imperial decree arrives

Chapter 63 Isn't this fooling people!

Chapter 63 Isn't this fooling people!

At this moment, everyone is full of resentment towards the people of Sakura Country.

It was at this time that Jiang Hua made a decision. He asked the disciples of Huajiang Martial Arts to wear the clothes of the people from the Sakura country, pretending that they had captured Foshan, while the rest of the people asked them to disguise.

However, before acting, he had to pry the mouths of Miura and the other conductors, and let them speak all the secret words of Sakura Kingdom.If you don't say it, then don't blame Jiang Hua for being cruel.

In the final result, only Miura was dying, and he still refused to say it, but it didn't matter, basically he knew most of the news about Sakura Country, so it was useless for Miura to keep it.

But Jiang Hua was not going to let the other party go. He took advantage of the other party's relaxation and hypnotized him. This time, Miura said everything.

Many of the news that Miura said were true, but some false news was verified because of this, so Jiang Hua asked people to cut off the legs of all the people who said false news.

Ye family villa.

Fortunately, the Ye family villa was only affected to Yu Wei, and did not suffer much loss.

In the lobby, Ye Wen and Jiang Hua were sitting together, discussing a plan of action.

Jiang Hua intends to train Ye Wen, so he discusses many important matters with him.However, after so long, Jiang Hua found that Ye Wen was not suitable to be a leader.But there is no way, the time before Jiang Hua goes back is getting shorter and shorter, and this battle has just begun, he can't stay in this world all the time.

"Your illness has relapsed!"

Seeing that Ye Wen's focus was not on the major issues he just mentioned, but on himself, Jiang Hua felt a little helpless.But what Ye Wen said was right. In the past few days, he could clearly feel that his temper was getting more and more irritable, and his emotions were very out of control.The animal nature in the body seems to be gradually waking up.

"Well, while I'm out, Foshan is in your hands!"

Ye Wen shook his head and said, "You know, I'm not suitable for doing these things."

Jiang Hua shook his head after listening, and said: "No one is born with it, take your time, I don't have much time."

Ye Wen was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Jiang Hua meant, and then nodded: "Okay!"


Go back to the underground secret room of the Jiang family villa.

There are already 300 people waiting for him.

These are three hundred very beautiful women, they are all young, and they are also the means that Jiang Hua has prepared for a long time.As early as when Jianghua recruited them, he had told them everything, and they understood their mission.

"Rose, execute the plan!"

Rose nodded, everyone nodded, knelt down to Jiang Hua, and bid him farewell.These people will go to various parts of the country to carry out secret missions.


Finally came the third day.

The supply team will arrive today.

Jianghua had been waiting early on the only way to Foshan. The supply team was not as strong as the regular team, and their combat effectiveness was not that strong, but they should not be underestimated. After all, how can they protect the supplies without any strength.

Jiang Hua told the other party as early as yesterday that Foshan has been occupied.

Soon, Jiang Hua saw a long team approaching from a distance. This time, Jiang Hua brought 2000 people, all of them armed.Just in case, 1000 people were ambushed.

Jiang Hua never joked about his life. If he didn't know that the other party only had 1000 people, he might have brought 3000 people here.

Jiang Hua led his team to wait in place, but the captain was not him, but Li Zhao.After all, Jiang Hua can't speak Japanese. Although he has made sure preparations, no one knows if there will be an accident.

In about 10 minutes or so, the supply team arrived not far from Jiang Hua and others.

"Leave the rest of the journey to us, you are lucky, take a rest."

Li Zhao said to the leader that this matter had been discussed yesterday, and the other party also knew that Miura had sent someone to pick him up, and that the other party was wearing the clothes of Sakura Country.The most important thing is that Jiang Hua brought a lot of people, he never thought that these people in front of him were all enemies.

This is too far-fetched!
It's not filming TV, who dares to film like this, isn't it fooling people!

Then, let Jianghua's people take over the team.Just as these people were relaxing, suddenly, those who took over raised their hands and stabbed those who hadn't left with bayonets.

Jiang Hua also made a move, and he sent the leader flying with one punch, completely out of breath.This time the mission ended faster than the previous two missions, simply and neatly, and there was still zero loss.

The battle was over before those who were hiding around had even made a move.


In the next few days, Jiang Hua seemed to regard himself as a citizen of the country of cherry blossoms. On the one hand, he maintained the current situation with the people of the country of cherry blossoms, saying that he had controlled Foshan, and on the other hand, he was waiting for the next deployment of the country of cherry blossoms.

The same is true of Foshan. On the surface, it is still dilapidated and the people are miserable. In fact, this is all an illusion. The entire Foshan is now a piece of steel twisted together, which is indestructible.But the planes flying overhead from time to time always give people a deep sense of insecurity.

Foshan's ability to maintain the current situation is already the greatest achievement of Jianghua's efforts. As for other places, just like history, Jianghua can't do anything.

In this way, time passed slowly, and it was a month in a blink of an eye.

This month, Jiang Hua only received one telegram, and still asked them to stand still and wait for instructions.It made Jiang Hua almost think that he had been exposed, but Jiang Hua was relieved when he learned that it was the same in other places.

However, the longer the delay, the greater the likelihood of exposure.The reason why there was no movement for a month was mainly because the Cherry Blossom Kingdom was busy expanding and the center of gravity was not in Foshan. Naturally, it was impossible to find any abnormalities in Foshan.

Many people have come to Foshan now, and they are all fleeing.

In just one month, Foshan's population has increased by hundreds of thousands, which is completely beyond Jiang Hua's expectations.However, Jiang Hua was not unprepared. Although he accepted these refugees, he completely separated them from the people of Foshan.

This is to prevent those people from revealing the news that Jiang Hua is not from the country of Sakura.


The secret room of the Jiang family.

The rose is back, and only the rose is back.

Jiang Hua looked at this empty place, it was not like this.

"Boss, they all died!"

Rose was sobbing. There are 300 sisters, only she is still alive.

The task they perform is very simple, that is, beauty tricks.In the past month, 300 people have been scattered all over the country, specially picking out the big shots in the Sakura Kingdom, using their bodies as camouflage.

If they were in the homes of these big shots, they would kill each other directly, and then go to other places to continue the mission.If it is in the office, they choose to die together.

The first mission, 300 people, many people succeeded, but the cost was very high, and there were only less than a hundred people left.These people were all sacrificed in the second mission. There were winners and losers, but without exception, there were no survivors.

The victories brought about were so impressive that Sakura Country had no choice but to send someone to take their place.Of course, there are others who have promoted their positions.For example, Jiang Hua.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the change of characters that the strategy of Sakura Kingdom has changed. Of course, Jiang Hua does not know all this.But it can be clearly seen that Jiang Hua's voice is constantly increasing.

(End of this chapter)

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