imperial decree arrives

Chapter 3 Jealousy separates the hostile wall

Chapter 3 Jealousy separates the hostile wall
This is the residue of Jiang Hua's consciousness when he closed his eyes. In the end, Jiang Hua "died".

"Why...why am I the one who died?"

At this time, the last sentence flashed through Jiang Hua's mind. In the end, Jiang Hua was completely out of breath.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Hua finally woke up.

"What happened just now? Why does it feel like I'm dead... This feeling is too scary."

Suddenly, Jiang Hua found that he had changed his perspective again, and he was still a baby.

"No, come again?"

This time, Jiang Hua became a native of Xia, named Lu Zhou. Just like before, he was extremely ordinary a few years ago, and finally he was survived by Lu Zhou until he was in college. Then, everything changed.

, Lu Zhou solved a world-class math problem and began to emerge in the math world.

At the age of 19, he solved three world-class mathematical problems in a row and published dozens of influential papers, which shocked the mathematics world.

At the age of 20, there are no more problems in mathematics.In the same year, Lu Zhou proposed three conjectures, none of which could be solved. However, at the end of the year, Lu Zhou finally solved the three conjectures, establishing the title of mathematics giant.


At the age of 23, he obtained thousands of patents related to wireless alternating current, and achieved the title of "Lightning King".


At the age of 27, exploring the starry sky, Lu Zhou's three laws of gravity came out, and he was awarded the title "Gravity Star King".


At the age of 30, he pioneered the macro-quantum theory. Lu Zhou's constant shocked the physics world and won the title of "Quantum King".


At the age of 35, the foundation of micro-relativity moved the whole world and won the title of "Emperor of Relative Immortal".


At the age of 40, he combined the foundation of micro-relativity with macro-quantum theory, stepped into the universe, and became the "lord of the universe" in one fell swoop.


At the age of 50, the unified field theory came out shockingly, and was identified as "the person closest to God".


At the age of 60, there are endless mysteries in the world, and he turned to study theology.


After watching other people's lives, Jiang Hua and his infinitely close to collapse are really shocking.

Jealousy separates hostage walls...

But he doesn't even have the right to be jealous!

"I do not deserve……"

"Fortunately, it's just a movie, not real. Otherwise it's really... Well, Grandpa Yuan, I'm sorry, I'm guilty of wasting food."

"10, 9, 8..."

As soon as he saw the screen, Jiang Hua was shocked: "Damn, come again?"

Jiang Hua wanted to escape, but there was no escape from this ghostly place. Just when Jiang Hua was hesitating, the countdown had reached zero, and the feeling of suffocation reappeared.So, the scene at the beginning was staged again.

Not surprisingly, Jiang Hua "died" again.

After a long time, Jiang Hua suddenly opened his eyes, gasped for breath, and his face was extremely pale.

"Damn, play me!"

"Damn, it really feels like dying, it's horrible."

Jiang Hua had lingering fears. Twice, after experiencing a brilliant life, he felt as if he was really about to die. The loss of vitality and consciousness seemed to tell him that he was dead.

He was afraid, that feeling was really terrifying.At the beginning, it was really painful, a triple torture of mind, spirit and body, but soon, the whole person became extremely relaxed, as if ascending to heaven, bathed in the soft sunshine, enjoying the passage of time.It’s not like what Mr. Zhou said, after death, people will see everything they experienced in life. Jiang Hua didn’t see anything, he just closed his eyes slowly, and then, after experiencing this process, he “woke up again. "Come here.

What's even more frightening is that he experienced it again!
"No, start again!"

After 15 minutes, Jiang Hua woke up for the third time...

"Let me die quickly!"

Jiang Hua was furious, raised his head and shouted, venting his dissatisfaction.He is no longer in the mood to watch movies, because he has discovered a pattern: every time he finishes watching a movie, it is when he dies.

Then watch a silly movie!

Have you ever seen someone who was so open-minded and watched a movie before he died?

Jiang Hua has never seen it, and he doesn't want to see it. Now he just wants to get out of this ghost place quickly.

The feeling of death is really terrible, once in a lifetime is enough.


Things backfired, and 15 minutes later, Jiang Hua died again.


For the tenth time, Jiang Hua got used to it and stopped panting after waking up.


No. 30 times, Jiang Hua has fully adapted, and has accepted every death without changing his face, and even wants to laugh a little.


No. 60 times, Jiang Hua began to enjoy every death, after all, there is no other person with special treatment like him in the world.


No. 80 eight times, Jiang Hua began to feel numb, and sometimes he even wanted to just sleep like this and not wake up.However, every ten seconds or so after the end of the movie, the pain hit him again, forcing him to wake up.


No. 90 nine times, Jiang Hua has been able to face this damn game of death with his eyes open, and he has truly achieved the collapse of Mount Tai without changing his face.Similarly, after experiencing 99 deaths, Jiang Hua did a rough calculation. He experienced at least 30 ways of death, including death by suffocation, death by a shot to the brain, and death by poisoning...Among them, most died of natural causes, and the most tragic were those who fell into the cesspit and drowned.But fortunately, almost no untimely death.

"it is finally over."

Jiang Hua was exhausted already, not because of physical fatigue, but because of endless mental torture.Having died 99 times, Jiang Hua's not breaking down is considered to have great perseverance.However, Jiang Hua would rather not. This way of proving great perseverance is too cruel.

Jiang Hua breathed a sigh of relief when he found himself back in his bedroom.However, soon, Jiang Hua got up quickly.

Because, the whole bed was soaked with water, and the air was also mixed with the smell of sweat and other indescribable smells.

"Why is it so stinky, damn it, Xiao Hei, you're wetting the bed in my place again!"

Covering his nose with one hand, pointing at Xiao Hei with the other, shaking it three times, he directly threw the pot at Xiao Hei.

As a last resort, Jiang Hua started to tidy up the bedroom. After spending half an hour cleaning the bedroom, Jiang Hua was going to sleep in another bedroom.

"Huh, it's much more comfortable."

Jiang Hua took a deep breath and praised.

"Hello, host."

Suddenly, Jiang Hua was startled when he heard a strange sound coming from the bedroom.But soon, Jiang Hua calmed down. After all, he was also a man who had died 99 times. The inexplicable voice in front of him only surprised him a little.

"Hello, host."

This time, the voice was still the same, but the language was different, because this time, Jiang Hua understood.

"Well, hello." Jiang Hua's body tensed, and he responded lightly, "Are you my long-lost golden finger?"

"Hello, host."

Jiang Hua: "..."

"Hello, host."


Jiang Hua wanted to hit the dog inexplicably. No matter how he responded to the voice, he could only speak one sentence, and the tone was always the same.Simply, Jiang Hua let the voice play automatically in his mind. Jiang Hua picked up his mobile phone, opened a certain browser, and clicked on the bookmark that he had treasured for a long time.

Tonight, the sun and stars are receding, and the moon and stars are in the sky, especially when thousands of stars are shining and embellishing the starry sky, it is very suitable to empty the body and release brothers.

I was just preparing to exercise alone, but there was a different voice in my head...

"Ding, the imperial decree has arrived."

"Blessed by God, restricted by all the saints: please the host, live in the world of "Charlotte Annoyance"!"

"The host has accepted the order!"

Jiang Hua: "..."

Jiang Hua was baffled, he didn't say anything, everything was clearly arranged, so why should he be the host?
"It's not as good as the system, this decree is not kind."

After complaining, Jiang Hua took a closer look at the edict, "Charlotte Annoyance", Jiang Hua has watched this movie, it has been a very good comedy in recent years, mainly about Charlotte's daydream, in the dream, Charlotte got the love she expected in reality and became a big star.

Most of Jiang Hua understood the meaning of the imperial decree, but he didn't understand the three words "survive". So, isn't this just a comedy, why does it feel like a horror movie?

"Could it be that I went to the wrong set?"

Jiang Hua looked again and found that the picture on the imperial decree had changed.


In the blink of an eye, the numbers changed again.


Now Jiang Hua understands that this is simply a countdown.

"59, 58, 57... This should be seconds, and the number in front should be minutes. 480 minutes, isn't that 8 hours. Be good, give me such a long time to prepare, why are you so panicked?"

After calming down, Jiang Hua felt like turning on his computer and clicking all the way in the middle, ready to review and review the movie again...


After more than an hour, Jiang Hua finally finished watching the movie.After watching the movie, I feel confused about the mission of the imperial decree.

But when Jiang Hua watched it, he didn't feel that the movie was dangerous, on the contrary, it was still relaxed and funny.If you insist on talking about danger, it doesn't involve life. To Jiang Hua, they are just a few gangsters and nothing to be afraid of.

"This decree will not issue such an unreliable mission for no reason. There must be other things that I have overlooked."

Jiang Hua recalled the plot of the movie again, but still had no clue.He scratched his hair, a little discouraged.

"No, even if you don't think about it, you should make sufficient preparations, otherwise the mission fails, then... well, the imperial decree doesn't seem to mention the punishment for mission failure, does that mean... there is no punishment?"

Jiang Hua murmured to himself, and he was still a little uncertain after he finished speaking. He looked at the imperial decree carefully and found that it was indeed the case.Immediately, Jiang Hua felt a lot more relaxed.But soon, Jiang Hua shook his head and denied his conclusion.

"It didn't say there was no punishment, did it?"

Holding the idea that he would rather believe what he has or not, Jiang Hua decided not to gamble, the mission must be successful.

"You have to look carefully. This is a comedy movie. There are no dangerous scenes in it, at least not seen on the bright side, but whether there is hidden danger is still unknown, so you must be prepared for this aspect. .”

"Secondly, the movie tells the story of Charlotte dreaming of going back to the past to redeem her past regrets. What does it have to do with the imperial decree's task of 'surviving'? Where does the imperial decree want me to live?"

"Well, wait a minute, what did you seem to overlook just now?"

Jiang Hua was taken aback for a moment, he seemed to have grasped a glimmer of inspiration somewhere, but he didn't know where it came from.

"Where is it? Secondly... where to live? To dream?"

Jiang Hua slapped his thigh and his face became happy. He finally understood what the imperial decree meant by "survive".

"Should be living in Charlotte's dream!" Jiang Hua couldn't help being taken aback when thinking of this, "That is to say, once Charlotte wakes up, I'm not going to live?"

"It's so stupid. Charlotte died of HIV. With the medical treatment at that time, it was only the difference between early death and late death. Moreover, maybe Charlotte herself has a desire to die. This opening will give me a nightmare-level task, isn't it? You clearly want to change hosts. This imperial decree has evil intentions!"

The more Jiang Hua thought about it, the more he felt that this task was terrible. Although the air conditioner was turned on in the bedroom, his whole body was still cold.

"No, no, you can't sit still. Since the mission is issued by the imperial decree, there must be a turning point. Just like the system in the novel, even if the mission issued is super-hell-level difficulty, the protagonist can still complete the mission with the protagonist's aura. No matter Whether I am the protagonist of the novel or not, at least I am a person with great luck."

Jiang Hua forced himself to calm down, there were less than six hours left before eight hours of preparation, and he had to make full use of it.


With less than 3 minutes left, Jiang Hua finally breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, Jiang Hua felt a burst of exhaustion. After all, he hadn't slept all night and had been collecting information.

"In addition to understanding the major events that happened after the late 90s, I also prepared dozens of G songs and novels, which should be enough, especially the lottery numbers of those years, I was stunned to remember several. "

Holding the USB flash drive of the mobile phone, Jiang Hua felt a little relieved. The end of the eight hours was getting closer and closer, and Jiang Hua suddenly became a little nervous.

"Wait a minute, how did I get into the movie? Time travel? Then... what if... it's soul wear?"

Jiang Hua was terrified, if the soul pierced, wouldn't it mean that many of his preparations were in vain!

"Pills. Pills..."

Just as he was regretting, Jiang Hua suddenly closed his eyes and fainted, and slowly let go of the hand holding the USB flash drive with dozens of G data.


(End of this chapter)

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