forgotten how to use it, and he no longer loved the mobile phone as he did ten years ago.Simply put down the phone, and then take off your clothes to take a shower.

"Hey, my clothes..."

As soon as he took off his clothes, Jiang Hua discovered a strange thing. His clothes turned out to be the clothes worn by Jing Wu World.

Could it be that I am not a soul wearer, but my body has traveled to the Jingwu world?

But I remember that when I crossed, my whole body became smaller.

Jiang Hua felt strange, at this moment, he seemed to think of something.Jiang Hua tried hard to think back, and then remembered that the clothes he wore when he first entered the world of Jingwu seemed to be modern clothes, but he didn't care about it at the time, and then he got sick and was busy with other things, so he forgot about it even more.

Of course, the most important thing is that his small notebook was given to Ip Man.

With his personality, this matter will definitely leave a page in the small book, and he might be able to see it sometime.

Now, although the small book was given to Ye Wen, it didn't matter, he also found out about it.

"Why did you wear soul wear the last few times, but this time it suddenly became body wear?"

Jiang Hua walked into the bathroom while taking off his clothes.

"Lying... trough!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hua was startled suddenly, and the whole person was frightened.

Walking into the bathroom, Jiang Hua looked in the mirror habitually, but suddenly found that he was the same as Jingwu World, with scars all over his body, and his whole body became much taller.

In the past, Jiang Hua's height was 1.7 meters eight, and he was about 1.8 meters tall with shoes on, but now, Jiang Hua roughly estimates that he is 1.9 meters tall.Standing in front of the mirror, I can only see my whole body.

Thinking of his appearance in the world of Jingwu, Jiang Hua quickly lowered his head.

"The scar on my face... is gone!"

Jiang Hua was puzzled, and after a closer look, he found that the original scar hadn't disappeared, but had faded a lot.Not only that, Jiang Hua also found that some of the scars on his body that were not very deep had faded a lot, but compared to his face, the fade was not very obvious.

This made Jiang Hua want to cry without tears. This densely packed scar makes anyone feel that he is not a good person when he sees it. Although he has never admitted that he is a good person, he does not feel that he is a bad person.

Moreover, what makes Jiang Hua speechless the most is that the scar on his neck has not faded, that is to say, when he goes out in the future, he must cover his neck.If necessary, cover your face. After all, in modern society, you have so many scars all over your body. If you are seen by suspicious people, they may suspect you.


Sighing, Jiang Hua had no choice but to accept this fact.

After taking a bath, Jiang Hua picked up his original clothes and put them on, only then remembered that he seemed to have grown a lot taller, and the clothes didn't fit him anymore.

The jacket is okay, it is roomy, but the underwear is not good, it is very tight after wearing it.

Jiang Hua can't bear it!
Jiang Hua was wearing pajamas, sitting on a computer chair, turned on his mobile phone, and ordered five takeaways.After ordering, I thought about it again, and felt that five servings might not be enough for myself, so I ordered five more servings, all from different restaurants.

"The boundless sky..."

At this time, the phone rang suddenly, and Jiang Hua really missed hearing the familiar ringtone.Picking up the phone, Jiang Hua saw that this time it was neither his colleague nor his mother, but his boss.


"Jiang Hua, are you okay?"

Jiang Hua nodded and replied, "It's okay."

"Okay, that's good. If you have nothing to do, come to work tomorrow. These days, I'm a bit busy and there are not enough people."

(End of this chapter)

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