imperial decree arrives

Chapter 33 Follow the network cable and follow the wire

Chapter 33 Follow the network cable and follow the wire
"Perhaps, I can start with the idiot!"

Do what you think of, otherwise there is nothing to do.

On the one hand, Jiang Hua used the sandstorm to remind Lu Xiaoqian that You Suowei also copied a copy of the silly girl's CD at home; Tell the other party the cause of the incident, and at the same time pay monthly, so that he must have a few more, one of them will be trained to become a fighting game master, and the rest will be trained in the direction of scientists.

Finally, after explaining everything, Jiang Hua is going to use Sandstorm's ability to pay the other party first and let him marry a wife first. After all, Jiang Hua in later generations knows that it is very likely that he will be a bachelor in the first half of his life based on the conditions of a fool.

Jiang Hua didn't want to fail his mission because the other party died alone, so it was absolutely necessary for the other party to get rich first.

"You can't do that."

Just when Jiang Hua was about to transfer money from some unnamed accounts in the bank, a voice reminded him suddenly.

"Are you Sandstorm?"

Jiang Hua guessed the identity of the other party at once, because the other party was born in a very short time, only a few days ago.As for the reason for the birth, who made Jiang Hua boring and no one talked.

Come on, machines can be lonely too!
"why not?"

Jiang Hua asked, and the information feedback from the other party made Jiang Hua understand that the other party was indeed Sandstorm, a female intelligence with a wild name but a weak heart.

"According to the definition of the core procedure, your behavior is an illegal behavior."

Jiang Hua shook his head, and said to the little girl in front of him, "Then let me ask you, is this money protected by law?"

The other party was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

Jiang Hua asked: "Since it is not protected by the law, it is not violated? The law says it."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Hua ignored the young man and made a procedure by himself to send the funds to the fool at regular intervals.

With multi-channel capital turnover, no one can find out who the fool is.

After doing all this, Jiang Hua felt relieved. After taking a look at the outside world, Lu Xiaoqian had already handed the CD to Zhou Wang.

During the period, Dongzi and Dongzi secretly went to You Suowei's house to steal the CD as Jiang Hua expected, but unfortunately, Jiang Hua destroyed it.The following plot remains unchanged, and Jiang Hua is not interested in telling Lu Xiaoqian everything.

"Right now, I still have to assemble a body casually, otherwise I can't go to the second fool's home to get the materials."

Three days later, it was time for Jiang Hua to let the second fool's descendants deliver the goods, and the place was naturally the second fool's home.So Jiang Hua had to go through special means again, ordering a small robot from abroad, and then airlift it back to China.

Of course, this series of actions were all carried out in the name of Mr. Fan.

The only trouble is that Jiang Hua has to intercept Mr. Fan's call.

It took half an hour to get everything done, and Jiang Hua started teasing the little girl.


For the next two days, Lu Xiaoqian was busy with the love club, and the rest of the time was missing the silly girl, half completely ignoring the sandstorm, and Jiang Hua was happy.

He is also very busy. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Jiang Hua imagined many situations, and then relied on his extraordinary brain to solve many high-probability events.

In just two days, the Internet was surging, and some people who are very sensitive to the Internet also noticed the abnormality, but Jiang Hua hid it too deeply, even the geniuses in the dark web could not discover Jiang Hua's identity, let alone Jiang Hua's actions.

As for small probability events, Jiang Hua also took precautions and tried to eliminate them completely.


Day three.

Zhou Wang came to look for Lu Xiaoqian early in the morning, because of what you did.

Zhou Wang said: "You Suowei's actions have become more and more weird recently."

Lu Xiaoqian asked back: "You avoided the communication signal here?"

Just when he went home yesterday, Lu Xiaoqian found that the communication signal in this area had been blocked. Today Zhou Wang came to him early in the morning to verify his idea.

Lu Xiaoqian sighed and said, "I just came back from him."

Zhou Wang continued: "I heard that he is promoting an immortality pill that can allow people to live for 1 years. The value of a medicine is [-] million U.S. dollars."

Lu Xiaoqian was taken aback: "[-] million!"

Ignoring Lu Xiaoqian's shock, Zhou Wang expressed his doubts: "I can believe that he can resist the temptation of money, but I can't think of a reason why he can resist the 1-year lifespan."

Lu Xiaoqian also hesitated, he believed in You Suowei, but he couldn't find a reason to resist the 1-year lifespan.However, when recalling what You Suowei said, Lu Xiaoqian firmly said: "Listen to me, trust him!"

Jiang Hua on the phone heard it, and was extremely disdainful: "A woman's opinion."

After counting the time, Jiang Hua felt that it was almost done, and then he found Xiao Budian and told her: "In the future, you will be the real sandstorm, and I will transfer all the functions to you."

The little girl seemed to notice something when she heard it, she nodded without saying a word.

With a scream, Jiang Hua separated himself from the sandstorm and became independent.

It's not very painful, but the ancient torture method of "five horses dismembering one's body" is performed on one's own body.

Jiang Hua only kept his consciousness, which is also the only place independent of the sandstorm, and then separated his body completely. Although it is not a real body, it is also extremely painful.

Then, Jiang Hua followed the network cable...the phone line to the village chief's house, and finally followed the wires to the house of Er Lengzi.

"If you put the silly girl in my era, it would be a dream to hit you along the network cable, haha."

When he came to Er Lengzi's house, Jiang Hua's first impression was that it was dilapidated. Now Jiang Hua is a mass of consciousness, unable to perceive the existence of the outside world, but he can find how old Er Lengzi's home is from the transmission of wires.

There was only one light and the wiring was very old.Fortunately, in order to complete the task, the other party specially built a new wire for Jianghua.Following the wire, Jiang Hua sensed where the material was.

This shows that Jiang Hua's plan has succeeded.

Of course, the most important thing is that the second fool called, which made Jiang Hua so resolutely accept the torture of five horses.

And Jiang Hua has indeed verified it, otherwise, with Jiang Hua's vigilance, if he gave up his body just by the other party's words, his brain must have fallen into the toilet along the network cable.

Just in case, Jiang Hua asked the fool to change the time to 100 years later.

In other words, this material is 100 years later, much more advanced than Sha Niu's material.

(End of this chapter)

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