imperial decree arrives

Chapter 53 I Read Less, But I'm Not Stupid

Chapter 53 I Read Less, But I'm Not Stupid

But Jiang Hua had to do this, otherwise he might hurt the innocent.

During the period, Jiang Hua also tried to find a way to treat it, but after asking many famous doctors, they only said that it was a heart disease.

This made Jiang Hua helpless. He knew where the heart medicine that could cure his heart disease was.

Soon, Jiang Hua walked around behind these prey, and after killing seven or eight of them silently, the rest finally realized that something was wrong.One of the Sakura countrymen immediately shouted: "There are enemies!"

Jiang Hua couldn't understand this sentence, but then some people became vigilant, and Jiang Hua knew that he had been exposed.So Jiang Hua simply shot directly and dealt with the close ones first.

With one thought in mind, Jiang Hua got rid of the nearest few Cherry Blossoms, dodged the weapons in their hands, and used them as his own weapons, but Jiang Hua didn't dare to open them, because Jiang Hua had done this before, and as a result, when the people in the other teams heard the sound, they jumped Came here immediately.

Fortunately, Jianghua fought quickly at that time, otherwise, it would be really uncertain who is the hunter and who is the prey.

It was too late to say, but quick to move. Jiang Hua quickly threw the weapon at those who wanted to raise the weapon. After finishing these people, Jiang Hua stood up, kicked in a row, and fell down. There were only seven or eight people left. Jiang Hua didn't dare to take it too seriously.

Someone has already loaded it, and they seem to know who Jiang Hua is. Instead of shooting at Jiang Hua, they point their weapons at the sky and prepare to call for help.

Seeing this, Jiang Hua thought it was okay, and it's not like he didn't suffer from it before, so he picked up the stones he had prepared and waved at these seven or eight people, all of their weapons were knocked out.

Finally, when Jiang Hua was about to get rid of these seven or eight people, he suddenly felt his consciousness become blurred.Jiang Hua was startled and noticed something unusual.


The disease is ahead of schedule!
Soon, Jiang Hua found himself unconscious. Seeing this, the seven or eight people thought that Jiang Hua would let them go. Some of them were about to take up weapons. As soon as they made a move, they saw Jiang Hua's bloodthirsty eyes staring at him. them.

All the people of Sakura Country were terrified and did not dare to move.

Some people were frightened and wanted to beg for mercy, but Jiang Hua didn't care so much at the moment. In his eyes, these people were just prey, lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Soon, Jiang Hua first dealt with the seven or eight people who were still standing, and then quickly dealt with more than 20 people lying on the ground moaning, and finally, Jiang Hua left, leaving only more than 30 corpses.


Walking and walking, Jiang Hua finally couldn't hold on, and fell down with a bang.

At this time, a car happened to pass by in the distance.

"Dad, look quickly, someone has passed out over there!"

A childish voice pointed to the place where Jiang Hua fainted, and said in a hurry, and his father also found out and stopped the car.

He opened the car door, took a closer look, and hurriedly pulled his child, with a flustered expression: "Go, go!"

The child thought that his father would save someone, but he didn't expect that the other party just took a look and left, so he asked in puzzlement, "Dad, why didn't you save him?"

While driving, the middle-aged man said, "It's not that I can't be saved, but that I can't be saved."

I dare not save him!

As soon as he saw Jiang Hua, he found that his whole body was covered with blood. This was not the reason why he gave up saving people. The most important thing was Jiang Hua's fierce face, and there were scars all over his neck and body.

It would be fine if Jiang Hua was an ordinary person, maybe he would be reluctant to save the other party, but how could Jiang Hua be an ordinary person like this.

Ordinary people can have so many scars, I don't read much, but I'm not stupid!
Therefore, he hurriedly pulled his child and drove away, as if he was afraid that Jiang Hua would chase him.

The car traveled a certain distance before the middle-aged man relaxed.

"Dad, Dad, ahead..."

Is the child still depressed about what happened just now, but soon, the whole person was shocked, and saw dozens of corpses lying in front of him, and they were the corpses of soldiers from the Sakura Kingdom!

The middle-aged man didn't need a child to remind him, he saw it too, and was even more shocked!
Who did this? !

The middle-aged man was startled suddenly, he thought of Jiang Hua who was unconscious on the side of the road just now, Jiang Hua's falling down seemed to indicate that he had just left this place.

Is it him?

"Dad, what are we going back for?"

The child was still innocent and innocent, wondering why his father suddenly went back.


The middle-aged man spoke directly without turning his head, leaving the child with even more puzzled eyes.



Ye family villa.

"Qingquan, this person... where did you bring it back?"

Zhou Qingquan looked at his friend Ye Wen, and it was the first time he had seen the other party's dignified expression, so he quickly said: "You may not believe it, I didn't plan to save him, but after I drove to Foshan, you Guess what I saw on the road?"

Ye Wen shook his head, a little helpless, his friends are so old, they are still a little childish.

"On that road, there are dozens of people from the Sakura country lying down, all of them are dead. I guess he did it!"

When Ye Wen heard it, he showed a rare surprise. He nodded thoughtfully, "It's very possible!"

"Yeah, otherwise he is such a terrifying person, even if he is killed, I will not save him."

What Zhou Qingquan said was right, Jiang Hua didn't look like a good person at first glance, as an ordinary person, how could he help him? Fortunately, he met Zhou Qingquan, who thought he was a good person, so he brought him back.

"Hey, how is he?"

Ye Wen shook his head and said, "He's fine!"

"How is it possible?" Zhou Qingquan couldn't believe it, and looked at Ye Wen again, "Why is he covered in he really okay?"

Ye Wen knew his friend's doubts, and he couldn't believe it, but after checking, the other party was indeed fine, on the contrary, he was also unbelievably strong, so he said: "The blood belongs to other people."

Zhou Qingquan: "...!"

"This... alright." Zhou Qingquan moved his mouth and changed the subject, "Ip Man, do you have any ideas about accepting apprentices? My son wants to find you as a teacher."

Ye Wen shook his head and said helplessly, "You also know that Yongcheng doesn't like me practicing martial arts..."

Zhou Qingquan sighed, and said helplessly: "That's right, alas, if you have such an idea, you must tell me, my son wants to be the first teacher!"

Ye Wen smiled and nodded: "Yes!"

"Oh, by the way, I have to be busy with some things these days, that person... I'll put it here with you first..."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Qingquan made a gesture to leave, and greeted his son: "Come, say goodbye to Uncle Ye."

Ye Wen was helpless, nodded, sent the two away, and returned to the living room, just in time to see his wife Zhang Yongcheng walking out.

Facing his wife's sharp eyes, Ye Wen smiled gently and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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