Chapter 573

Jiang Hua shook his head. If this continues, even if Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou are powerful, they may not be able to escape from the zombie pile in a short time.What's more, just looking at this endless stream of zombies makes one's scalp tingle.

Jiang Hua opened the window, the window is a little small, but it doesn't matter, Jiang Hua can shrink bones, Jiang Hua curled up, turned into a small ball, and jumped from the window.After passing through the window, Jiang Hua instantly changed back to his original state.It is impossible for him to fall from here, since Tongtian Pavilion is still two or three miles away from where Ma Xiaoling and the others are, there is no point in falling.

Jiang Hua jumped up out of thin air, stepped in the air, and as the altitude dropped, Jiang Hua's speed became faster and faster, and Jiang Hua appeared a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

The ground floor of Tongtian Pavilion.

Lao Zang is like a soldier, one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it.The old zombie stood on the edge of the formation, always paying attention to the zombies outside the formation.

The zombies couldn't attack for a long time, and since Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou hadn't been seen here, some zombies couldn't wait and left first, either looking for Ma Xiaoling and others, or looking for food.

Zombies also have a herd effect. After some zombies leave, there will be some more, slowly pile up, then a group, and finally leave in large groups.

This greatly relieved the pressure on the formation, and the staring eyes that were old and stiff could finally relax for a moment.

"Look at it!"

At this moment, Jin Zhengzhong spoke suddenly, which made Lao Zang startled, and his body tensed up instantly.Old Zombie turned his head to look at Kim Jong-jung, who pointed to the sky with one hand, but Jong-joong couldn't figure it out, so Kim Jong-jung explained, "That's Big Brother Jiang!"

After hearing this, Lao Zang looked again, and was taken aback for a moment, only to see Jiang Hua's lonely figure standing thousands of meters above the sky, looking like a bird flying freely in the sky.

The rest of the people also saw Jiang Hua, and someone said to himself: "What is Mr. Jiang Xian going to do?"

Everyone was stunned. Obviously, Jiang Hua couldn't perform a high-altitude walk for everyone for no reason.

Jin Zhengzhong's eyes moved, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help asking: "Could it be that I saw Master and the others?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone nodded their heads one after another, and they all thought it was reasonable.

"Come on, there is another possibility, that is, Big Brother Kuang and the others have met the generals, and Mr. Jiang is rushing to kill them. Otherwise, why would Mr. Jiang insist on flying over instead of going the normal way!"

El Nino speaks at the right time.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little worried.Tang Benjing, on the other hand, didn't care at all.

As Ma Xiaoling's apprentice, Jin Zhengzhong learned of the death of his master, how could he stand by and watch, so Kim Zhengzhong looked at Lao Zang and said to him, "Old Zang, open the formation, I am going to save my master."

"Let's go too!"

Not to be outdone, the rest also spoke out.

Lao Zang nodded, opened a small hole for everyone in the formation, and let everyone go out quickly.

The zombies who were still wandering outside the formation suddenly saw someone appearing, and they were shocked. After waiting for so long, they could finally eat.

Kim Jong-jung has no time to deal with these weak chickens now, he slaps these zombies as far as he can.

In this way, Kim Jong-joong quickly rushed towards Jianghua while opening the way.


On Ma Xiaoling's side, zombies were densely packed all around. Even after Kuang Tianyou and Kuang Fusheng showed their aura as second-generation zombies, the zombies still came one after another.

Ma Xiaoling, Qiu Shu, Kuang Tianyou, and Kuang Fusheng stood at each side, and now the zombies had surrounded the four of them into a circle less than ten meters in diameter.Moreover, due to the large number of zombies, the circle is constantly shrinking.

Jiang Hua, who was far away in the sky, saw that several people were in danger, so he made a plan.

Take a deep breath, gather the spiritual energy in the dantian, and finally rush to the throat, and then silently recite the Taoist scriptures. The lion's roar is mixed with the Taoist scriptures for subduing demons and demons, which is even more powerful.

When the sound rang out, all the low-level zombies felt extremely uncomfortable as if they were constipated. They covered their ears one after another, not wanting to hear the sound again.

Ma Xiaoling and Qiu Shu were fine, but they felt that the voice was very powerful, but both Kuang Tianyou and Kuang Fusheng were stunned, and the sound also slightly hurt the two corpses.

The martial arts version of the lion's roar is strengthened by Taoism and aura, which is enough to deal with these ordinary zombies.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

Jiang Hua shot again, and eighteen lifelike dragons immediately appeared in the void. The dragons flew into the air, pushing the dense pile of zombies out of the way abruptly.

Ma Xiaoling looked blankly from the side, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? !

Such a loud name!

Suddenly, Ma Xiaoling felt a sense of displeasure in her body, which was the expression of dissatisfaction from the Ma family Shenlong.

"Come on!"

Uncle Qiu was the first to react and shouted immediately.When everyone heard this, they followed Qiu Shu's footsteps and ran out on the zombie.

At this time, Jiang Hua also landed, and he fell directly outside the group of corpses. After waiting for less than a minute, Qiu Shu and others rushed out of the encirclement.

"Tell the generals, there is no need to use any aggressive methods, on February [-]st Kuang Tianyou they will fight him to the death!"

The voice was thunderous, and after Jiang Hua finished speaking, he left with Qiu Shu and others.

Jin Zhengzhong, El Niño's family, and Lao Zhuan also drove over in three cars at this time. When they saw everyone, they immediately let them get into the car.

Tongtian Pavilion.

With Jiang Hua personally arranging the array, it is difficult for ordinary zombies to break into Tongtian Pavilion.

Soon, the old zombie who had been staying outside found that there were a lot fewer zombies on the road, and told Jiang Hua about the situation, and Jiang Hua knew that it was the general who asked those people to leave.

Summon everyone to the hall, basically, all the main characters of Zombie II have gathered in Tongtian Pavilion.

Kuang Tianyou, Ma Xiaoling, Qiu Shu, Kuang Fusheng, El Niño, Tang Benjing, Jin Weilai, **** Mi and Kim Zhengzhong, Situ Fenren and Wang Zhenzhen are missing, and Ma Dingdong and Ma Danna are probably already in reincarnation.

Coupled with Jiang Hua and Lao Zang, this is a terrifying force.

But even so, Jiang Hua didn't think that the injured himself and these people could get rid of the zombies.It may be possible in a few days, but it is very difficult now.

"The most urgent task is to improve your strength so that you can prepare for the upcoming decisive battle."

Jiang Hua asked everyone to sit down and expressed his plan.

Kim Jong-jung stood up and said in surprise: "No way, Brother Jiang, so many of us are still afraid of generals?"

Those who have not felt the strength of the general will not be able to understand the despair of facing the general. This point deeply touched Kuang Tianyou.So Jiang Hua shifted his gaze to Kuang Tianyou, and Kuang Tianyou sighed and said: "The strength of the general is terrible, and having more people is an advantage, but for the general, it doesn't matter how many people there are. Facing the general, no matter how many people there are Yes. Mr. Jiang is right, our main task now is to improve our strength."

Kim Jong-joong sneered, then sat down unhappy.

"It's easy to say, how can it be so simple to improve your strength."

Ma Xiaoling expressed her thoughts. She has cultivated for so many years, but she is still stuck in the ninth stage of foundation establishment, and has not improved for several years.

(End of this chapter)

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