imperial decree arrives

Chapter 641 Relic Space

Chapter 641 Relic Space
Legend has it that only by collecting all ten volumes of "Tianmo Ce" can one gain insight into the extreme of the devil's way and even practice the highest method of cultivating demons with the heart of the Dao. He still practiced the Dao Mind Planting Demon Dafa.

This time, Jiang Hua hopes to use the energy of the evil emperors of the past in the evil emperor's relics, use his own animal nature as the devil seed, and use his own devil nature as the magic bait, so as to truly plant demons, so as to practice the method of cultivating demons with the Dao Heart.

Jiang Hua didn't know what the real Dao Heart Demon Planting Dafa was, even if he knew, Jiang Hua didn't plan to practice it.

The purpose now is how Jiang Hua draws out the animal and demon nature in the body, both of which are very physical, invisible and intangible, and only exist in subjective assumptions.Ever since Jianghua suppressed the beast nature with his own state of mind and the aura of robbery thunder contained in his body, the beast nature has rarely controlled Jiang Hua.

Jiang Hua knew that the animal nature was dormant deep in Jiang Hua's body, watching secretly.

Before pulling out the animal nature in his body, Jiang Hua must first understand the evil emperor's relic, which contains the life-long skills of the evil emperors of all generations. Jiang Hua has already practiced the Beiming Yihua skill to perfection, even if he only inhales a trace of true energy, As long as Jiang Hua comprehends carefully, he will be able to comprehend what these evil emperors learned during his lifetime.

Once Jiang Hua inhales the true qi that he had input into Yu Tian, ​​Jiang Hua can gain insight into the Dao Heart Demon Dafa.

At this time, Jiang Hua can start the first step of planting his own demon.

Jiang Hua stretched out his hand and put his hand on the evil emperor's relic. What he felt was a cold feeling. The reason why the evil emperor is called the evil emperor has already shown that the martial arts skills of the evil emperors of all generations are the most evil skills.Jiang Hua controlled his mind, and when he sensed it, he found that there were several powerful and different true qi hidden in the evil emperor's relics. Jiang Hua condensed a small true qi line in his palm, and began to wander in these evil emperor's true qi .

Although the evil emperor's relic is small, the space inside is extremely large. If Jianghua's true energy is like water droplets, then these evil emperor's true energy is like a boundless sea.Jiang Hua didn't want to disturb these evil emperor's true qi, but Jiang Hua didn't know that when his true qi entered the evil emperor's relic, he was sensed by these evil emperor's true qi.

When Jiang Hua reacted, the true qi line had already been swallowed by the evil emperor's true qi, and there was not even a scum left.

Jiang Hua's face was solemn, and the evil emperor's true energy was terrifyingly strong.

Jiang Hua thought that his true qi had already surpassed all the masters in the world of Tang Shuanglong, only now did he realize that among the evil emperor's relics, one part of the evil emperor's true qi might not be as good as him, but when these evil emperor's true qi was united with the enemy, Jiang Hua seemed a little weak.

After all, these evil emperors' true energy leads to the same goal by different routes. They are all evil emperors and belong to the same line. Facing the intruder Jianghua, they all unanimously spoke out.

Jiang Hua, who had experienced a failure once, was not discouraged. After a while, Jiang Hua narrowed his true energy again. No surprise, this true energy was swallowed ruthlessly as soon as it entered the evil emperor's relic.

Jiang Hua was silent, the evil emperor's relic might have already become the private space of the evil emperor's true energy, and there was no room for a grain of sand.

That being the case, no matter how much zhenqi Jiang Hua inputs, as long as the zhenqi of these evil emperors cannot be deterred at once, the final result will not change.

So Jiang Hua began to condense his true energy. Since he was too soft, Jiang Hua was ready to fight hard.

In an instant, Jiang Hua's body was full of light, and the true energy rushed to Jiang Hua's right arm like a torrential river. Around Jiang Hua, the void was surging, and a gust of wind was blowing up.

Jiang Hua felt the majestic zhenqi in his right arm, and the terrifying control power of condensing the whole body of zhenqi in the blink of an eye was unmatched by anyone.

Even the evil emperors of past dynasties may not be able to compare with Jiang Hua.

After the whole body's true energy condensed on his right arm, Jiang Hua stretched out his hand and put it into the evil emperor's relic in an instant. The evil emperor's relic was originally extremely ordinary, but now because of the influx of Jiang Hua's majestic true energy, it shone brightly in an instant.The evil emperor's relic exudes all kinds of light. These are the true qi colors of the evil emperors of the past. They were invaded by such a powerful true qi from Jianghua, so the evil emperor's true qi could not bear it.Moreover, this true energy is completely different from theirs, and in their view, this is a different kind.

Among the evil emperor's relics, Jiang Hua's true energy grew from nothing, and then became as huge as other evil emperor's true qi, and finally became the most powerful true energy among the evil emperor's relics.This shocked the evil emperor's true qi, and the speed at which Jiang Hua's true qi condensed was too terrifying, completely beyond common sense.

It's just that the evil emperor's true energy has the supreme domineering energy of the evil emperor after all. Seeing that Jiang Hua dared to enter the evil emperor's relic, several strands of evil emperor's true energy surrounded Jiang Hua's life and death true energy.

In the face of several attacks of the evil emperor's true energy, Jiang Hua's true energy soared tens of feet in an instant. This sudden change made the evil emperor's true energy temporarily avoid the edge. But facing Jiang Hua, there was an instinctive fear.

Jianghua's true qi bloomed with red and blue light, fighting with each other, but these red and blue lights emitted colorful brilliance. On the other hand, the true qi of these evil emperors also had light, but they generally tended to be dim.

At this moment, the true energy seems to have become Jiang Hua's eyes. Jiang Hua is outside the evil emperor's relic, but he can know everything in the evil emperor's relic.

Jiang Hua looked far away, and Jiang Hua only felt a gray area in the farther place among the evil emperor's relics, and could only observe vaguely.

"In the extreme north, there is a terrifying aura dormant, peeping in the dark..."

Suddenly, Jiang Hua sensed an extremely powerful aura, which disappeared in a flash, but was captured by Jiang Hua's keen perception.

If one were to say who was the most powerful among the evil emperors of all dynasties, it would naturally be Xiang Yutian, but at least judging from the current timeline, Xiang Yutian could be called the strongest among the evil emperors.

There was such a strong zhenqi in the evil emperor's relic, Jiang Hua guessed that this zhenqi was probably Xiang Yutian's lifelong zhenqi.

Now that he knew where Xiang Yutian's true energy was, Jiang Hua had a plan in mind. In an instant, Jiang Hua made a move, and the true energy was invisible. Jiang Hua could transform into various forms. Jiang Hua directly transformed into Nezha in the myth There are no three heads, but eight arms and four legs are revealed.

Jianghua was attacked from all directions, and several strands of the evil emperor's true energy came together to snatch Jianghua's true energy.

Even among the evil emperor's relics, there are jungles of the jungle!

Seeing Jiang Hua's wonderful zhenqi, these evil emperors' zhenqi salivated in their hearts, and the fear in their hearts was overwhelmed by longing.

Jiang Hua stretched out all eight arms, standing on one side on all fours, suppressing the void.

For each arm, Jiang Hua used different martial arts. These three unique martial arts created by Jiang Hua based on his own [-]-year-old insights, each of which uses hands, feet, arms, legs, head, body...etc. The various parts of the body have been realized to the extreme. It can be said that all moves are ordinary, but all moves gather the general trend of the world, just like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, unstoppable.

(End of this chapter)

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