imperial decree arrives

Chapter 526 Deviated Plot

Chapter 526 Deviated Plot

Old Zombie's roar was greeted by Ren Weiyong's even louder roar. From the sound, both zombies knew that the other party was of the same kind as themselves.Lao Zhuang and Ren Weiyong, who were facing each other across the air, were stunned for a long time.

People who don't understand zombie language don't know what the two corpses are talking about.

"Planting flowers, what are they talking about?"

Uncle Jiu asked, Lao Zang had already barked twice, and Uncle Jiu vaguely felt that there was a trace of anger mixed with Lao Zang's second bark.On the other hand, Ren Weiyong, the two calls sounded almost the same.

"Old Zombie asked, where did you come from, and what's your name?
Ren Weiyong let him go!

After hearing this, Lao Zang angrily asked him to say it again,
Ren Weiyong let the old zombie go without hesitation! "

Uncle Jiu and the others: "...!"

Sounds so complicated!

Jiang Hua's explanation did not affect the two zombies, they had already started to do it.

After listening to Jiang Hua's explanation, Uncle Jiu felt a little strange, so he asked, "Zianhua, when did you learn zombie language?"

Jiang Hua shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but I get along with Lao Zang a lot, and I feel that's what he meant."

Uncle Nine: "...!!"

Well, Uncle Nine decisively shifted his gaze to the battle between the two zombies.

Ren Weiyong and Lao Zang have been fighting for a while, Ren Weiyong's moves are very simple, they haven't deviated from the common zombie's rotten street moves, either stabbing or throwing.On the other hand, Lao Zang has all sorts of strange moves, not as stiff as a zombie at all, and can make all kinds of unimaginable moves at his fingertips.

As a zombie who knows martial arts moves, Lao Zang is already standing on the fifth floor, while Ren Weiyong is only on the first floor, so this is destined to be an old zombie's debut show.

Ren Weiyong was beaten around by the old zombie, he couldn't distinguish east from west, north from south, and stood in place, turning around.

If it weren't for the fact that Lao Zang is also a zombie, Ren Weiyong probably wouldn't know who was hitting him in the face all the time.

Relying on the sense of breath, Ren Weiyong was still able to catch the old zombie's position, but the old zombie shot very quickly, after only poking Ren Weiyong a few times, he stopped and dodged Ren Weiyong's counterattack in time.

"Excellent, it turns out that this is how zombies fight!"

Qiu Sheng couldn't help admiring, and Qiu Sheng admired Lao Zang even more.

"Old Zombie is so powerful!"

Wencai also became much smarter at this time, and they directly praised Lao Zang.

Jiang Hua looked carefully, Lao Zang's skills were much better than Ren Weiyong's, his nails were longer than his, and his zombie's teeth were brighter and bigger than his. Victory is only a matter of time.

Ren Weiyong's state at this time is the same as that of Lao Zang before, he has lost the most basic humanity, what they want most is to seek revenge from their relatives and kill them.

Ren Weiyong was beaten back by the old zombie, and knew that he was not the old zombie's opponent, so after being beaten back by the old zombie again, Ren Weiyong rushed to Ren Tingting without hesitation.


Caught off guard, Ren Tingting screamed, but fortunately, Lao Zhuang grabbed Ren Weiyong's foot in time and pulled it away, which spared Ren Tingting's fear.

Ren Weiyong's body is covered with large and small nail holes, these are the imprints left by Lao Zang.When Ren Weiyong got up from the ground again, he didn't dare to look at Lao Zang anymore. Lao Zang walked slowly towards Ren Weiyong, and Ren Weiyong kept retreating.

When there is no way to retreat, Ren Weiyong doesn't know what to do. Facing the old stiff, Ren Weiyong is only instinctively afraid. He has no wisdom. In the current situation, Ren Weiyong is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Lao Zang grinned and exhaled foul air, then looked at Jiang Hua, he had had enough.

Jiang Hua turned to look at Uncle Jiu, Uncle Jiu nodded, and went out in person, in front of everyone, Uncle Jiu set Ren Weiyong on fire.

"Hey, why do zombies make things difficult for zombies?"

As Qiusheng said, he hugged Ren Tingting into his arms and covered Ren Tingting's eyes with his hands. Ren Tingting didn't realize it for a while, so she was held in Qiusheng's arms.

After she reacted, Ren Tingting broke free from Qiu Sheng's embrace. Wen Cai turned around and saw that Qiu Sheng was secretly bullying Ren Tingting behind his back, so he stepped forward and inserted himself between the two, separating them.

After Awei found out, he became even more dissatisfied. Taking advantage of Wencai and Qiusheng not seeing each other, Awei came to Ren Tingting and began to greet Ren Tingting.

In the flames, Ren Weiyong was finally burned to ashes.

After that, with the help of Awei, Wencai and Qiusheng, Ren Tingting finally finished handling the chores of the Ren family. After the disaster, the property of the Ren family shrank a lot.After Ren Tingting completely took over the Ren family, she fully demonstrated her business talent. Relying on her own ability and knowledge, the Ren family's business miraculously improved after a period of Waterloo.

this day.

Wen Cai came back from Ren's house with a smile. Because Qiu Sheng was going back to his aunt's house, the two just walked together and separated soon.

Wencai rode a bicycle filled with incense sticks. The bicycle was given to Wencai by Ren Tingting, so Wencai rode every time he went out.This time was no exception, Wencai rode his bicycle and was about to return to the Taoist hall.

There is a forest in front of it, which is the only way to go back to the Taoist hall. Wencai walked there many times, but he didn't care.Wen Cai, who was still immersed in his fantasy world, didn't notice at all that the fog was gradually rising behind him.

The mist came very suddenly, but it was very strange. The mist would move and follow Wen Cai all the time.

"His bladder, his bladder..."

Indistinctly, Wencai heard a burst of singing, which surprised Wencai, so he stopped the car quickly, looked left and right, looked for a long time, the woods were still the same woods, without any change.

Wencai suddenly saw a thatched cottage, which made Wencai instantly plunged into the memories of the past.

At the moment when Wencai fell into memory, a touch of red slowly appeared in the white mist, and then, a piece of red came out of the white mist.When everyone was revealed, the white mist completely dissipated.

The red sedan chair bearer, the red sedan chair and the bride in red dress inside the sedan chair.

"Oh, the past is too bad to look back..."

Wen Cai sighed, if it wasn't for that accident, he would still be the boy he used to be, his handsome face has never changed, how can he be like now, when he goes out with Uncle Jiu, some people say that he is as old as Uncle Jiu, those girls in Yihong Pavilion Every time I see myself, I cover my mouth and chuckle.

Shaking his head, putting these unpleasant encounters behind him, Wen Cai thought that the strange voice just now after he went back on the road was just an auditory hallucination.

Wen Cai was riding a bicycle in front, and the red sedan chair bearer in the rear followed Ta Kong, followed, and after throwing out a lot of money with the bride in the sedan chair, the sedan chair bearer stopped in his tracks.

The money has arrived, and their work has been done.

What happens next has nothing to do with me.

The bride flew out of the sedan chair, danced and played, and slowly landed on the back seat of Wencai's bicycle. Wencai only felt a chill behind him, but didn't care, and continued to move forward on his own.

The bride looked at Wen Cai's back tenderly, her face was tender like water, she was going to put her arms around Wen Cai's back, but for some reason, Wen Cai suddenly moved, the bride was stunned, and then saw the tree trunk standing horizontally in front of her.

Wencai dodged the tree trunk wittily, but the bride was always behind Wencai. How could she know that a tree trunk would suddenly appear in front of her? After hearing a scream of "Oops", the bride fell directly from Wencai's car.

(End of this chapter)

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